Chapter 450

It's the vernal equinox.

The sky in Jiangning County was no longer cloudy and rainy all the time.

There is a small village in the southwest facing the Chrysanthemum Garden. The houses in the village stand in rows along the stream, and the fields are adjacent to the left and right. The wooden archway at the entrance of the village is engraved with the words "Daoxiang Village".

Right now is not the best time for planting, but every field has been overturned soft and flat, and the villagers of Daoxiang Village have already made the best preparations for the new year's cultivation.

Since the squires and bullies in the village were driven out more than five years ago, the villagers have been able to farm for their own prosperity, and they are more motivated and more diligent in joy. As long as they harvest enough, they will have enough surplus To sell it, as long as the quality of the rice is good enough, it can even be sold at a high price in Gusu. If the rain is no longer on this day, the year's work should begin.

After a long period of cloudiness, there will be sunshine. Years of farming experience tell people that the rainy season in the south of the Yangtze River has not passed. Therefore, the villagers of Daoxiang Village are not in a hurry to plant seeds as soon as the sky clears. They will observe the situation in the next two days before making a decision.

People who don't need to sow seeds will naturally not confine themselves at home, but step out of the house to exercise their muscles and bones when the weather is clear and clear.

Daoxiang Village is not an important road for transportation. Before the rice is harvested, there are always few outsiders coming and going. If it weren't for this, the gentry and bullies back then would not have been able to run rampant in the village for decades without much ability.

After the new generation replaced the old one in the big house in the village, although the number of foreign guests coming and going to Daoxiang Village has slightly improved, overall it is still less hustle and bustle and more peaceful.

Tranquil things are always easily broken.

But it is always unbearable to break.

A man and a horse appeared under the archway at the entrance of the village.

Horses are ordinary horses.

People are ordinary people.

But the villagers can still tell at a glance that it is an outsider.

Only a foreigner would rein in his horse and stop when he first arrived, instead of wandering into the village.

Out of curiosity, the villagers unconsciously glanced at the entrance of the village.

The spring is introverted and not bright, but it does not prevent the villagers from seeing that this is a rather handsome person, but the clothes tend to be ordinary, and the overall appearance does not appear to be outstanding.

The distance is a bit far away, so no one can see that the pupils of this person's eyes are slightly dark red at this time. In fact, few people will notice this unless they are very close to him. Not long ago, they were very close to him There is one less person in this world, and one less person in this world who really understands him.

But seeing a knife-like sword hanging from this person's waist, he must be from the Jianghu, since he is from the Jianghu, then it has nothing to do with them.

Out of respect, the villagers looked around for a while, then quickly withdrew their eyes and went back to their own business.

Because he couldn't bear to break the tranquility of the village, the outsider led his horse into the village, and instead of chatting with any of the villagers, he went straight to the only big house in the village.

The house is built with red walls and blue tiles. The gate of the house is tall and spacious. Two stone lions stand on the left and right. It is incompatible with the all wood and stone style buildings in the village. It seems to be a wealthy family above the whole village.

Just looking closely, no matter the red walls and blue tiles, or the two stone lions, there is a five-year-thick layer of dust. Even the door of the house that is often opened and closed can still be seen with light dust attached to it.

Five years is also the length of time for this house to change hands.

The old man from five years ago no longer exists.

The old things from five years ago are still dusty.

So who has lived in it for the past five years?

The visitor tied the horse to a tree at the gate of the house at random, looked up to the gate of the house, and there was a plaque hanging there.

The plaque is very clean, and it is incompatible with the things at the door, and there are three words "Tingyu Pavilion" in the inscription.

Five years ago, those lucky enough to survive in the Shifu traveled thousands of miles to Jiangning County to seek the protection of the Daoyi League, and chose a place in Jiangning to recuperate.

In the past five years, the house in Daoxiang Village has been repeatedly built and expanded. The population in the house has grown from a mere dozen to more than [-] people, but it has never disturbed the tranquility of the village.

However, it was just such a Qingning house that disturbed the situation in the entire Jianghu in just three or two years.

Because of this, people often approach this house like ghosts in order to find out.

And today, some people came here dignifiedly, wanting to seek some answers from the house.

Today the outside of the house is clean and serene.

The visitor went up the steps, knocked on the door of the house, solemnly handed over the greeting card he took out from his arms, and said: "Xiaoyuemeng Moshang, please see me."

The door of the house is lightly closed.

Mo Shang waited quietly.

Not long after, the door of the house opened again, and a middle-aged man with gray temples walked out.

The middle-aged man saluted Mo Shang very politely, and said: "Master Mo Tan came to visit in person, my pavilion was supposed to welcome the honored guests, but when he came back from Pinghai, it rained heavily, and the owner of the pavilion was weak and could not withstand the wind and cold. Follow the doctor's advice to stay in bed and recuperate, it is inconvenient to see guests, I hope Master Mo Tan and Guimeng will forgive me, and when the Pavilion Master recovers from illness, he will definitely come to the door to complain."

A sneer flashed across Mo Shang's eyes when he heard the words, he frowned and said in concern: "Elder Shi is serious, so don't be in a hurry to ask Mo to leave. The owner of the pavilion is a daughter, and he must have been frightened and troubled by running around here. The leader feels the same, so Tuo Momou brought the good medicine of the alliance to dispel the cold and refresh the mind - the tears of the moon wolf, not to mention the medicine for the pavilion master's illness, it will be of great benefit, so it doesn't matter if Momou stays in the pavilion for a few days. "

The middle-aged man is naturally the steward Xiaoshi of the Shifu back then, and the oldest elder in Tingyu Pavilion, Shi Zhonghuo.

The acting leader in Mo Shang's words was Poppy, who had only recently been rumored to be the acting leader of the Xiaoyue League.

While speaking, Mo Shang took out another emerald medicine bottle from his bosom, and handed it to Shi Zhonghuo respectfully.

Shi Zhonghuo took the medicine bottle, slightly cupped his hands as a thank you, with a gentle expression on his face, but bitterness in his heart.

The fact that Meng Chaoge felt the wind and cold is purely an excuse, it is not true, how can Poppy be so predictable, who knows that Mo Shang is carrying the good medicine from the Xiaoyue League with him, and now he has to take it if he doesn't take it. How can medicine keep people away?

Shi Zhonghuo hadn't decided what to say next, only to hear Mo Shang say again: "Mo Mou is here to visit the Tingyu Pavilion, it doesn't matter if the Pavilion Master is ill and unable to meet Mo Mou, if you want to come to Deputy Pavilion Master Luo It can also answer the questions in Mo Moumou's mind, Mo Moumou sincerely invites you to see me."

After being linked with two armies, Shi Zhonghuo remembered that it was indeed not stated in the greeting card that he was only here to pay a visit to the pavilion master, and thought: How can these people come for Xiaomeng, they are just staring at you, Aluo.Alas, I am usually cautious in my words and deeds, how can I be so negligent today, teaching people to take advantage of it, is it true that I am really old?

Shi Zhonghuo's mouth was slightly astringent, and he didn't know how to reason, so he shook his head with a wry smile.

When Mo Shang saw this, he couldn't read the true meaning of Shi Zhonghuo's smile for a moment, he only thought that the other party's false refusals were all dismissed by him one by one, but he still didn't intend to let him in, it really makes no sense, so he said: "Elder Shi, what is the meaning of this? Could it be that even Deputy Pavilion Master Luo also suffered from the cold and was bedridden, so he should not see guests?"

Shi Zhonghuo smiled when he heard the words, and said: "The deputy pavilion master has no martial arts skills, and his body is thinner than that of a girl, so why is it so strange that he also suffered from the wind and cold?"

Mo Shang was stunned, he didn't expect that Shi Zhonghuo would follow his plan at all, and he panicked again based on his own words, so shameless, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, just about to get angry, but he heard Shi Zhonghuo say first: "Master Mo Tan Do you want to see the Pavilion Master or the Deputy Pavilion Master?"

Mo Shang reacted very quickly, and calmly replied: "It should be the first to visit the pavilion master, but if the pavilion master is inconvenient, we should first visit the deputy pavilion master."

Shi Zhonghuo said: "Is it really necessary to see?"

Mo Shang said: "I have to see it."

Shi Zhonghuo said: "Follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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