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Chapter 46 The Goddess of Online Games 2

Chapter 46 The Goddess of Online Games 2
This is not a book world, so there is no plot, Lin Xiaoman only received the memory of the original owner.

Judging from the memory of the original owner, this is still a modern society, a large country called Xia Kingdom, whose economy, life, and technological level are equivalent to about 2000.

The original owner, Hu Lin'er, a freshman, just entered university a month ago, and her current physical condition is really not caused by Lin Xiaoman's fainting, but because of depression...

As for depression, we have to start from the beginning.

Hu's father and Hu's mother are very business minded. The couple seized the spring breeze of reform and opening up, started from small vendors, accumulated capital along the way, and finally chose Haishi, a city near the sea where spring is like all the year round.

The couple bought fast land in the coastal area, which was still a rural area at the time, and started a seafood wholesale business first.

With the development of Haishi's tourism economy, more and more tourists came to Haishi, and the couple who saved enough money directly built a big hotel on the ground.

The benefit of the hotel is very good, and the cost will be paid back in a few years. With the improvement of people's living standards, the benefit of the hotel is getting higher and higher, and the scale of the hotel is gradually expanding.

When Hu Lin'er was in high school, her family's hotel had developed into a four-star hotel with more than 100 guest rooms of various types, and she was making a lot of money.

With a stable income and prosperous life, Hu's father and mother also began to pay attention to enjoying life while making money.

Therefore, traveling two or three times a year has become a necessity of life.

In Hu Liner's third year of high school, it was customary for Hu's father and mother to travel abroad, and the destination was to go abroad, and then they never returned.

The plane crashed and all passengers were killed.

Although Hu Liner didn't go with her because of her studies, she was lucky enough to escape, but after all, she was only 18 years old, and the blow of her parents' death crushed her all at once.

Hu Linren couldn't accept the reality and became confused and suffered from severe depression.The original excellent grades also plummeted. In the end, it was the aunt who took her to travel around and saw a lot of psychiatrists, and the symptoms improved.

The dazed state has improved, and the depression has been brought under control, but Hu Liner has left a sequelae since then.

In the beginning, whenever she thought of her parents and felt sad, Hu Liner would start drinking and eating, relying on all kinds of delicacies, using delicious food to numb herself and temporarily forget the pain.

Just eating and eating all the way, Hu Linren can be regarded as walking out of the shadow of his parents' death.

It's just that this habit of eating can't be changed. When I feel uncomfortable, I can't help but think about eating.

The more you eat, the more weight you will gain.

Because of the great changes in her life, Hu Lin'er failed in the college entrance examination without exception, and her scores didn't even reach three.

Hu Lin'er doesn't have any ambitions either. There are big hotels in the left and right families, which can be regarded as considerable assets. The money left by her parents will never be spent in her lifetime.Therefore, after discussing with her aunt and uncle, Hu Liner spent money to enter a local university in Haishi, which can be regarded as a mixed diploma and gold plating.

In high school, everyone in the class knew that Hu Liner became obese because of the sadness of her parents' death, and her classmates still cared about her very much.Even if a few bad students laughed at her, they would say a few words secretly behind her back, which would not reach Hu Liner's ears.

It's just that after entering the university, new school, new classmates, everyone didn't know Hu Liner's experience, only saw her fat body, and her pretentious young lady style during military training that was completely inconsistent with her body, so she couldn't help being malicious He joked and called out nicknames.

'Fatty Hu'

'Hu Dashan'




'Sister Lin with a wide body and a strong body'


During the military training, Hu Lin'er was actually not pretentious, but was puffy because of eating too much junk food. Her physical fitness was really bad, and she couldn't afford the military training at all.

This kind of nickname seems to be just a joke in the eyes of others, but to the person involved...

If he is an optimistic fat man with a wide heart and a fat body, he must laugh it off.

It's a pity that Hu Liner is a fat man with depression, and being ridiculed by so many classmates made Hu Liner's depression a little worse.

On the weekend after the military training, Hu Liner, who was in a sad mood, hid in her den and ate all kinds of food, in a trance...

Have you taken your medicine today?

Did not eat.

Did you take your medicine just now?

Did not eat.


Hu Lin'er accidentally took too much of her anti-depression medicine, and then fell asleep.

In the end, because she didn't go to school for two days, the counselor found her address in the small apartment outside the school after several inquiries, killed her, and found that the abnormality sent her to the hospital, and then rescued her.

That's right, when Lin Xiaoman arrived, it was the weekend after the military training that Hu Lin'er almost died.

If she didn't come, the counselor would come to the door two days later and send Hu Lin'er to the hospital.

Rubbing his head, Lin Xiaoman, who still had the sequelae of vertigo, understood.

No wonder she fainted so badly this time, it's because she took too much medicine!

With his hand down, he touched his stomach which was still in pain. Lin Xiaoman quickly found out his mobile phone, and as soon as he got through to 120, he immediately called for help in a feeble tone, "Doctor, I accidentally took too much medicine, I feel so uncomfortable. !……address is……"

When Hu Lin'er arrived at the hospital, she underwent gastric lavage. Now that it was her, Lin Xiaoman dared not be careless. What if there were any sequelae?
After making the emergency call, Lin Xiaoman silently mourned for herself while feeling relieved.

Gastric lavage!It hurts just thinking about it!
Continuing, Lin Xiaoman sorted out his memory.

After being discharged from the hospital, Hu Liner didn't want to go back to school because of the ridicule of her classmates, and the school also learned that Hu Liner was a special student with depression.

On the one hand, the school did not want to take responsibility, and on the other hand, it had money to accept it. As a school that is not popular, the school happily waved the hand and let him go.

From then on, Hu Liner just had to put on a show every semester and take the final exam, and she was fine, and finally got her graduation certificate.

It's all about paying for a diploma.

Ever since she became fatter, Hu Lin'er has a low self-esteem, and she is particularly sensitive to the strange eyes of others. After she doesn't have to go to school, she doesn't like to go out even more, and stays in her room all day long.

As a result of staying at home, Hu Liner became obsessed with games.

Across a screen, no one can see anyone, you can have fun and talk to others wantonly.

In this way, Hu Lin'er became a gaming geek. As a time and money player, she quickly climbed up the list in the game and became the goddess in the hearts of many nerds.

The game technology has become more and more advanced, and Hu Lin'er has entered the top ten games, and has a great reputation in the entire service area.

In the game, female players always receive more attention than male players, although Hu Lin'er has never said that she is a beautiful woman in the game.Just playing games, it is inevitable to turn on the microphone during large-scale battles. Although Hu Liner doesn't show her face, she can't bear her nice voice.

As a female god with a good voice on the top ten altars, in the minds of many male players, Hu Liner is a big beauty, goddess level!

Enjoying the popularity of everyone in the game, Hu Liner became more and more addicted to the Internet, and regarded the game as everything.

Originally, with Hu Liner's family fortune, she could play games all her life, but online dating is a must for any game!

Unfortunately, Hu Liner fell in love online!

(End of this chapter)

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