Chapter 246

March [-]rd is not an ordinary day. It is said that this day is the birthday of many ancient gods and figures such as Pangu, Huangdi, and Queen Mother. Many families in Zhongzhou regard this day as a festival of singing and dancing.

In previous years, March [-]rd was nothing more than a festival no matter how lively it was, but March [-]rd a year and a half later was of great significance to the Jianghu people.

At that time, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom in Baihuayu, and the two major alliances of the Four Seas and Kyushu will have a showdown in Baihuayu.

A year and a half, more than [-] days after careful calculation, sounds like a long time, but compared with the tens of years of life, more than a year is really pitifully short.

Jiang Yichen felt that this little time was really not enough. The Covenant of Hundred Flowers was definitely not just a matter of the four seas and nine states. In such a conference, the five famous and decent sects must be there to be a witness because of the trend of the times, and the Daoyi League will definitely not be absent. Well, those evil sects are eager to make the situation even more chaotic, and they are determined not to miss such a good opportunity, and he, as a member of this arena, has no reason to miss it.

However, when all the masters of the world are present, with his current strength, self-protection is still questionable. It is just a fantasy to say what he can do. The only thing he can do now is to make himself stronger.

For three years on Xishan Island, he wasted a year. He spent half a year consolidating the mid-level realm of Frost and Snow True Qi. The principle of "Water-Growing Wood" and the five elements inter-growth, followed the trend to promote the practice of acupoint cutting and cutting the heart method. Even so, it still took a whole year of practice to achieve perfection.

It took him more than two years to cultivate a complete mental method and the last level of a mental method. Now he needs at least one year to master the so-called Yinfeng Kungfu. Within a year, he must get in touch with this technique, otherwise everything will be empty talk.

Half a year, hurrying and rushing, only half a year left, he has to count pennies and pennies, and plan his days like Mr. Tinglan is planning to destroy the evil gate for him. Every day, every hour must be included in the plan, and it cannot be taken lightly. deserted.

Although the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and man is not as good as the sky, but if there is no plan in advance, the plan in advance will always be blind and struggling in the dark.

Jiang Yichen chose to go to Guizhou from Sichuan. Apart from the fact that it is easier to find out the information he needs to know, there is another reason.

Shu was originally the southwestern border of Zhongzhou. At that time, Shu was prosperous and enjoyed the reputation of Tianfu.

The so-called Tianfu, the fields are fertile, the people are prosperous, the chariots are tens of thousands, millions of people are fighting hard, the fertile fields are thousands of miles away, there is a lot of savings, and the terrain is convenient.

Hundreds of years ago, Zhongzhou, which was at its peak, expanded its territory to the south of Shu and added the territory of Yue and Guangxi. In order to control the western and southwestern regions, Zhongzhou newly established the capital of Yu.

If you talk about the land rich in medicinal herbs in Zhongzhou, the territory of Yuegui is well-deserved.

However, the territory of Yuegui is vast and sparsely populated. Although there are many medicinal herbs, it is not easy to buy them all.

The advantage of being close to the water, and the mature market operation mechanism have also made Shu, which is not scarce in medicinal herbs but adjacent to the border of Yuegui, a good medicinal herb export resort.

Four taels of thousand jin halls, implying saving thousands of lives with four taels of medicinal materials, are spread all over Zhongzhou and are extremely famous. Its largest main hall is in the prosperous Yudu, but the source of medicinal herbs for distribution is Hanyang Village in Shu.

The Nether Sect is good at alchemy and pharmacy, and alchemy and pharmacy need medicinal herbs. Jiang Yichen intends to follow the road of selling medicinal herbs and follow the vines to find the headquarters of the Nether Sect.

Only when the tree is big can it attract the wind, only when the martial arts are high-strength is it famous in the world, and the Siliangqianjin Hall is well-known, so it naturally has its complete system and mechanism.

He has been famous for Siliangqianjintang for a long time, but he basically knows nothing about the situation of Siliangqianjintang in Hanyang Village. Ask Mei Huaijin.

As the egg said, it is not easy to enter the Siliangqianjin hall. For ordinary people, it is no different from the public food rice bowl of the government. With a stable source of income and a reliable livelihood guarantee, no one is jealous, and no one is jealous. Thinking about it, in order to find a place among them, it is hard to find one if you always squeeze your head.

After saying goodbye to Dandan and Mei Huaijin, Jiang Yichen wandered around the village, making final preparations for entering the Siliangqianjin Hall.

General Hei was led out of the village by Jiang Yichen from the stable.

General Hei has a high level of spirituality, which is not inferior to others. Even if he is in the wild, he can be self-sufficient without worry.

After entering the Siliangqianjin hall, Jiang Yichen might not be able to help himself.

Hei General used to be with Nu Perak all year round, one person and one horse have been wandering in the Southwest for several years, and they are by no means unfamiliar with Shu. Jiang Yichen's request to this old man is that he can find him within a day's journey. Can.

On the way back, Jiang Yichen sat and waited for a rabbit until he came across a farmer with a similar stature who came back from work, and then shot him unconscious and changed his clothes.

The farmer was tired for a long time, and his clothes were naturally wet and smelly. It was really uncomfortable to wear, but Jiang Yichen had to endure it.

The so-called benevolence of a doctor, if you dress luxuriously and go to the medicine hall, someone will think you are here to see a doctor, and no one will think that you are here as a pharmacist. You don't invite people to get close to you, but if you ask for a living in the medicine hall, others will consider it.

Jiang Yichen could only comfort himself that after a day and a half at most, he would be able to change into this set of clothes.

As long as you become a member of the Siliangqianjintang, the pharmacy shopkeeper who is as big as your own, and the little guy who runs errands and delivers medicines, is another face of the pharmacy. Clothes, this is the welfare guarantee of the so-called Dayaotang.

But this time Jiang Yichen made a miscalculation. When he stood in front of the shopkeeper of the medicine hall, the shopkeeper of the medicine hall only looked up for a moment, and then he was busy with his own affairs again.

When he said that he wanted to be an apprentice, the shopkeeper was still busy with his own work.

When he waited for the shopkeeper to stop his hands and feet, and said that he had some skills in his hands and feet and worked diligently, the shopkeeper just raised his head and gave him another look. After looking at him very politely for a moment, he said: "No shortage, no shortage. ,let's go."

Right now, Jiang Yichen is really suffering, and he is so upset that he feels that his brain must be burnt out to act such a stupid thing as "bitter tricks".

Such distracting thoughts did not linger for a long time, and he calmed down after a while.

The people of Buji Island pay attention to the principle of cooperation. Since they have collected the silver, there is no false statement. Since the egg has clearly stated that the pharmacy is short of pharmacists, there will be no fake ones. showdown.

To deal with villains, insidious tricks can be used, real swords and guns can be used, and he can deal with doctors who help the world and hang pots, to win sympathy and trust, this is the countermeasure he wants to get now.

Before he knew it, he came to a restaurant and smelled the thick aroma wafting into his nostrils from the pot in the restaurant, only then did he realize that it was almost time for dinner.

Compared with other shops, there is only a plaque hanging under the beam. On the left and right pillars of the store's facade, the books "Meat and Vegetables in a World" and "Spicy and Spicy Flavors" are a perfect match for the store name on the plaque. .

The shop is not big, but with the fourteen big characters on the facade, the aura should surpass most of the shops on the street.

Feeling in his pocket, fortunately there were still a few pieces of silver that could be used, so Jiang Yichen stepped into the shop, wanting to experience the real Sichuan flavor.

Different from many restaurants and restaurants, what to order and what to serve, here is what to order and what to serve.

The dishes are divided into meat and vegetables, round meat dumplings, sliced ​​thin meat, knotted kelp, chunks of tofu, etc., all of which meet the needs of diners.

Of course, both meat and vegetables are strung on bamboo sticks, which is easy to take and difficult to mix.

In the tumbling soup stew, nearly [-] seasonings such as tempeh, sea pepper, pepper, and old ginger can be seen.

Before tasting it, Jiang Yichen couldn't wait to enjoy the heavy impact on his taste buds.

After just one bite, Jiang Yichen felt that the name of this shop was true. He had never experienced such a spicy taste that numb his tongue and blast his throat.

But Jiang Yichen was not one to compromise easily, so he smacked his lips a few times, took a few breaths, relieved the spicy feeling, and continued to fight again.

After eating a bowl of noodle soup, I was sweating profusely as if I had been working hard all day.

In this way, my own sweat overwhelmed that farmer's sweat, and even though I didn't smell the fragrance, I felt much more at ease anyway.

This spiciness also gave Jiang Yichen a spicy spirit.

After paying the bill, seeing that it was still early, I planned to try my luck at Siliangqianjintang again.

As soon as the front foot left the store, they heard a lot of noise in the distance.

And that direction, isn't it the direction of Siliangqianjintang?

(End of this chapter)

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