Chapter 295

As the saying goes, a bad pen is worse than a good memory.

No matter how good a person's memory is, he can't know every detail of everything all the time.

In this way, it is better to move your fingers and write it down in black and white.

In this way, as long as the manuscript is not lost, it is an additional carrier of your memory, and it is always on your body so that you will never forget it.

But for Xiweiyu and Yunlongkui who have lived in Yuntianguan for more than ten years, every plant and tree in Yuntianguan is engraved in their minds like a brand, even if they forget their surname one day. , as long as they are thrown on Shunyuan Peak, they will also walk back to this room unconsciously.

Such memories are already deeply ingrained in their hearts.

Xi Weiyu was like this, so was Yunlong Kui, and the three disciples who went down the mountain to find Xi Weiyu were not like this?

If the three of them were coerced to draw the layout of Yuntian Temple, then the two girls could follow suit.

Right now, the two girls are drawing on a piece of paper with a brush each.

The so-called characters are like people, and paintings are like gods.

Xi Weiyu is proficient in rhythm and has a free and easy nature, so her strokes should be more agile and unrestrained.

Every object in the painting is lifelike under his pen, as if endowed with soul and rhythm.

Yunlongkui is pure in nature and has no dust in her eyes. Every stroke and painting of her is meticulous and meticulous.

Every object in her pen is like a simplified real-life sculpture. If you compare it with the original, you can't find any faults in the general framework.

As long as you see the solemn expression and generous demeanor of the two girls when they are painting, you can know that Qi Tianshou and Qi Guanzhu must have put a lot of thought into disciplining his disciples. The art of alchemy also focuses on cultivating their qualities and temperament.

Regardless of whether or not one can achieve enlightenment and immortality in this way, at least such a person can cultivate a kind of concentration, a concentration that is not easily disturbed by external objects, and such a person will never easily compromise and betray under any coercion or lure.

Could it be that his own judgment was wrong?Jiang Yichen couldn't help but wonder.

In less than a stick of incense, Xi Weiyu and Yunlong Kui had brought their memories of the entire Yuntian Temple to life on paper.

It has to be said that the two sisters have a good understanding, and it is clearly written by two people, but if we only compare the content of the painting, it is almost a rubbing of the same mold.

Even for buildings with similar structures, Ernv has added the same characteristic logo to them, so that people can distinguish them without looking at the notes on the side.

What the two girls drew is the overall layout of Yuntian Temple, and it is also the whole picture of the entire "City in the Cloud".

From the mountainside of Shunyuan Peak to the first half of the top of the mountain is the front mountain of Yuntian Temple, which is the main body of the Taoist temple.

Ordinary Taoist temples are laid out according to the eight trigrams, with the meridian as the axis, facing south from the north. On the central axis, there is a hall dedicated to the Taoist gods. Worship the gods.

In terms of the building volume of Yuntian Temple, it can only be regarded as a small Taoist temple. Although the buildings are set up facing south, the layout is not rigid, but follows the direction of the Shunyuan Peak, from bottom to top , from west to east, the halls are set up in the direction of the Big Dipper.

The architectural arrangement of Yuntianguan is closer to the so-called theory of heaven and man, which means: only by following the way of heaven can one achieve Taoism and ascend to immortality.

Three eyes can see the world's affairs, and one whip can wake up the world.

As for the Dharma guardian god guarding the mountain gate, Yuntian Temple did not hire another wise person, but was still guarded by the "Wang Lingguan" who can distinguish the true from the false and observe the good and evil, so the Yaoguang Hall at the mountain gate is also the Lingguan Hall.

After the Yaoguang Hall is the Kaiyang Hall. In the Kaiyang Hall, Taiyi saves the suffering Tianzun, implying to do good in the world and save people from suffering.

Most of the few followers of Yuntian Temple benefited from the elixirs given by the descendants of the descendants, and those who are interested all come to this hall to fulfill their vows.also

Because most of the visitors were ordinary people, and Nian Zhi traveled and worked hard, so the second Yuntian Guan built another building, and set up a guest residence next to Kaiyang Hall to accommodate the visiting guests.

Yuheng Hall is called the Empress Hall in ordinary Taoist temples. It enshrines the Empress with Vision, the Empress with Ear Palace, and the Empress with Songzi. It means to transform the unfathomable things in the world and solve the unsolvable difficulties in the world. Many believers come here especially. The intention is to seek the elixir for Yuntian Guan to protect the fetus and protect the child.

Tianquan Hall, located among the seven stars, is the Doumu Hall in charge of fortune in the Yuntian Temple. There are important events in the temple, and the temple master will bring all the elders here to inquire about the will of heaven.

The Tianji Hall is the main shrine, dedicated to the ancestor of the Alchemy Dao, the Taishang Laojun.

The two halls of Tianquan and Tianji are the brain centers of Yuntian Temple. All things in the temple are called by the master to make decisions in the two halls. Matters are mostly completed in this second hall.

If the two halls of Tianquan and Tianji are the hub centers of Yuntian Temple, then the two halls of Tianxuan and Tianshu represent the foundation and inheritance of Yuntian Temple.

The so-called "eliminate illnesses and relieve dangers, the thousand golden immortals will benefit everyone, sit on the tiger's needle and the dragon will give mercy to save all living beings." Tianxuan Hall is also known as the Medicine King Hall. .

In the concept of Yuntianguan, a person cannot attain Taoism and become a fairy by himself. Only by absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, improving his own physical fitness, and supplementing it with appropriate exercises can he break through the way of heaven. The medicine condenses the essence of heaven and earth, and the medicine is used to assist Taoism and immortality.

Since Tianxuan Hall is the Hall of Medicine King, there are seventy-eight out of ten pills and prescriptions of Yuntian Temple, which can be said to be the heart of Yuntian Temple. If a person loses his heart, he will not be an adult. There is no similarity or difference between the Yuntian Temple and the ordinary Taoist Temple.

Therefore, the importance of Tianxuan Hall in Yuntian Temple is self-evident. Regardless of seasons, wind, frost, rain and snow, there must be four disciples guarding it in rotation.

The Tianshu Temple enshrines not the three officials and great emperors of the ordinary Taoist temple, but the pioneers of the past dynasties who are inextricably linked to the establishment of Yuntian Temple.

Yuntian Temple has been established for more than a hundred years, and there have been six temple masters, but there are more than ten spiritual tablets enshrined in Tianshu Hall. Except for the tablets of the first five temple masters, the rest are also deeply related to Yuntian Temple. When Shunyuan Peak pursued the way of immortality, there were no complete buildings and systems, let alone the name of Yuntian Temple, but without their pioneering and pioneering, it would be impossible for these younger generations to carry on the past and forge ahead.

The lower part of the picture is the layout of the front mountain of Yuntianguan. Moving the line of sight to the upper part, you will come to the back mountain.

The first thing you see is a series of well-arranged houses, which are the residences of the disciples in the view.

While paying attention to the unified and coordinated architectural style of these houses, each house is staggered at a certain distance, leaving enough space for the disciples to show their individuality, so as not to see the same and boring houses in ordinary Taoist temples.

The residences of Xiweiyu and Yunlongkui are also in it. Gein and Gein are the only two golden flowers in the temple, so they enjoy the best treatment. They are far away from other houses, quieter and less likely to be disturbed.

Looking further up, it is already deep in the back mountain, the road gradually twists and turns, and there are many forks, leading to the residences of several elders and grand elders.

As for the "Yuntianju" where the master of the temple is located, it is particularly conspicuous in the picture, standing out from the crowd in the northwest of the back mountain.

Xi Weiyu and Yunlong Kui coincidentally used a series of small squares to make a "climbing ladder", indicating the only way to go to Yuntianju-climbing the ladder.

The two pictures have very different styles, but whoever holds one of the two pictures can clearly understand the general layout of the Yuntian Temple at a glance, and there is no doubt about him.

Why can such a detailed painting be described as a rough layout?

It's just because the two paintings are the same cave with the three characters "Baohua Cave", which is really different in the two women's pens.

It's not that their appearances are so different. After all, the two girls just use a circle to represent the cave, but their locations are not in the same direction. For those who only come to Baohua Cave, the value of these two paintings Already discounted!

 Edited and polished. ——2018.3.27, 10:00

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  The time is too urgent, there is no time to revise and polish, so I rushed out first, if you are not in a hurry, you might as well read it tomorrow afternoon.

  The revised reading experience is better. Of course, the number of words is only a lot more, and readers will not suffer greatly. I hope you will forgive me. ——2018.3.26



(End of this chapter)

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