Junior sister, she is fierce and beautiful

Chapter 181 Zixiao Sect, that's great

Chapter 181 Zixiao Sect, that's great

As long as Su Lingyu had been in a stalemate with these people, he explained to them, but no one believed what he said.

He lowered his eyes, and finally gave up on explaining that these people came here to kill him, and they didn't care about the real cause of the Beihai tsunami at all.

"If you kill me, Beihai will only get more out of control. Although you are all monks, you are not afraid of ordinary tsunamis, but once I die, the tsunami in Beihai will only be more violent than it is now. How many of you will be able to escape unscathed by then." Su Lingyu's face turned cold, the monks in front of him were really ridiculous.

The leader of the Guiyuan Sect elders turned black and white, but no one stood up to refute him. None of these people were worthy of his protection. If the waves of the North Sea swallowed these people, he would not feel guilty.

It's just that it's a pity that he can't wait for Junior Sister Fu Ling.

Junior Sister Fu Ling has no idea where she is at this moment, she is still working hard to find the Dragon Ball for him.

But even if he really died in the hands of these monks, Fu Ling would definitely come back with the Dragon Balls to calm the tsunami completely.

"Nonsense, if I kill you, there will be no more tsunamis in the North Sea. You are a monster bred in the North Sea. You have the intention of harming others, and you are making waves here. As long as you are not there, why worry about the North Sea being uneven!" Elder Lu He waved his hands to signal the monks in all directions to continue attacking Su Lingyu.

Su Lingyu was teetering in the air, but he couldn't hold on for much longer, the spiritual power covering his body was completely dissipated, and all the magic weapons were used up.

His own cultivation level is not high, and he has survived all this thanks to Beihai's spiritual power. Facing the siege of a distraction-level power and many monks for nearly half a day, he has already exceeded his limit.

As soon as the spiritual power shield dissipated, the attacks of the cultivators scrambled to land on him, beating him all over with bruises.

For some reason, at this time, he remembered the scene of being trapped in the green-eyed snake with his junior sister Fu Ling in the pagoda tree forest four years ago.

At that time, he also thought that he was doomed, but Junior Sister Fu Ling refused to accept her fate, she insisted on fighting a bloody way out of so many green-eyed snakes, and finally brought him back to the sect.

But this time, no junior sister Fu Ling came to rescue him.

"Brother Lingyu..."

A familiar voice faintly sounded in my ear, very soft, as if it came from a very far away place.

In fact, he couldn't hear clearly at all, but Su Lingyu somehow felt that it was Fu Ling's voice.

Maybe it was his imaginary Junior Sister Fu Ling who was calling his name, or maybe it was Junior Sister Fu Ling who really came?

"Su Lingyu!" A sword pierced through the crowd, directly in front of him, pierced his clothes, grabbed him and turned around, avoiding the attacks of the monks.

It's Junior Sister Fu Ling!

She really came!

Su Lingyu, who was almost in a coma, woke up at this moment. With joy, he suddenly raised his head, and what jumped into his eyes was a face of disgust.

"You can't escape if you can't fight, what are you doing in the middle of the enemy?" Lin Zhixing said while retracting his sword.

"Why is it you..." Su Lingyu's joyful heart hung there, neither up nor down, and all the words he wanted to say were blocked back.

"You think I'm happy?"

The few of them saw a group of monks gathering together to cast spells from a distance, and the North Sea was more turbulent than before, so they guessed that something happened to Su Lingyu.

Fu Ling felt that he was the fastest, so she asked him to fly over to rescue Su Lingyu first, as long as he rushed over first, Fu Ling and the others were still behind.

"Where are the others? Are Fuling and the others injured?" Su Lingyu asked.

"Why don't you ask your senior sister first, Fuling is my junior sister, and Mo Ran is your senior sister. Boy, of course you have to worry about getting closer to yourself at this time, otherwise your senior sister Mo Ran will be very sad when you hear it." Lin Zhixing Lesson said.

Lin Zhixing, as a very loving fellow apprentice, couldn't understand the meaning of Su Lingyu's name of his junior junior sister without mentioning his own senior sister.

The female doctors and cultivators of Suwen Peak were vicious one by one, and they were really not afraid that his senior sister would be unhappy and beat him to death.

Su Lingyu: "..." He really couldn't communicate with Fu Ling's third senior brother.

When he met Lin Zhixing head-on for the first time in Cangjian Pavilion, he knew that he and Lin Zhixing were very incompatible!

"Brother Lingyu, are you alright?" Fuling and the others arrived behind, and Jizhi opened the way. They easily passed through the monks surrounded outside and came to Su Lingyu's side.

"Junior Sister Fuling, Senior Sister Moran... I'm fine." A smile appeared on Su Lingyu's pale face, sweeping away the despair that had just been felt.

If it weren't for these few people in front of him, he might have been completely disappointed with the human monks.

Before Junior Sister Fuling set off for Bishuitian, he had always had a bad premonition, and had nightmares day after day, and this nightmare finally came true a month later.

He still clearly remembered that Fu Ling said at that time that if he left the sect, she would definitely not come to him.

So since he invited to leave Zixiao Sect, he was already ready to never talk to Fuling again.

During the four years of staying in Beihai, he didn't think about anything, and returned to the same dazed state as when he was just born, and he didn't know what would happen to himself in the future.

If Beihai doesn't calm down, he can't leave Beihai for a day, but if he doesn't leave Beihai, he won't be able to find the Dragon Ball. This is an endless loop, and he will be trapped in the same place, and he can't do anything even if he wants to.

It wasn't until Fuling and the others came to Beihai that he really saw hope.

Fu Ling, who said she would never come to him, came to Beihai because of him, how could he not be happy.

"Lingyu, take these pills first." Mo Ran stepped forward to take Su Lingyu from Lin Zhixing, and hurriedly treated Su Lingyu's injuries.

"Senior Sister, have you found the Dragon Ball?" Su Lingyu supported Mo Ran's hand, barely using the remaining spiritual power to stand still.

"I found it, don't worry, since we are here, we will definitely protect you and Beihai worry-free." Mo Ran patted his shoulder and promised.

Su Lingyu's heart is warm, Zixiaozong, that's great.

Thousands of years have passed since he was born. For the first 1000 years, he wandered aimlessly around the world and practiced medical skills. It was only seven years ago that he entered the Zixiao Sect.

But it was the fellow disciples he met in such a short period of three years who came to save him.

"Senior Sister Mo Ran, Senior Brother Lingyu, please take care of me, and we will deal with the rest." Fuling turned her back to Mo Ran and Su Lingyu, holding the sword in her hand tightly.

From the moment they rushed to Su Lingyu's side, they were surrounded like Su Lingyu.

(End of this chapter)

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