Chapter 231 From Hell

Fireworks tend to be cold, and after a moment of brilliance, the sky looks darker and more silent than before.

But the strong enthusiasm of this world, after being ignited, will not be easily extinguished.

On the ground, under the scorching of the fireworks, the flowers, plants and trees burned more intensely and crackled.

On the ground, the wailing of the disabled, and the exclamation of the dying, one after another, it is difficult to stop.

On the ground, swords, guns and hammers, all kinds of blades collided with blood, fighting to the death, clanging and clanging.

The fire is burning, and the mourning song is singing.

They want to protect morality and righteousness.

They fight against fate, for profit.

The positions are different, the swords are facing each other, and there is no end to death.

Right and wrong, the leftovers speak, the winners speak.

Over there, A-Ban and Xie Yongchang were compatible with each other, went deep into the enemy's line, and made a lot of noise.

Here, the water is like a mirror and like a green lotus in a pool of turbid water, emerging from the mud without being stained, and killing the enemy is like entering an uninhabited land.

If the characteristics of Emei swordsmanship are rigidity, softness, brittleness, quickness, and dexterity, the water-like Emei swordsmanship can only be seen roughly as rigidity and swiftness.

Is it because Shui Rujing's swordsmanship has lost the softness of avoiding the heavy and light, the sharpness of hitting the vital points, and the coincidence of four or two strokes?

No, after careful observation, it can be found that Shui Rujing's sword is too fast and exerts too much force, so that the softness, crispness and ingenuity in the sword technique are all covered by the brilliance of hardness and swiftness.

The corpses lying at his feet were either bleeding from the heart, or bleeding from the neck, or bleeding from the eyebrows, which were silent examples.

Looking at the side, Meibu Asakusa bowed under the gust of wind, and the rising flames fluttered in the direction of the wind. The Yinshamen gang was beaten by the attack of the gust of wind, and they screamed incessantly.

Li Zixuan and Meat Moth, two Shaolin lay disciples have the same technique and the same number of ways. They dance with their double sticks and form a formation of strong wind and demon sticks.

Tingyu Pavilion's Ni Die is step by step, and there must be a door of life, a door of Jing, and a door of Xiu within a short distance to bless the spirit, and there will be a door of injury, death, and shock outside an inch away, which will scare the enemy and disturb the enemy.

The colorful Vientiane under the feet sets off Nidie like a fairy in the flowers, dancing in the blooming flowers, and hurting the enemy's life in the ecstasy.

Or because of his personality, Ni Die's skills and moves can be said to be quite different from Lian Die's.

Liandie is so quiet, she is a loner, so lonely that she is even a little autistic.

Her kung fu must be the internal kung fu of the metal system, only advancing but not retreating, unstoppable.

His moves tend to be fast, accurate, and ruthless with daggers, and his attacks are like a storm, but all of them seek to control the enemy with one move.

Ni Die is happy, she is hospitable and approachable.

Her kung fu method is a wood-based mental method, so that she can maintain the casting of four or five strange formations at the same time.

Its moves are elegant and flexible with double thorns. First, it changes the moves with dazzling moves to confuse the enemy's judgment, and then waits for the enemy.

Ni Die happened to be not far from Jiang Yichen, her actions were seen in Jiang Yichen's eyes, he had been in contact with the two sisters, he couldn't help but wonder, could it be that his judgment was wrong?

If you want to find the most eye-catching focus from the fighting of these hundreds of people, it must be Long Yanling, the deputy owner of Yiyun Villa.

With a golden gun in his hand, Long Yanling took the lead and stopped the two Yinsha sect masters first, one against two, and still took the enemy's life with a tough posture, his momentum was like a rainbow for a while.

One person charged straight into the densely packed enemy formations, and fought wildly, with the stance of one against a hundred.

At this moment, no one would think that the word "Long Yanling" is synonymous with being low-key.

Different from the group of people who were enthusiastic, unrestrained, or dazzling, the duo of Liu Menghen and You Ming seemed unknown and silent among them.

However, wherever the two of them passed, there were not many corpses of the enemy at all.

Liu Menghen's Zheyue Saber technique focuses on cunning, defeating the enemy with cunning will inevitably force the enemy into a dangerous situation, forcing him to expose his flaws.

The moment a flaw appears, it is the time when the opponent dies.

Because, on Liu Menghen's back is a killer who is good at seizing opportunities. Once an opportunity arises, ghosts will be there in an instant, and he never misses it.

The two are like poisonous snakes hiding in the vegetation, blending with the vegetation, marching silently, killing silently.

As for Jiang Yichen, who stood by Murong Chengfeng's side, he didn't feel too much pressure.

He was able to deal with the Yinshamen gang in twos and threes with ease.

Obviously, Yiyun Villa will not miss the protection of Murong Chengfeng. If there are groups of enemies attacking, Li Suoran and Shuangchi will immediately appear beside Jiang Yichen and work together to defeat the enemies.

Yes, Jiang Yichen couldn't help but have more leisure to observe the enemy's situation.

At present, although the Yinsha Sect has a large number of people, the value of one's own side lies in the quality of soldiers. Many people can be outnumbered. In just a stick of incense, more than a hundred people from the enemy have already lay down in a pool of blood. There were only one or two casualties on our own side, and we had the upper hand in the battle for a while.

However, under such a situation, there is still a hidden worry. There is no strong opponent to fight against them. None of the thirteen famous altar masters of Yinshamen has yet appeared. What are you waiting for?

At the same time, a mile away, five men in flying fish suits had the same question as Jiang Yichen.

Yin Yang, who was the leader of the five, really couldn't see the name of it, so he couldn't bear to ask the calm Xiao Yincai: "Obviously the winning ticket is already in hand, why didn't Clan Master Xiao send out all the masters of your clan? Quickly and quickly, take down these fleas in one fell swoop, and let these loyal disciples die for nothing?"

Xiao Yincai parted his lips lightly, showed his white teeth slightly, and raised his lips slightly. He smiled, as if the bright moon appeared in the night sky. It was natural and irresistible, creating a sense of comfort.

Yin Yang didn't dare to look directly at his smile any longer, so he looked away and continued to look at the battle ahead.

Xiao Yincai said: "Xiao also has doubts, please ask Yin Qianhu to clarify."

Yin Yang asked doubtfully, "Oh?"

Xiao Yincai said: "A gold ingot weighing one tael, and dozens of broken silver weighing ten taels, are the two equivalent?"

Yin Yang said without hesitation: "Naturally they are equivalent."

Xiao Yincai said: "If you can only choose one, what choice will Lord Qianhu make?"

Yin Yang hesitated for a moment and said: "If you want to make a choice, you must have a prerequisite. For example, if you want to spread or inquire about news, you will naturally choose broken silver. This way you can mobilize more people to do things. If you want to buy valuables, then one Ingots are more convenient."

Xiao Yincai shook his head and said, "Xiao is talking about any situation."

Yin Yang said: "It's really not a good choice."

Xiao Yincai said: "It seems that Lord Qianhu seldom orders Yinliang in Jianghu."

If in the past, with Yin Yang's temper, he had to respond to Xiao Yincai's words with cynicism, but after half a day of contact, Yin Yang was able to patiently listen to his explanation.

"Heh, I would like to hear the opinion of Clan Master Xiao."

"You must know that in Jianghu, there are all kinds of businesses. Some people sell news, and some people take over the work of disseminating news. If Xiao wants to use silver to inquire about news, he will choose to buy news directly with an ingot of gold. If you want to spread the news, take this ingot of gold to someone who has the ability to spread the news."

"According to Sect Master Xiao, this ingot of gold is not equivalent to more than a hundred pieces of silver?"

"It's never equal. A piece of gold, apart from being shiny and easy to carry, can be used for the same thing faster and more efficiently than a hundred pieces of silver.

Seeing that the money is open, it depends on whether the silver is heavy enough, and the weight is heavy enough, so that the ghost can push the mill faster.

Therefore, the value of one tael of gold is far higher than that of ten taels of silver. "

Yin Yang remained silent, he couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yincai who was staring quietly in front of him, and he secretly decided in his heart that he would never offend this person lightly unless it was absolutely necessary.

This person does not seem to belong to this world.

Or from hell?

Nice, emotionless hell!

Xiao Yincai really sees everything so thoroughly that in his eyes everything is just a "thing" and does not contain "emotion".

In Xiao Yincai's eyes, the hundreds of thousands of people who were bloody and desperate for a mile away were nothing more than scraps of silver, useful but lifeless.

These people are just tools used to wear down the sharpness of the enemy.

And those altar masters, dharma protectors, etc. are the gold in his pocket, and because of their great value, they can be cherished a little by him.

When the "silver" exhausts the opponent, he will use the "gold" to crush the opponent without any suspense!

 Well, the title of this chapter is a bit of hype.

  Although the meteor has passed away, it has been brilliant after all.

  The first order of more than ten thousand must be the dream of every author. After going to see it, it is very appetizing. What a pity.



(End of this chapter)

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