The Legend of Swing Sword and Execution of Demons

Chapter 445 The beginning of treatment

Chapter 445 The beginning of treatment

People in the world can't reach the sky and enter the earth, so they don't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is.

People in the world don't see those who fell off the Yin-Yang Bridge and survived and reappeared in the world, so they don't know that there are thousands of feet deep under the Yin-Yang Bridge, and there are streams and valleys deep in the thousand feet.

The stream has no name, and the valley has no name. Leng Mei called the valley the Yin-Yang Valley in the name of the Yin-Yang Bridge.

In the past year and a half, Leng Mei has set foot in more than a hundred miles, blocked in front of cliffs, trapped in bamboo forests, has no way out of the valley, and has never seen a second living person.

From Leng Mei’s point of view, the Yinyang Valley is as big as Baihuayu. She even suspects that the Baihuayu that the world sees is just the side of Yinyanggu willing to show the world. The most real world of Baihuayu is under the bridge, separated by the Yinyang Bridge. It's not life and death, but two worlds, one is Baihua Island bordering on the world, and the other is the Valley of Yin and Yang isolated from the world.

Being isolated from the world must be different.

In the Valley of Yin and Yang, there are only two seasons, spring and summer, not autumn and winter. The grass and trees sprout new branches before they wither, and the flowers add new buds without withering.

At present, the scenery of early spring is still on the bridge, and there are already lotus leaves reaching the sky under the bridge.

In one side of the green pond, hundreds of red lotuses are reflected in the sun, which is very beautiful. Although a few green lotus like bamboo are also in full bloom, they are inconspicuous mixed among the green lotus leaves.

But this inconspicuous Qinglian is where Jiang Yichen's hope lies.

The poison that blinded Jiang Yichen was blinding sand. The blinding sand is actually a poisonous worm. The poisonous worm is so tiny that it is difficult to see it with the naked eye. It lives on colloidal substances. Its life cycle is only ten days, but it can Multiplied tens of millions of times in a short period of time, thousands of Gu worms gathered in groups like flowing black sand.

The essence of the human eye is colloid, which is what the blinding sand Gu worms like to eat, so once it attaches to it, the Gu worms will proliferate on the surface of the eyeball.

In the initial stage, the Gu worms are active on the outermost layer of the eyeballs. As the Gu worms continue to reproduce, the number becomes hundreds, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, and the entire eyeball is covered by black Gu worms like dark clouds covering the sun. Covered by swarms of insects, it no longer shines.

Until there is no room for reproduction left on the surface of the eyeballs, the Gu insect swarm will stop attacking and fall into a dormant period.

This period of dormancy lasts about eight or nine days. Most of the Gu worms are about to die, waiting for death to come, while a small number of Gu worms born later have not had a full meal and have not reproduced enough offspring. New food sources will be developed.

The outermost layer of the eyeball has been fully occupied, so the new food source comes from the innermost layer of the outermost layer.

In the new stage, the reproduction speed of Gu worms is slightly slower, and the birth of each new batch of Gu worms will be accompanied by the death of some old Gu worms, until the eyeballs in the deeper layer are wrapped again by new Gu worm swarms, and the Gu worms swarm Reproduction will stagnate and enter a new round of dormancy.

The size of the eyeball is always limited, and the number of Gu insect swarms decreases from generation to generation, but the generation after generation of Gu insect swarms will eventually eat up the entire eyeball.

Compared with blindness, endless torture is the cruelest and most vicious curse that the Nai tribe has imposed on the Baili tribe.

A single Gu insect bites on the eyeball or does not feel it at all, ten Gu insects eat to feel like a mosquito bite, but the Gu insects multiply quickly, and it will not take long for people to experience what it is like a needle piercing the eye!

When the Gu insects sprint towards the last pure land on the surface of the eyeball, the pain is like thousands of silver needles piercing the flesh, all gathered in the eyes. This kind of pain does not flow on the surface of the body, but goes deep and directly The nerves in the brain, the place where the pain is most sensitive, make people feel so much pain that they would rather die than live!

It is not easy for those who can survive such pain once, not to mention that most people can't bear such pain at all, and many of them just lose consciousness during the process.

And if you have to suffer such severe pain every less than ten days, no matter how tough your heart is, it will be difficult to resist the double torture from the body and the spirit.

In the past, among the Baili tribe who were poisoned by the blinding sand, there were very few people who survived until their eyeballs were swallowed up by Gu insects.

At that time, the reason why many martial arts masters and genius doctors were helpless at that time was because Gu worms, apart from feeding on eyeballs, also had a strong survivability, which could not be washed away with ordinary medicine, and could not be washed away with ordinary medicine. Forced out with a strong skill, only by wiping with external force can some of it be removed, but this will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and the vacant parts will be occupied by the rapidly multiplying Gu insects in a short time, which is just adding to the pain.

But just like what happened a hundred years ago, the story told by Leng Mei, there is no limit to the road, and everything will always fall.

Gu worms live on colloidal things, so they can lure them out with colloids that are more delicious than eyeballs, and then kill them!

The green lotus that comes out of silt but not stained, sliced ​​petals and boiled in water has the effect of detoxifying and improving eyesight. Decoction of lotus seeds is beneficial to the spleen and stomach, nourishing the heart and calming the nerves. If the petals and lotus seeds are mixed together and boiled over a slow fire for half a day, crystalline colloids will form.

This crystalline colloid has no actual medicinal value, but as long as this colloid becomes "incomparably delicious", it is a good medicine for treating obscuring sand.

In the old prescription, this crystalline colloid was stewed with more than a dozen kinds of herbs for several hours. After cooling, the crystalline colloid was crystal clear. Compared with eyeballs, it is naturally very different, but in the eyes of Gu insects, it is a delicacy. tonic.

As long as the crystal gel is applied to the eyes, and the gel is slowly absorbed by the eyes, the gel will become a new food source for the Gu worms and stop further damage to the eyeballs.Once the Gu insects swallow these "delicious delicacies" into their stomachs, that is when they die, the delicacies and the poison are essentially one!

After the Gu worms are completely wiped out from the surface of the eyeball, applying new clean gel will replenish the depleted lens of the eyeball, and as time goes by, the gel will be melted by the eyeball.

Therefore, the amount of colloid used in the repair stage is very particular. If it is too small, it will affect the distance of vision in the future, and if it is too large, it will cause long-term swelling and pain in the eye socket. Only the right amount can restore the eyes of the poisoned person to the original state.

On the day of falling from the bridge, the blinding sand had completely eroded Jiang Yichen's eyes, and during the five-day coma, he was in the first dormant period of the Gu insect swarm, so he could recover as soon as possible by applying the colloid of green lotus and medicine as soon as possible at this time.

Leng Mei couldn't recall all the contents of the prescription that she saw many years ago, but only remembered the specific description of the final colloid in that prescription, and she used this to judge the success or failure of the results of her repeated attempts at dispensing. .

Finally, after she tried more than [-] times, that is, the day after Jiang Yichen woke up, she determined the colloid prescription with [-]% certainty, and then started to apply medicine to Jiang Yichen's eyes the next day.

Maybe the swarm of Gu insects is in a dormant period, maybe the green lotus colloid formulated by Leng Mei has limited efficacy, and maybe Jiang Yichen's perception of the eyes is too numb. All in all, during this day, Leng Mei changed the medicine for Jiang Yichen three times However, Jiang Yichen didn't feel any abnormality in his eyes, so he couldn't report to Leng Mei whether he had improved or not.

On the seventh and eighth days after that, that is, the third and fourth days after Jiang Yichen woke up, Jiang Yichen couldn't help tensing up, waiting for the severe pain brought by the Gu insect swarm after the first dormant period.

Unexpectedly, the swarm of Gu worms made Jiang Yichen spend two days in a state of uneasiness, and stayed dormant for nine full days before erupting completely!



The pain came at dawn.

Last time, Jiang Yichen was unconscious when he fell from the bridge, so he escaped the pain.

This time, Jiang Yichen received the baptism when he was most sober.

After experiencing the pain of Wandu Tomb, the sharp pain of thousands of needles certainly failed to break Jiang Yichen's mental defense line, but it does not mean that his physical strength and nerve strength can completely ignore the strong stimulation brought by those pains.

Although he didn't say a word, the pain forced out layer after layer of sweat, which soaked his clothes early.

The severe pain lasted for a full two hours, so that Leng Mei, who had originally made up her mind to wait and see what happened, felt something was wrong, thinking about what was wrong with the medicine, but she didn't dare to act blindly.

In the end, although Jiang Yichen resisted the pain, he fell asleep due to exhaustion.

Seeing Jiang Yichen who was deeply asleep, Leng Mei couldn't help recalling the past that he had told herself in the past few days, two emotions flashed in his eyes, one was understanding and the other was admiration.

Leng Mei admires Jiang Yichen, because she doesn't think she can make a better choice in a short period of time among those things he has experienced.

Leng Mei understands Jiang Yichen very well, and feels that they are basically the same kind of people outside the Yin Yang Valley, and those close to them treat them very well, but this world is doomed not to allow them and their relatives to spend the rest of their lives in peace, so they gradually find themselves in other people's homes. Looking forward, with my own efforts, I became a chess piece of sufficient weight.

But a chess piece is a chess piece after all, and to put it bluntly, it is just an emotional object. People close to them will be angry and sad because of the loss of their chess pieces, but they will not stop moving forward for them after all.

And when two temporarily abandoned and forgotten chess pieces met unexpectedly, there was no reason to feel a sense of sympathy for each other. Based on this, she decided to help him!

After being dazed for a long while, Leng Mei took off the lotus leaves that were tied around Jiang Yichen's eyes, turned over the side coated with Qinglian colloid, observed intently for a while, but found nothing, and followed the brighter sunlight that had already hidden by the window and door. , slowly paced out of the house.

She knew where the problem was, and knew better that she couldn't solve that problem exactly.

After all, no one can guarantee that the article that was casually glanced at out of curiosity a few years ago will be recorded verbatim until now.

She frowned, and looked at the lotus leaf in her hand again with some distress.

I saw the viscous gel that was still crystal clear like dewdrops last night was reflecting the sunlight at this moment, and it was extremely dazzling.

Although the glare was dazzling, under sufficient light, Leng Mei finally saw a thin line of black spots floating between the texture of the lotus leaf that had been cleaned up!

Leng Mei's heart moved, she carefully picked up the lotus leaf and brought it closer to her eyes, she looked more carefully, and after confirming again and again that the thin lines formed by the black spots were not dirt and impurities, but like dots of finely divided black sand, she couldn't help loosening her eyes. Take a breath.

(End of this chapter)

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