Immortals, don't watch dramas

Chapter 565 Inexplicable

Chapter 565 Inexplicable
Kendo is really prosperous on Floating Cloud Island.

Ningxia had never had the chance to see it before, but this time, in Lun Jian Dabi, it was enough to see it all at once.All kinds of swordsmanship are dazzling, there are all kinds of tricks, and the eyeballs can't turn.

As far as Ningxia feels, this Floating Cloud Island is really a strange place.The ground is a prison, but it can form a world of its own, and it can operate very well in such a small area, and it has also raised a large number of monks.

Although it is true that there is some difficulty in cultivation, there are too many low-level monks, which is not commendable.But he could be considered a monk anyway.

According to Ningxia's observation, nearly [-]% of the residents of this island are monks.The rate of cultivators here is unbelievably high, but it's weird.

You must know that outside, in the huge southeastern border, the monks are only a small group.Most people do not have the qualifications to cultivate immortals, and they can only live a hundred years of mediocre life as ordinary people.

Like Daniu Village, there are so many cultivating seedlings unexpectedly, that is an unexpected situation.How could Wang Jingxuan's origins be ordinary?
A large number of gathered luck created the situation of cultivating talents like Daniu Village.Even Ningxia, a traveler, might have been drawn to this place by luck.

But outside of Daniu Village, how difficult is it to find a talented person in many places?The disciples of each faction had to scavenge one by one in order to pull up the team.

The situation of cultivators all over the place like Floating Cloud Island right now is nothing short of fantastic, and no one will believe it if you say it.This is also something that Ningxia has struggled with since she entered the secret realm. If there is nothing wrong with it, she still doesn't believe it.

Before entering, Ningxia once thought that the Secret Realm of Floating Cloud Island was an ordinary little secret realm, a small dungeon to be played.

As a result, she has figured it out until now. What kind of unremarkable little secret realm is this?This is simply the second big pit after the inheritance tower.The kind of traps all over the place.

Pit her and kill her friends... Probably the kind that wants to kill the whole island later.

This also makes Ningxia look at everything with suspicion since its opening.Who knows if the neuropathy will suddenly pop out of a corner and throw a bomb to kill a village?

Kendo is prosperous, this is the second biggest doubt discovered by Ningxia.It's so weird.

A place that lacks resources, lacks spirit stones, lacks spirit tools, lacks natural materials and treasures... How did it develop so many swordsmanship in a place that lacks everything?

They like swords, and that's for sure.The partner of the founder of Floating Cloud Island is a sword. Ningxia knew this before.

The establishment of Floating Cloud Island is inseparable from the founder Li Que and his partner.The love of swords by the people on this island probably originated at that time, even if most people forgot about this kindness later.

They have become accustomed to the existence of swords in their lives and are inseparable.Even if you forget the front edge, you can't forget the things that accompany you day and night.

But where did such a prosperous kendo come from?Something like swordsmanship is not something you can comprehend at will.

A set of swordsmanship does not know how many times the predecessors have to comprehend and modify it before it can be completed.These light or domineering swordsmanships have condensed the hard work of countless people, at least they must be poured from the founder's hard work.

How can one person be able to create a group at will?If that's the case, wouldn't they want to go to heaven on Floating Cloud Island?There are geniuses everywhere, and anyone can dance the swordsmanship created at will.

Well, it's not as exaggerated as she said, but it's almost the same.It seems that everyone here has their own swordsmanship and swordsmanship, with different styles and their own style.

There are even some very subtle, comparable to those Xuan-level swordsmanship outside.Swords follow the heart, and they won't even be too ugly when they fight, the clothes are fluttering, and there is no demeanor.

In other words, Ningxia is taking advantage of it.It's a pity that the greedy wolf can't participate in the sword competition for her.

But in fact, she has nothing to lose. First, she will not be able to use swords for the time being. Second, if she is against this level of swordsmanship, if her cultivation is the same, she will probably only be defeated.It is impossible to get any reward.

How can you sit in the audience so leisurely and watch the game now?

Moreover, Ningxia also felt that when he saw them fight against each other, he would have an indescribably strange feeling in his heart. if their sword moves were alive.

Yes, the sword move is alive, and the sword seems to be alive, both flexible and full of aura.And it also happened to a large number of people, whether it was a Qi training cultivator on the second or third floor, or a foundation-building cultivator, they were all very impressive.

Ningxia had a feeling... She even felt that the sword-wielder was not worthy of these sword moves.

To be honest, in fact, they are all very good. The strength, speed, and angle of the hand are all very delicate... But for some reason, it feels very inconsistent, the magnetic field is strange, and it looks a little uncomfortable and awkward.

In a modern word, this swordsmanship is a jpg without a soul.Of course, it's also possible that it's just her grapevine mentality at work.

Anyway, after watching more than a dozen games, she started to get tired of it.It was the gossip around her that attracted her even more. Ningxia took a moment to listen to what others said, while aiming at Bidou on the screen.After all, it is interesting to have one or two occasions, and she can learn a lot from it.

And the amount of information contained in those small talk is enormous.Here is the relative seat, all the outstanding juniors of the greedy wolf family, and they must have come here to gain knowledge.

They seem to be very familiar with each other, and they probably meet each other on weekdays.Therefore, there is no restraint in chatting and speaking, and I dare to say anything without any scruples.

Mixed in, Ningxia actually heard a lot of gossip.It was much more exciting than the current one.

...for example, on the east side of the city, the "family ethics case" caused by the search, and the "suspenseful case" that extends later, and the "horror movie" on the west side of the city, there are different opinions.It can be seen that the recent chaos in Lianwu City is not just talking about it.

Ningxia didn't expect that a simple sword-fighting competition could lead to so many secrets, and felt emotional.

Suddenly she saw a familiar face on the newly changed chip.Isn't that the wolf five?

Ningxia couldn't help but sit up straight, leaning forward slightly, trying to make sure she was wrong.It turned out that she was not mistaken, one of the participants in this match was Wolf Wu, who was also an old acquaintance.

This was the first time Ningxia saw an acquaintance play for so long.Her interest immediately came up, and she didn't even listen to gossip, but stared at the chip.

She has known each other for a long time, and she has not seen this skill seriously.She had seen him once before, on the night when the undercover identity of the other party was revealed, she watched the fight between him and Prince Xu in the small black box.But at that time, the situation was urgent, and Ningxia didn't take a closer look.

(End of this chapter)

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