The Legend of Swing Sword and Execution of Demons

Chapter 727 The direction of the wind at the wall

Where does the thunder come from?

In the ancient times of ignorance, people believed that thunder was the drum of heaven and earth. The sky was angry and beat the drum, causing thunder.

Thousands of years ago, a great thinker wrote in "The Book of Lunheng": Thunder was born from Lei Gong's left hand leading the drum and his right hand to the vertebrae, and the sound of thunder came from the vertebrae drum.

The "Huainan Tianwen Xun" of the same period said: The essence of heaven and earth merge to produce Yin and Yang, and the two phases of Yin and Yang are approaching to produce thunder.

For knowledgeable people, they should be more sympathetic to the theory of the last person whose cognition is gradually clearer.

But for most of the people in the world who are illiterate and unclear, the "truth" that has been passed down orally in the streets and alleys for generations is more reliable. They believe that thunder is caused by thunder from the sky breaking trees!
And the scene before him seems to confirm this.

A century-old tree that was roughly thirteen feet tall and could be surrounded by ten people stretching their arms, broke in response to the roar of thunder!

The sound of thunder resounded throughout the valley where the Heyuan Road was located, and everyone inside was trembling with fear.

Even among people who are used to seeing scenes of life and death, there are still some individuals whose hands and feet become limp and their crotches wet under the shock of this frightening divine power.

More people can't help but look for the sound to determine whether it is a bolt from the blue or a man-made sound.

Then, they saw the figure at the root of the giant tree halfway up the mountain to the north.

A tiny figure with messy hair and a black robe, holding the end of the trunk of a giant tree by himself and slowly falling down!

Laughing at people who don’t know what they think is like a worm shaking a big tree!
Compared with the giant tree, the figure under the giant tree is naturally as insignificant as an earthworm.

But no one dared to laugh at this time. Even a fool could see that no matter how insignificant the figure was, he was endowed with such strange powers and powers, he was afraid that he would use this giant tree as a weapon to sweep across all directions!

What makes all parties nervous right now is whether this person is an enemy or a friend?
The answer quickly echoed through the valley with a female voice like a silver bell.

"Tingyu Pavilion is here to help, friendly forces retreat quickly!"

The two sides facing each other on Heyuan Road have different attributes.

Representing the invading party were the Luo Yue Army, the Luo Yue Jianghu people, and the members of the Nether Sect.

As the guardians are the Zhongzhou Army, Tingyuge, Daoyi League and other Zhongzhou Jianghu people.

Zhongzhou people speak Zhongzhou dialect, and Zhongzhou people should respond in the most timely manner.

No matter how much the Zhongzhou soldiers and Jianghu people disliked each other a few months ago, in the context of the common struggle against foreign aggression, coupled with the understanding and trust accumulated through more than half a month of fighting side by side, seeing this scene, and then hearing these words , no one hesitated.

The Zhongzhou Jianghu people retreated the fastest.

The Zhongzhou soldiers also retreated under the timely command of the leading general.

Except for some of the Nether Sect members who were mentally retarded due to the side effects of the elixir, they pursued the enemy. Although the rest did not immediately turn around and run away, they also stopped or made preparations to retreat.

Only the Luoyue people, who did not understand the language, gave the most lagging feedback.

Since it was an invasion, some of the Luo Yue people were proficient in the Zhongzhou language. However, it would take at least three or two breaths to understand the meaning of the eleven words and then convert them into instructions.

Therefore, the battlefield that was very anxious ten breaths ago will become particularly clear in the positions of the enemy and ourselves after ten breaths.

Retreating to the southeast are the Zhongzhou Army and the Zhongzhou Jianghu people.

Carrying knives and carrying axes, a few members of the Nether Sect were chasing after them.

Hiding to the southwest are most of the Nether Sect members.

Those who have retreated are Luo Yue's soldiers.

The people who are still a little confused are the Luo Yue Jianghu people!

At this time, the few remaining Luo Yue Jianghu people finally smelled the danger and ran away. As long as they surpassed the soldiers, they would have an extra level of safety.

It was also at this time that the giant tree slowly swept toward the southwest.

That giant tree was just a tree before it fell, and when it swept over it was like a wall that was almost ten feet high!

Even the wooden wall is a solid wooden wall that is thicker than the city wall!

The movement of the behemoth was said to be slow, but it only looked slow. In fact, it was no slower than the running speed of a horse, and it was coming menacingly!
Whoever takes the bait will be at risk, and it is possible to die on the spot!
What's even more frightening is that the wooden wall is still moving at a faster speed, gradually surpassing the foot power of conventional horses!

clap clap!

With a small banging sound, the Luo Yue people fell down one by one!
Immediately, there was a continuous scream that drowned out the sound of banging!
Most of the Luoyue people's backs or heads were hit hard by the giant trees. They either fainted completely on the spot, or lay on the ground groaning in pain.

A few clever ones fell to the ground to protect their heads before the giant tree swept in, narrowly escaping the disaster.

There were also some skilled Jianghu people who saw the opportunity and jumped high, but were not hit.

Seeing that some members of the Nether Sect who had not escaped from the radiation range of the giant tree were about to suffer the same fate as the Luo Yue people, they heard two clicks and the giant tree was split into three!
In the middle of the broken giant tree, there stood a strong figure with an ink-colored plain knife lying across its side!

It turns out that Ye Shang ignored Zifeng, came from across the sky, and cut off the tree!
The tree trunk that the strangely powerful man in black was holding was no longer three feet long.

This sudden crushing sweep came to an abrupt end.

However, in less than sixty breaths of time, there was only a monotonous wailing sound on the river source road where the metal and metal had previously mingled.

However, for the Luo Yue people, this disaster was not over yet.

Many people who had not yet fainted felt the tremors from the ground with their bodies or soles of their feet.

It turned out that there was a huge two-story bear running down the same mountainside while the giant tree was sweeping across.

At this moment, although the giant tree was broken, the huge beast had already arrived on the battlefield. What followed was destined to be a relaxing yet cruel hunting scene!
A Luo Yue soldier who relied on a flash of inspiration on his head to avoid being swept away by a giant tree just got up and found a black mountain pressing down on him again. His feet were so weak that he couldn't move. He cried and laughed and raised the spear in his hand. He poked at the huge black figure running towards him, but was immediately shot off, and the broken spear tip was inserted back into his chest!
A Luo Yue soldier, whose spine had been blown off, endured severe pain and understood his situation through his tear-filled eyes. Heat seemed to flow from the front and back of his lower body, which was originally numb, and he closed his eyes in despair. The eyes are left to fate.

A man from the Luo Yue River who managed to avoid the attack of a giant tree by relying on his body skills saw not only the giant bear but also the beautiful woman sitting on the back of the giant bear after landing. If it were normal, he would definitely He was attracted by the beauty of the woman and refused to give up until he fantasized about something interesting. Now he slapped himself twice, pinched his legs that were starting to stiffen, and walked towards the southwest step by step.

The Heyuan Road, which was previously filled with wailing and pitiful screams, suddenly became eerily quiet again.

It was so quiet that the only sounds that could be heard were the frightening roar and footsteps of the giant bear.

On the battlefield, at the critical moment of life and death, people who are more afraid of death will die faster most of the time.

Sometimes this is not always the case. When faced with a powerful force that is difficult to resist, the more fearful a person is of death, the more likely he is to avoid this temporary disaster.

The Luo Yue people who could still maintain their own mobility all started to fight against the tragic fate of the latter, using various methods such as crawling, rolling, staggering, and stumbling to retreat towards the Nether Sect. Escape.

This is the last straw they can grasp!


bell bell~
Fortunately, the Nether Cult did not disappoint them. A man dressed in red appeared with a laugh that was worse than crying and a soul-stirring ringtone.

The crying lady with long hair above her waist, pale complexion, almond eyes and red lips, held a soul-awakening pen, leaping one step at a time, drawing a blood rose step by step, and stepped towards the giant bear in the air step by step.

The Crying Lady can ignore the lives of Luo Yue people, but she cannot ignore the safety of the members of the Nether Sect.

As long as the Luo Yue people are not dead, the Nether Sect will not immediately become the target of public criticism, so she will help the Luo Yue people buy more time to escape at this critical moment.

The Crying Lady took ten steps in the air and came to the giant bear. Three blood rose marks circled and danced around her, and another seven blood roses formed a brocade cluster at the end of the pen.

She has seen that in this one-sided situation, as long as she can target the woman sitting on Xiong Zhen and scolding Fang Qiu, she can influence the whole body.Although she had not seen this woman a few times, she had been famous for a long time - Tingyu Pavilion Si'er.

It is said that Piao Ying, who has great fighting power but immature sanity, only obeys this boy in every possible way, never thinking that he has the ability to communicate with beasts.

Unfortunately, there is very little information about Si'er in the world. The crying lady doesn't know what his skills are, but now she has the opportunity to open her eyes in person!

Si'er's martial arts may not be high, but his insight is not inferior to anyone's. He immediately realized that the crying lady was eyeing his "soft persimmon" and was about to attack him. He exclaimed "stinky witch", and then let Xiong Yan He stood up, swayed left and right to avoid two blood rose marks, and slapped him back in return!

The Crying Lady shifted her position to dodge, and at the same time threw out two Blood Rose Seals.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a mark being smashed into pieces, and the other mark only spurred some blood on Xiong Zhi's arm. He secretly sighed at the beast's rough skin and thick flesh, and gave up the idea of ​​operating on Xiong Zhi.

He ducked straight in front of Si'er, who had already seen the opportunity and sneaked out to sneak away, and wrote and stamped his mark!


Si'er rolled and crawled to avoid three blood rose marks, and was covered in mud.

But the crying lady, who had obtained nothing after seven consecutive marks, did not kill them all.

It's not that she doesn't want to, but that the situation doesn't allow it.

The three blood rose seals surrounding her body have disappeared without a trace.

That was what she prepared in advance to offset the pulling force of the "Suoyun Zhenqi" in the stone a few feet away.

Before coming to Heyuan Road, the crying lady really couldn't imagine that there would be swordsmen in the world who would study the "Suoyun Qi" originally as an auxiliary method, and even hone it to the point where they could release the Qi like an arm and command it. He has a "grabbing hand" that can reach three or two hands and several feet away in a few breaths, and he can engage in Tai Chi and fight with the enemy.

After coming to Heyuan Road, Crying Lady's eyes were opened to the ultimate pulling technology and art.

Usually, for a swordsman of Shi Zhonghuo's caliber, Ye Shang could kill one with a stick of incense at most, but last time it took Ye Shang more than an hour to get rid of the opponent.

She has fought against Shi Zhonghuo twice in the past ten days. Although her opponent suffered a lot of skin injuries, she just couldn't kill this stone. When she went to kill Si'er earlier, she had already guarded against Shi Zhonghuo. Huo Suoyun was really angry, otherwise how would she have the chance to attack Si'er?

However, the time she bought has been consumed by her.

If she doesn't leave, she will be restrained by Shi Zhonghuo's Suoyun Qi.

Feipiao, who had his hands free and rested for a while, also rushed over to vent his anger on Si'er.

In addition, Si'er is Piao Ying's reverse scale, and Crying Lady has obviously provoked the evil god.

If she doesn't leave, I'm afraid she will die more painfully and miserably than anyone else here!
The crying lady didn't even smile, she shook the bell, jingling and writing indistinct bloody marks in the air.

On the other hand, it is used to counteract the Suoyun Qi of the Fire in the Stone.

While speeding up the retreating speed.

He even dared not relax at all and said: "A Feng, A Ye, save sister!"

"It's going to cause trouble."

"What did you say you messed with him?"

Ye Shang and Ye Lingfeng grumbled while the other complained, but their steps did not slow down one bit.

I'm afraid that if she slows down for a moment, the crying lady will either be torn into pieces by five horses or blown into a bloody mist.

Two black shadows and two white shadows intersect in front of the red-clothed figure.

A surging air wave collided with the river source road, creating a five-foot-wide bowl-shaped depression!
"Ah Ying, Ah Piao, let them go for now!"

Almost at the same time as the collision occurred, Si'er was worried that Piao Ying and Feipiao were about to fight to the death with the Nether Sect, so she hurriedly shouted to stop.

It was precisely because of Si'er's stop that Piao Ying did not continue to attack after taking two steps back. He just glared at the three people opposite him.

Feipiao, who slipped half a foot away, simply sat down on the ground and didn't rush to stand up.

The crying lady, who also slipped half a foot forward, held Ye Shang's right arm tightly.

It wasn't that Nightmare couldn't stand firmly or that his back was straight, but that the soles of the crying lady's feet were weak.

In addition, the Crying Lady also discovered that Ye Shang had broken his right wrist and was only pretending to hold the sword with his left hand. How could she not help cover it up?

Ye Lingfeng flew almost three feet away.

It's not that his strength is significantly different from the first four, it's just that he doesn't have the bull-tempered temper to withstand the counterattack after being hit by the true energy. He just goes with the flow and takes the opportunity to relieve his strength. Although his white clothes and shoes are stained, he doesn't eat any flesh. Isn't it painful?
At first glance, the two sides appear to be in a stalemate, but everyone knows who can control whom.

Si'er called an end to this contest, which had a clear winner and loser. Next, everyone would of course want to hear what the speaker who was supposed to represent the master of Tingyuge Pavilion had to say.

At some point, she rode back on Xiong Zhen's back, came to the edge of the bowl-shaped depression, and stood condescendingly.

It seems that the next words can only be said with power and domineering power while sitting on the back of a bear.

"Since you chose to be a coward during the Southern Shaolin period, why do you have to wade into troubled waters yourself now?

"If you don't want to be driven by Admiral Yu, how can you be willing to be manipulated by Xiao Yincai?

"Or is it that you, the Netherworld Cult, accept the tough but not the soft? You can be forced to be a gunman, but you can't listen to our advice and have to accompany the Luo Yue and Japanese people to fight to death?"

Si'er knew very well that she was speaking on behalf of Luo Piaoling, and her momentum, attitude, and tone were all indispensable, so she spoke with her head held high and her chest high. If she hadn't felt that it was indecent to have her hands on her hips, her hands would not have been moved at this time. Will press on Ah Da's back.

Her voice was not loud, but it echoed clearly throughout the valley and reached everyone's ears just like when she appeared before.

"Zhongzhou is currently surrounded by wars. The big guys don't want to cause trouble for you. You just stay here and wait. The war is over. If you have any grudges, you can take revenge. If you have any grudges, you can retaliate.

"How about you, are you helping these barbarians to stab you in the back and bully honest people?

"Today I heard what Yuge said!

"No matter how Xiao Yincai caught you or what lifeline you had, as long as from now on, I won't ask you to shed your blood for the country, as long as you immediately go back to your home and stay there, don't come out to cause trouble again, and don't Making small moves behind the scenes.

"I will use the name of Tingyu Pavilion as a guarantee. After the war is settled, I will allow you, the Nether Sect, a way out, and give you a chance to take revenge in a fair battle of life and death with the Zhongzhou Jianghu sect.

"If not, in three days we will burn down the Nether Death Cave with [-] Zhongzhou soldiers and [-] Zhongzhou Jianghu people, and completely eliminate the Nether Sect from Zhongzhou!"

Having said this, Si'er took out a small notebook and a silver token from his arms.

"This is the letter written by the current Holy Master to General Niu for his convenience, as well as the transfer order that General Niu asked me to forward!"

Hearing this, both Nightmare, Crying Lady and Ye Lingfeng seemed to be relieved.

In the tide of the times, those who choose to be on the sidelines simply do not want to be uprooted.

When they saw Si'er and Piaoying appearing, they hadn't thought about the situation in the north of Zhongzhou. After hearing Si'er's intention, the first two had already guessed that the ghosts were probably dead and gone, and the Netherworld Sect's lair was Currently, there is only a leader sitting in charge, and there are not many capable people below. The Nether Sect has been approaching the edge of the cliff step by step.

Being a wallflower depends not only on the direction of the wind, but also on what time the wind blows.

At this time, the wind blowing from the Zhongzhou imperial court and the Zhongzhou Jianghu had already overwhelmed the wind fanned by Xiao Yincai. If the Nether Sect does not fall down or lie down, when will it wait? (End of chapter)

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