Chapter 595
20 years ago, Dongying people were overconfident, even a little conceited.

Too much want to swallow half of Zhongzhou in one go, and stretch the front too long and too wide, so that the troops will be scattered and suffer from it.

Zhongzhou is under attack from the front and rear. It is necessary to face the menacing attacks of Dongying and Oirat head-on, and also to guard against the harassing and sneak attacks of Duzhu, Luoyue, Gouli and other countries. The counterattack is not very tough, it can only be said to be more blooming. It was only broken by road.

However, for thousands of years, the Dongying people have fought and failed repeatedly, and they have learned more and more cleverly after repeated defeats.

In Youjing dialect, it means becoming more and more thieves.

No matter how to launch an attack, Fujian is still the first to bear the brunt.

However, Fujian, which is a strategically important place, has limitations that cannot be ignored.

Although there are many mountains and hills, there are few dangerous screens, which are easy to attack and difficult to defend.

It can be used as a backup granary, but it is definitely not a good place to guard.

Gusu is really suitable as a strategic bridgehead.

The great river across Zhongzhou returns to Gusu.

On the other hand, if you go upstream from this point, you can easily go deep into the inland of Zhongzhou.

From Fujian to Gusu, whether by land or water, it is enough to quickly supply and support all operations in Gusu.

Once a firm foothold is established in Gusu, it can gradually infiltrate to the west and south of Zhongzhou, open up the joints, and realize multi-line feedback.

Just like those regimes in history that separatized Jiangnan and proclaimed themselves kings, even if there is no danger to defend, as long as the security behind them is secure and there is enough retreat, they can fight Tai Chi with the ruling court.

One year is not enough for three years, three years is not enough for five years and ten years, it is more powerful than courage than endurance.

The Dongying people knew very well that a protracted war could not be avoided if they wanted to cut the flesh from Zhongzhou, not to mention that there were countries such as Oala and Duzhu who were sharpening their knives.

As the so-called wealth and danger seek, the longer they can stick to it, the deeper they will be able to plant in the new land, until one day the roots will be so dense and intertwined that they cannot be burned out in a single fire, and they will regenerate when the wind blows!

At that moment, no one can drive them out of this fertile land!
Of course, all of these are based on the assumption that the Japanese conquered Gusu.

Twenty years ago, Dongying people suffered a lot in Suzhou.

Twenty years later, Gusu will still be the most difficult bone for Dongying people.

Dongying people had to learn to be flexible.

In terms of geographical location, Gusu can be backed by three sides, north, south, and west, so the flaws must come from this.

If all three sides are destroyed by the Japanese, Suzhou will undoubtedly become an "isolated island" that cannot be called.

Easier said than done, it is still a fantasy to eat the three sides of Gusu in one step.

In the south of Gusu, it can be gradually encroached from Fujian.

And the west and north sides need to find another breakthrough.

This breakthrough is Pinghai County.

Pinghai County is so big, no matter how big the appetite of Dongying people is, it is hard to eat.

Fortunately, they don't need to swallow Pinghai County completely.

It only needs to prepare enough material resources, allocate enough manpower, and mobilize some financial resources to cut off the connection between Suzhou and the west and north.

Encircled and suppressed on three sides on land, combined with pressure from waterways, no matter how impregnable Gusu was, it would not survive a month.

Within a month, Zhongzhou, which is full of wolves, will never be able to send troops to rescue.

A month later, this city, which should be the last fortress in the seven inches of Zhongzhou in Luo Piaoling's view, will also fall into the tiger's mouth.

If Gusu can be captured by this plan, Dongying will sit back and enjoy it, or it will have to look forward to Shu, and there will be no need to look at Oala's face, so he can sit back and relax.



This time of foresight and deep planning also requires a vision of looking forward to the future for more than ten years.

If the Dongying people had such resourcefulness, why would they not be able to occupy a place in Zhongzhou?
If there are no accidents, this plan should be the work of generations.

Most likely, 17 years ago, when the invasion of Zhongzhou was about to fail, Dongying counselors laid their foundations with an eye to the future.

Even Luo Piaoling failed to find out such a big plan early.

Thanks to the people in Buji Island who persisted in digging to the bottom, thanks to the full cooperation of the Doushi Gang, and thanks to Jiang Yichen, who chose to live a transparent life and traveled thousands of miles alone to send messages, Luo Piaoling was able to peel off the cocoons from all kinds of traces. Deduce the most likely truth.

Rivers and lakes talk about deeds regardless of heart.

The reason why Jiang Yichen labeled the Red Clothes Sect as the Dongying Sect was because what the Red Clothes Sect did overtly and secretly was in line with the planning and layout that the Dongying people should have.

The volunteers took the bait to coerce the people of Zhongzhou, played tricks to tease the Zhongzhou court, and the fox pretended to be a tiger to disturb the Zhongzhou martial arts, and then stole the wall in Pinghai County to build a wall to not be king.
The Red Clothes Sect has three secret caves in Pinghai County, where sacrifices are kept, treasures are kept for wealth, and purgatory is kept for people.

Jiang Yichen and others came here to expose the three secret caves of the Hongyi Sect to the public.

Whether or not the various forces in the imperial court can keep their eyes open, they have no control over whether they are seeking skins from tigers.

As long as this move can teach those soldiers and commoners who have been tainted with the karma of interests with the Red Clothes Sect to see clearly and think clearly, and not follow the trend even if their bodies are smashed to pieces when the national crisis is imminent, then the bloodshed and sacrifice of them and the martyrs will be meaningful, Zhongzhou There is the hope of rebirth from the ashes!


Among the three caves of sacrifice, treasure and purgatory, the secret cave of sacrifice deserves to be the most important and the most hidden.

Without this large granary, the Dongying people would lose at least three points of confidence to fight a protracted war.

Therefore, the sacrificial secret cave has become the first den for Jiang Yichen and others to lose when they are most energetic.

As a place for Tibetans, the secret cave of purgatory is the most difficult to conquer. If you want to expose all the three secret caves in red, this cave can only be placed at the end.

The Treasure Secret Cave is located in Jubao Mountain Villa in Lishan. It is a place to confuse the public, and it is also the easiest to expose.

Before this trip, when Luo Piaoling was listening to the layout of the Yu Pavilion, he only felt that it was a pity that the food was tasteless and it was a pity to discard it.

Liang Zimeng, the head of the Hall of Geng, did not leave Pinghai County after the Hundred Flowers Conference but disappeared.

Disappearing with Liang Zimeng were Huo Yunjian Tu Gang, the wrathful emissary of the Gengtang Seven Envoys, and Xue Yan, the blood son of the mourning envoy.

There is no exception for two tigers in one mountain. Even though Wang Shuo is not there, the secret cave of sacrifice is still owned by Jitang, and the secret cave of purgatory is under the jurisdiction of Bingtang. , where would Liang Zimeng go if he didn't go to Jubao Villa?
If Liang Zimeng hadn't been in charge, flattening Jubao Villa would have been just a drop in the road.

However, with Liang Zimeng and two to three seven envoys in town, the price to be paid is definitely not the same.

It's just that those rare treasures of antique calligraphy and paintings that are not as useful as scrap copper and iron in times of chaos, and are invaluable in times of peace, can either buy people's hearts or exchange for a large amount of supplies before the chaos is approaching, and at the same time collapse the economic system of Zhongzhou.

After weighing the pros and cons, the hidden treasure and secret cave cannot be ignored.

Jiang Yichen and the others had to spend more effort to break into this Jubao Villa.

Fortunately, it was effortless for everyone to dive this way.

The predecessors of the Jinyu Gang, Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion and Jade House, used to be regarded as moderate and middle-lower gangs in the Universal Alliance.

Now it seems that apart from acting in a low-key manner to deceive others, it is also true that it is true that the helpers put more emphasis on business than martial arts, and their lack of strength.

In front of Jiang Yichen and others, most of them would end up being slaughtered like harvesting rice.

Even if there are many people who are capable of fighting in the first battle, they can't stop the people in Tingyu Pavilion who came prepared.

Regardless of whether they were good at assassination or not, they more or less learned from Jiang Yichen and Dong Qing, two assassination experts, and picked up some non-fancy but extremely efficient and practical moves. , In addition, it is a sneak attack, it is almost invincible.

The nine people arrived at the villa at Haishi, and within less than a stick of incense, all the more than a hundred gang members who apparently belonged to the Jinyu Gang had all died.

Piaoying, who hunted outside the sacrificial secret cave just in case but found nothing, contributed the most.

In the battle of the hidden treasure and the secret cave, Piaoying and Si'er will still go with the other seven.

As the former emperor's palace and concubine's residence, Jubao Villa naturally has a way out.

Inside and outside Lishan Mountain, only Piaoying can cut off the rumors.

Before entering the Purgatory Secret Cave, the Priest Cave and the Treasure Cave must be destroyed in silence!

The seven people followed the map to the entrance of the secret cave in the villa.

Compared with the detailed map of the sacrificial secret cave, the map here is much simpler, after all, this place is not intended as a hidden place.

After turning a few organs according to the diagram, a staircase leading to the secret cave appeared under the jade floor.

(End of this chapter)

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