Bloodstained Hero's Clothes

Chapter 582 Detecting Golden Bull Shadow Floating

Chapter 582 Detecting the Floating Shadow of the Taurus ([-])
Just when Qi Yang felt a little disappointed, he noticed that Xu Jun's eyes staring at the road suddenly shone with light, and then he saw Xu Jun deliberately slowed down and gradually fell to the end.

"Look! There is a dead body ahead!" Jiang Yu, who was walking in the front, shouted.

Qi Yang said inwardly, "Oops!", and then jumped to the front.

At the moment, Jiang Yu and Zhao Xinghe are at the front of the team.Because they have been here before, they rushed to lead the way.

When Jiang Yu found something abnormal, he grabbed Zhao Xinghe, and rushed forward to check the corpse himself.But who would have thought that someone suddenly grabbed his right shoulder from behind, and then he was pulled back by a strong force.At the same time, the man who pulled him leaped forward from his right side, rushing towards the corpse.

Ji Cangyu caught Jiang Yu with sharp eyesight and quick hands, saving him from falling heavily to the ground.

Jiang Yu felt that the corpse was most likely an important clue, and the person who dragged him must want to take credit for it!As soon as he thought about it, he was going to have an attack, but at this moment he noticed that the dead body on the ground suddenly jumped up.

"Ghost!" Jiang Yu suddenly cried out strangely.

"That's not a ghost! It's the enemy's conspiracy!" Ji Cangyu corrected.

Only then did Jiang Yu realize that the man was not trying to take credit, but was trying to save himself!He took a closer look, only to realize that the person who rescued him turned out to be the brother Yang they offended earlier!

Ji Cangyu put Jiang Yu down, and was about to step forward to help, but unexpectedly, something happened suddenly.

It turned out that when Qi Yang pulled Jiang Yu back, he took advantage of the situation to attack, and wanted to strike first while the enemy was feigning death.

And the man in black, who fell on the ground and feigned death, got up immediately when he realized that his trick had been seen through.

Qi Yang took out the steel needle from his waist without hesitation, and hit the opponent's vital points.

Originally, with Qi Yang's precise flying needle technique, he would never miss, but just as he pulled Jiang Yu back, he had no time to retract his left hand, so he had to use his right hand to send the needle.

Ever since he injured his right hand in the torture chamber of Tianyuan Villa, Qi Yang has never used his right hand too hard.At first, it was because it hurt too much when exerting force, and Qi Yang was also worried that he would hurt his muscles and bones, so he had to listen to Linger's words to give birth.

More than [-] days have passed now, and Qi Yang's hand bone injury has gradually improved, and the pain is gone, but the joints of his fingers are still very stiff.Qi Yang felt that the injury on his hand had healed, but his stiff fingers were like tools that had not been used for a long time, and could not function normally due to infrequent use.

If it was really what Qi Yang thought, then it would be easy for him to inject the steel needle into the vital point of the man in black right now.

But just when Qi Yang forcibly took out the steel needle and fired the needle, the familiar sharp pain suddenly hit him, just like when he was just injured.

Qi Yang was shocked, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted on shooting the steel needle, but he didn't expect that the steel needle he shot with all his strength fell down without even touching the sleeve of the man in black.

After one blow failed, Qi Yang immediately changed his left hand and shot the steel needle again, and at the moment when he switched hands and struck again, the man in black suddenly sprinkled the sky full of medicinal powder on him.

With Qi Yang's skills, it is not difficult to completely avoid the medicine powder, but Qi Yang changed his mind after seeing the leather gloves on the opponent's hands and the bloodthirsty smile on the corner of his mouth.

Qi Yang, who was familiar with the poisons commonly used by the Hundred Poisons Sect, guessed the type of the powder in no time.It is a powder that is poisonous when applied to the skin.And this kind of poison is very overbearing. If it is not removed in time, ordinary people will not live for an hour or two.In this wilderness, there is simply no antidote for it.

Mrs. Piao Piao's purpose of using this poison is not difficult for Qi Yang to guess.Mrs. Piao Piao just wanted to drive everyone away from here.Now that everyone has found this place, it is very likely that Mrs. Piao Piao will directly destroy this place in order to hide her secret.

Qi Yang cannot let Mrs. Piao Piao's plot succeed.In other words, Qi Yang cannot poison other people.

But if Qi Yang dodges to dodge at this time, the man in black will immediately rush into the crowd and continue poisoning!You must know that the man in black had hidden medicine powder in both hands before, and now he has spilled a handful and kept a handful.So Qi Yang must restrain him before the other party makes another move.And this kind of positive poison has little effect on Qi Yang, and it will not be fatal.

Therefore, Qi Yang made a decision, and shot the second steel needle at the opponent without dodging.

"No!" Ling'er shouted anxiously.

Ling'er had already rushed to Ji Cangyu's side, seeing everything clearly.

Ling'er noticed that Qi Yang's right hand was still unable to exert force, and she was worried about Qi Yang's hand injury when she was terrified by Qi Yang's next move!Facing the enemy's poisonous fans, Qi Yang did not hide or dodge!

Ling'er was so anxious that she wanted to rush over, but was grabbed by Ji Cangyu!
"Don't go there! Wait for the poison powder to disperse!" Ji Cangyu dissuaded.

After Qi Yang restrained the enemy, he felt a burning sensation on the back of his left hand. This pain slowly penetrated into the skin and spread to his whole body.

And the place on his robe that was stained with the powder was also smoked by the scorching heat released by the powder, exuding a burning smell.

Fortunately, Qi Yang was wearing a human skin mask, so only the back of his left hand was in contact with the powder, which meant that he was not deeply poisoned.

But this poison is still very overbearing!When the scorching pain spread to Qi Yang's whole body, his eyes turned black from the pain, and he couldn't stand anymore.

Seeing Qi Yang's body start to shake slightly, Ling'er anxiously shouted: "Brother Qi Yang!"

Ji Cangyu was taken aback, and looked at Qi Yang in disbelief, the person in front of him was actually Qi Yang?
Not only Ji Cangyu, but also Zhong Gong, Zhong Long and Xu Jun all looked shocked.

Taking advantage of Ji Cangyu's daze, Ling'er broke away from Ji Cangyu's pull and ran towards Qi Yang.

Qi Yang noticed the movement, turned around tremblingly, and gasped, "Don't come over!"

Ling'er had already guessed the type of the medicine powder from the reaction of the poison powder touching the robe.She knew that the medicinal powder had already lost its efficacy after being exposed to the outside for a long time, so she went forward to help Qi Yang without any scruples.

Being supported by Linger, Qi Yang couldn't hold it anymore, and slowly collapsed to the ground with Linger's strength.

Ling'er hugged Qi Yang's upper body in her arms, feeling the hotness on Qi Yang's body which was completely different from usual, she was so distressed that she shed tears.

"Don't cry! I''s okay!" Qi Yang comforted Ling'er while enduring the pain.

Ling'er thought of something, hurriedly wiped away her tears, grabbed Qi Yang's wrist to feel his pulse.

Qi Yang felt that all the strength in his body was dissipating, and he said with the last ounce of strength: "This poison...or...I will die..., you first...find... clues..."

At this moment, Ji Cangyu stepped forward, leaned over to look at Qi Yang's face, and then stretched out his hand to peel off the human skin mask.

Whose face is hidden under the mask, if not Qi Yang's? ——
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(End of this chapter)

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