Chapter 572
On the eve of the Hundred Flowers Conference, a heavy rain came suddenly.

Dandan, Mei Huaijin, Xiaoliu, and the porter were attacked in Qingshui Valley on their way to Pinghai County.

That group of people wore black clothes and masked their faces, and picked out one at random, and the two internal skills they cultivated were nothing special.

If you don't have the weird and rare weapons in your hands, and the forging craftsmanship is close to the same, the strength is still inferior to the second-rate masters in the general arena.

However, they can work together seamlessly in pairs, in groups of three or five, or even in groups of ten, even the top experts can't beat ten.

It is said that in addition to the four people from Buji Island, many other gangs were also attacked and killed by these black-clothed masked monsters that night, but nothing related was heard at the next day's Hundred Flowers Conference. Decapitated.

Subsequent developments proved that the small waves made by these black-clothed masked weirdos in Pinghai County were just a small-scale attempt.

On the night of the Hundred Flowers Conference, more than [-] powerful gangs from all over Kyushu were attacked by surprise.

Although they were defeated in front of several gangs, those black masked weirdos still severely injured many gangs and wiped out several factions, and horrified the Zhongzhou martial arts.

Since then, people in the Jianghu tacitly called it "that group of people".

The turning out of "that group of people" was even more unexpected than the unexpected rise of the Hongchen Inn.

The background of "that group" is already self-evident.

It's just that where such a well-trained and disciplined organization like an army came from has always been a mystery.

If it wasn't for the accident on Wujianping, Jiang Yichen might have investigated the matter after the Hundred Flowers Conference as Hei Wuchang.

But if there is no if, Jiang Yichen has spent most of his life in the past three months, and has no time to take care of this matter.

It wasn't until he was at the noodle stall in Niuxin Village that he realized where "that group of people" most likely came from.

— Nursing home.

This institution was established in all the counties of Zhongzhou, funded and managed by the imperial court, and it was specially used to accommodate those lonely and disabled people.

It took more than two months for Buji Island and the Doushi Gang to find out the general details of the Nursing Home.

Jiang Yichen only stayed there for three short days, how could he see the true face of Mount Lu clearly.

Most of the credit for this investigation should be credited to the people of Buji Island.

Buji Island is not a gang.

Buji Island is where they took root.

Yes, Buji Island does not have a mature enough intelligence system.

Not everyone on Buji Island has skills, but at least they must know how to survive and collect intelligence.

Each of them is an ordinary member of the people of Zhongzhou, including all kinds of characters.

There is a little devil like an egg who has thousands of skins after changing his appearance, and has his own ruffian before changing his appearance.

There are poor scholars like Mei Huaijin, Lan Sheng who looks like a charlatan, a porter who works hard for a living, Xiao Liu who will be welcomed by shopkeepers as a waiter in any shop, and Shu who is so innocent that he looks silly. Tong, and other people that Jiang Yichen has never met.

Among them, those with outstanding force are not in the majority, but they have the courage to follow Xie Fei to track down and uncover the root cause of the destruction of their homeland.

They may not be able to solve all kinds of puzzles, but they will definitely keep in mind what they see, hear, think and think from various perspectives.

In this way, after the collection and unification of various intelligences from various channels, valuable information can be obtained through screening and series connection.

At first Jiang Yichen thought that Xie Fei was responsible for summarizing the information and sorting out the context, but when the smiling Maitreya explained the overall situation and the details to him in an orderly and simple way, he realized that Xie Fei and the smiling Maitreya might work hand in hand. Half of the reason is to find a think tank for Buji Island.

Within two months, Bu Jidao and the Doushi gang sneaked into eight nursing homes in Zhongzhou to investigate.

In these eight nursing homes, some seemingly ordinary incidents with hidden mysteries happened.

For example, in the past two months, six nursing homes have taken in a total of eleven young patients with no relatives, friends, and no one to rely on.

Among the eleven patients, three seriously ill patients were kept in care for a period of time and did not improve. Within a few days, their complexion deteriorated, and two of them died.

The remaining one who was seriously ill was already looking better after being taken care of, but suddenly died suddenly.

Of the other seven with milder illnesses, three of them have started to earn a living with the help of the hospital after being cured, and four of them are serving in the hospital.

One of the three self-employed people set up a local pancake stand for a month, and told the courtyard that he planned to go out and earn a lot of money, and he would never return.

And one of the four people in the hospital worked too hard to repay the kindness of the nursing home, and died of overwork.

For example, the three nursing homes are located in remote areas with few people. Although they are small in scale, they have extremely well-established personnel, and the ratio of the number of people admitted is not inferior to that of large nursing homes.

Another example is that these eight nursing homes currently have a large number of old and young people, fewer middle-aged people, and only a few young people in these eight nursing homes; three meals a day have at least one meat dish, and they can even eat three or three times a day. There are delicacies from mountains and seas four times; higher-level officials carry rations and so on during routine assessments.

It is true that we want to turn these nursing homes upside down, and two months is really limited. By combining the file data recorded by each hospital for many years and the follow-up investigation results, the truth under the cover of the nursing homes has been revealed.

The three seriously ill patients lost their complexion after treatment. It is understandable that the nursing home selectively gave up these three lives and spent resources on more people who still have hope of survival.

The sudden death of the only person who recovered from a serious illness is suspected of returning to the past.

Small and difficult places make a lot of money, so the recovered young man who has the courage to venture out should be encouraged.

It is an accident and a pity to work hard and lose your life to repay your kindness.

The number of young people in each courtyard is small. After all, as long as they are not missing arms and legs and are not seriously ill, they should be the most self-reliant.

Every year, one out of ten young adults dies accidentally in each hospital, and [-]% of the young adults leave the local area to support themselves after leaving the hospital.

Judging from these cases one by one, no one will feel that there is anything wrong.

Because these situations are the epitome of the current situation in Zhongzhou, there is nothing wrong with it.

It can be said that without the appearance of "that group of people" out of thin air, almost no one will deliberately explore deeply.

But it is precisely because of the existence of "that group of people" that Buji Island and the Tushi Gang have been provided with a reverse thinking.

The number of "that group" is by no means a minority, and these people will not always jump out of the rock.

They must have come from somewhere.

Where they came from is probably where they "disappeared".

There are two kinds of "disappearance", death and disappearance.

"That group of people" still exists in the world, and their disappearance is of course a fake disappearance.

So, are their deaths and disappearances also false?

Compared with exposing corpses in the wilderness or being randomly discarded in mass graves, people who died in nursing homes can get basic decency.

They will be put on plain clothes as shrouds, buried in camphor wood coffins, and buried in an orderly and remote place with tombstones.

Three days after the burial of the four young men who died of illness, the graves were dug up.

There are people in all four coffins.

The two of them are no longer the original two.

The bodies of two young people who died of serious illness and sudden death from overwork have been replaced.

They all "disappeared".

Another person who "disappeared" was the mildly ill patient who set up a pancake stand shortly after recovering and then chose to go out to earn a lot of money.

This patient with a mild illness has indeed made a lot of money. In less than ten days, he earned more silver taels than selling pancakes in less than ten days with a businessman out of town.

However, after ten days, the running businessman was no longer seen beside him.

The place where this person "disappeared" was the place where "that group of people" were trained secretly.

In order not to overwhelm others, the Tushi Gang and Buji Island did not investigate further.

Instead, it was confirmed repeatedly through other clues to confirm the facts.

The number of young people admitted in various nursing homes is relatively small, because young people are the most valuable to cultivate.

If you want the horses to run and feed the horses well, those who will be admitted to the nursing home will inevitably have difficulty in solving their daily food and clothing. After being admitted to the nursing home, they will improve their physical condition through dietary supplements, so that Sick when sent to secret training.

It is not an exaggeration for higher officials to have the duty of distributing gold, silver, cloth, silk, grains, and medicinal materials while conducting routine assessments. For the remote nursing home, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

It can be placed in relatively affluent areas, and it is obviously more economical to directly purchase daily necessities locally.

It is too far-fetched to say that resources are scheduled and allocated in a unified manner.

When things go wrong, there must be a demon, and the tricks are hidden in those pills that are covered with healing shells.

After inspection, at least half of those elixirs are similar to Dali pills that stimulate potential by consuming life essence and blood.

There are also some pills that can make people fall into a state of suspended animation.

Sick youngsters will take this kind of elixir after being admitted to the nursing home, and those who can survive are eligible to "disappear".

The reason why the small nursing home in the backcountry is well-equipped with all internal organs and accommodates only a lot of people is because the secret training place of "that group of people" is nearby.

The small nursing home is the last transit point.

People who "disappeared" from the major nursing homes will be screened through a second observation here. Anyone with sound limbs and healthy mental condition will have the opportunity to enter the secret training ground. As for whether to go there to receive secret training, or to do labor service , depends on the root of personal understanding.

Twenty years after the disaster of the foreign barbarians, the number of beggars in Zhongzhou dropped sharply, and "that group of people" appeared mysteriously, and the logic chain has been connected so far.

That night, the shock given to Jiang Yichen by the Tushi Gang and Buji Island was more than that.

It wasn't until the end of the night that Jiang Yichen digested the intelligence information, and after a half-day delay in Luzhou County, he went to Tingyu Pavilion in Jiangning.

(End of this chapter)

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