Chapter 211 Deja Vu

There is one and only one exit from the stone chamber. If you want to survive Lu Ban's bipolar soul-splitting cow, there are two ways in simple terms.

One is to kill Lu Ban and Gongshu Lu in the body of the cow, and if no one controls the two pole-splitting soul cows, they will naturally be safe.

The second is to open the bronze door of the stone room and run away directly. No matter how powerful the bipolar soul splitting cow is, they will not be able to keep up with their pace.

The two paths are easy to say, but if you want to implement them, you really have no way to start.

Lu Ban and Gong Shulu were hiding in the belly of the cow, and if they wanted to kill them, they had to try to break through the body made of black iron first.

How easy is it to break the invulnerable black iron purely by manpower?

A stick of incense ago, in order to save the life of Gongshu Lu, Lu Ban took the initiative to open the entrance of the bipolar soul splitting body.

It was an extremely rare opportunity, and everyone rushed forward, wanting to capture Lu Ban.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ban was actually a dangerous soldier, setting a trap in advance, and while saving people, he entrapped six people.

Instead of defeating the enemy in one fell swoop, the six people were tricked by him. Xie Yongchang's right arm was shot by a poisoned arrow, and he had to seal his own meridians and change his left hand to hold a knife.

In comparison, it is more feasible to pry open the bronze door with everyone's strength.

It's just that it takes some time to pry open the bronze door, but how could Lu Ban and Gongshu Lu give Xie Yongchang and others such a chance?

Just when everyone was gradually falling into despair, the bronze door was opened!

Friend or foe?

This was the thought that came to mind at the same time on both sides in an instant.

clang!Clang! Clang!

Accompanied by the close contact of a pile of metal objects with the ground, a strange man appeared at the door of the stone room.

The strange man behaved strangely, he came with a bunch of weapons, and looked at the situation of everyone in the stone room with strange eyes, including the majestic and condescending big iron bull.

The weird man's outfit is weird, with four or five spears and swords wrapped around his back, and four or five swords wrapped around his left and right waists, not only that, but also a dozen spears and spears under his left and right flanks .

If he hadn't had to rely on his feet to walk forward, everyone would have no doubt that he would make full use of his feet to carry weapons.

But even if this is not the case, the weapons carried on his upper body alone make it difficult for him to move forward?

The bang just now said everything, from him, at least a dozen or so weapons fell to the ground.

No matter how weird the weird man is, he will never come here to deliver weapons. This is everyone's common understanding. As for what is his purpose here?

Xie Yongchang was puzzled, Aban was puzzled, Liu Menghen was puzzled, Shui Rujing pondered, and Nether was amazed!

Except for the strange man in the stone room, there were seven people who were sane. Just as five of them were still hesitating about the identity of the strange man's friend and foe and his intentions, Lu Ban and Gongshu Lu had already reacted.

When things go wrong, there must be a demon. Lu Ban doesn't recognize this person, and neither does Gongshu Lu.

In order to be on the safe side, the best way is to close the door and beat the dog. As long as the door is closed again, it will be convenient for one more person. Is it up to me to kill or cut up?

The entire underworld was designed by Lu Ban. This hexagonal stone room was originally designed for the research and development of bipolar soul-splitting cattle. There are several switches on the door of the stone room, and he knows where the switches are.

There is a switch inside and outside the stone chamber that can be used to open and close normally. In order to trap seven people in the stone chamber, Luban destroyed the switch inside the stone chamber, and the strange man came in through the switch outside.

In addition to these two switches on the bright side, there is also a protective switch hidden in a certain stone wall. After the switch is turned on, the bronze door can only be opened from the inside, and once it is destroyed, the bronze door will be completely closed. It can no longer be opened by normal means.

No one knows where this protection switch is hidden, but those who don't understand it in the next moment should understand it.

Niu Shou shot two heavy arrows again.

The arrow didn't go towards the person, but pierced into the stone wall at the top of the bronze door.


The masonry on the wall was broken, revealing the damaged protection switch hidden inside.


The two bronze doors quickly approached the middle, seeing that the door of the stone room was supposed to be closed again.

None of the people present were stupid, after seeing this change of situation, they naturally knew that this moment of closing the door was a good opportunity to get out, and if they didn't pull away at this time, they might not be able to get out again.

But everyone didn't move, A-Ban and Xie Yongchang were too far away from the door, maybe they didn't have time to get out, but Shui Rujing, Liu Menghen, and even You Ming, who had injured his leg, had time to fly out, but they didn't move either.

Lu Ban in the bull body laughed out loud. He was not surprised that these people would give up this chance to escape danger. He thought that if these self-proclaimed righteous people let them leave their companions and escape alone, it would be a little bit of a conscience. It is quite fatal for them to get out of this matter and lose their reputation.

As for the weird man, he came into the stone room to find fault, so how could he leave easily without doing anything other than this weird appearance?

Seeing Lu Ban shoot down the opening mechanism of the stone chamber, Xie Yongchang and others still frowned, but the strange man remained expressionless and calm.

Why is this man here?

Now not only Xie Yongchang and the others, but also Lu Ban and Gongshu Lu had doubts in their hearts.

Soon, the strange sound behind the strange man attracted the attention of the seven people on both sides.


The sound was not low, but everyone seemed to be very concerned about the strange sound, and they all listened attentively.

Seems like something is stuck?

Qi Dao's gaze seemed to have grown feet, bypassing the strange man's stalwart body armed with various weapons, and looked at the bronze door behind him.

The bronze door is not closed!

Yes, they did not hear the clang of the doors as they closed.

The gap between the two bronze doors is not as airtight as before, but there is a gap less than a foot wide.

How did this gap come about?

Everyone's eyes moved up and down the gap, and after a while, they found the answer.

It turned out that a large pile of weapons that slipped from this strange man just now landed on the trajectory of the bronze door closing in an even way.

Although just now it was scattered, but when the two doors closed towards the center, the weapons on the ground were also gathered together.

Perhaps the texture of these weapons is hardly thicker than the bronze gate, but the so-called crowd gathers firewood and the fire is high. When a large number of weapons made of the same copper and iron are gathered together, their hardness is not much worse.

Although the few weapons on the edge were deformed under the pressure of the gates on both sides, the gap in the middle of the bronze gate could not be closed after all.

Among these people, only You Ming could squeeze out of the gap that was less than a foot wide, but it didn't matter.

The existence of gaps represents the hope of life.

Could the existence of this gap be a coincidence?

I'm afraid no one will think it's a coincidence.

Regarding the identity of the strange man, the seven no longer doubted him.

It's the enemy!

He came to trouble the Yinsha Underworld.

It's friends!

He came to rescue Murong Jing.

Xie, Liu, and Ban had joyful expressions in their eyes, the eyesight of these veterans was not bad, and something strange happened, so they couldn't think of it for a while.

But now, if you take a closer look, isn't this weird man the one who had breakfast with them at Longyuan Inn during the day?

A woman's intuition, the so-called sixth sense, is always more sensitive than a man's. Shui Rujing once again felt the familiarity of reunion after a long absence from this man.

Who is he?

The answer seemed to be coming out of Shui Rujing's heart, he must be someone he knew well.

However, in these three or four years, she has really experienced too much in the mundane world, and it is really difficult for her to find out the appearance of this person in her mind.

Or the same reason for being a killer, You Ming was the first to recognize this person as the one who intended to eavesdrop on the conversation between the six of them in the morning, and now after careful scrutiny, he seems to have guessed the identity of this person.

Appearance can be changed, but a person's eyes are not easy to change.

The eyes that stared directly at the bipolar soul splitting cow were the same as those in Danxia Villa three years ago, full of murderous intent and never ending death.

It's been three years, he's back?

(End of this chapter)

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