Chapter 626
The next morning.

Meng Chaoge, Luo Piaoling, Shi Zhonghuo, and Jiang Yichen appeared in the chrysanthemum garden unknowingly.

The old man, together with Yi Zhongren, Murong Jing and the visitor, talked in detail for two full hours in Tao Ran Pavilion.

After a simple lunch, brothers and sisters Luo Piaoling and Meng Chaoge accompanied the old man and Yi Zhongren to the Huanxin Pavilion to make tea and talk.

Murong Jing and Shi Zhonghuo, who were almost equivalent to the big housekeepers of Juyuan and Tingyu Pavilion, walked in the corridor of Juyuan, chatting without saying a word.

Only Jiang Yichen "abandoned" everyone, went around aimlessly, and after a long time, he groped towards the place where Zhangsan lived.

Four years have passed since Hongye brought Zhang San back to Juyuan from Xijiang County.

Jiang Yichen only visited Zhangsan one time before returning to Xishan Island to visit relatives in the same year.

At that time, although he didn't open his mouth to make any promises to Zhang San, he made up his mind to take revenge for Zhang San's deposed, Situ Zhong's tragic death, and Wuxiang Sect's extermination!

It's just that the years have passed. He once fell into grief because of the destruction of Xishan Island, and because of this, he also swore to avenge his great revenge. Gradually drift away from the joyful grievances and enmities once thought.

As the rivers and lakes brothers who were born and died together, Jiang Yichen has so far been unable to kill Ji Qianlin who tortured Zhang San to maim and Situ Zhong to death, and is unable to get rid of the smiling Maitreya who condoned Ji Qianlin to do evil.

As a "non-staff member" of Wuxiang Sect who benefited from "Wuxiang Sit and Forget Mind Method", Jiang Yichen not only failed to cause much trauma to the Nether Sect behind Danxia Villa, but even joined with it because of his own selfishness.

Even though they parted ways later, they still agreed with Lu Hao's deal to settle the old grievances of Xishan Island, and ignored the kindness of the Wuxiangmen for gifting the martial arts.

No matter how many reasons and excuses the Tushi Gang and the Nether Sect have, the slaughter of the Wuxiang Sect is an evil deed that harms the peace of heaven.

It is precisely because of this that whenever Jiang Yichen thinks of these two great enemies, he is always scratching his mind, not knowing how to deal with the surviving Zhangsan and the Wuxiangmen who are basically eliminated from the world.

Just now I learned from the steward in the garden that Zhang San recovered from his injury three years ago and decided to stay in Juyuan. Jiang Yichen lingered for a long time, but finally chose to face it.

After these years of recuperation, Zhang San is not only in good spirits, but also able to eat independently with a bowl and spoon.

Jiang Yichen's arrival was just in time, Zhang San had just finished eating, and was bored digesting and eating, waiting for his lunch break.

Seeing that Jiang Yichen came a little "sneaky", Zhang San widened his eyes, grinned foolishly for a while, then suppressed his excitement, and slowly opened his mouth and said, "Nila, I'm here!"

Jiang Yichen obviously didn't expect Zhang San to be able to speak. Although he couldn't speak clearly, it didn't hinder his understanding.

Jiang Yichen, who had always been delicate, even a bit sentimental, almost had red eye circles, blinked a few more times to hide the sadness in his heart, and said with a smile: "Yes, I am here. Long time no see, Brother Zhang."



In the next half an hour or so, Jiang Yichen, who had listened more and talked less in Tao Ran Pavilion before, became the keynote speaker without hesitation.

After all, it was very difficult for Zhang San, who had cut off his tongue, to speak clearly. Most of the time, Jiang Yichen said what Zhang San wanted to hear.

No matter how stupid Jiang Yichen was, it was not difficult to see that Zhang San chose to stay in Juyuan, mostly because he wanted to see him.

In order to talk more with Jiang Yichen and reduce the guilt in Jiang Yichen's heart, Zhang San worked tirelessly and stumbled to talk a lot.

Over the years, Zhang San has been paying close attention to Jiang Yichen's movements in the Jianghu. Many things can be learned from the steward of Juyuan, but it is not easy to ask anyone for the details. Wouldn't it be wonderful to come to the door to tell the story in person?

Jiang Yichen and Zhangsan talked about the battle of wits with Dishamen under the guidance of Master Tinglan, about the righteous deeds in Hanyang Village in Shudi, how they accidentally helped Yuntian Temple to force the Nether Sect to retreat, and how they fell A strange encounter behind the Yin-Yang Bridge.

Zhang San listened with great interest, and at the end he used his eyes to encourage Jiang Yichen not to miss a good girl like Leng Mei.

In addition to asking Jiang Yichen to tell more about his personal experience, Zhang San's words focused on enlightening Jiang Yichen, hoping that Jiang Yichen would unload those unnecessary ideological burdens and live a good life.

Xu Shi exhausted all the strength he had accumulated for three or four years at once, and Zhang San showed obvious fatigue after half an hour.

Jiang Yichen didn't stay any longer, and left after serving Zhang San to bed.

It's just that before Jiang Yichen decided where to go for a walk, or go to the Huanxin Pavilion to chat with the old man and Uncle Ren, he was already called by someone.

The man was dressed in brocade clothes and jade clothes as usual, but his hair was only tied with a tie, his face was like a crown jade, and he was graceful.

He neither lacks the dandyism of a son of a family like Lu Feng, nor loses the chic and calmness of Jiang Hu's elegance.

Jiang Yichen didn't expect this person to find him here.

If it had been earlier, this person would have given him a warm hug three steps at a time when he saw him.

Now, it is hesitating.

If Jiang Yichen came to the Chrysanthemum Garden this time, the person Jiang Yichen was most afraid of meeting was Zhang San, and the second person he was most afraid of running into.

He felt ashamed of the former.

As for the latter, they are afraid that after seeing the other party, they will think of the related person and feel pain in their hearts.

This person was the first brother he met when he first entered the rivers and lakes.

The good brother who had saved his life once, carried his back twice, and talked to him about everything.

When he heard that he was taken away, he did not hesitate to go to Murong Jing in Longtan alone.

Although the two of them rarely meet each other, it is reasonable to say that they have long been brothers with a mutual promise of love and friendship between life and death.

However, because of the shameless behavior of Murong Jing's brother Murong Kang, Jiang Yichen had a deep thorn in his heart. Even if he pulled it out, his heart still hurts every time he touched it.

"Brother Murong."

Murong Jing also felt infinitely guilty about this brother who was not close blood relatives but knew everything. Seeing Jiang Yichen's forced smile, the always eloquent Murong Jing also had a bitter taste on his lips, and he didn't know what to say.

Should Jiang Yichen be enlightened about how regrettable it is in the world, since there is no destiny, he let it go naturally?

Murong Jing felt that he was not worthy to say these words, and felt that it was too embarrassing to speak out when the draft he had prepared in advance came to the fore.

After a while of embarrassment, it was Jiang Yichen who broke the deadlock and said, "Brother Murong, how have you been doing all these years?"

"Okay." Murong Jing blurted out without thinking, his usual perfunctory attitude towards all kinds of people was the same, but as soon as his lips parted, his mind immediately became active, and he said cheerfully, "Okay, it's really good. "

"In recent years, not only has your body become stronger and stronger, but your skills are also much stronger than before. I don't think it will be too far behind you."

While talking, Murong Jing had already approached Jiang Yichen, stretched out his arms and put his arms around Jiang Yichen's shoulders as before, talking while walking.

"Besides, the old man has gradually handed over the affairs in the chrysanthemum garden to me, do you think it's okay?"

"Hey, if you need anything in the future, you must tell me, and I promise to help you get it done!"



Just like Fa Xiao, who had a very deep friendship when they were young, after a long absence and reunion, there will always be invisible barriers of one kind or another that are difficult to break, and it is difficult to get along as warmly as before.

Jiang Yichen and Murong Jing couldn't talk about being in love with each other, but it was also difficult to confide in each other.

But this does not prevent the two from maintaining full trust in each other.

No matter who encounters difficulties, the other party will do their best to help solve them.

No matter who is in danger again, the other will risk their lives to save them.



When Jiang Yichen and Murongjing came slowly to the Huanxin Pavilion, Luo Piaoling and the old man had just finished a game of chess.

Yi Zhongren clapped his hands in admiration.

Meng Chaoge and Shi Zhonghuo just smiled implicitly.

It seems that Luo Piaoling won the game.

The old man stroked his beard and said with a smile: "You still have to obey the old, the young are more ruthless."

Luo Piaoling respectfully said: "In Piaoling's opinion, you have done the best I can imagine, old man."

The old man shook his head and smiled, "Hehe, you don't seem to be a flatterer."

Luo Piaoling said: "This flattery is obtained after putting yourself in the shoes."

The old man asked: "How to say?"

Luo Piaoling explained: "Wars will always kill people. If you want to reduce the number of deaths, you must create opportunities for victory and seize them firmly to end the war as soon as possible."

The old man agreed: "Not bad."

Luo Piaoling said: "Then there must be sacrifices."

The old man followed suit and said, "That is what is called a worthy death."

Luo Piaoling said: "It is also more necessary to be ruthless in making decisions. The old man has friends all over the world, and friends in the world also regard the old man as a friend. They are willing to do their best for the old man, but the old man is never willing to let his friends die."

The old man seemed to have realized something, and said: "That is the so-called no regrets. But, how can the young master Qingjian who is famous in Zhongzhou be a heartless person?"

Luo Piaoling said: "I have played very few chess games, so I can still play chess with all my heart."

The old man exhaled slowly and said, "I have played a lot of chess."

Luo Piaoling said: "So, I put myself in the situation of the old man, and found that I can't do better than you."

The old man silently accepted Luo Piaoling's statement, and changed the subject: "You rarely play Go."

Luo Piaoling said: "Not many."

The old man said: "You didn't play badly."

Luo Piaoling said: "Looking at it from another angle, there is not much difference between the two."

The old man said: "Only divided into Zhongzhou and foreign barbarians?"

Luo Piaoling said: "Well, one more point is that there are more and more pieces on a chessboard, and fewer and fewer pieces on a chessboard."

The old man thought about the meaning of this sentence, and agreed: "That's true, the chessboard inside and outside Zhongzhou is only this size, at most three or two variables can be killed, and there will be no more chess pieces entering the game continuously, and each chess piece Value functions are not the same at different moments, but the chess pieces on Go are generally the same.”

Hearing this, except for the old man and Luo Piaoling, the other five people all smiled wryly, presumably the two of them were going to have another deduction and discussion on the details of the morning's detailed conversation.

Sure enough, the old man deepened the topic with the words just now, and said: "It seems that it is really inappropriate to use Go chess to deal with the situation in the world. After all, not every chess piece is black or white."

Luo Piaoling sighed with a smile: "Old man, I can't help but think that I hate Yu Xu. Chess pieces are not black or white. I just want to see the situation in a simpler way. There are too many variables in Go pieces, and they are easy to be dragged away by local gains and losses. In the overall situation, chess is easier to coordinate the overall situation, and it is really impossible to fight for Zhongzhou, just erase it in advance."

"So, how many chess pieces can be left?"

"It should be no less than [-]%."

"So Zhongzhou is not too corrupt, but [-]% vs [-]% is really not optimistic."

"You don't need to destroy all the opponent's combat power to win the game."

"It's my old age. For Zhongzhou, a draw is already a victory."

"The best we can do is to keep the world peaceful for another hundred years."

"This has allowed at least three generations to spend their lives in peace, so how should this battle be fought?"

"Is this old man drifting away in an exam?"

"Teaching is not a test, it is more accurate to ask for advice."

"Don't dare to take it seriously, in fact, wandering considerations are already in the chess game just now."

"So, the focus is still on Jianghu?"

"It must be Jianghu."

Speaking of this, the old man sighed again. He usually did not sigh as much as today, and he said weakly: "But the Jianghu in Zhongzhou is not what it used to be."

Luo Piaoling understood the helplessness in the old man's heart, so he had no choice but to explain his own opinion.

"Well, this isn't exactly advocating the past and belittling the present, it's just that the previous generation was too brilliant."

"There is the Huo family who can guard the gate of the country, there is Wudang Shaolin who can not lose to the imperial court army, there is the Daoyi League who runs around to build a front line of defense for the people, and there is Xiao who can lead the martial arts heroes to destroy the enemy's lair in one fell swoop. Yan, Yan, the two unrivaled heroes, and countless heroes who were unknown to the end but were willing to shed the last drop of blood for Zhongzhou..."

"The rivers and lakes of the previous generation were walls that foreigners could never tear down, or even insurmount."

"Leaving Zhongzhou with an incomparably tall back, but it is also hard for the court to let go."

"The battle of Ningtai has exposed the tip of the iceberg of the foreign barbarian's strategy against Zhongzhou, not to mention the fact that the current Jianghu of Zhongzhou is falling apart."

"Using the rivers and lakes to rule the rivers and lakes, overthrowing the rivers and lakes of Zhongzhou, the history of 20 years ago can be completely reversed. The rivers and lakes of foreign barbarians are now the insurmountable moats of Zhongzhou. Countless soldiers will be buried, and Zhongzhou will sink."

Hearing this, the old man thought for a while, and then said: "Yes, we must settle down first, otherwise the rivers and lakes of Zhongzhou won't last long."

Luo Piaoling immediately said: "So the sacrifice is inevitable."

The old man asked: "As you said, the rivers and lakes in Zhongzhou can no longer be the same as before, so how can it play a role?"

Luo Piaoling started his discussion.

"Broadly divided into three categories."

"The first category must be the Jianghu elites. They are the scouts and vanguard battalions of Zhongzhou. They need to take the initiative to search for the deployment of the enemy's Jianghu forces. If necessary, go head-to-head and strike first!"

"The second category is to join the army in mixed groups. Most people in the Jianghu are used to being loose, and it is difficult to enforce orders and prohibit them. Therefore, the more scattered the number, the better. It is not suitable to form a group, and the strength should not be too outstanding. At least one or two generals are required. Can deter the opponent and restrain the opponent's behavior, this group of people has the effect of surprise in wartime, and at the same time can strengthen the team's defense to a certain extent."

"The third category requires the elite among the elite. Solitary troops go deep into the enemy's rear to perform beheading missions. This mission has the greatest benefits and the highest risks. Whether you succeed or not, you may never return."

After listening to the old man, he added: "In my opinion, there must be another kind of person added to this third category, the guards who guard the side of a general like you. Well, Wuyue will be your shadow from now on, you just have to worry about it." Do your arrangements, he is solely responsible for your safety."

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words, and before Luo Piaoling could speak, the old man said: "Liandie is still waiting for a new life, the weakest part of Tingyu Pavilion is the intelligence and information link, Wuyue's Anbu never falls behind. Put it in the Tingyu Pavilion to have the greatest effect, and Nether will follow, and the Daoyi League will not collapse with the support of Jinger and Longer."

The old man finally said: "I have indeed squandered all my ruthlessness and ruthlessness. I can't see some bloodshed and sacrifices. The future of Zhongzhou depends on you after all."

There was a moment of silence in the Huanxin Pavilion, Yi Zhongren seemed to have known that the old man had this idea long ago, so he didn't say anything more.

The rest of the people didn't know how to feel.

After a long time, Luo Piaoling stood up and bowed solemnly, saying:
"My name is Wandering. Master named me in the hope that I would no longer be alone and wandering without a fixed place."

"Unexpectedly, after the master left, he had to go against his original intention and was always running around, basically not living in peace."

"But no matter how you drift, you are still in Zhongzhou."

"It was General Shi who allowed Piao Ling to live happily and peacefully for the first half of his life. On the day he escaped from Shifu, Master conveyed General Shi's words, asking me not to be blinded by hatred, and to care about the safety of the world."

"Piao Ling asked himself that he was not such a selfless person, but since he had accepted the master's dying entrustment, he would put all hatred behind Zhongzhou and keep even a trace of fire for Zhongzhou."

"Don't say that Piao Ling is a useless person with no power to restrain a chicken. Even if he has only one breath left, Piao Ling is willing to find a glimmer of life for Zhongzhou!"

 It’s not easy to split, so I posted them all together. It seems to be the longest chapter after my book was rebuilt and put on the shelves?

  By the way, I wish you all a happy National Day!

(End of this chapter)

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