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Chapter 42 Fire, Burglary and Best Friends 39

Chapter 42 Fire, Burglary and Best Friends 39
Every man will probably meet two women in his life, one is a white rose and the other is a red rose.

When he got the red rose, she became a smear of mosquito blood on the wall, and the white one became the moonlight in front of the bed.

When he got the white rose, she became a grain of rice sticking to his clothes, while the red one became a permanent cinnabar mole on his chest...

What is not available is always the best.

In Nian Jiarui's heart, Shen Tong will always be the white moonlight, while Ning Qing has never been a red rose, but has always been that smear of mosquito blood.

When he first got married, Nian Jiarui was still ambitious and planned to seize the power of the old man Ning Yongjin and hold the Ning family in his own hands.Unfortunately, it turns out that dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

In the eyes of Ning Yongjin and his wife, his only role is to make their daughter happy.

A woman has two requirements for her husband, one is to make money, and the other is to accompany her.

For ordinary men, 'If I lift a brick with both hands, I can't hug you, and if I let go of the brick, I can't support you. 'But the Nian family is not short of money, and the Ning family even has a mine!So Nian Jiarui does not need to 'move bricks'.

Ning Qing has only one request for Nian Jiarui, to follow her and coax her, accompany her every day to go shopping, eat, travel, play around, buy, buy, buy!

Kong has ambitions, but wastes time on eating, drinking and having fun, and has to serve his wife like Lafayette, Nian Jiarui is smiling on the surface, but bitter on the inside.

But the reality is already like this, what can we do?He can only grit his teeth and bear it, he has to work hard until Ning Yongjin and his wife trust him and give him power!

Youth is his capital, he wants to kill these two old guys!
On the surface, pretending to be a grandson, coaxing his wife to please his father-in-law's family, Nian Jiarui hoped that the two old things would die soon in his heart every day.

In such a flash of time, 7 or 8 years have passed.

Seeing Shen Tong again, Nian Jiarui was pleasantly surprised, she is back!
How have you been all these years?Are you still alone?Come back or go?Will it stay?
There were many, many things to say, but in just a moment, Nian Jiarui calmed down, and then pretended to be a stranger without looking at her.

Even if my heart hurts, I can only greet another woman with care.

During these years, Nian Jiarui has deeply realized that Ning Yongjin and his wife are definitely not good people, they are cruel and merciless behind the scenes, and they can do anything.

No, Xiaotong cannot be exposed!Otherwise it will only bring disaster to her.

After seeing Shen Tong again, Nian Jiarui became restless and hated the Ning family even more.

Just what to do?

He has survived for 7 years and cannot give up all his efforts.

What's more, their family has already been torn apart with their aunt, and now the Ning family is their backing. If he makes a mistake at this time, he will only be kicked out. With the power of the Ning family, maybe he can be cleansed out of the house.

what can he doCan only continue to boil.

Not daring to approach, not daring to inquire, deliberately ignoring, he could only pretend to be a stranger, paying attention carefully and silently.

Qingshi is very big, with a population of nearly ten million, it is very difficult to meet a person.

Since that time in the shopping mall, Nian Jiarui has never seen Shen Tong again, only heard about it.

I heard that Shenghua has found a partner, which is a big company in country Y.

I heard that the person in charge of the company in country Y is called Ai Wen.

I heard that Ai Wen has an assistant named Shen Tong.

I heard that Shen Tong is still unmarried, but has a son named Shen Luo.

That age, that age! !
I was very excited, but Nian Jiarui didn't even have the courage to ask clearly.

If that was really his son, if the old man's family found out... the consequences would be disastrous.

He can't do anything, he can only forget each other in the rivers and lakes, and can only wait for the two old ones to return home!

After this, we will endure until the old age.

At the age of 60, two-thirds of my life has passed.

In the rush of time, the grandfather died, the eldest aunt died, the eldest uncle died, his father died, his mother died, and his mother-in-law also died... Only Ning, who was dying but still refused to let go of power, was left. advance bravely.

Seeing Ning Yongjin's body becoming dilapidated day by day, Nian Jiarui became more and more excited every day. Finally, this old thing is going to die!Finally, everything will be his!

Hongtu Technology Company officially announced to the general public: "Second World", the return of the dead, even if the body dies, it can exist forever in the game world in the form of consciousness!A real second world! !
As soon as the news came out, everyone was boiling.

Then, Ning Yongjin directly spent money to buy the qualification for eternal life.

Nian Jiarui watched helplessly as Ning Yongjin took his last breath in the ward, and in the blink of an eye, he was alive and well in "The Second World" again.

Using "Second World" as the medium, Ning Yongjin continued to manage his business empire, even skipped over him, and began to teach the son he had always disliked hand in hand.

Obviously, this is going beyond his son-in-law and leaving everything to his grandson!

He is not reconciled, he is not reconciled!
He has endured for more than 30 years, and he has just waited for such an ending! ?
Nian Jiarui, who was extremely unwilling, could no longer bear to turn his back on Ning Qing. The two quarreled at home and even fought. Then, his son, who was always closer to the Ning family, helped Ning Qing without exception. Looking at his own mother, he even threatened to drive him out.

In desperation, Nian Jiarui, whose health was not as good as before, burst into a blood vessel and had a cerebral hemorrhage. After being sent to the hospital, the rescue failed and he died.

Because his death was so sudden and he hadn't bought an eternal life account of "Second World", Nian Jiarui's death was really dead.

All that remains is a grand funeral.

The guests who attended the funeral all said that he was rich and powerful during his lifetime, his husband and wife were loving, his family was happy, and his life was happy.

Only he himself knows that at the moment of death, he will not die with peace!


After the shopping mall left, Shen Tong was really heartbroken.

I heard that he and his wife are very affectionate, and they are model couples in the upper circles.

She was jealous, she was envious, she regretted it... It's just that she was just a stranger to him.

Everything can't go back, the past is gone.

At this time, Shen Luo was already 7 years old. After being arranged to enter the kindergarten, Shen Tong didn't need to worry about anything, and she could focus more on work.

There is a saying: A woman who has given up on love is extremely powerful.

In this way, Shen Tong overcame all obstacles in her career, got promoted and raised her salary, and became a typical strong woman.

Although there are so many people chasing her, but subconsciously, she will compare her chasing people with Nian Jiarui, and then feel that all kinds of things are not good, and she just doesn't like them for no reason.

Just like this, after passing 40 and already middle-aged, Shen Tong completely gave up the idea of ​​getting married.Let it be like this in this life, at least, she still has a son.

Later, it was heard that he had died.

Later, Shen Luo graduated from university, got a job, and got a girlfriend.

When Shen Luo brought his first girlfriend home, Shen Tong suddenly became unhappy, feeling like his son was snatched away by another woman.

Shen Tong knew that he shouldn't be like this. For the rest of his son's life, his wife should be with him.But she couldn't control her jealousy, unwillingness, and resentment!
Her son was taken away by another woman!Just like him!
No, the son is hers!
Being picky and embarrassing in every possible way, Shen Tong broke up one after another, she became vexatious and no longer like herself.

Then finally one day, the always filial Shen Luo couldn't stand her and moved out to live alone.

Then Shen Luo got married, and she was the last to be notified.

The bride is beautiful and has a dazzling smile!
Everyone is happy, only her, very sad, her son, her only relative, doesn't need her anymore!
She couldn't help but wanted to take her son back, but her rationality told her that this was wrong. As a mother, she should bless her.

But blessing, can't do it... So, let it go.

Life has no worries, it is better to go back.

On the day of his son's wedding, Shen Tong took a bottle of sleeping pills and fell asleep peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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