The Legend of Swing Sword and Execution of Demons

Chapter 682 Fruit Shop Storytelling

Xiuyue Town, Jizhou.

In front of a fruit shop were two young men dressed as rangers.

While chewing the fruit in his hand, he kept chattering.

Among them, the taller man had a folding fan in his waist, and he looked like a son of an aristocratic family who learned to walk around the world.

He threw a soft persimmon in his left hand, and grabbed a huge apple and pear in his right hand, filling his mouth with one bite.

To say that this boy who is half short is even more powerful.

Not only did he eat winter jujubes in his mouth, but he also held winter jujubes in his hands, and he also turned up the hem of his clothes and pocketed more than a dozen half-red and half-green-yellow winter jujubes.

That tall slender man can say a word, at least enough for this kid to say three words.

The fruit shop owner is a middle-aged man who seems to be honest and friendly.

But honest Bajiao may not be free from gossip.

This morning, there was no big sun, and there was a cool breeze. Although it was good, there were really few guests.

The honest man saw that the two young rangers were nagging about a stick of incense in front of him, but there was no sign of moving.

Don't dare to rush.

Moreover, people also patronize the business.

Being bored, I felt that the two guests were standing here talking, and they should not be afraid of others listening, so I could not help but secretly prick up my ears and listen.

Before I heard a few words, I heard something like "Ten thousand taels of gold are in hand".

What the two young people talked about next, the honest man couldn't listen to a word.

Immediately in my mind, after "the [-] taels of gold are in hand", it is time to build a new house, add new clothes to my wife and buy jewelry, and give birth to two or three more big fat boys.

"Hey, two little brothers, just heard you say who took ten thousand taels of gold from the imperial court?"

There were just three good passers-by who heard this, and they were very curious, and they hurriedly asked each other, breaking the short-lived daydreaming of the honest man.

The two young rangers who surprised passersby were Mei Huaijin and Egg.

Seeing that someone was so curious, Egg also politely shaves the winter jujube in his mouth and spit out the jujube core, swallowed the jujube flesh, wiped his mouth again, and said enthusiastically, "Ah, haven't you heard of it, Xiongtai?"

The three passersby shook their heads and said, "I haven't heard of it."

Egg patted his head and said, "Oh, it's because the kid has a bad memory. This is news from the capital early this morning."

Someone immediately asked, "What's the news?"

Egg grabbed the front of his clothes with one hand and stood on top of the abandoned stone bar. The old god said, "It's a long story, but this morning it's all set, so listen to me carefully~"

Before the passersby could respond, Mei Huaijin had already finished eating the apple and pear, "cut", jumped on the stone bar with her arms folded, and said, "It doesn't take long."

Immediately raised his chin, he recited: "Dongying's poisonous plan to harm Zhongzhou, the red clothes covered the ancient temple in Fujian and burned, and the heroes gathered in danger and broke the halberd. Fortunately, the holy hand is against the world!"

After speaking, Mei Huaijin glanced at the eyes of the three passersby and the owner of the fruit shop, and asked, "Have you heard of this?"

The fruit shop owner looked bewildered.

The three passersby recalled the poem just now, nodding slightly at first, and then nodding like garlic.

"Of course we know that!"

"Mr. Xu, the storyteller, has been talking about this for the past two days!"

"Those Dongying people are really full of bad water, and they think about hitting us all day long!"

"That is to say, even a thousand-year-old temple like the Southern Shaolin Temple has been burned down. My mother is a Buddhist, and she still wants to go there and put incense sticks there in her lifetime!"

"I don't know what kind of magic those Dongying bugs used to revive a general of Wala 20 years ago, and slaughtered many people in Fujian. righteous."

"Thanks to our Zhongzhou, there are still a lot of talents! A young man wearing a Tathagata mask rushed out, and he screwed the head of the Nawara Demon as soon as he shot, and the big guy was saved."

Mei Huaijin simply wrote a poem, and the three passersby explained what happened not long ago in Fujian.

The owner of the fruit shop, who had no time to listen to the book, also understood the general passage from the mouths of several people. He couldn't imagine those scenes in his mind, and thought to himself, "It sounds terrible, why are they smiling so happily?"

The three passersby were happy to talk, but Egg was not happy, with a stinky face, and they didn't bother to move their mouths.

Mei Huaijin didn't even look at the egg and said, "Then do you know what happened next?"

A famous passerby came back to his senses and said, "Oh yes, what happened next?"

Mei Huaijin took out the folding fan around her waist, spread it out and fanned it twice, and said, "The next step is 'the saint will enter the capital to receive a reward, and the two factories will go to Kunlun to defend together'."

The three passers-by were confused for a while, and guessed what it meant.

Egg couldn't help it, so he changed his left hand to grasp the placket, and raised his right elbow to push Mei Huaijin under the stone.

"Go, go, can you talk well?"

Mei Huaijin hummed, "Isn't that understandable?"

Egg replied: "Did you see that people understand?"

Mei Huaijin glanced at the four listeners and murmured, "It doesn't seem to be there, so where should we start?"

Egg said: "Then it starts with the Tathagata Sacred Hand receiving ten thousand taels of gold."

"Golden taels, I have never seen so much money in my life, not even silver taels!"

"Neither do I. How many carriages can be loaded with so much money?"

"I only know of the carriages of some big families, and there are usually four people in the carriage."

"Then it's not a problem that the carriage arranged by the imperial court can take five or six strong men?"

"It shouldn't be a problem."

"It wouldn't be difficult to pack a carload of gold."

"You mean that ten thousand taels of gold only weighs five or six strong men?"

Egg stretched out his right hand and pressed his thumb on the four fingers that were hooked back, and said, "Pinch your fingers and count..."

Mei Huaijin folded the folding fan, beat the eggs, and said, "It doesn't sound like a lot, doesn't it?"

The egg was unexpectedly not angry, and continued: "Hey! It doesn't sound like much, but it is enough for hundreds of thousands of people to spend a lifetime, and enough for one person to spend several reincarnations!"

Mei Huaijin said: "Yes, but this is also what people deserve. After all, it is helping Zhongzhou to remove a big harm."

"It's very, very good." Egg affirmed, and then asked, "Then how to take such a large amount of money?"

Just as the two of them sang, another three or two pedestrians who passed by the fruit shop stopped and listened to the two young people chatting about things. The more they listened, the more interesting they became. side sounds.

Immediately afterwards, she heard Mei Huaijin knocking on the folding fan and looking at the eggs, and she said angrily, "Didn't you just say use a carriage?"

Egg questioned: "Is it really a carriage?"

Mei Huaijin said, "If one carriage is enough, do you have to use two to pull it?"

Egg shook his head and said: "I mean, to transport away ten thousand taels of gold, is the bigger the battle, the safer it is?"

Mei Huaijin said, "You mean if you encounter robbers along the way? That's true, if you pack the gold on multiple carriages, even if you encounter a robber, you can earn one if you can escape one."

Egg echoed: "Yes."

Mei Huaijin said: "No, this is a carriage arranged by the imperial court, who would dare to rob it?"

As soon as the egg said the word "could it be", he hurriedly covered his mouth.

Even if the following words were not spoken, the listeners already knew that "No one dares to rob the carriage of the imperial court?"

Mei Huaijin added: "It is said that after the 'Tathagata Sage' arrived in the capital, he only received a simple reception from the imperial court, so he asked the imperial court for a carriage and four more guards, and then drove away."

Egg said in amazement: "It was actually his own proposal. If you really are a daring artist, aren't you afraid of any accidents on the road?"

Mei Huaijin said: "That's not true, and the four guards they want to come are also very particular."

Egg said: "Oh, how to pay attention to the law?"

Mei Huaijin covered her mouth with her hands and said in a low voice, "Two are from Jinyiwei of the West Factory, and two are from the East Factory."

Although the voice was not loud, the ten pedestrians who were standing around at some point could still hear Mei Huaijin's words.

Egg raised his eyebrows and asked inexplicably, "So the 'two factories' in your poem just now are the East and West factories. Do the guards from these 'two factories' have the ability to fight against ten?"

Mei Huaijin said: "Hey, these 'two factory' guards not only have the ability to fight against ten, but also represent the face of the court. If this carriage is robbed, these four guards will all die for it. Isn't it harmonious? If the court is fighting against it, how can the court give up?"

Egg said: "So the Holy Hand of Tathagata only picked four guards to send the ten thousand taels of gold to the Kunlun realm?"

Mei Huaijin nodded and said, "I just left Youjing in such a grand manner."

Egg said: "Whoever robs is against the court! Will that..."

The unfinished words are obviously "to guard against oneself".

Mei Huaijin cleared her throat and said sternly: "This is the time to decorate the majesty of the imperial court. No one will make taboos and touch bad luck, and the imperial court will not guard against self-stealing and slap in the face."


Egg and Mei Huaijin talked so tirelessly and eloquently for nearly an hour.

The audience around the fruit shop grew from four to seven, ten, or thirty.

At first, the boss was annoyed that the shop was crowded with people, but when everyone bought fruit to quench their thirst, they were so happy.

Of course, as temporary guest storytellers, Egg and Mei Huaijin also received fruit from many enthusiastic listeners.

The two of them were not polite, they ate slowly, but they still spoke with spit in the air.

Until a large group of officials and a large sedan chair appeared outside the inn [-] feet in front of Guopu.

This vivid two-person storytelling show has just come to an end, and the audience has been left unfinished and reluctant to part.

Egg and Mei Huaijin looked at each other and smiled while touching their round belly.

"But it's finally here." Egg stretched and lifted his chin, "It's lunchtime, how about another meal?"

Mei Huaijin said lightly, "Go", and led the way towards the inn first.

The owner of the fruit shop listened to what the two said for nearly an hour, and he could understand the style of the two of them.

Guessing this "kill another meal" is to compare who can eat more.

Looking at the two people's bulging stomachs, look at the "Hongchen Inn" that he has never set foot in before.

Secretly shocked, can this still be eaten? !

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