Chapter 326


The next night.

Xijiang County, Dark Forest, Nether Death Cave.

same location.

Same banquet.

same person.

However, a few days ago, Jiang Yichen was still racking his brains, planning how to gradually become famous in the Nether Sect.

Now, he has been promoted from the followers of the Nether Sect to the incense master of the Nether Sect.

This sudden change made it difficult for him to recover from his trance for a while.

Of course, wine has played a huge role in this.

On the first day of the banquet, Jiang Yichen drank a lot of wine.

It didn't take just three or four years for him to go from getting drunk after drinking to drinking.

But he couldn't refuse.

As Jiang Chengzi, even if he is too strong to drink, he will not refuse anyone who comes.

He couldn't refuse the enthusiasm from Lord Flask and Lord Suo, let alone insult the two of them.

For these two, Jiang Yichen is not lacking in gratitude, and even feels ashamed of Lord Suo.

Fortunately, feelings don't necessarily need to be expressed through words, and wine is a good support.

Merman's tears become pearls, because they are rare, so they are precious.

For a person who is not strong enough to drink, every glass of wine is full of affection. Maybe no one can understand it when they are drinking, but when they become unconscious in a blink of an eye, no one will understand it.

After three glasses of wine, Jiang Yichen's face was flushed and his eyes were blurred.

Facts have proved that some people are born with alcohol offenders, and no matter how hard they work the day after tomorrow, it will not help.

On Xishan Island three years ago, Jiang Yichen was willing to degenerate and was hungover all day long, but he didn't improve his drinking capacity after all.

After struggling to support a dozen cups, he finally fell to the ground with a bang.

This frightened Master Yan and Master Suo to their spirits, never thought that Jiang Chengzi could not drink so much.

As for the savior, Master Suo served him carefully, and reminded himself that Minger could not let the benefactor drink so much again.

Lord Suo is fond of wine, and he knows that it doesn't matter if he is drunk and talking nonsense, so he wakes up after two slaps.

I'm afraid that when they are drunk, they will keep silent, maybe they will die. Such people are destined not to drink alcohol.

Of course, it was also fortunate that Jiang Yichen was in a daze after being drunk, otherwise if he accidentally spoke nonsense and got caught, it would be the end.

"Come, come, benefactor, I offer you a toast. You can watch and drink, or drink tea, but don't get drunk like yesterday. It doesn't matter if I serve you, Laosuo. If something goes wrong, it will be very happy. " Master Suo grinned happily.

It is a glass, but the mouths of Lord Suo and Lord Yan are not smaller than bowls, so drinking one cup at a time is no way to enjoy yourself. After drinking for three rounds yesterday, they changed to big bowls, and today, they just hold the big bowls Have a drink.

"Thank you Lord Suo for your understanding, Xiao Jiang is really sorry to cause you trouble." Jiang Yichen shouted in his heart that Lord Suo is reasonable and understands righteousness.

"Hey, my benefactor is so polite. Lao Suo can't speak, so he punished himself with three cups." Master Suo poured three bowls in a row. Jiang Yichen could only blink his eyes and click his tongue, but he didn't dare After accompanying him to the end, after taking a sip of wine, he served tea in return.

When you can't get it, you will always be in commotion.

Once you get it, you have nothing to fear.

The human heart is never satisfied, and Jiang Yichen is no exception.

After drinking two cups of green tea, he felt bitter on the tip of his tongue, and he regretted that he hadn't done his best, and didn't search for more pills from Tianxuan Palace, and only took a dozen or so pills, which was really polite.

Based on his strength, if he got more pills, he would be rewarded for his merits, and he would be directly promoted to Hall Master. In this way, he could practice "Yin Feng Gong" earlier.

According to You Gui, this "Yin Wind Kung Fu" is really beneficial to him, but he doesn't know how difficult it is to practice. It's been more than a month in the past year and a half, and it's still unknown whether he can fully master this kung fu in the remaining time. The sooner you get in touch, the better.

Amidst the myriad of thoughts, Jiang Yichen was very bored, and was about to drink some wine to calm himself down, but he noticed a gaze shot at him.

Looking back, Ye Shang raised his glass to himself with a smile on his face.

Po Meng made a toast to the ghost last night, and after saying the happy words, she didn't show up tonight, so Ye Shang still sat alone at a table and was treated like a ghost.

Jiang Yichen raised his glass slightly, took a sip, and smiled back.

In just a moment, Jiang Yichen completely calmed down.

Nightmare?You should really be on guard against this guy.Jiang Yichen was secretly alert.

Nightmare seemed a little dull, and dull people are always good at observing. Last night, he stopped Master Suo who was almost acting impulsively, which was an example.

Nightmare's preference for alcohol is no less than that of Xie Yongchang and A-Ban. In Jiang Yichen's view, these people are a type of people who don't just drink for the sake of drinking, but savor all the flavors of life in wine.

Nightmare always has a sloppy image, but he exudes a carefree and unrestrained temperament.

Such a person is either hopelessly aloof from the world, or has the mood of indifferent to the warmth and coldness of the world.

Jiang Yichen has seen two such people so far, one is the sword fairy Li Juchen, and the other is Shang Que.

One is still at ease in the world, while the other has brought his family to the next life.

As for Nightmare, he still didn't know much about it, but his instincts told him that this person should not be underestimated.

In the current death cave, after all, ghosts have been away for a long time, and their insight is not sharp enough. For Jiang Yichen, Nightmare is the biggest threat.

The night is not yet deep.

Jiang Yichen substituted tea for wine, and toasted Master Suo and Master Flag to express his gratitude, and did not provoke Ghost and Nightmare.

After chatting with Lord Suo and Lord Yan for a few words, he sat quietly in the banquet, slowly thinking about the next plan.

As a newcomer, it is a good thing that you still look timid in the eyes of others. If you are too ostentatious, you will inevitably attract attention, and a little negligence will even make you suspicious.

If you can pretend to be stupid, you can fool other people's eyes and ears.

It is indeed a great skill to be able to plan ahead while pretending to be stupid.

After Xishan Island was reborn, Jiang Yichen gradually grew up in the dangerous environment again and again.

However, man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation, just as Jiang Yichen drank himself another three or two cups of tea, making up his mind to keep a low profile and keep his own place for the next period of time, the accident came quickly.

A black shadow sprang out from the bustling crowd and came straight to the high platform.

The target is undoubtedly the ghost.

During the banquet, the entire death cave was not completely removed from defenses, and duty rotation was essential.

Yougui is not a person who puts on airs, and he has already ordered him to report anything.

At this time, those who can still stand up straight and run in a straight line are definitely not the drinkers, but the people on duty.

In such a hurry, there must be something important to report.

The person who came was a little out of breath, obviously the distance from the entrance of the cave to the shipping was not short, and this person's skills were mediocre.

Since he was the one who came to inform, his mouth would not be slow at all, and he had already told the whole story in an instant.

"It's coming again! That female swordsman has come to ask us for that seven-leaf flower!"

(End of this chapter)

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