Chapter 448 True and False Miraculous Doctors Break into Longtan ([-])

After getting into the carriage, Linger discovered a problem, the windows of the carriage were all sealed.

Linger's first reaction was to hold her breath and cover her nose.

"Now you know you're afraid?" Qi Yang said coldly, still using that old voice.

Sensing that Qi Yang was breathing normally and speaking without signs of being poisoned, Ling'er put down her hands as if nothing had happened, coughed lightly to ease the embarrassment, and then said: "I didn't expect the style of the devil's carriage to be quite similar. It has windows, but It's all fake."

"It's not wise to poison a genius doctor." Qi Yang said lightly, and then put his hand on the medical box beside him.

Ling'er blushed, isn't she being cautious!
Ling'er came to Qi Yang's side and whispered: "I know you are angry with me, let's talk about this later! Where are they sending us? Back to their lair?"

"It must be so mysterious." Qi Yang also replied softly.

"They sealed the windows so they don't want us to know where we are going?" Ling'er finally figured it out.

Seeing Ling'er reaching out to try to push the door of the carriage without thinking, Qi Yang grabbed Ling'er's wrist and shook his head at her.

"Then what should we do?" Linger asked anxiously.

"Do you regret following?" Qi Yang said helplessly.

"I don't regret it." Ling'er quickly expressed her attitude.

At this moment, the carriage started to move, and Qi Yang raised his hand to signal Ling'er to stop talking.

Ling'er thought that Qi Yang wanted to listen to the movement outside, so she sat quietly and watched him.

I saw Qi Yang lowered his eyes slightly, not like listening to something, but more like thinking about something.

The carriage didn't go far and turned several sharp bends, one after another.

Ling'er was wondering if Xu Le led them on a detour on purpose, when she saw Qi Yang take out a topographic map from his pocket and unfold it on the small table in front of him.

Ling'er took a closer look, and it turned out to be a large topographic map of the capital, and the Wuyu Mountain where they were located was circled with a pen.

Linger was about to ask Qi Yang what he was looking at, when he saw Qi Yang stretch out his bony fingers and tap at the foot of Wuyu Mountain, then his fingers slowly moved east along the densely painted path, Then to the south, and then to the east.

Ling'er noticed that Qi Yang's gesture was a very inconspicuous path, and she counted six big bends from Wuyu Mountain to the place where Qi Yang's finger was parked at this time.

Six big bends?Didn't they just turn six corners?

Ling'er suddenly realized, could it be that brother Qi Yang was not listening to something or thinking about something just now, but remembering the route they traveled.This is not only to remember which turns they turn, but also to estimate the distance traveled before each turn.

The carriage suddenly turned to the left again, and Qi Yang pointed his fingers slowly to the south, and then turned to the left as well.

Ling'er raised her eyes to look at Qi Yang, and she couldn't help adding a bit of admiration to her eyes.Qi Yang carried this topographic map with him, probably he had already anticipated Xu Le's tricks.

The carriage turned around and turned around, and it traveled for more than an hour before reaching the destination.

Qi Yang carefully looked at the terrain map, constantly confirming their positions.

Ling'er saw the tiredness in Qi Yang's eyes, and felt distressed, but she couldn't do anything to help.

After a long time, the speed of the carriage slowed down.

Ling'er hurriedly moved closer to Qi Yang to have a look. If Qi Yang's calculation was not wrong, they had already reached the foot of a mountain.

Next, they found that the speed of the carriage was getting slower and slower, and the carriage was driving upwards at a slant, as if it was climbing a mountain with difficulty.

Ling'er looked at where Qi Yang pointed, and said in surprise, "Donghuan Mountain?"

Qi Yang hurriedly signaled Linger to lower his voice.

Linger asked softly: "Didn't you investigate the East Ring Mountain the day before yesterday?"

Qi Yang nodded, and said in a low voice: "I didn't expect Xu Le to hide in Donghuan Mountain, but Yang Rui secretly explored Donghuan Mountain that day, and found nothing."

"Perhaps there is an extremely hidden place on the East Ring Mountain." Ling'er said.

"It must be so." Qi Yang replied.

Next, their carriage continued to climb slowly around the mountain road, so Qi Yang didn't need to stare at the topographic map anymore.

Ling'er heaved a sigh of relief, brother Qi Yang could finally rest for a while.Ling'er didn't dare to speak again, took the topographic map, looked at it pretending to be curious, and deliberately left Qi Yang aside.

Qi Yang was indeed very tired, so he didn't bother Linger to look at the topographic map, and just sat by himself with his eyes closed.

Ling'er secretly looked at Qi Yang, he had changed his face at the moment, and he couldn't tell whether his face was good or bad, but Ling'er knew that if there was no change of face, Qi Yang's face would be as pale as paper at this time.After a whole night of tossing around last night, he spent a lot of internal energy just now to heal Xu Le's wounds. Ordinary people may not be able to hold on long ago!
Ling'er was suddenly very worried about Qi Yang's body, so she quietly moved to his side, trying to secretly cut Qi Yang's pulse, at least to know how much internal energy he had left.

Ling'er noticed it as soon as he got close to Qi Yang, but he was really too tired, so he didn't open his eyes.

This was a great encouragement to Linger, she gently pulled Qi Yang's right wrist and put it on her lap.

Qi Yang slowly opened his eyes. He understood Linger's intentions, and originally wanted to withdraw his arm, but then he thought that he would not be able to hide the fact that he didn't have much internal strength for a long time, so he let Linger detect his pulse.

Seeing that Qi Yang closed his eyes again, he acquiesced, Ling'er no longer hesitated, and put his finger on Qi Yang's pulse.

Even if she had been mentally prepared, Ling'er was still distressed.This is less than [-]% of the internal force, can it still be considered as internal force?

Qi Yang's pulse was very weak, but Ling'er still sensed the movement, and she immediately probed for Qi Yang's right pulse.

Ling'er also remembered that Qi Yang hadn't eaten anything for half a day.

Ling'er was a little angry.Qi Yang has a meticulous mind, he can predict all kinds of tricks that the enemy will use, and he can also deal with them properly.But what about his own body?Even the food will be forgotten!What annoyed Ling'er the most was that Qi Yangming had a severe stomachache, but he endured it without saying a word along the way.If he hadn't discovered it by accident, did he intend to endure it until the end?

Ling'er got angry, and regardless of Qi Yang's rest, she took out the silver needle and pierced the vital points on Qi Yang's wrist.

Sure enough, Qi Yang woke up from the pain. He looked at Ling'er in confusion, not understanding why she pricked himself with a needle.

Ling'er didn't explain, and continued to give Qi Yang the needle, and Qi Yang just let Ling'er hurt himself.

Qi Yang's reaction made Ling'er a little discouraged, and she couldn't vent her anger.She sighed and said, "Why don't you tell me that your stomach hurts like this?"

Qi Yang suddenly realized, and said in a low voice: "No wonder it doesn't hurt so much now, it turns out that the few needles the girl got are for pain relief!" Qi Yang secretly wrote down these acupoints.

Ling'er said angrily, "No, I'm playing around with it."

Qi Yang couldn't help laughing, feeling warm in his heart.

Ling'er started to get angry with herself, angry at her soft heart, allowing Qi Yang to hide it from her, but she couldn't even say a word of reproach.

Ling'er took out a few fruits she picked from the herbal medicine box and handed them to Qi Yang, saying coldly: "Eat!"

Qi Yang recognized these fruits, which have the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying.Qi Yang said in surprise: "Can these also relieve pain?"

"It can't relieve the pain, but it can satisfy the hunger." Ling'er suppressed a smile and said with a straight face on purpose.She didn't expect her brother Qi Yang to be so stupid! ——
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(End of this chapter)

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