The Legend of Swing Sword and Execution of Demons

Chapter 655 The Iron Bull Reappears

Chapter 655 The Iron Bull Reappears
A young man in gray swung his sword with difficulty to block a chopping knife, and at the same time staggered back into the crowd with his strength.

His brow and blunt face in the past showed a bit of grimness, and no one noticed that there was a deep line of blood on the back of his spine.

Carrot took a few deep breaths, at this moment he could barely hear the clash of weapons or shouts around him.

But I can hear the sound of my own sweat and blood falling to the ground, and the sound of breathing in step with my heartbeat when enduring the pain.

Sweat is cold sweat.

Under the cold autumn wind, Luobo's face turned pale from the cold, his body shivered from the cold, and his limbs shivered from the cold.

Blood is hot blood.

Carrot felt as if he was being poured on his back by boiling water, and hot blood flowed from the burning wound!

The fate of the young radish can be called rough, and it is not the first time to face blood if it survives, nor has it never killed anyone.

Ten breaths ago, he was almost able to take the lives of No. 6 members of the Red Clothes Sect with the swordsmanship he had just learned.

Unguarded, the empty door opened wide, and when he heard the sound of the blade piercing the air, he dodged in panic. Although he escaped death, he couldn't avoid the next knife that followed.

This is the heaviest wound Luobo has suffered since he practiced swordsmanship, and it is also the heaviest pain he has endured in his life.

No one would feel better after being stabbed like this, and it is also possible for the elderly and weaker to die on the spot.

Fortunately, Radish, who has average physique since childhood, has strengthened and strengthened his body a lot in the past few months, otherwise he would have fainted from the pain after this knife, and most of them would have died from the eyeless sword or trampled on by him inadvertently.

But except for a miserable howl when he was hit by the knife, Luo Bo kept clenching his teeth and didn't say a word.

He knows very well that most of them have survived at least one round of physical and energy limits after fighting for a long time. Even if they are as strong as Gu Xinsoul, they have survived two or three rounds of extreme state and are still brave, but the overall state of everyone It has been falling continuously, and I feel that it is unsustainable. Only by seeking shelter and not allowing others to be too distracted to take care of myself, can everyone last longer and have a greater chance of survival.

Therefore, Carrot is not allowed to drag everyone down because of his own carelessness.



For some reason, Luo Bo suddenly heard three heavy and muffled sounds from behind.

Looking for the reputation, I saw a monk with a dark complexion in tattered upper body, beating a tall giant with a stick.

Even though a seven-foot-long stick is made of gold and iron, it is as small as a gold needle in front of a three-foot-high iron block. How can it be so small to beat the big one?

Sure enough, the right half of the big iron block was only stuck by the monk for a few breaths of time, and by retreating, swinging his arms, he got rid of the long stick and was able to continue bullying. Just smash it!
The monk didn't just fight recklessly, at first the desperate one was just to save others.

Now that the Jianghu man has been rescued, the monk quickly withdrew from the bombardment range of the big iron block.

Luobo saw clearly that the dark monk was not a Shaolin disciple, but a Duren.

Seeing that although the situation there was bad, there were no more casualties, I was secretly relieved.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, I heard a desperate cry from afar.

In the other direction, there was a figure passing across the heads of the crowd, his face was blurred and lifeless!

And the other big iron block that took the man's life was still waving its arms tirelessly, as if it was showing off its might!
Carrot clenched his fists and sword tightly, and he wanted to tell himself to be strong, but the powerlessness that emerged from the soles of his feet seemed to flood his whole body the next moment, making him give up struggling completely and accept his fate.

Yes, struggling fate.

He was born with a life that is different from ordinary people.

So I had to suffer ups and downs that were different from ordinary people.

If he hadn't struggled and let those people or fate dictate him, he would never have lived such a hard life, and he would have even lived a longer and more comfortable life.

But he was unwilling.

Like a tree surviving in the cracks, he tried to struggle, and gradually found the hope of changing his destiny in the struggle.

He doesn't want to grow into a towering tree, he just wants to be able to fight for something according to his own wishes and live out his own appearance.

Unexpectedly, when he was already full of hope and longing for the future, he was still struggling, and fell into this deeply powerless despair.

Gulu Gulu, clang, clang!
At some point, Luo Bo only felt the despair in his eyes grow bigger.

Because the three-foot-high big iron block became bigger in the eyes.

"Back away the carrot!"

A clear and beautiful cry rang in Luobo's ears.

Radish's body jerked, and his ears returned to normal, accompanied by various noises pouring in all at once.

It turned out that he had been stuck in place for a long time.

There is no one within two feet of the body, but there is a big guy!

He had never seen this big guy before, and from now on, it will be deeply engraved in his mind.

There are two sharp horns on the flat head of the bull.

Cast from black iron, with sharp edges and corners, it is roughly divided into upper and lower parts.

The base of the lower part is nearly two feet square and is equipped with four large wheels.

There is a gap in the part that is as tall as a person, and there are three sharp and thick blades hidden, which can rotate with the movement of the big iron ox.

There is also a built-in mechanism that can speed up the speed of the blade, and can tilt up and down to a certain extent.

In this way, it can not only effectively prevent the enemy from approaching, but also make the base a life harvester similar to a spinning top.

The upper structure is the control center, which is operated by two people.

The left and right arms of the cow are two feet long and weigh more than a thousand catties.

The Big Iron Bull has only two attack methods, one is to swing the arm, and the other is to rotate the blade.

Radish didn't know that this big guy was a bipolar soul splitting cow developed by Yinshamen.

There is also no way of knowing that this is the bipolar split soul cow that was replaced after the Yinsha Underworld was destroyed.

I don't even know that the second-generation bipolar cracking soul cow has many functions less than the first generation created by Luban.

All he knew was that the bipolar soul-splitting cow, which had an extremely single attack method, had amazing lethality. It moved a little slower, but it was comparable to the speed of ordinary people walking fast. threat.

And the "skin and flesh" is extremely thick and difficult to destroy.

The big iron ox that was blocked by the Duren before was forcibly destroyed with three thick blades.

Even after the fangs were removed, the remaining two swinging arms were still helpless.

But right now, this big iron bull with no tusks had come to him, and it raised its huge arm representing absolute power and victory and smashed it down heavily!


It was that clear and pleasant voice again.

Luobo knew that Sister Sushou was rushing towards him, he wanted to do something, moved his body and stepped back, or at least opened his arms to cooperate with Sushou who came to rescue him and took him away.

It's a pity that he is like a small piece of iron without temperature, motionless, waiting to be smashed into a discus.

when! ——

A gust of wind blew the radish so that it squinted its eyes.

He only felt that he was picked up from the ground like a carrot.

In his eyes, he could vaguely see that the giant arm dropped by the big iron bull deviated from the direction.

"It hurts a lot..."

"Well, take care of him."

These were the last two words that Luobo heard before he completely lost consciousness, and he still alarmed his master.

After Gu Xinhun confessed to Su Shou, he put aside the bipolar split soul cow and returned to the main battlefield behind.

No one noticed that his right hand holding the sword burst due to fatigue and this tyrannical hedging, and blood flowed out!

As the sky gradually darkened, Gu Xinhun's eyes gradually dimmed.

He had already died once, and he had no fear of death.

But he is not sure about protecting these fresh lives beside him, just like he was not able to protect those fresh lives back then...

  It seems that there is no more coming out today, so I will make up with yesterday's chapter,
  Happy Holidays to all the Queens! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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