The Legend of Swing Sword and Execution of Demons

Chapter 411 The Disappearing Sword

Chapter 411 The Disappearing Sword

To the vast majority of people in Jianghu, it is an honor to be undefeated.

Some people can't ask for it, but some people can't avoid it.

Mo Bo was the one to avoid.

He is free and easy by nature, likes to drink and talk, and doesn't like to chase fame and fortune, but this glory has brought him endless troubles.

For more than ten years since he defeated the three heroes of Kongtong in his weak crown and fought fiercely with Wu Liao, the number one young talent in Tulong Pavilion for half an hour, there has been an endless stream of people who come to Mobo to compete for the top.

At the beginning, Mo Bo was still able to treat each other with courtesy and accept the challenge.

Within three or two months, Mo Bo was embarrassed and avoided seeing him repeatedly with excuses, resulting in his reputation being lost in the following year or two.

Later, people from all walks of life still came to challenge him from time to time, and Mo Bo no longer shied away blindly, but chose the strong one to fight every month.

Among the challengers, there are many powerful people such as Mogong Zhantian, Zangfengge Yu Le, and even Qingtian's deputy head Hao Zhan. Although they were not defeated by Mo Po's sword, they had no choice but to shake hands and make peace with Mo Po. Therefore, although Mobo was not invincible, he was truly undefeated.

Mobo never takes the initiative to attack, and no one can break through his unique method of "Mo Gong". There are more and more people who come to drunk girls to drink, but there are fewer and fewer people who challenge Mobo.

Undefeated, this is true for Jianghu people, but it is completely different for professional killers.

Once a professional assassin suffers a defeat, it means that he has missed his hand, and a missed hand to a large extent means death.

The mission list of the Golden Soul Killer is all top-notch masters in the Jianghu. The Soul Search Hall will never expose the mission objectives of the employer, but the mission completion records are spread like wildfire in the Jianghu. As for the missed killers, they all hold important positions in the hall, namely the hall master Jing Shiyi and the four guardians.

Wen Buyu was able to join it at a young age, partly due to the fact that he did not have many tasks, but it cannot be denied that there were indeed several top masters who became the souls of his sword.

Old and hot as Mu Feng had obviously stumbled before, so he was not among the five.

Before the Hall of Searching Souls was included in the Universal Alliance, the killers in the hall were basically unknown people, but in this period of "nameless and nameless" years, Dong Qing, who was stronger than Mu Feng and older than Wen Buyu, was obviously the best. The backbone of Soul Search Hall, he may not be the strongest among the six people on this trip, but he will be the most stable one among the six!

Dongqing finally stopped.

Finally, it was no longer Mo Bo's one-man show.

Jiang Yichen was also able to see Dong Qing's appearance clearly.

This is a man who is extremely strict with himself. He is dressed in a navy blue suit, the cuffs of his hands and feet are tied tightly, and he is holding a short black dagger less than a foot long in both hands. A friendly face.

A dress is not sloppy, easy to change, and will not be a hindrance to his actions at any time.

After a fierce attack to no avail, he was still calm and calm like water. This person has the heart of a killer, and even more so, the heart of a strong man.

I saw Dongqing raised the back of her hand and wiped her chin lightly. The previous attack was so violent that she couldn't help but shed some sweat.

He dragged his chin, as if he was thinking about a strategy to defeat the enemy.

"Brother Jiang, can you solve this situation?" Ye Lingfeng asked lazily in Jiang Yichen's ear.


Jiang Yichen replied almost without thinking, he had already thought about how to deal with Mo Bo, the incarnation of ink and wash.

The opening of the ink-and-wash incarnation and the eight-door dunjia are similar in terms of shape-shifting and position-changing. Just imagine that if you can release and open the door at will without interruption, it means that you can change shape and position as you wish without interruption. No matter how fast the opponent makes a move , can be avoided in the first time, no matter how powerful it is, it is useless.

To hurt Mobo, at least two conditions must be met.

One is to be able to limit Mobo's movement within a radius of one zhang, and the other is to make moves that are powerful enough to cover the area within a radius of one zhang.

Without one of the two, it is difficult to break the mystery of "Mo Gong".

Jiang Yichen thinks he can't do anything, and so far, no one seems to be able to do it.

The Crying Lady smiled and said, "Among the few of us, maybe the old ghost has a way to break this "Mo Gong"."

It was also rare for You Gui to see any interest, and said: "If there is a chance, I will give it a try."

Jiang Yichen was taken aback when he heard the words, for he had missed the secret technique that ghosts also have incarnations outside the body.

One-on-two is not enough, two-on-two, Mo Bo's advantage of changing his body in an instant is gone!

But, does Dongqing have the method of incarnation outside her body?

Ye Lingfeng said again: "At present, it seems that Wen Buyu is indeed a fearsome young man, if he comes to deal with Mo Po, what will happen?"

You Gui snorted softly, and said: "If it's just a contest, Wen Buyu can easily take down Dongqing, but if it's a life-and-death fight, Dongqing must be the one who survives in the end."

Nightmare also expressed his own opinion: "Wen Buyu won't just sit still like Dong Qing to pass the time, he will definitely be constantly attacking, waiting for Mo Po to make mistakes, reveal flaws, or find out the "Mo Bo" "Attack" the loopholes, and then crack."

Nightmare changed the subject, and said again: "Of course, before that, he probably exhausted himself to death first."

The Crying Lady chuckled, apparently not expecting Nightmare to make fun of it.

Ye Lingfeng said: "I don't know what kind of trick Dongqing will have."

The sky was gloomy, but Dong Qing's eyes were as bright as jewels, obviously she had a plan in mind.

Dongqing once again disappeared from people's sight.

The heroes could only focus on Mo Po and that ink figure.

But after a long while, Mobo and Ink Avatar were not attacked any more.

Just as everyone was looking at each other with doubts in their eyes, someone suddenly shouted, "Look!"

"That is……"

"Poison fog!"

With the sound of the last sound, the group of heroes really saw a layer of dark green turbid mist that was almost knee-high in a radius of one zhang with Mobo standing as the center.

Under the dark green turbid air, the flowers and plants quickly withered, turned yellow, lost their vitality, and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This scene seemed familiar to Jiang Yichen, the poison was somewhat similar to Wang Zhizhi's Life Extinguisher, but the poison was obviously less effective.

If Mo Bo stepped into the poison formation, he would be fine for a while, but if he delayed a little, his legs and meridians would be attacked by the poisonous gas, and no matter how difficult he was to move freely, more flaws would be exposed.

"Using the poison array to limit Mobo's movement range is a good strategy, and the poison array's casting speed and range are also controlled to the extreme." Jiang Yichen sighed secretly.

Ye Lingfeng wondered, "Why didn't Mo Po run away? Didn't he notice it beforehand?"

The crying lady said: "No, no, due to the limitation of the venue, Mobo will eventually have an inevitable time to avoid it. Instead of this, it is better to wait for work with ease. Even if Dongqing's "Bi Chan Gong" has been practiced to perfection, it can be arranged like this The large-scale poison formation is not a small consumption for him, and when the victory is determined by one move, Mo Bo will have more chances of winning."

Ye Lingfeng said: "So, Mo Bo must win."

The crying lady said: "I only know that the drunk beauty must win."

During the analysis of Crying Lady, the situation on the field has changed, and Mo Bo and Dong Qing once again fought hand to hand.

Dong Qing still disappeared without a trace, while Mo Bo and his ink and wash avatar kept changing places.

But no matter how he changes his position, he can't get out of that one zhang radius.

As the poison formation eroded in, the area where Mo Bo could settle was also continuously compressed.

In a short while, Mo Bo and Ink Avatar could only stand within a three-foot radius, while Dong Qing could move freely inside and outside the poison formation.

Seeing the poison formation encroaching on the only remaining foothold, Mo Bo and the ink and wash avatars were encouraged by the wind in their clothes, with awe-inspiring sword spirit, and stood ready for battle.

The heroes knew that the outcome was about to be announced, so they couldn't help but wait with bated breath.


No one can see the impact between the flashes and the flashes carefully, and the sound is heard again, and it is the end of the curtain.

That was the sound of two daggers falling to the ground at the same time.

Dong Qing's dagger fell to the ground.

Could it be that Dongqing lost?

Mo Bo's ink figure has disappeared, and the sword in his hand...

Mo Bo didn't have a sword in his hand!

Where is the sword?

"The sword is in Dongqing's mouth!" someone shouted, with shock in his tone.

(End of this chapter)

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