The Legend of Swing Sword and Execution of Demons

Chapter 514 The person who repays the kindness

Chapter 514 The person who repays the kindness

Jiangxi Jingfeng Mountain.

Early morning hours.

The sky is still cloudy, and the rain is a little lighter than most days in recent days.

The road outside the house is not only difficult to see, but also muddy and difficult to walk.

It is impossible to herd the sheep, but the shepherd still went out.

The shepherd is going to deliver the goat milk.

This is part of the shepherd's life and the source of income for the shepherd's family.

The shepherd is in his thirties, has a good wife, and has both children.

But as early as 15 years ago, he was just an orphan with nothing to live on.

Like most people who shouldn't have died early, his parents died in the foreign disasters in those years.

He struggled alone for five years, and then chose to leave the village to seek a chance of survival.

A year later, he came back and became the only shepherd near Fengshan.

He began to graze sheep in the Fengshan area every day, and went to the town to order wooden cans that could temporarily store goat milk and be easy to carry and transport, and sold the cans of goat milk to five nearby villages and even the town.

The flock continued to grow, and the shepherd's life became better and better, and he added a wife and child soon after.

Perhaps it is rare for every household in the village to live next to each other, and the so-called neighbors and fellow villagers tend to be indifferent to each other, so when the shepherd is at his worst, few people lend a helping hand to him.

Correspondingly, when the thriving changes took place in the shepherd's home, fortunately, no one else was jealous, and no one was concerned about it. No one even cared about where the shepherd's first few sheep came from.

Therefore, people near Fengshan got used to the existence of shepherds and goat milk naturally.

Many villagers whose families are decent have drank goat milk from the shepherd's house for a long time.

They can drink fresh goat milk almost every day, because the shepherds have been delivering goat milk for more than ten years.

Naturally, the goat milk had to be given away, but there was no need to risk one's life to give it away.

Especially in this strange rainy weather, which is rare in a hundred years, no matter how distant the relationship between the villagers is, no one wants to kill someone because of a pot of goat milk.

But the shepherd still embarked on the journey of delivering goat milk without hesitation.

Even though the shepherd's family members were worried about it, they did not stop him from going out.

Their husband/father said he was paying back.

Yes, pies never fall from the sky for no reason, and the first few sheep that the shepherd brought back were not just extra.

In the year he left the village, he met some people, some good people.

Those good people taught him how to be self-reliant and gifted him some sheep.

Those good people don't ask for anything in return, but he is a man who understands simple truths.

The simple truth is that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring.

Before he returned to the village, he inquired about those good people working in a Jianghu League called Daoyimeng.

Since then, he intends to do everything he can to repay the Daoyimeng who gave him a new life.

The shepherd is still an ordinary person, but with an extra identity, the eyeliner of the Daoyi League.

When delivering goat milk on weekdays, he is responsible for delivering information about the Fengshan area.

As usual, when the weather is different, he does not go out every day to deliver milk.

However, just a few days ago, he received an order to ensure that the information transmission will continue in the near future.

He guessed that there might be a major event near Fengshan, and it was closely related to the affairs of the rivers and lakes.

He understands that at this time, the transmission of information is more critical. If it is only because of the unexpected weather that the transmission of information is delayed and major events are delayed, even if no one blames him, he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

What's more, when he got up to go to the toilet at midnight last night, he heard some strange sounds besides the sound of rain.

At that time, he was thinking in a daze, unable to understand the sound mixed with the sound of falling rain.

When he got up early, he hadn't forgotten about it, and after a little thought, he guessed that it was the sound of knocking on the embankment.

What is the intention of destroying the embankment at night?

Fengshan is a relatively high mountain range in the southern part of the Jiangxi border. There are two villages distributed in the mountain, and each household also builds a house on a high place. Therefore, no matter how heavy the rain is, the river will not be flooded no matter how high the water is.

The dams block the Ganjiang River. Destroying the dams will have little impact on the people living in Fengshan, but it will undoubtedly make the people downstream worse!

That's all the shepherd can think of, and he doesn't need to think too much. All he needs to do is to spread this important message as soon as possible.

That's why he went out in the dark early in the morning.

It's just that the shepherd couldn't expect that from the moment he stepped out of the house, he had already embarked on a journey of no return.

Before he completely lost consciousness, he didn't regret the choice he made, only hated himself for dying in vain and failing to spread the news!



The shepherd is dead.

In the past, people around Fengshan might have been used to not taking him seriously.

Now, his death must be taken seriously.

Sooner or later, the news of the shepherd's death will spread to Fengshan.

But if one day at night, some things are irreversible.

There are five villages near Fengshan, and at least four people are concerned about the safety of the shepherds.

Three of them are his wife and children.

The other is the bean curd Xi Shi in Dingzhai Village outside Fengshan.

Tofu Xi Shiben and the shepherd are from the same village.

In addition, there has been no dirty dealings.

It was just that when the shepherd was starving, the tofu Xishi once handed him steamed buns.

The kindness of a steamed bun was kept in the heart of the shepherd.

Ever since I met Tofu Xishi married to Dingzhai Village by chance, whenever the shepherd went out to deliver goat milk, he would give a can to Tofu Xishi's family.

Coincidentally, Tofu Xishi's family of five also received the favor of Daoyimeng in the early years.

After learning what the shepherd did while delivering goat milk, Tofu Xi Shi also voluntarily became a hidden stake in the Daoyi League.

A few days ago, Tofu Xishi was also ordered to report the news every day.

For this reason, the shepherd made an agreement with Tofu Xishi that the information must be brought before noon every day, and if the time is missed, a warning message will be sent out!

It was noon.

The lunch meal, tofu Xi Shi, was hard to swallow, and the whole family was saddened.

After hastily washing the dishes, Tofu Xishi opened the wooden window facing the mountain road.

Staring worriedly out the window.

The whole family didn't go to take a nap, and quietly accompanied her, waiting for the shepherd to appear.

Half a cup of tea, one cup of tea, one stick of incense, time flows slowly.

Thinking about it, the shepherd is in danger...

Tofu Xi Shi stood up and walked towards the kitchen, as if to pick vegetables.

The house where Tofu Xishi lives is located by the river, with the mountain road in front of the house and the river behind the house.

This stream is a small tributary of the Ganjiang River. The water flow is not large, and there are few boats coming and going, but there are always a few boats going around here from time to time.

Not for anything else, just to see the news from Tofu Xi Shi's family.

In addition to drying clothes, there are also some fruits and vegetables hanging on the drying pole behind Tofu Xishi's house.

If these fruits and vegetables hang evenly, it means that there is nothing wrong with it, and the boats passing by here will not stop.

If these fruits and vegetables are hung unevenly, it means that there is news, and the boatman will buy some tofu from the tofu Xi Shi, and take away the news hidden in the tofu.

If there are only three fruits and vegetables hanging out, and they are arranged in two short and one long, it is a warning sign.

The warning signal is only an interpretation. Tofu Xishi doesn't know the details, but she can be sure that the person who contacted her with news may encounter accidents, so as to warn her.

For more than ten years, Tofu Xishi has never hung three fruits and vegetables outside the back room of her house.

Now she has picked out three eggplants, two short and one long.

Finally, I looked out of the window. Except for the pouring rain, there was still no one on the mountain road.

She sighed and walked to the back of the house.

I was about to open the door, but I was surprised that I couldn't push it!


When she realized that the danger was approaching, a sharp knife had pierced into her heart through the wooden door!

(End of this chapter)

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