Chapter 191

In the heavy rain, seven or eight people from Dishamen approached the two brothers Sui Ji and Sui Li.

Walking in the forefront, wearing a red brocade robe and holding a lancet is one of the six earth evil tigers, the earth prestige star Liu Mohan.

He led the remaining three hall masters of the Earth Shamen and four assistants, each holding a self-defense device, and walked forward step by step vigilantly.

Liu Mohan tentatively called out to the two standing still in front of him: "Sui Ji, Sui Li?"

He channeled a little internal energy, and the sound was enough to reach the ears of the two, but they still ignored it and did not respond.

Liu Mohan gripped the handle of the knife tightly, reminding everyone: "Be careful!"

When I walked a few steps forward, I could see the gray horse and the man in white lying on the road motionless, as if lifeless, almost covered by the muddy water stirred up by the heavy rain.

The eight people looked at each other, reached a consensus, and stepped forward quickly, first to take care of their own people whose backs were facing them.

A group of people came to the front of the two, turned around, and saw that the eyes of the two were as usual, there was nothing unusual, but why did they look like stone sculptures, not only did not move, but also seemed to be unable to hear everyone's calls.

Liu Mohan frowned and concentrated, took a step closer to Sui Jina, looked at him again, and found a thin mark on his neck.

Thin traces of bright red ice crystals are bloodstains!

Even if Liu Mohan shifted his gaze to Sui Li, it was exactly the same situation.

Those who killed them obviously didn't want the blood of the two to splash, so not only sealed the throats of the two with a sword, but also instantly condensed their blood on the neck.

The two were still standing and did not fall, but the water and fire sticks in their hands did not play a balancing role. state of balance.

From this we can see how light and fast the swordsmanship of those who killed them was.

There are not many sword techniques that can cut across the necks of two people at the same time with one sword, but the sword energy is undoubtedly the most likely move. The sword energy of the man did not even have a trace of extra strength, so it did not touch the bodies of the two , no, before that moment, the two corpses were still two living people.

The remaining seven people then gathered around and looked at it carefully, and immediately discovered the strange reason.

"This... this, dead?!"

The boy who made the noise was only of a young age, short and fat, with considerable strength, but he was not very courageous. He was obviously frightened by the two dead men standing in front of him, his voice trembled, and he took a few steps back.

The boy's words seemed to open a certain door in everyone's heart, causing fear to spread uncontrollably among everyone.

I saw Liu Mohan raised his left arm, put the fingers of his left hand together, and made a stop gesture, signaling to everyone to silence and not to panic.

Then, the left hand he put down went straight to Sui Ji's right hand holding the water fire stick.

Cold and stiff!

Sure enough, not only the blood on the neck was congealed into ice crystals, but the blood in the two people's bodies should also be congealed. Therefore, although Sui Ji and Sui Li were dead, they still held the water and fire sticks in their hands, because Their limbs have already froze.

Liu Mohan had never seen this evil skill before, but he had seen it in a letter. This was exactly the way of death that Shang Que mentioned in the letter!

Thinking of this, Liu Mohan suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.

At the same time, I heard the exclamation from the distant Shamen companions, "Be careful behind you!——"

Liu Mohan immediately threw himself forward, and shouted: "Fall!"

The sound of plopping sounded one after another.

The seven people around Liu Mohan were startled when they heard the words, and quickly reacted when they saw that Liu Mohan was so panicked, no matter what happened, they fell down first.

The one who reacted slowly was that his body trembled wildly, and before he could cry out the pain, he fell into the muddy water with a dull or unbelievable expression.

The last ones to fall were Sui Ji and Sui Li, who had died for a while. They were brought down by the water splashed by the crowd.

Liu Mohan's reaction was the fastest, but he also suffered some injuries on his back and arms. He could be sure that just now the opponent swung the sword aura with the intention of killing him.

The bone-chilling chill was about to invade his whole body along his back, if he hadn't used his kung fu in time to resist, he might have died just like the Sui brothers.

Among the eight people, Liu Mohan, who is the best in kung fu, is in such a mess, and the other five have lost their breath.

Of the remaining two people, one is wearing a dark green single-clothes and holding the outline of the earth soul star with two hooks, and the other is the short and fat boy from before.

But the two of them were not unscathed, and Gou Le received a qi cut on his left arm, and without a moment's hesitation, he sealed the meridians of his left arm to prevent the cold air from spreading in his body.

And that little guy doesn't have such skills. He entered the earth's evil gate to work hard not long ago, and he doesn't know anything about martial arts. It was very cold.

Slowly, breathing became more and more difficult.

Gradually, the eyes became blurred.

He opened his mouth and wanted to exhale, and wanted to cry for his father and mother, but he could only drink the rainwater and muddy water, and maybe his own tears.

During the struggle, his hand touched his waist. It turned out that the clothes there had been torn, and he was still injured.

In the end, he maintained the posture of stroking his waist, and without any movement, he ended this short and hasty life.

The people of Dishamen who were hiding under the tree to shelter from the rain discovered this shocking change earlier and saw it more clearly. When they reminded their companions, the white-clothed swordsman who suddenly jumped up from the ground had been preparing for a long time. His sword energy has already come out.

In an instant, the scene of the space in everyone's field of vision was distorted by the sudden burst of powerful energy. The cold light of the sword was intertwined in the falling rain, and the messy sword energy was like a blooming white rose in the rain. Although it was magnificent and pleasing to the eye, it was To sting people and remind them to die.

As a result, everyone could only watch helplessly as their companions were tricked into being attacked. Fortunately, their reaction was quick, and more than a dozen people rushed forward with swords and knives in hand.

Within a moment, Liu Mohan and Goule were guarded inside.

Just as the frightened and angry Dishamen were about to capture the white-clothed swordsman, when they looked around, was there any trace of the white-clothed swordsman?

Everyone immediately formed a circle, huddled into a group, and faced the outside of the circle in unison, guarding against another sneak attack by the white-clothed swordsman.

The rain is still falling, if not for the eight corpses lying on the ground, if not for Liu Mohan and Gou Le who are still pale and in a worrying state at this time, if not for the gray horse still lying on the ground, at this time everyone might think Everything that happened was just a dream.

This is really a vivid and terrifying dream.

Wait, that gray horse is...!

Someone in the crowd seemed to have discovered some great secret, and suddenly said in horror: "Horse! This horse..."

The yelling man was a strong fellow, and what would it be to find out that he would be terrified?

His cry naturally made everyone's hearts cramp with fright, and also attracted everyone's attention. However, this guy seemed to be unable to speak well, and he was too nervous, so he screamed for two times. After the sound, the following words can't be said anymore.

It's just a buddy, and the hall masters didn't want to blame him, so they could only look away from the horse.

At first everyone thought the horse had fallen unconscious, after such careful observation, they realized later that there was also a sword mark on the horse's long neck, the sword mark was not deep, but it did not hinder the pursuit of the horse. the life of the horse.

Because the blood on the wound was congealed, after such a long time, it gradually melted in the rain and dripped out slowly.

This method of death is the same as the eight people lying on the ground right now, and it is also consistent with what Shang Que said in his letter.

The swordsman in white used this horse to cooperate with him to perform a clumsy play, and deceived the group of people, killing eight people in the group, and the other two survived only by narrow escapes.

More than a dozen pairs of eyes stared at the horse. Experts could tell whether the horse fell unconscious or was killed, while laymen could only see the posture, color, or breed of the horse.

The gray horse is an Ujimqin horse. This kind of horse has always been famous for its well-proportioned body, good endurance, strong physique, strong running power, fast riding speed, strong four hooves, broad shoulders and broad chest. Combining long-distance running and short-distance sprinting, this horse can be called a BMW, and most of these horses come from outlands, and are rarely seen in Zhongzhou. Coincidentally, everyone is not unfamiliar with this horse, and even looks familiar.

"This is the teardrop of the deputy sect master!" More than one person in the crowd exclaimed in surprise, and it was considered to have completed the words that the burly guy hadn't said at first.

The teardrops are naturally not the teardrops of human tears, but the names of horses.

After a lot of identification by the crowd, they finally recognized the gray horse lying in the muddy water, it was indeed the good horse of their deputy sect master Bi E, Teardrop.

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately confirmed that the horse was indeed not bad for tears.

"You said that the deputy sect master went straight to Lingxiao to shorten the schedule, but this teardrop was ridden by this white swordsman..." It was Zheng Yi who spoke, and Rao stood with everyone, his voice Already shivering.

After Zheng Yi mentioned it, everyone understood what he hadn't said, and then their complexions became gloomy, as if dead.

Xiu Kai, who was supposed to support the situation and stabilize the morale of the army, felt a little flustered at this moment, and began to think wildly.

They had just walked through this road, so there shouldn't be any potholes. In fact, the fall of the man and the horse was a huge flaw. But when they saw that they were going from north to south, they relaxed their vigilance, but who It was expected that their deputy sect master, Bi E, who had extraordinary fighting power, lost his life and was caught up with them by taking away his horse.

Xiu Kai is not an ordinary person either. After a moment of panic, he gradually came back to his senses. The fait accompli cannot be avoided and must be faced. He tried his best to calm himself down and began to think about countermeasures.

He got out from the crowd, took a few steps closer to where the white-clothed swordsman had just fallen, and flicked the silver gun in the muddy water to make sure there were no potholes, so he was able to hide behind and look around.

This person should not disappear for no reason.

This person's ability to pass Ling Xiaodu is obviously good at lightness, but his ability is obviously not as good as that of the deputy sect master. It is very likely that he succeeded in calculating the life of the deputy sect master by taking advantage of the natural danger.

When they gathered together and were fully guarded, this person didn't dare to show up easily.

The only place this person can hide now is...

(End of this chapter)

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