Chapter 662

Ji Cangyu couldn't help regretting that he handed over the assassin in black to Zhong Gong, and ran to Miaoyiyuan to save the portrait by himself.But thinking of the portraits taken back from the thieves, his anger gradually calmed down.

"I didn't tell you earlier if the assassin ran away! What are you doing kneeling here? Why don't you hurry up and get him back!" Ji Cangyu roared.

"Brother Zhong Long has already brought the guards to arrest people. The assassin was seriously injured..." Ling'er paused before continuing, "It must... be impossible to escape."

"Then why has there been no news for so long?" Ji Cangyu asked.After chasing down the thief, he went to the rooms of Miaoyiyuan to check and sorted out all the portraits in the secret room to ensure that nothing was missed.

"Father, there is no need to worry. You and I arranged the guards around the villa together. Don't you feel relieved?" Xu Jun said.

"That's true." Ji Cangyu nodded, "But how did he and the thief sneak into the villa through heavy guards?"

"They must have been lurking in the villa before we deployed guards." Xu Jun said again.

Ling'er looked at Xu Jun. Wasn't it his "credit" that the thief was able to sneak into the villa?
At this moment, there was a commotion in the yard, it was Zhong Long and the others who had returned.

Ji Cangyu led the crowd out quickly, only to see Zhong Long and a dozen guards.

Ji Cangyu hurriedly asked, "Where's the person?"

Zhong Long shook his head, and explained: "The villa is too big, and I don't know where the assassin is hiding. But it is certain that he is still in the villa."

"Does he think he can survive by hiding?" Xu Jun said coldly.

"What does Jun'er mean? Did you poison him?" Ji Cangyu asked anxiously.

"What's your expression? Do you care about his life?" Xu Jun raised his eyebrows and asked.He could tell that Ji Cangyu treated the assassin very differently.

Ji Cangyu was startled.On the cliff that day, Xu Jun asked himself why he favored that assassin.At that time, it was because human life was at stake, but now?Maybe it was because he felt pity for the assassin?

Ji Cangyu saw his heart clearly, and there was nothing to hide, and said calmly: "Yes, I hope he can survive. I want to ask who sent him to steal the portrait, and why he came to assassinate repeatedly! "

"What portrait?" Zhong Long asked puzzled.Seeing that no one answered him, he ran to ask his brother.

Xu Jun sneered at Ji Cangyu's words, and said flatly: "Then you'd better let him come out obediently, so that he can survive."

"What did you do to him?" Ji Cangyu asked anxiously, grabbing Xu Jun's arm.

"Don't worry! I didn't poison him, I just made him bleed." Xu Jun replied lightly.

"If the assassin has external injuries, we can use the bloodstains to find out his whereabouts." The head of the nursing home who came back from the Miaoyi Academy with Ji Cangyu suggested.

"It's useless! We just searched for blood all the way. But tonight it's too dark, even if we hold torches, we can't find anything." Another guard who went to chase after Zhong Long waved his hand.

Ji Cangyu thinks about it too.It was too dark, and the torches could only illuminate the path under their feet, so it was very difficult to find the bloodstains.

"Then wait for dawn. It's already past the second watch, and it won't be long before dawn." Xu Jun said.

Although Xu Jun also wanted to catch the ghost-faced man in black as soon as possible, he was worried that after he was captured, Ji Cangyu would protect him like a treasure, and it would be difficult for him to kill him.It's better to let the ghost-faced man in black fend for himself first, and then catch him when he is about to die, so he can get rid of him calmly.

"Okay! Everyone is tired after working all night. Go back and rest! Wait until dawn, and then follow the bloodstains to arrest people!" Ji Cangyu ordered.

Ling'er twisted her handkerchief worriedly, wondering if Brother Yang was still bleeding? ——
After a burst of thunder, Qi Yang faintly woke up.He felt a coldness on his forehead, so he raised his left hand to wipe it, and it turned out to be cold water drops.

Qi Yang opened his eyes suddenly, and found that the surroundings were pitch black, and the only light came in from the round wellhead on the top, which was also very weak.

It turned out that he was lying face up at the bottom of the well, and the pain from the shoulder injury made him quickly remember what happened before.

Many large drops of water fell on Qi Yang's body again.

It was raining, and the rain was not light, otherwise the rain would not drip through the dense leaves and fall into the dry well.

Qi Yang pulled down his mask, opened his mouth, and let the water drip into his thirsty throat.

There was another burst of lightning and thunder, but that was all outside.Being in the dry well is like being far away from the right and wrong of the world, everything seems so peaceful and peaceful.

Qi Yang was immersed in this rare peace when he was startled by the surrounding voices.

It was a very strange sound, a sound Qi Yang had never heard before.

Qi Yang sat up in surprise.He looked around in horror, it was pitch black, he couldn't see how big the bottom of the well was, and he couldn't see what was at the bottom of the well.

At the bottom of the well, there is only a faint light where he is.

Qi Yang hurriedly retreated to a dark place aside, and listened carefully.

The strange sound disappeared with his invisibility, and the bottom of the well became calm again.

But not long after, another voice came from a certain corner, different from just now, it sounded like a "hehe" laughter.It's just that this "hehe" sound is not a sound from the throat, but just the sound of airflow.

It's a human voice!

Qi Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, if he was a human being, he would not be so afraid.

As Qi Yang breathed a sigh of relief, the voice changed again.

Qi Yang hurriedly asked: "Who is playing tricks there?"

The voice came again, and it seemed to have ups and downs like a human voice, but it was still just the sound of air flowing out.

"What are you talking about?" Qi Yang asked with a frown.

The voice kept coming.

Qi Yang simply calmed down and listened.

The voice seemed to say: "Who is pretending to be a ghost? How do you talk, young man?"

Qi Yang was shocked, he actually understood what the other party was saying.He hurriedly asked, "Who are you?"

"Can you understand the old man?" The voice was also full of surprise.

"Understood! Who are you?" Qi Yang still did not give up asking.

"Human? The old man is no longer a human?" The voice was self-deprecating.

"Don't play tricks in front of me! You just use your breath to make a sound, and I can do it too!" Qi Yang exposed the other party bluntly.

"Hehe! You're quite interesting, kid!" The voice was a little teasing again, "You are the descendant of Naji... or something?"

"Ji Cangyu? I have nothing to do with him." Qi Yang denied.

"Yes! His name is Ji Cangyu! And you are his child!" The voice became very sure.

"You've got the wrong person!" Qi Yang said displeased.

"How can you admit your mistake? It's not like I haven't seen you before!" The voice paused, "That was ten or twenty years ago, right?"

"I'm not the person you said! Believe it or not." Qi Yang didn't bother to explain to him, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Is this old man? Maybe this old man is the ghost you all like to pretend to be? Haha! Haha!" The voice of the air flow seemed to come from hell, and Qi Yang was terrified when he heard it.
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(End of this chapter)

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