The Legend of Swing Sword and Execution of Demons

Chapter 322 The Darkness One Corner

Chapter 322

With the help of the Yeyu Clan in Mount Ba, it took five days to clean up the mess in the Yuntian Temple.

The bodies of Yun Yi, the third disciple of the Yunzi generation, Yun Zhong, the fourteenth disciple, and Yun Tian, ​​the fifteenth disciple, were found at the foot of Shunyuan Peak, and they were taken back to the temple for burial.

The minds of cultivators still need to be much wider. A hundred or so members of the Nether Sect were also buried. Although it was done in a hurry, in this strange area, there is a shelter and they can be buried together. , not too lonely.

A total of three elders of the Qi generation in Yuntian Temple died.

Qi Tianshou and Qi Difu died of exhaustion.

And Qi Yuban died at the sword of Xi Weiyu and Qi Xuance.

There were originally 23 disciples in Yun Ziben, but now there are only nine of them left, with heavy casualties.

The fifth disciple Yun Lan, the eighth disciple Yun Feizhan, the tenth disciple Yun Shi, the eleventh disciple Yun Jing, the thirteenth disciple Yun Tianqing, and the nineteenth disciple Yun Tianhe, the six of them mostly suffered skin trauma, but nothing serious.

Although Yunzhang was not in danger of his life, his eyes were dull, and he lost his usual demeanor.

Similar to Yun Zhang's situation is Yun Solanum, the youngest disciple in the temple. Since that night, he has become depressed and no longer smiles.

As for Xi Weiyu, she made two decisions.

Most of the dead elders and disciples of Yuntian Temple were buried in Yunshu Cliff in the back mountain, and the ancestors of the past generations listened quietly to the flowers blooming and falling, and watched Yunjuan Yunshu indifferently.

Qi Yuban, Yunliu, Yunshan, and Yunluan, who betrayed the Yuntian Temple, were supposed to be buried with the members of the Nether Cult, but they were buried next to their residence under Xi Weiyu's insistence.

Another decision Xi Weiyu made was to go down the mountain.

For one thing, she was afraid that staying in the Yuntian Temple would inevitably lead to thinking about others, which would be too depressing.

Secondly, according to the marriage rules of the Yeyu clan in Yanshan, there is really not much time left for her. She needs to explain to her father as soon as possible, so she has to find Luo Piaoling's whereabouts as soon as possible.

Going down the mountain is her best choice.

Apart from Que Xiweiyu, four other people are also planning to leave Yuntian Temple temporarily.

At first, it was Yunjing who decided to take her elder brother Yunzhang for a walk around to relieve her depression.

Then, thinking of the same situation with the cloud nightshade, I considered taking it with me.

After Qi Huangwu knew that Yunjing had this idea, he also had the idea of ​​going to the rivers and lakes, so he joined the three of them.

In this way, he can realize his wish and take care of these nephews, which kills two birds with one stone.

Not long after the two people left the mountain one after another, the city in the clouds seemed to really merge into the clouds. The majestic and majestic Shunyuan Peak suddenly became a mountain tower that lost its spirit and fairy spirit. Compared with the other eight peaks, it paled few.

For a while, in Cangwu Mountain, there was no sky view anymore, only nine peaks and nine dangers remained, and nine peaks and nine dangers were still life-threatening.


Xijiang County.


In the blink of an eye, it has been more than half a month since the battle of Yuntianguan.

Jiang Yichen hugged Lord Suo's thigh tightly, and followed the Nether Sect's troops back to their lair, and three days passed.

If someone hadn't led the way, Jiang Yichen would have never expected that there would be a restaurant hidden in the dark woods.

And behind a secret door in this restaurant is the head rudder of the Nether Sect—the Nether Death Cave.

The Death Cave is located in the belly of the mountain.

The restaurant is built against the mountain, and behind it, you can see how high and far the mountain shadow is, and how big and deep the secluded death cave is.

Nether Death Cave and Yin Sha Difu can be described as similar in purpose.

It's just that the layout of the Yinsha Difu is more refined, while the Death Cave lacks a lot. If you compare it with the secret cave built by the Tianji Sect in Wudang Mountain, the situation in the Death Cave can only be described as vulgar .

Although those uneven rock walls with different edges and corners have been smoothed out by the years, they still cannot hide the traces of artificial chiseling.

In short, this death hole was dug out by people.

It's easy on the lips, but it's not easy in practice.

To hollow out a mountain, and still keep the outer mountain shell against wind, rain and earthquakes without collapsing, almost only the uncanny workmanship of nature or the power of the gods in the sky can do it.

Naturally, the Death Cave was not the handiwork of some gods, but three parts were made naturally, and seven parts were excavated by manpower. It took more than ten years, or even decades like a day, to get what it is today.

However, the Nether Cult's development of the Nether Death Cave has obviously not stopped.

Because in the past three days, Jiang Yichen faintly heard the sound of digging the wall from the depths of the cave more than once.

These secrets have yet to be investigated by Jiang Yichen in the future.

Since coming to the Death Cave, for Jiang Yichen, what he has experienced the most is a problem that has troubled him for a long time.

Although Mr. Tinglan has already answered this question briefly, but when he is on the scene, he can realize what it means to survive.

In order to understand his opponent, Jiang Yichen naturally worked hard on these so-called evil sects.

If these evil sects are really like rats crossing the street, everyone shouting and killing, it is absolutely impossible to gain a long-term foothold in the arena. Although there is a certain distance between ordinary people and the arena, if a gang is cast aside by the world, it must Affected by people from the rivers and lakes, how much will it cost to gain a stable foothold?

In fact, Jiang Yichen seldom heard grandpas and aunts complaining about the evil deeds of these evil sects in the streets and alleys.

Maybe the Jianghu is too far away from them, maybe most of the people who have been tortured by the evil sect have either died or entered the rivers and lakes, embarking on a long road of revenge, or maybe, after the evil sect shed its cloak of the arena, Just like ordinary people, everything is for survival, and they have to do it as a last resort.

The ordinary believers of the Nether Sect are almost all ordinary people.

Most of these people are men.

The reason why men are in the majority is because most of the work is manual work.

It stands to reason that those who do physical work should be physically strong or young and vigorous.

But what Jiang Yichen has seen in the past few days, carrying baskets of stones in and out of the cave, carrying baskets of ore back into the cave, are either old men with gray temples, or missing arms, noses, and A man with disabled eyes, but a man with sound limbs like him, was not sent to do this dirty work.

Jiang Yichen could see clearly that these old people or those with disabilities, their steps are capable and powerful, they work quickly and properly, without any slack, they seem to be tireless, just working silently, some faces, Jiang Yichen can almost see them every day Walked back and forth from him more than ten times.

In this dark corner, these people can be self-reliant like ordinary people. If they are thrown outside, to the sunny place, they must not only face contempt or sympathy. Under these gazes, they gradually became the burden they should have been under those gazes.

Jiang Yichen naturally understood that these ordinary congregants could only move freely like ordinary people after taking the elixir of the Nether Sect.

Although their sanity was gradually damaged due to the power of the elixir, he could not deny that it was the Nether Cult that gave them the ability to support themselves and also gave them the meaning of living.

Heretics?Or another way to live?Jiang Yichen couldn't give a definition.

To these people, Jiang Yichen could never bring up any hatred, let alone murderous intent.

When Jiang Yichen was thinking a lot, a thick palm was patted on his shoulder.

"Let's go! My great benefactor, the old ghost has successfully left the seclusion today, and he has set up a banquet, and invite everyone to drink and have fun!"

 (2018.4.24 has been revised)

  It's embarrassing to capitalize, and only then did I realize that the position of the seventh disciple had already been taken by Xi Weiyu.

  Yun Jing could only give way.

  Yunzhang was also involved, and the two brothers became the ninth disciple and the eleventh disciple.

  The previous chapters have been locked, and you have to wait for the editor to unlock the permission.

  Although there is no serious problem in reading, it is also a mistake, please forgive me, TOT.



(End of this chapter)

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