Chapter 333 In broad daylight

The morning light shone on the ground, still mild.

It's just that the thin young man just now disappeared from the spot.

Within a moment, Jiang Yichen had already jumped half a mile away.

But he is still speeding up, the frequency of his feet is getting faster and faster, and the distance between steps is gradually increasing.

Every time it hits the ground, it seems like a dragonfly touches the water. It seems easy to do it overnight on the flowers, plants and rocks.

But in fact, each step must fully mobilize every muscle in the whole body, so that each movement can be smoothly connected, stretched and coordinated.

To be able to do this, Qinggong is definitely not bad.

On this basis, to achieve faster and faster, it is related to the explosive power of instant acceleration and the endurance of maintaining stability.

Jiang Yichen couldn't practice internal strength at all, so if he wanted not to fall behind others, he naturally had to work hard on his explosive power in order to win the battle quickly.

Therefore, under long-term painstaking practice, explosive power has become Jiang Yichen's strong point.

The internal energy of the water system strengthens the kidneys, replenishes the sea of ​​Qi, and the internal energy of the wood system warms and nourishes the liver, expands and dredges the meridians. After operation, the internal energy is endless.

The two internal skills, the former nourishes qi and the latter anger, which greatly made up for Jiang Yichen's original defect of being unable to fight for a long time due to tuberculosis.

With both explosive power and endurance, the level of light work can be improved to a higher level.

Flying among thousands of flowers without a single leaf touching his body, that kind of lightness kung fu state that is freehand and freehand is by no means achieved overnight. After years of practice, Jiang Yichenfang has reached the current level.

In terms of lightness kung fu alone, he is enough to rank among the top masters in the world.

But with his lightness kung fu and body skills, he still couldn't catch up with the woman in front, which shows that the woman is not easy to be with.

After running for about three miles, through dense forests, Jiang Yichen finally got a lot closer to the woman.

It wasn't that he caught up with the woman, but that the woman slowed down until she stopped.

He just didn't lose track.

The vegetation in the dark forest is thick and dense, and it is not difficult to find shelter.

Jiang Yichen had already gone into hiding.

He and the woman are ten feet away, such a distance, coupled with the lack of light, even if the opponent has keen insight, it is not easy to find her whereabouts.

The woman seems to have come to a fault in the dense forest.

Ahead rose two small hills.

The small hills have smooth and steep walls, and it takes a lot of effort to climb them.

Between the two hills is a long and narrow passage.

The narrowness is only compared to the dense forest. After all, the woman stands in the center of the passage, and her left and right shoulders are still three to two feet away from the mountain wall.

Upon closer inspection, the floor of the passageway is covered with rubble, and the man-made traces cannot be more obvious.

In the dense forest, the morning light burst into a smile on the ground, and stopped abruptly when it reached the passage, as if it was strangled by the throat.

Gusts of sinister wind blowing through the stone path, can't help but make one's hair stand on end, as if warning the visitor to stop here, one step further, will make people regret for life!

Where does the narrow stone path lead to?And what is she here for?

Before Jiang Yichen could think about it, the woman had already stepped forward.

Only then did Jiang Yichen turn his gaze to the woman.

The woman was wrapped in black, completely immersing herself in the darkness.

If it weren't for the fact that Chen Guang came to the Gloomy Forest today, it would be really hard to find his trace.

The woman's footsteps are not fast, and she seems to be very clear about what kind of situation she will face next.

Just as the slender waist and slender legs were about to be swallowed by the darkness of the narrow stone path, a sudden change occurred.

In the narrow stone path, more than ten people suddenly appeared like ghosts.

There were eighteen people in black robes, not only Jiang Yichen couldn't see their makeup clearly, but even the woman in black who was among them had no time to distinguish the faces of each of them.

Perhaps this is not important, because they are evil spirits from the eighteen hells.

Evil ghosts don't need to have faces, let alone makeup, as long as they can prey on the souls of living beings, that's enough.

And at this moment, isn't there a fresh life waiting for them to enjoy?

The clanging and clanging sounds continued to echo, mixed with various strange and piercing roars, like the howling of a ghost, and there was a gloomy murderous aura that entered the heart from the ears, which made people shudder.

Although Jiang Yichen couldn't see exactly what was going on in the stone path, he could imagine that the woman in black must be in danger.

The eighteen evil ghosts in the stone path are no accidents from the Nether Sect, and this place must also be a secret place of the Nether Sect.

If these eighteen evil spirits are the guardians of this hidden place, living in this endless darkness from beginning to end, then this place is a forbidden area that no outsider can offend.

If it was him himself, facing 18 people alone in the darkness, he would definitely be stretched. In his opinion, although the woman in black is good at lightness, her strength is really limited. If she advances so aggressively, is she asking for trouble?

While Jiang Yichen was thinking, the battle situation changed again.

In sight, the figure of the woman in black became more and more clear, and the eighteen men in black fell down one after another!

Being able to see the fighting situation clearly also means that the battle has been brought to the edge of the stone road and the dense forest by the woman in black.

The black-robed man's attacks were like wolves and tigers, continuously.

None of the 18 people had clumsy footwork, and each of them was comparable to the woman in black.

The advantage is so obvious, but the fallen corpses all show that the woman in black responded well, and she was outnumbered, and she did not lose the wind in the slightest.

How did you do it?Jiang Yichen couldn't help being suspicious.

Another two men in black robes were lying on the spot when they bullied the woman in black.

Jiang Yichen suddenly saw the two men froze at the moment of attack, as if they had suddenly lost their attack target and were at a loss.


In just a moment, he suddenly realized that the reason why the woman in black chose to come here in broad daylight, and the reason why she lured them to the edge of the dense forest, was nothing more than to take advantage of the timing to deal with these evil spirits who were afraid of the sun.

Evil ghosts are of course afraid of the sun, because they have never seen the sun all their lives. In the dark, they seem to have clairvoyance and ears. They can come and go freely, and they can do anything. In an instant, they became blind.

It only takes a moment, and they will change from blind evil spirits to silent dead ghosts.

In a blink of an eye, only ten of the eighteen evil spirits remained.

Among them, Jiang Yichen was only seven or eight feet away.

Some of them were unarmed, and some wore sharp weapons.

Those sharp weapons are not ordinary swords, they are all short soldiers.

With claws, hooks, and thorns, these short soldiers seamlessly connect with their limbs, as if they were born with such a pair of teeth and claws.

One inch is long and one inch is strong, and one inch is short and one inch is dangerous. The opponent's hands are all short weapons, which means that they must use tricks to deceive themselves, and their moves will hit the vital point, but the fact is not the case. In other words, they just pounce on the enemy according to the most primitive instinct, and those sharp weapons are equivalent to their missing hands and feet.

For masters, they are no different from wild beasts. The trouble is that their movements are much faster than wild beasts. Even if they are a little bit slow, they are very likely to be attacked by a stormy attack in an instant. , breaking through the line of defense.

The woman in black made good use of the light to make herself invincible.

Jiang Yichen no longer needed to worry about the safety of the woman in black, and he finally saw the weapon in her hand clearly.

The two short blades looked like daggers, but they looked like double stabs.

Observe her moves carefully again, the dagger can stab no matter which direction it goes, no matter where it goes, it seems to be connected with her hands as one.

Not only that, but the black-clothed woman's foot skills can also be said to be quite fierce, every kick can be accurately kicked on the head of the evil spirit, making it confused for a while, no wonder she can still handle it with ease under this siege.

Jiang Yichen was able to confirm the identity of the woman in black—Tingyuge, Liandie.

(End of this chapter)

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