Chapter 367

The hall was eerily quiet.

Ci Feng's stories were so rare that everyone listened to them with fascination.

Although Ci Feng was speaking plainly, it did not prevent everyone from hearing the pain in his heart. One could imagine that the tsunami was a nightmare of his life.

But not many of you here have seen strong winds and waves, let alone a tsunami.

Without a similar experience, it's hard to empathize with him, but before they knew it, the anger in their eyes looking at Ci Feng had become less angry and more compassionate.

Perhaps only when faced with force majeure like nature can people's hearts break down barriers and approach each other.

Ci Feng paused for a while, calmed down, and continued.

"When I woke up, I was rescued by the Red Clothes Teacher.

They said they found me on the reef and no one else.

After learning about my situation, the Red Clothes teacher called me the lucky one and brought me to Zhongzhou.

They gave me a job on the docks so I could fend for myself.

But it was too close to the sea, and I could hear and see the ebb and flow of the tide every day, which reminded me of the tsunami.

During that time, I couldn't eat and I couldn't sleep well.

In the end, I chose to leave and go deeper into Zhongzhou.

Help my mother take a look, take a look, this piece of land she yearns for.

During this journey, I discovered that Zhongzhou is not necessarily rich.

It's just that the people here are even more unyielding, and they will try their best to adapt to the environment with their own hands and wisdom.

If the land is too damp, build houses on stilts.

If it rains cats and dogs all year round, use the roof as a slope.

I still haven't figured out how to prevent the tsunami and solve the farming problem in my hometown.

But at least I understand that we can rely on weaving, relying on the kang head to survive the severe winter.

So, I also know that only my hometown is the most beautiful forever.

It's a pity that I didn't have a chance to see it again. "

Speaking of this, there was a moment of regret in Ci Feng's eyebrows, but it was soon filled with hope and joy.

"Maybe I'm really the lucky one among all the misfortunes.

It was at that time that I met General Shi.

He made me feel that the sons and daughters of the world are at home.

It was very comfortable to talk to him, and it was very easy to get along with him. I, who was helpless and without any fetters, identified this person at that time and decided to follow him forever.

Joining the barracks was aimed at him.

Fortunately, General Shi also treated me differently.

Not only did he take me under his command, but he also regarded me as his own.

I also found a real sense of home.

Later, it was the event that Dongpu teamed up with Wala and several small states to invade Zhongzhou..."

Ci Feng didn't continue talking, because Luo Piaoling knew what happened next.

Xue Qinghuan straightened her mind and asked, "In other words, General Shi knows that you are from Dongying?"

Ci Feng said: "I know. When we first met, I was catching a fish from the stream, and I was going to slice it and eat it raw. The general is well-versed and knew that this way of eating has been eliminated in Zhongzhou for a long time, so he asked me in private. .”

Xue Qinghuan glanced at Luo Piaoling, and said in her heart: "Among the survivors in Shifu today, Ci Feng is indeed older. It's understandable that Luo Piaoling and the younger generation don't know about Ci Feng's past."

As if knowing that everyone would speculate, Ci Feng added: "But in the Shifu, only General Shi knows my identity."

Xue Qinghuan said: "General Shi also deliberately concealed it for you?"

Ci Feng nodded and said: "At the beginning of the war, General Shi talked to me and asked me to avoid this battle, but I showed my attitude and was willing to fight for Zhongzhou to resist foreign aggression, even if the enemy came from my hometown. He hesitated, but finally let me participate in that battle. After more than three years of war and turmoil, the hatred value of the Dongying people in the Zhongzhou region has reached an unprecedented peak. General Shi is worried that if my identity as a Dongying person is known, Firstly, it is difficult to establish a prestige in the army, and secondly, I am afraid of my life, so I decided to help me keep this secret forever."

Xue Qinghuan sighed and said, "General Shi has not broken his promise."

Ci Feng raised his head slightly and looked at the lights on a high place. The lights were tall and bright, just like the most important guide in his life, burning himself and illuminating others.

He solemnly said: "No, the general has treated me with kindness and rebirth, and he is my Cifeng's reborn parents!"

Yu Le suddenly said, "The Red Clothes Sect didn't reveal your identity."

Ci Feng smiled wryly: "After all, I'm just a small person, they won't put their minds on me."

Yu Le said: "No, no, as long as they know about it, you are still valuable."

Ci Feng was silent, but it was acquiescence.

Yu Le immediately said: "The Red Clothes Sect also has kindness to you."

Ci Feng said: "Thanks for saving my life."

Yu Ledao: "So, when the Red Clothes Teacher finds you, you will also repay the favor?"

Ci Feng said: "Yes."

At this time, everyone understood the general situation of the betrayal, but they didn't know how to judge Ci Feng's actions.

Some people may think that the details behind are not important, but some people must ask clearly.

Xue Qinghuan said: "It was also the Red Clothes Sect who came to you this time?"

"Yes." Ci Feng put on a smile, looked at Ruan Gu and Wei Wei, and continued, "I thought that taking them to avoid crowded places and take small paths would not only relax my mind, but also be safer. Not long after Jiangning County, he was targeted."

Xue Qinghuan said: "What does the Red Clothes Sect want you to do?"

Ci Feng said: "Do business deals."

Xue Qinghuan said: "What deal?"

Ci Feng said: "What we are doing, we will also send them a message. If there is any trace of the deputy pavilion master, let them know in time."

Xue Qinghuan knew that what Ci Feng said was related to Ting Yu Pavilion, so she didn't intend to ask in detail, and said, "What benefits do they promise you?"

Ci Feng said: "During the journey, don't attack Xiao Wei and Xiao Ruan."

Xue Qinghuan was speechless for a while, and then said: "This is a threat!"

Ci Feng said: "But I can only agree."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words. People in the rivers and lakes can't help themselves. That's the case. When the people close to them are threatened, as long as they are not heartless and unjust, they have no other choice.

This time, Ruan Gu failed to hold back the tears in his eyes, and lost his clothes with tears.

He also understood why Ci Feng apologized to them, but could Ci Feng be blamed?

Xue Qinghuan said: "However, the clues Brother Ci gave to the Red Clothes Sect seem to be extremely limited, especially regarding the matter of Xunfenggu."

Ci Feng said: "After all, they were already beside the Deputy Pavilion Master at that time, and the information was a little simpler, so they could understand the difficulties."

Xue Qinghuan said: "Even if they are really attracted, you must have other plans, right?"

Ci Feng cast a grateful look at Xue Qinghuan, and said, "At least, I won't let anyone fall before me."

Yu Le chuckled and said: "It's a pity that those idiots from Hongyi Sect didn't follow, it was indeed us who followed."

Ci Feng said: "At least everyone is safe and sound until now."

Yu Ledao: "That's not bad, but I'm still wondering, why do you still follow the plan when you know that the black charcoal strip is a plan?"

Ci Feng said: "Little Luo, he is indeed very smart, but I have seen him growing up since he was a child, so I can naturally guess some of his thoughts. I understand that he wants to use this to prove that there are no ghosts among us, and blame all these Yu Er and others spread rumors, but I can no longer deceive myself."


It's been a long time since I heard this address, Luo Piaoling, and it still sounds so kind, but it's so far away, maybe I won't be able to hear it again in the future.

Luo Piaoling no longer poured wine, his eyes were red, staring at Ci Feng.

Ci Feng also looked back at him.

The strength of alcohol did not disturb Luo Piaoling's judgment, on the contrary, the pain originating in his mind made him more sober.

He could easily see the blessings in those eyes, he never thought that Ci Feng had already made a choice, and now, there was only one last question left in his mind.

Luo Piaoling said, "I have one last question."

Ci Feng seemed to be waiting for Luo Piaoling to speak, and he replied: "Say it."

Luo Piaoling said: "Did the Red Clothes Sect find you before that night in Shifu?"

"Yes." Ci Feng said frankly, he naturally knew that the night Luo Piaoling was referring to was the night when Shifu was attacked, and he continued to explain, "It's just that it happened two years ago, during those two years, they I came to see me twice, but I refused their invitation on the grounds that I was the owner of each. Maybe at that time, apart from my identity as a Japanese, they could no longer hold any of my lifelines, so they were useless. No idea, Later, they will join forces with other gangs to attack Shifu."

Seeing that Luo Piaoling did not respond, Ci Feng said again: "Xiao Luo, this may be the last time I will call you Xiao Luo. Do you believe me or not?"

Luo Piaoling slowly closed his eyes and said, "Believe me!"

Ci Feng laughed, very stiffly.

He seems to have returned to more than 20 years ago. At that time, he was at a loss for four or five children, and could only laugh awkwardly and stiffly.

After getting acquainted with these children gradually, he discovered their cuteness, and gradually took care of them as his own children.

Xue Qinghuan said: "Even if the truth is so, it can be summed up in four words 'excusable'. I think Mr. Luo has no intention of pursuing it. Doesn't Brother Ci plan to turn around?"

Ci Feng shook his head with a smile, and said: "I can't go back, I have committed a lot of crimes along the way."

Xue Qinghuan was stunned for a moment before she could sense the meaning in Ci Feng's words. She thought that there were quite a few requests made along the way to the Red Clothes Teaching.

Yu Le smiled and said: "It seems that Brother Ci Feng has no intention of surviving? I am curious, what kind of death method have you prepared for yourself?"

Ci Feng smiled back, and said: "I have repaid the kindness of the Red Clothes Sect. I still owe a little to the Shifu. Mr. Yu has repeatedly provoked our Deputy Pavilion Master, and the Deputy Pavilion Master did not care about it a lot, but I don't intend to let you go!"

Yu Le smiled even more happily, and said: "Hey, I don't intend to leave this Liuhe Building tonight, brother Cifeng is going to do something here?"

Ci Feng said: "I heard that Mr. Yu's skills have improved in recent years, and this Liuhe Building is also Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, just let me try it out!"

(End of this chapter)

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