Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 503 Luxury

Chapter 503 Luxury

In fact, what Duan Yun didn't know was that as early as May 1978, Sony, which led the trend of small stereo recorders at that time, had already launched the TC-D5.

However, the small Sony stereo VCR at that time was said to be small, but from today’s point of view, this TC-D5 VCR is still a long way from the real mini. It is as thick as a textbook and cannot be pocketed. , can only be placed in a handbag or handbag, but it is more convenient to carry than ordinary tape recorders.

It was not until July 1979 that Sony launched a real Walkman, which was the famous TPS-L7 at that time.

This Walkman is very small in size, can be put into a pocket, weighs only 330 grams, and is equipped with a stereo circuit and stereo headphones.

At that time, there was no large-scale introduction of this kind of Japanese Walkman in China. The main reason was that this kind of Walkman produced by Sony was very expensive, costing thousands of dollars, and ordinary people could not afford it at all. There was not much interest in this kind of tape recorder that only had the advantage of being portable, so until 83, only a small number of Sony Walkmans were introduced in some coastal cities and Guangzhou and Shenzhen adjacent to Hong Kong.

In this era of lack of entertainment, listening to music and watching TV has almost become a rare entertainment for Duan Yun. If he has a Walkman with him, he can relax himself at any time, and Cheng Qingyan has a Walkman, learning foreign languages It will be more convenient, and you can also listen to music and relax anytime, anywhere.

Since Duan Yun and Cheng Qingyan confirmed their relationship, he has been teaching Qingyan foreign language very seriously, because in Duan Yun's future plan, after the two get married in the future, Cheng Qingyan, who will become his wife, will definitely run a business with him , so Duan Yun is also intentionally cultivating her ability to be independent.

It is unimaginable in this era to buy things worth thousands of yuan just to please his girlfriend, but for Duan Yun, whose net worth has already exceeded 20 yuan, he can buy some luxury goods of this era willfully.

"How much money does the song tape have? I'll buy you a pack later, so you can listen to it enough. You don't have to give me the money for the tape. Anyway, I have to pay you back the favor, right?" Gao Lei laughed. said.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to come back." Duan Yun nodded.

"Drink two cups at my place at noon. I will cook two dishes and call Cui Lin and the others. During this period of time when my shop opened, they also helped a lot. They are all brothers. I know you are very busy. But what's the point of living if you just work every day?" Gao Lei said to Duan Yun.

"That's right, I haven't seen your cooking skills before, you have to show off today." Duan Yun said with a smile.

Duan Yun has a lot of work in the factory now, so he rarely participates in social gatherings, but Gao Lei is an exception. This is because Duan Yun has something to ask him, and Duan Yun also wants to train Gao Lei to be a helper for him in the future. Therefore, it is still necessary to drink and cultivate relationships at ordinary times.

At noon, Gao Lei cooked a table of dishes in the backyard of the shop. The personality of Gao Lei now has changed a lot from half a year ago. , or after making money at the cooked meat stall, they go to restaurants every day and spend it lavishly, but now they know how to save money, and they rarely eat out. It is probably because after losing the iron rice bowl in the factory, he You have to think about your future.

At present, Gao Lei's parents also live in the yard of the shop facing the street. Gao Lei is only responsible for purchasing goods, and his parents are responsible for selling goods, and his life has become more and more prosperous.

The atmosphere at noon was very lively, but Duan Yun didn't drink much, because he had to go to work in the afternoon and he had to keep a clear head.

At present, the new equipment has been in the factory for nearly half a month. Duan Yun’s carburizing furnace has not yet been remodeled. The main reason is that the design of the digital control circuit board is relatively complicated. The logic circuit designed by Duan Yun has been modified several times and some additional functions have been added. , After the circuit control board is changed, the related linkage equipment also needs to be redesigned, so the progress is slightly slower.

In addition, Duan Yun also redesigned the shell of the imitation Lada car gearbox, so that the oil volume inside can be seen through the window. Under the frequent operation of the gears, the friction, high temperature and noise should be reduced as much as possible.

Although it is an imitation of mature foreign products, Duan Yun understands that if his products want to attract the attention of the country, they must have their own originality.

In the 80s, China and foreign countries were in a period of backwardness in all aspects. Whether it was economy, culture, sports, technology or other aspects, there was a big gap with developed countries such as Europe, America and Japan.

However, in order to improve the sense of happiness and pride of the people, priority will be given to reporting on top people and things in all walks of life, especially things that have a certain positive and positive impact internationally.

It's just that in that era, there were not many people and things that could be shown off internationally and made the Chinese people proud.

For example, the Chinese women's volleyball team in the 80s, Nie Weiping who won the three-time China-Japan Go Challenge Championship, Chen Jingrun who solved the key steps of Goldbach's conjecture, etc., all of these characters can arouse the national pride of the Chinese people back then, so the media They will give priority to concentrated reports, so that they eventually become a symbol of the times.

And when you become a top figure in the industry that the country focuses on, the influence and resources you get will be huge, and this will help you achieve your next higher goal.

The same is true in terms of technology. If you can make a product that is internationally leading, it will definitely attract the attention of the country's top leaders, and the country will definitely give you key support.

Being able to imitate mature and advanced products abroad is actually a very difficult task for current domestic enterprises, and it can even be said to be great. It is glorious, but if Duan Yun can further transform this product and put it on the authentic "Made in China" label, the meaning will be completely different.

Duan Yun is well aware of the truth, so when the factory launches a new product this time, it cannot copy the original product design as it is, but must have an original part that can be sold.

At present, Duan Yun has completed the refitting of the new product. The appearance has changed greatly from the previous Lada gearbox. In terms of internal gears, it has also integrated and improved some technologies of other manufacturers of Russian-style gearboxes. It is very ingenious, and from the drawings, it is different from any Russian gearbox.

In addition, Duan Yun plans to give a patriotic-sounding name to the newly produced gearbox in his factory. At present, Duan Yun plans to name it "Longteng" gearbox, which means that he is the descendant of the dragon, soaring nine days...

(End of this chapter)

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