Chapter 568
It was late at night, the moon was rising, and the streets were silent.

From time to time, there were a few thin gray shadows running fast close to the ground.

Or drill into the hole at the foot of the wall, or walk through the wall and invade the window lattice on the wall, occasionally making a slight creaking sound, carrying out a night-long plan to steal food.

Luzhou County has the Yangtze River running through it, and is located at the junction of Shu, Guizhou and Chongqing. It is a rare and prosperous county in Shu.

The so-called rats disappear because of the lack of food, and the dogs go to sleep because of poverty. Most of the families in the county are full and have no worries, so rats are often infested.

No matter how wide the sun covers, there will always be the shadow of the gutter, and many dirty and dirty things are hidden in it.

After eating a bowl of noodles in Niuxin Village, Jiang Yichen settled down in Luzhou County that night.

For three days, he spent his mornings on the bed in the inn.

At night, under the cover of darkness, relying on the strength of General Hei's feet, he went ten miles away to kill repeatedly.

Of the thirteen people who forced him to jump off the Yin-Yang Bridge three months ago, only three survived.

The irony is that the number of people who died in the hands of Jiang Yichen in three days was only 18 people from the five factions, but there are 30 people from the eight factions in Jianghu.

Those extra scapegoats naturally had to be borne by Jiang Yichen.

Gang leaders such as Zi Yexuan died unexpectedly, and all of them fell and scattered, or found another entourage, or put together a new door. Taking advantage of the turmoil of the killer Ye Xiao, the martial arts situation in Sichuan and Guizhou quietly changed. A lot has changed.

Jiang Yichen, who sees everything in his eyes, can't tell whether the changes are good or bad, but the day of his departure is undoubtedly getting closer.

These days, the reason why he used Luzhou County as a foothold to hide during the day and go out at night, apart from the safety considerations of being dark under the lights, was to solve a doubt for squatting.

A doubt that arose after eating Changwang noodles three days ago.

——Where do the county nursing homes get the funds and manpower to feed and control the number of beggars who should be quite large?

This doubt can be subdivided into three.

Where did the beggars on the street go?

What is the real reason why the beggar gang, which was so powerful in the past, has fallen into obscurity now?

What role does the nursing home play in this?
Every afternoon, Jiang Yichen took these three questions to the Nursing Home in Luzhou County to find out.

In order to flaunt benevolent rule, the dynasties of Zhongzhou have introduced corresponding relief policies and specific measures to arrange care for the homeless and beggars in the country. The measures of each generation are varied and different, but they have indeed given great help to the outdated people. Few survive hunger and winter.

When Zhu's family came to the world, the nursing home system was relatively mature, and all people who were lonely, disabled, sick and unable to live were allowed to be admitted to the hospital.

In order to ensure the implementation of the pension policy, the "Law of Zhongzhou" even stipulates: "Where widows, widows, lonely and seriously ill people are poor and have no relatives to rely on, unable to survive on their own, and those who should be adopted in the lawsuit but not adopted, the cane will be sixty; Those who reduce the amount of food by officials can be regarded as self-stealing by guards.”

As for those lazy people who still have the ability to support themselves, the nursing home takes care of their food, clothing, housing and transportation, and they need to contribute to the nursing home. They are allowed to leave the hospital to seek employment after they have changed their bad habits.

Even if there is such a system, it still fails to solve the problem of beggars fundamentally.

The number of beggars on the land of Zhongzhou has never been reduced sharply, so the beggar gang will never decline.

After wars and catastrophes, there will only be more beggars, not fewer.

However, since the barbarian disaster 20 years ago, when the imperial court lacked funds and could not guarantee the supply of nursing homes, there were fewer and fewer beggars in the streets and alleys.

People's lives are getting richer?
Not so.

So why are there fewer and fewer beggars? !
Today's beggar gangs exist in name only, and the attraction to beggars is naturally not as good as before.

In the past, the various gangs in Kyushu and the so-called evil sects may have digested many beggars, but it is difficult to let the scale be greatly reduced.

The only ones that could take in and control these beggars in large numbers are the almshouses.

Behind the Nursing Home is either the imperial court itself, or someone behind the scenes who has the ability to use the imperial court's resources.

There is no strict security in the nursing home.

At least Jiang Yichen was able to come and go freely in this nursing home in Luzhou County under the blue sky and daylight without anyone knowing about it.

He squatted in the study room and searched through the nursing home's "Personnel Record Book", "Servant Register", "Food Purchase Book", "Supply Purchase Book" and other information record books in the nursing home.

Hiding in the dark everywhere, I have observed the daily activities of every official and shelter personnel in the courtyard.

The intention is to discover the clues in order to unearth the truth behind it.

But things backfired, for three whole days, it can be said that nothing was achieved.

Today is the fourth day and the fourth night.

He can stay for two more days.

If there is no more gain, he will leave.

In the past few days, his contact with the Anbu of the Daoyi League has not been broken.

The situation in the northeast is said to be tense.

The second confrontation between Zhongzhou and Wala after 20 years is imminent.

However, whether this confrontation is a bloody battle with real swords and guns, or a drama used by conspirators to disrupt the audio-visual cloth, remains to be verified by time.

The Yuluo Tribe killed many rangers in the Northland, but not all of the dead were Oirats.

The large increase of merchant ships along the southeast coast has been proved to be the actions of the Red Clothes Sect. It can be confirmed that those merchant ships did not bring many people, but the large amount of foreign goods obviously had a great impact on the trade along the coast and inland of Zhongzhou.

As for whether there is another hidden mystery in it, it is unknown.

The old man is short of manpower.

On the southeast coast, Jiang Yichen now has enough ability to venture out and explore.




A mouse seemed to have suddenly sensed that someone was following closely behind, and went down in a panic through the gap in the gate of the house and disappeared at the entrance of the nursing home.

In fact, the mouse wronged Jiang Yichen.

Precisely because nothing was found during the day, Jiang Yichen would rush over in the dead of night, as long as there was still time to kill someone, to see if the nursing home at night would reveal its true form.

It's just that from the observations of the previous few nights, everything is Jiang Yichen's whimsy.

Looking at the little mouse that disappeared through the crack of the door, Jiang Yichen lost his mind for a while.

It must have taken a while to recover.

The little mouse can go through the door, but he can't.

But just as he was about to climb over the wall and enter, the squeak sounded again!
Jiang Yichen's heart tightened.

The sound seemed to come from the little mouse just now.

Sure enough, a moment later, the little gray shadow came out from the same gap again.

Seeing that ghostly owl-like follower from before was still standing at the door, the little mouse stood on its head with its hair upside down, its tail raised up, trembling.

Without a breath, the little mouse kicked his feet and fell to the ground. I don't know if he pretended to be dead on purpose, or he fainted from fright.

The gate of the nursing home has never been moved.

The person outside the door who planned to go in did not go in.

Those who tried to sneak out of the door slipped out.

Those who sneak out will definitely not go through the main entrance.

Jiang Yichen searched for a while, only to find the trace of the sneaker, and chased after him.

Not long after, Jiang Yichen came within ten feet of him.

He didn't come any closer, and used some energy to open his eyes to confirm the situation.

It was a thin middle-aged beggar, Jiang Yichen remembered that this person came to the nursing home yesterday afternoon to receive relief.

At that time, he didn't find any tricks in it.

It's only been a day, and you can't stand the rough food in the nursing home, so you run out at night to eat meat for yourself?

Jiang Yichen sniffed the aroma of roasted chicken in the air, his stomach growled unconvincingly, but his feet moved a little closer.

When he watched the skinny beggar feasting, he couldn't help swallowing.

When he saw the beggar crack open an egg and eat it while peeling the shell, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he was able to determine the identity of this person!

(End of this chapter)

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