My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 518 What do you think

Chapter 518 What do you think

Li Zheng frowned and looked at Liu Mingzhi: "No, you have something on your mind, why don't you talk to me?"

"I really don't have anything on my mind. I'm just thinking about one thing after going to the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks."

"sit down."

Liu Mingzhi put the watermelon on the table: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Li Zheng leaned on the dragon chair and looked at Liu Mingzhi curiously: "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking that once the commercial war takes effect, the trade between the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks will be suppressed by the Great Dragon. At that time, there will be no danger. Your Majesty can easily destroy the two countries, but I don't know how your Majesty will deal with the people of the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks. , I dare to ask, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Li Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with an inexplicable expression: "How should we deal with it in your opinion?"

"Your Majesty is the master of the world. I don't dare to make decisions for your Majesty. Your Majesty should not make things difficult for me."

"A minister suggested that I cut the weeds and get rid of the roots, so as to avoid future troubles. What do you think?"

Liu Mingzhi shuddered in his heart and chuckled twice: "I don't know which adult suggested it?"

"Tong Aiqing!"


"That's right. Tong Aiqing is familiar with the books of sages and sages, and has always respected the Confucian concept that people who are not of our race must have different hearts. If I and I can pacify the Jin Kingdom and the Turks one day, we must kill the roots to avoid future troubles."

"Dare to ask what Wei Xiang means?"

"Loving non-aggression at the same time, gathering the strengths of hundreds of schools, bringing the Jin Kingdom and the Turkic people under the rule of Dalong."


Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly.

"Liu Aiqing, in your opinion, which of the two Aiqing's advice is better?"

"Tong Xiangchen can't be provoked, and Wei Xiangchen can't be provoked either. I remain neutral and believe that Your Majesty will make his own decision."

Li Zheng smiled lightly, "You, you are a slippery one."

"I also want to protect myself, so I have no choice but not to offend, otherwise, if the two adults move their fingers a little bit, I will be able to drink a pot."

Liu Mingzhi sighed self-deprecatingly.

Li Zheng narrowed his eyes: "You are so afraid of the two lovers. They are officials in the same dynasty, and as a noble, even if I deal with you, you have to have sufficient evidence to convince the public. What are the two lovers afraid of?"

The corners of Liu Mingzhi's mouth curled up into a slight, imperceptible chuckle: "The two lords are important ministers under one person and above ten thousand people. No one in the civil and military courts dare to offend. Not to mention ministers, even the six ministers have to act according to their faces. Do not be afraid, but be cautious."

Li Zheng's smile gradually turned serious, and he glanced at Liu Mingzhi, who was nodding his head and lowering his eyebrows, silently tapping his fingers on the table, wondering what he was thinking about.

After a while, Li Zheng smiled and shook his head: "Liu Aiqing, since you have already surrendered, don't talk about these things, let me see what good things you brought!"

"Your Majesty, please."

"how to eat?"

"Boss Manager Zhou brought the knife, just cut it open and eat it."

Li Zheng nodded lightly, and Zhou Fei took out a dagger from his sleeve and put it on the table without hesitation: "Master Liu, please do it yourself, and we won't either."

"It's okay, I'll come by myself."

In front of Zhou Fei, Liu Mingzhi always referred to himself as me, and did not call himself his own official like civil and military officials.

Compared with those civil and military officials who look down on eunuchs.On the contrary, Liu Mingzhi felt that people like Zhou Fei were pitiful, without the symbol of a man, what fun would it be to live in this life.

According to Liu Mingzhi's understanding, people who entered the palace as eunuchs were either greedy for power, or had no choice but to enter the palace as eunuchs to ask for some food.

Compared with the latter, most of them are poor people who can't afford food. They were sent to the palace by their parents as eunuchs to make a living.

Zhou Fei could naturally see Liu Mingzhi's title, and felt warm in his heart. It turned out that not everyone regarded himself as a dog that would bring disaster to the country.

Liu Mingzhi sighed and skillfully cut the watermelon into seven or eight pieces.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry."

Liu Mingzhi consciously picked up a piece of watermelon and ate it, wiped his hands before picking up a piece of watermelon and handing it to Li Zheng to taste.

Li Zheng nodded in satisfaction. This is what he likes about First Young Master Liu. Although he is extremely smart, he knows how to advance and retreat, and he has a good sense of justice.

Although sometimes full of philistine atmosphere, but Li Zheng thought of the second dirty money sent by Guan Nei Hou Zhu Run. After the final payment, he felt that there was nothing wrong with being a philistine.

Those ministers pretended to be lofty, but their lives were miserable, how could Young Master Liu be so chic and comfortable.

Buy what you want to eat, buy what you want, a word is not bad for money.

Especially after the second final payment of 900 million taels was silently entered into the internal treasury, Li Zheng dared to add more dishes to his meals, and dared to change his soup.

If you want to drink meat soup, you can drink meat soup, if you want to drink light porridge, you can drink light porridge, not to mention how comfortable it is.

Even Li Zheng, the dragon robe, asked Shangyifang to make five pieces at once, wearing one today and changing another tomorrow.

After enjoying these things, Li Zheng suddenly realized that he was so stupid before, what kind of life he lived, and the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs who advised him to be a Mingjun was full of delicacies, but he lived a life that was not even as good as a rich man.

Am I still the emperor?Am I still the majestic lord of a country?

So Li Zheng discovered that there is nothing wrong with being a "faint king".

With food in hand, don't panic.

"Sweet and juicy, it melts in your mouth, it tastes good, send me another 51 hundred!"

After the first taste, Li Zheng fell in love with the taste of watermelon. You must know that there are not many sweets in this era, and finally there is a fresh and delicious food. Li Zheng is naturally very satisfied.


Young Master Liu said in a resolute tone.


Li Zhenghu stared, and looked at Young Master Liu majestically, with a rather dissatisfied expression.

"Your Majesty, it's useless for you to stare at the minister. The minister really doesn't have one. These two should be squeezed out. If the minister is not loyal to the emperor and patriotic, these two majesty may not be able to eat."

After staring at Young Master Liu for a long time, Li Zheng finally confirmed that Young Master Liu was indeed gone, and sighed regretfully.

"Can watermelons grow?"

"Yes, these two were planted by the ministers, and they are currently collecting seeds. It is estimated that there will be more in the next year, but they can only satisfy His Majesty. Others will forget it, but it is still too little."

Li Zheng looked at the watermelon in his hand cherishingly and sighed: "I should be content, good or bad I can eat novel melons and fruits. I don't know how many people can't even eat a simple meal. It's my fault. I can't let the world eat it." The people have no worries about food and clothing."

"Your Majesty, you have to take it step by step. Sooner or later, under the leadership of Your Majesty, Dalong will become rich."

Throwing the watermelon rind on the table, Li Zheng wiped the corner of his mouth: "Yes, I have to eat one bite at a time. I took a mess from the late emperor and tried my best to work hard, but he can't be fat if he eats one bite." what."

"Fu Hai."


"Send the remaining watermelon to the queen, and let her share it with the concubines in the harem."


"Liu Aiqing, what do you think of your younger brother Hu Jun?"

"Hu Jun?"

"That's right, the first name in the test will be Yuan Hu Jun."

"Well, it's inconvenient for me to say too much. If it's not good, my brother is a bit ruthless. If it's good, I have to avoid suspicion. I don't know how to evaluate it."

"Okay, you go back first, I will summon you if something happens."

"Yes, I retire."

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's back, Li Zheng pondered deeply.

"Huyan Yunyao, as a woman, she has the ability to overwhelm the world's scholars. Should I listen to the teacher's words and pretend not to know how to use this person to set a precedent for a generation of female officials, or follow the rules and put this person in prison for investigation."

Li Zheng held up the memorial in his hand, but his thoughts were confused.

"Zhou Fei, draft an order."

"His Majesty."

"Remove the responsibility of the two prime ministers to make decisions on the fly, and I will personally try it."

(End of this chapter)

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