Chapter 547

"300 years ago, Zhu's commoner turned around and took the Zhongzhou dragon chair."

"The 24 ministers from the dragon were appointed as marquis and generals, and they grew into the [-] princes and nobles with the surnames in more than ten years."

"Inside and outside the palace, there are constant entanglements of interests, open and secret struggles, old clans decline, and new nobles rise."

"In today's Youjing City, there are still nine clans with nine surnames beside the Tian family."

"Hong, Lu, Yu, Chang, Hu, Yin, Wu, Tang, Tang."

"The importance of these nine families in Zhongzhou is not important. If you want to deprive any family of their positions and seize power, ransack their homes, but Longyan is furious; it's not light at all. The cunning rabbit has already had three holes, and it is difficult to kill them all in one dynasty. It is even more difficult to prevent the resurgence of the ashes in the future and bite back."

"Furthermore, the Nine Schools are well versed in the principle that things hurt their own kind. When dealing with a situation that cannot be fully controlled, no matter how many grievances and hatreds there are between each other, they can temporarily put aside and work together to tide over the difficulties."

"The Nine Families are insignificant compared to thousands of households in Zhongzhou, but to overthrow the Nine Families at the same time will undoubtedly hurt the political and economic lifeline of Zhongzhou, and it may be difficult to recover in three to five years."

"So, the two hands that cover half of the sky in Beijing can only do what they like to win over the Nine Great Families. The purpose is also very simple and clear, to win the support of the majority of families, so as to restrain the remaining families. "

"However, over the years, no matter how many parties have been secretly hooking up, stealing and cheating, at least on the bright side, the loyalty of the nine families to the imperial power has not diminished."

"This is exactly where the two pavilion masters of Tingyu Pavilion dared to go to Beijing to seek support."

"The biggest question is also here."

"The Hong family is responsible for the water transportation of the official family. No matter how loud the Red Clothes Sect's words on the river have been over the years, they always bow their heads and smile in front of the Hong Family. What kind of agreement has been reached with the Hong family in private, in short, the life of the Hong family is as usual, happy."

"The three families of Yu, Hu, and Wu are like old dogs in the officialdom. If they can avoid it, they will avoid it, and if they can't avoid it, they will delay it; outside the officialdom, they will continue to expand their territory, expand their family business, and consolidate their foundation. They are always making more than two hands of preparations ,there is always a solution to a problem."

"Chang and Tang families seem to be the most low-key in Youjing, but these two have the strongest military atmosphere. They can't play with the treacherous Bo Yun in the court, so they put the family's focus outside Youjing. The family business is scattered in various places, and each of them controls more than [-] frontier soldiers, only these two families can move forward and retreat freely in Beijing, and it is the easiest."

"Both Yin and Tang rose up through in-laws. They seem to have the most sense of existence, but they basically rely on the shell of the emperor's relatives and relatives to cover them. They are the most powerful outsiders. The latter has long known how to restrain the superficial wealth and concentrate on managing and expanding the family business. , the former has only come to his senses in these years, and he has learned from others, stumbling around. In terms of the foundation of the Nine Great Masters, these two families are naturally the weakest."

"As for the Lu family, the most capable person is the head of the Lu family, who is the second-rank official in the Ministry of Rites. In addition, in terms of scenery, it is not as good as the Hong family; Tang Er's family; in terms of power, no one can compare..."

"When it comes to the Lu family in Youjing, everyone will only have an inherent impression: the Lu family is the peacemaker among the nine families, and they are full-time singers and peacemakers. When the wall is about to fall, the Lu family will definitely come to support it with a smile, saying Sound and Qi make money."

"It is also because of that thick skin that the Lu family is able to establish a good relationship with everyone, and get involved in every industry, but no matter what, the Lu family's investment is extremely limited. The participation rate is also extremely low, so there is no right to speak, and it seems to have everything, but in fact there is nothing.”

"If you were in the position of Tingyu Pavilion, and you had to choose one of the nine great masters as your backer after entering Beijing, which one would you choose?"

For most people, this question is not difficult to answer, because it seems that there are not many options. Before asking this question, Gu Xinhun asked himself that there would never be a Lu family in his choice.

Sure enough, Luobo didn't hesitate too much, and immediately answered: "The Yu family."

Luobo only made a choice without explaining, but Gu Xinhun was not surprised by the answer, because he also chose the Yu family.

In fact, both of them are more inclined to Chang and Tang's family in their hearts. After all, soldiers seem to be more loyal. Frontier soldiers may revolt, but they will not bend their knees to betray the country. It's just that the energy of Chang and Tang's family is not placed in Youjing. However, far water cannot quench near thirst, and relying on Meng and Luo's status as former members of the Shifu, finding a military family as a backer will undoubtedly increase the fear of all parties, and it will not be conducive to subsequent actions.

The Hong family's channels and methods are relatively simple, and the three most reliable in terms of comprehensive strength are the Yu, Hu, and Wu families.

As for the three families of Lu, Yin, and Tang, they are not considered at all.

Among the three families of Yu, Hu, and Wu, Yu Le is not only the Yu family, but also an important member of the Zangfeng Pavilion. The Yu family and the Zangfeng Pavilion are not related to each other on the surface, but in fact they have long been unclear. Compared with other Jianghu gangs, Zangfeng The pavilion is relatively controllable, and it seems more logical to build a relationship with the Yu family and borrow the power of Zangfeng Pavilion.

Therefore, the Yu family is the best choice among the nine families.

No matter how bad it is, it is Hu and Wu.

But why is it the Lu family?

How could He De of the Lu family make that young master with a fan favor him?

This is the biggest puzzle left after Carrot and Lonely Soul made their choices.

"Because...the Lu family is rich?"

Radish didn't drink, but smacked his lips for a long time, and finally came to this conclusion that he couldn't convince himself.

Because the only basis for this conclusion is the well-known fact that the second ancestor of the Lu family spends money like water.

Gu Xinhun asked: "Then where do you think the Lu family's money comes from?"

Luobo became more and more frustrated, and said in a low voice, "Ministry of Rites?"

Gu Xinhun said: "Etiquette, sacrifices, banquets, foreign affairs, and imperial examinations, there is indeed a lot of money to be made in these links, but how is it compared with the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry?"

Luobo shook his head helplessly: "Naturally, it cannot be compared."

Gu Xinhun sighed: "The Ministry of Rites is not a Qingshui yamen. The Lu family wants to please all parties. There is only the principle of collaborating with others. It is absolutely impossible for both sides to be at ease. But in terms of ability to collect money, the Ministry of Rites of the Lu family may not even compare to the officials of the Yu family. , not to mention the Hu family’s household department, and the Wu family’s industry department.”

The deduction has reached a dead end, which is no different from the dilemma encountered by the gang meeting yesterday.

Gu Xinhun didn't let Luobo continue to linger in the dead end of thinking, and continued: "Yesterday, our second conclusion overturned the first conclusion: Ting Yuge's choice of the Lu family has nothing to do with money."

"The deduction so far has almost ended without a problem."

"Fortunately, there are still some clues that let us jump out of the misunderstanding."

"The gang found out the carriage they abandoned after they changed trains."

"The wheels of the carriage are not lightly worn. It's okay to drive slowly, but there will be problems if you drive fast."

"The carriage is very large and strong, and the interior of the carriage is also very delicate. There are dark boxes under the seats to store the daily necessities. There are also a few spaces with traces of food residues. The curtains can be pulled down on the roof to cover it. "

"It can be said that as long as the horse can run and pull well, and the wheels don't wear out for a long time, they can eat, drink and sleep in the carriage all the way without moving to get out of the carriage."

"The strength lies in the fact that the six side panels are made of wood veneer and inlaid with iron. With that thickness, even if the city crossbow is brought in, it can only knock down the carriage and not pierce it."

"They must have prepared several carriages like this along the way, and they must have at least twenty horses of the same quality."

"These preparations can only be arranged by the Lu family when they are in Youjing."

"Then, we came to the third conclusion. Ting Yuge chose the Lu family not only because the Lu family is rich."

"Even if the four families of Hong, Yu, Hu, and Wu are as rich as Hong, Yu, Hu, and Wu, I'm afraid they may not be able to afford these equipment if they work for three or two months."

"It's okay to talk about horses. If you spend more money and use more connections, you can always find a way to bring them back from the north."

"As for those carriages, in terms of craftsmanship alone, it is not difficult to find such skilled craftsmen near Youjing. It only takes a month or so, and it is only enough for them to barely make three or four carriages of the same style. So, it is inevitable It is too late to arrange along the way, and it is absolutely difficult to be silent and unknown.”

"The only explanation is that the Lu family already had these chariots and horses, and they just took them out at the right time."

"We spend more time inquiring about these situations, and we can always get confirmation."

"As for whose idea it is to build such a carriage, there are two possibilities."

"The first possibility is that Tingyu Pavilion and the Lu family in Youjing have long been acquainted, and as early as when Meng and Luo planned to go north, they had already planned related matters in private. It’s a play on the spot to deceive people’s ears.”

"The second possibility is that these novelties have little to do with Tingyu Pavilion, they are purely new works created by the young master of the Lu family, and they are used to help Tingyu Pavilion, which is the Lu family's cooperation and investment in Tingyu Pavilion. "

"Based on the limited information we have, this is the fourth conclusion we can draw."

"The last thing we want is the first possibility to be true, and the consolation is that the second possibility is more likely."

After listening to a series of analysis, Luobo suddenly realized, and couldn't help but feel cold. The situation in Beijing is far more complicated than he imagined. He couldn't make his own judgment on Gu Xinhun's last words, so he could only ask dully: " Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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