Quick Pass Cannon Fodder Upgrade Guide

Chapter 94 Interstellar King Road 4

Chapter 94 Interstellar King Road 4
Knowing the experience of the original owner and the content of the mission, Lin Xiaoman looked at the sky, and it was about 2 or 3 hours before dawn.

While there was still time, Lin Xiaoman moved out the 300 million plot of this world again.

According to the table of contents, because there is such a chapter "First Arrive at the Green Ant Star", Lin Xiaoman immediately confirmed the content of this episode, and then opened his eyes...well, don't open them, just close your eyes and read it in your head That's fine.

Because Lin Xiaoman didn't know about it, he only knew that Qu Yunxuan arrived on Green Ant Planet with a merchant ship and found that it was a pristine planet, so he suddenly decided to stay on this planet and discover the delicacies on the planet.

Before crossing, Qu Yunxuan was an authentic Cantonese. Everyone knows that for Cantonese people, leeches, leeches, scorpions, spiders... everything can be panned and eaten!

Moreover, the scientists have said, 'It has been found through research that ants are a treasure house of nutrition and a natural medicine processing factory. They contain more than 50 kinds of nutrients needed by the human body, 28 kinds of free amino acids, multiple vitamins, and trace elements...'

Hearing that the largest local ants here can be as big as a cow, Qu Yunxuan's eyes are as bright as light bulbs, and he immediately fell in love with it.

In her research, the more nutritious the material, the more likely it is to become a spiritual food if it also has a medicinal function.

Although the local people in the same team, that is, You Xue and his team, warned her not to provoke the green ants, but could not bear the curiosity and the noble pursuit of food, Qu Yunxuan finally did it to the green ants.

When he went to the toilet alone one time, when he happened to see a green ant the size of an egg, Qu Yunxuan couldn't help but use the spiritual liquid as bait, and successfully captured the green ant.

Because of its small size, Qu Yunxuan hid the bottle containing the green ant in her backpack. Everyone didn't notice it at all, and she just brought the green ant back to the gathering place.

As a heroine, she must be upright and kind. Of course, Qu Yunxuan has no intention of harming others. Because of the earnest warnings from the locals, she is afraid of attracting an army of green ants. Leave the Green Ant Star and start again.

Qu Yunxuan feeds the green ants with food and psychic liquid. After her research, whether it is plants or animals, if they are fed with psychic liquid, they will grow better, taste better, and the efficacy will be greatly improved. improve.

In this way, Qu Yunxuan was studying the cooking methods of other local creatures while waiting for the merchant ship to pass by the planet.

The army of green ants attacked, Qu Yunxuan didn't know why, and was thrown away by Zhang Yashan and the three, and was chased by flying ants, Qu Yunxuan was screaming and scared to death.

After being surrounded by a large group of flying ants, Qu Yunxuan, who only thought he was going to die, was frightened and fainted.

I don't know how long it took, but Qu Yunxuan woke up with severe pain in his leg, and then...then it was dawn.

"Xiaoxue, wake up."

Lin Xiaoman only felt that someone gently pushed her shoulder, the voice was rough and familiar.

"Dad?" Lin Xiaoman opened his eyes and took a look, and it was indeed the adoptive father in the memory of the original owner.

With a square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, Zhang Yashan is an honest man with a sense of justice.Although he doesn't talk much on weekdays and is very strict in training, he is definitely a good father and sincerely raises You Xue as his own daughter.

Seeing the real Zhang Yashan again, Lin Xiaoman only felt sore eyes, an urge to cry, obviously, she was influenced by the original owner again.

Trying to suppress the emotions of the original owner, Lin Xiaoman kept his character and smiled softly at him, "Dad, are you leaving?"

"Master Qu is awake and needs to go to the bathroom, you go with her."

"Okay." Lin Xiaoman nodded obediently.

After rubbing his legs that were a little numb because they couldn't stretch out and kept sitting in a sitting position, Lin Xiaoman hugged the tree trunk a few times and slid down.

"Don't go far, pay attention to safety!"

"Dad, don't worry." Lin Xiaoman replied.

"Xiaoxue, I'm going...you go with me." Qu Yunxuan faltered with a red face, reached out to hold her hand, and led her to the edge of the camp.

With big eyes, fair skin, and delicate facial features, the heroine Qu Yunxuan's appearance is a bit immature, in the standard loli style.

Although she looks like a little girl, Qu Yunxuan's real age is 31 years old. Of course, the lifespan of interstellar people has been extended to 150 years old, and 30 years old is the legal age of majority. According to the standards here, Qu Yunxuan is still just adult.

And she is an underage doll!

It was still a flower bone, and it died miserably, what a tragedy! !
After walking out of the clearing and bypassing a small bush, Lin Xiaoman held him back and stood still, "Master Qu, let's stay here."

"Xiaoxue, what are you doing out of sight like this, you can call me Yunxuan or elder sister Qu." Qu Yunxuan muttered and said casually with a smile.

"No, you are a master spiritual master, so calling you that is disrespectful to you."

Lin Xiaoman imitated the style of the original owner, speaking in a low voice, with a cowardly expression, but his words were very rigid and stubborn.

Lin Xiaoman's mood at this moment is definitely sour.

Yingyingying, the author's biological daughter, is treated well.

Although Qu Yunxuan looks weak and weak, like a master who will fall when the wind blows, she has successfully gathered spiritual power when she was an adult, and she is already a trainee healer.

If I really pissed her off...

According to Cyclops, Cyclops is one of the little bosses in their gathering place, and because one eye is blind, they got the nickname Cyclops.

Qu Yunxuan was brought back by One Eye. He specially sent a message to the people in the gathering place, warning those restless people, 'This woman with a lot of money is not a fat sheep, but a spiritual master!It's a wolf in sheep's clothing!Don't have the idea of ​​killing people and getting more goods. '

When Duo Yan was at the parking lot, he witnessed that Qu Yunxuan did nothing, not even raised his hand, and those people from other gathering places who were trying to rob money and sex were silently killed.

Healers are definitely the existence of magic damage MAX, which can ignore physical defense.

Therefore, Qu Yunxuan, who is delicate and frail, can be said to have the highest damage value in their entire team.

"Hey, it's up to you." Qu Yunxuan didn't say anything about Lin Xiaoman's stubbornness, after all, the stomach problem was more important.

Hesitatingly glanced at the men in the open space, Qu Yunxuan was a little embarrassed by the distance, "Xiaoxue, it's...too close."

I don't know if I caught a cold at night or I ate too much. She wants it to be convenient and big.

"It's too far away to be safe, let me cover it for you."

A very experienced person first checked whether there were poisonous snakes, insects and ants in the small forest. After confirming that it was safe, Lin Xiaoman skillfully took out a few pieces of cloth from his backpack, and used the branches to build a simple temporary toilet with air leakage.

"OK then."

Lin Xiaoman had already taken action, Qu Yunxuan reluctantly nodded.

Qu Yunxuan went to squat to shit, and Lin Xiaoman, who was standing guard, just wanted to say: "It stinks!"

Hey, it's really not easy to be a cannon fodder.

All because of the damn money!
Poor, so bitter!
Hey, I have been a rich person twice, but this time I became a poor person. Lin Xiaoman only feels a great sense of gap. For this task, I can only work hard to be a generation on my own!

Come on, you are the best.

After solving the problem of the reincarnation of grains, the two returned to the open space for rest, and the group had already packed their luggage.

After simply eating a few bites of breakfast, that is, compressed biscuits, after filling up the stomach, the day's 'adventure' started again.

(End of this chapter)

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