Chapter 225

"When an old man changes his face, there must be some unspeakable secrets that cannot be described.

Brother Xie, Brother Liu, this friend has a close relationship with the Daoyi League. Since it is inconvenient for him to reveal, Rujing also begs the two of you not to make things difficult for him. "

Shui Rujing and You Ming stepped forward one after another to vouch for Jiang Yichen, which was surprising.

Her further explanation made everyone feel relieved.

Obviously, she and You Ming had already recognized Jiang Yichen's identity.

Although they didn't get along for a long time, everyone can feel the coldness of the water like a mirror and the warm heart. As for You Ming, this stuffy gourd is not someone who speaks easily. Before that, the two people had no intersection at all, and now they stand together After coming out, Xie Yongchang and Liu Menghen saw the situation, and after some consideration, they also decided not to pursue it.

Xie Yongchang said: "It seems that the little brother really came here for Kid Murong, but it's a pity that you didn't report your name. After he wakes up, we can't talk to him about your kindness. Hehe, I talk more when I'm old. Since Shui Yatou said that, I won't mention it."

Being able to come to help each other in danger alone, presumably the two are close friends, so how can they care whether the other party will remember their kindness?

Xie Yongchang laughed at himself for the superfluity of his words just now, but then he seemed to think of some omissions, so he said again: "Then what should we call you, little brother?"

Regarding this, Jiang Yichen seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and said to everyone, "Everyone can call me 'Xiao Ye'."

Xie Yongchang retreated with his fists clasped, and Liu Menghen didn't say another word, but just stared at Jiang Yichen calmly, hoping to see some tricks.

He absolutely does not believe in the title of "Xiao Ye", but due to Murong Jing's wide acquaintance, it is really difficult for him to find out the names of many people who can match the current person, after thinking hard to no avail, he also shakes his head and gives up .

After they became famous, many well-known assassins seldom made shocking actions in the world. It was not because of their ability to retreat, but because their fame slowed down their progress.

Too much disclosure of personal information brings too much attention, and once it is mentioned, it will always attract more solid defenses.

After people gradually become familiar with martial arts moves and shooting habits, their success rate will naturally be greatly reduced.

Jiang Yichen came back secretly as a killer this time. The less people know about his existence, the better his actions will be.

Murong Jing's capture was really unexpected. He had to show up here, but he didn't want his identity to be revealed.

It's not that he can't trust the group of people in front of him, but it's just to prevent others from accidentally slipping up. Of course, it's better to pretend that he doesn't exist.

He had already made up his mind, if Xie Yongchang and Liu Menghen wanted to get to the bottom of it, then he would come up with a compromise method and go their separate ways after leaving the stalactite cave. As a guarantee for him, he would naturally not be able to win the hearts of the two of them, and being able to accompany Murong Jing for a longer journey, he would feel more at ease.

After a short rest, everyone recovered and set off again.

Although with the support of Shui Rujing and You Ming, Jiang Yichen has gained the trust of everyone, but this trust is a limited trust. His colleagues withdrew, but Murong Jing could no longer let him carry his back.

It's just that he can't carry it himself, but can also take care of him. Jiang Yichen has no objection to this.

However, I still feel ashamed of being recognized.

He has been avoiding the eyes of a few acquaintances, trying not to use moves that are familiar to them, so it is naturally impossible to recognize them.

Unexpectedly, he was recognized by Shui Rujing and You Ming, a little surprised, a little moved, a lot of words popped up in his heart for some reason, and he wanted to say it quickly, but he didn't know how to say it.

Unexpectedly, You Ming and Shui Rujing are not talkative people at all. After confirming his identity and no intention of recognizing each other, they just gestured to each other with eyes and replaced words with silence.

In the end, he gave up the opportunity to have a few words with You Ming or Shui Rujing, and only wanted to say two words "thank you" to them, but he immediately found that even these two words were unnecessary, because he knew that in front of them , you never have to say "thank you".


The scene in the stalactite cave seems to be very short, but the sky outside the cave is as gloomy as dusk.

Time really flies so fast?

That's not the case, it's just that the sunny weather just now turned sharply down, which made everyone feel a little depressed.

Below the peak is a stalactite cave, and outside the stalactite cave, although there are vegetation as a cover, it is a smooth road, which is convenient for escape and pursuit.

The gradually growing team is much calmer than before, and they move forward without rushing. Although they are still tired, their full strength makes them take every step steadily.

The closer they are to escape, the closer they are to danger. This land of more than ten miles is the last chance for Yinshamen. If they can't be stopped here, they can leave.

Therefore, everyone tensed their nerves, as keen as an eagle, and did not dare to let go of any sign of trouble.

After all, Yinshamen was not too stupid to be hopelessly stupid. When a group of people walked out for a mile, they encountered an ambush, a large number of ambush soldiers.

The ambush is here, can the pursuers be far away?

Naturally, the fight between more than ten people and more than a hundred ambush soldiers could not end in a short time. After everyone spent a cup of tea and knocked down most of the ambush soldiers, the answer came quickly with the rustling sound behind them. Won't.

The reason for the rustling is that firstly, the pursuers are still some distance away from them, and secondly, there are quite a few pursuers, densely packed like a hornet's nest.

It was such a predicament again, but this time, there was no strange hole that could help them save the day.

It seemed that reinforcements were coming, and the remaining 30 ambush soldiers fought more and more bravely like chicken blood, especially the three hall masters and four incense masters.

It may not be difficult to get a title in Yinshamen, but the food and clothing that this title can bring to a family is easier than many errands nowadays, so they naturally cherish it especially. Of course, no one is willing to ruin their lives at will, even if The opponents are strong, but their helpers are behind them. How can they be discouraged when victory is in sight?

In the way of soldiers, the momentum is like a tiger, and the ambush soldiers suddenly cheer up, like wolves and tigers.

Even a few veterans who have been in the arena for many years cannot help being shocked by the sudden aura of the other party, not to mention that this is the first time for the young Xuanhe to encounter such a situation.

Even though before coming here, he had put life and death aside, and he had done everything he could when he faced off against the bipolar Soul Splitting Bull, but at this moment, his scalp was numb looking at the hornet's nest, and he was even more overwhelmed by the momentum coming towards him. Angrily, he tried hard to fight against the timidity in his heart.

But the more he cared and struggled, the more he magnified that point.

Confucianism brings fear, and when the fear reaches its extreme, he throws away his helmet and armor.

Xuanhe's sword fell to the ground, but fortunately Aban was beside him and helped him block the powerful enemy in front of him.

A Ban guarded the distraught Xuan He behind him, facing the enemy, he shouted angrily: "You don't want to die!?"

Xuan He was silent for a while, then sighed: "There is no escape, there are too many people on the other side."

A Ban said: "Little Taoist priest, I still think you are good today, I never thought that you are still so young and ignorant."

Xuanhe said nothing.

Aban said: "You think life is your own, and everyone has the right to die?!"

Xuan He said: "Isn't it right?"

Aban said: "Of course it's wrong!"

He chopped off the enemy's head with a single blow, turned around abruptly, stared at Xuanhe, and said: "A person is not born to die!"

Xuan He said: "But, when a person has to die..."

Aban said: "Even when it's time to die, you must fight to survive!"

He raised his finger and pointed to the sky, and then said: "God is afraid that you will be thirsty, so there is water for you to drink, for fear that you will be hungry, there are fruits and food to satisfy your hunger, for fear that you will be cold, there is cotton and linen to keep you warm."

He sternly said: "God has done a lot for you, what have you done for God?"

Xuan He was startled, then lowered his head and said, "There is nothing..."

A Ban said: "The body, hair, and skin are taught by your parents. You may have been an orphan since you were a child. You became a Taoist priest in Wudang. You have less affection for your parents, but have you ever done anything for Wudang?"

Xuanhe lowered his head even lower.

A Ban said: "Death is not something you can choose. You have to learn to live towards death. You must be worthy of Wudang's kindness in cultivation, worthy of your parents' kindness in life, and worthy of the chance God gave you to be born!"

Xuan He raised his head, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

He looked at Aban, and sincerely thanked the old Jianghu who had been contradicted and ridiculed by him for giving him the courage to live.

From the corner of the eye, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of the scene behind A-Ban, and he suddenly lost his voice: "Be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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