The Legend of Swing Sword and Execution of Demons

Chapter 280 The idea has been decided

Chapter 280 The idea has been decided

Xi Weiyu lowered her head and shook her head, but it looked more like she was kowtowing.

It is both self-blame and confession.

Whether it is a tribe or a teacher, they always think about her and consider her in every way, and they agree with her that if there is an emergency when going down the mountain, they will ask for help with a specific piano sound, but she has never considered if it is Yuntianguan or Bashanye. The Yu family is in trouble, how should I use my zither to convey the message, so as to help get out of the predicament.

"I'm so useless!" Xi Weiyu blamed herself in her heart.

"It's my lack of thoughtfulness. Normally speaking, there are very few..."

"Be prepared for danger in times of peace. Any sect or tribe will have contingency measures. Only in this way can they gain a foothold for a long time, but I have never asked about this matter." Jiang Yichen guessed what Xi Weiyu was thinking, and wanted to say something to comfort him, but was caught by Xi Wei. The speech was interrupted.

Jiang Yichen said: "Even so, worrying in vain and worrying blindly right now will not help. Before the Nether Sect is fully prepared, I think we still have enough time to change the possible results."

Xi Weiyu tried to cheer herself up, and said, "Then what should we do tomorrow?"

Jiang Yichen said: "Find the romantic and others first, and kill them!"

Xi Wei said, "Must they be killed?"

Jiang Yichen said: "As they said and did, only the dead can keep secrets. Today's incident involves many secrets of Yuntian Temple and the Yeyu Clan in Mount Ba. Going outside of Cangwu Mountain will only be a disaster for the Yuntian Temple and the Yeyu Clan of Yanshan Mountain."

Xi Weiyu didn't have any sympathy for the villains, but when he heard what Jiang Yichen said about the urgency of the situation in Yuntian Temple, he became worried, fearing that it would waste time to find Feng Liuzi and others, so he asked again: "Will they Speaking outside?"

"If the treacherous and evil people can't get what they want, they will try to destroy it, and they will destroy it under the guise of others."

"You mean, Shen Bian?"

"If that old monster doesn't get the Du'er Pill, after walking out of Cangwu Mountain, he will definitely exaggerate what happened today, so that the sharpest spears and swords in the rivers and lakes will all be directed at Yuntian Temple and the Yeyu Clan of Mount Ba. I also don't want four or two thousand catties to suffer because of me."

Xi Weiyu heard what she said, and when she heard that Jiang Yichen didn't want to bring Siliangqianjintang into trouble, she figured out that when he saved himself today, he called her "Senior Sister" to confuse the judgment of the romantic and Shen Bian.

As for the relationship between Jiang Yichen and Siliangqianjintang, Xi Weiyu naturally wanted to know, but at this moment, she didn't intend to pursue it, and suddenly remembered something, and said anxiously: "Today, Merry Man and others are going to chase the Four King Kongs. Afterwards, those two Jin Yiwei did not come back, did they escape?"

Jiang Yichen said: "Well, they probably also saw that the situation was not right, so they wanted to get out, but Shen Bian saw the clue, killed one, and the other, and I didn't escape too far, so I killed them."

Xi Weiyu calmed down a little after hearing the words, but for a moment, he seemed to think of a fish that had slipped through the net, and was about to speak, but Jiang Yichen said again: "As for the cloud at my fingertips, I really can't take care of it, but if he just wants to Nine Heavens Ring came here, the information that the romantic man revealed to him should be limited, he might not even step half a step into Cangwu Mountain, he just played the piano at one end. The two times of playing the piano with you were interrupted by the heavy rain. If the Merry Man doesn't hear back from him, he will probably leave."

Xi Wei said: "I hope so. However, since we can't save their lives, why not kill them tonight, presumably now is their weakest time."

Jiang Yichen said: "The time has not come. Although they are exhausted now, they will not let down their vigilance easily. When they wait for a night, they find that their energy is wasted, they are upset, and they are struggling to find a way out of the illusion, and their anxiety is confused. The time is the best time to act. Besides, although the rain is light now, there is no moonlight, and it is inconvenient for us to move."

Xi Wei said: "So what should we do now?"

Jiang Yichen said: "Sleep peacefully and peacefully."

Xi Weiyu was about to agree, but unexpectedly, her stomach growled. If it wasn't for the darkness to cover up her embarrassment, otherwise, she would have blushed again.

Unexpectedly, another grunt sounded!

It turned out that grunts could still resonate, Xi Weiyu's stomach protested, which made Jiang Yichen's stomach howl in agreement.

The two were speechless for a while, just listening to the wailing of their stomachs.

"In my opinion, what we should do right now is to appease our stomachs first." While talking, Xi Weiyu started to grope in her bosom, and after a while, she found a small medicine bottle.

"Miss Xi, please be patient tonight. In the morning, I will catch some live animals or pick some fruits to feed my hunger." Jiang Yichen naturally didn't know that Xi Weiyu was making small movements in the dark, so he said his own words Intend.

"Don't waste your energy, there will never be anything to eat in the illusion. One of its abilities is to starve people to death, otherwise it will be called nine dangers in vain." Xi Weiyu couldn't help laughing, "Here! live!"

In the dark, only the sound of breaking wind came from ahead, and Xi whispered to remind him, Jiang Yichen followed his words and grabbed the flying object, which seemed to be two pills.

"This is it?" Jiang Yichen was a little dazed, and couldn't help thinking, could it be that Yuntianguan's alchemy ability is so strong that it can concentrate food in pills, one small satiety, two full?

"Uh, this is a elixir that nourishes yin and nourishes the body. Eat it. Although it doesn't matter if you're full, it's better than starving." Xi Weiyu wanted to say the name of the elixir, but wanted to come to the name of the elixir unique to Yuntian Temple. I'm afraid Jiang Yichen can't understand, I want to talk about the efficacy of the pill later, but I read it halfway, I'm afraid Jiang Yichen won't take it after hearing it, and I don't have the nerve to go on, so I can only urge him to take it first.

"Miss, can this pill be eaten as a meal, so casual?" Jiang Yichen slandered in his heart, but he couldn't resist Xi Weiyu's kindness, and simply threw the pill into his mouth and started to chew.

The entrance of the pill is sweet and refreshing.

With Jiang Yichen's understanding of pharmacology, he could identify the medicine used to make this pill.

Ginseng nourishes qi and promotes body fluid, astragalus nourishes deficiency and nourishes qi, angelica nourishes blood and blood, safflower promotes blood circulation and stimulates menstrual flow, and the sweetness mainly comes from red dates, which are also blindly nourishing qi and blood.

This is obviously a pill specially designed for menstrual blood loss for women, but it is actually used to feed their hunger!No wonder Xi Weiyu faltered.Jiang Yichen roared in his heart.

The wine and meat passed through the intestines, and the Buddha stayed in his heart.

The wine and meat passed through the intestines, and the Buddha stayed in his heart.

Jiang Yichen silently recited Jigong's wise words twice in his mind.

"Is it still to your liking?" Xi Weiyu's concerned voice came from the secret.

"Ahem, it's not bad, it's quite sweet." Jiang Yichen tried his best to calm down the turmoil in his heart, pretending not to be able to identify what kind of pill it was.

"The schedule is tight this time, and I only prepared three pills with me just in case. You have to work harder and take one more pill. Unfortunately, the other pills are for practice and emergency use. You can't take them at will. They can only be used as medicines." This chat is for comfort." Hearing that Jiang Yichen was satisfied with his meal, Xi Weiyu felt for the first time that Tao cared for others and could bring him a sense of satisfaction, so he said seriously.

"Well, with this elixir in your stomach, take a good night's rest, tomorrow you will be able to beat Fengliuzi and others to death! Then bypass the ambush of the Nether Sect, and successfully rendezvous with your teacher!" Hearing Xi Wei's serious words, Jiang Yichen He really didn't dare to catch his breath, for fear of arousing his suspicion, so he began to talk nonsense in a serious manner.

(End of this chapter)

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