Chapter 316 Difficult to Distinguish between True and False under Divination ([-])

After several times of healing, Qi Yang's internal injuries have healed almost completely.

He couldn't find any reason not to act tonight.

He put on a black night suit, covered his face with a mask, raised his sword and flew towards Jijiazhuang.

Over the years, Qi Yang had attempted to assassinate Ji Cangyu more than once, but the results were not satisfactory.

He couldn't figure out whether it was Ji Cangyu's good luck or his own bad luck.Every time the assassination seems to succeed, it always fails due to various reasons.No matter how bright or dark he used, he couldn't kill Ji Cangyu, as if something in the dark was stopping him.

After so many years, Qi Yang is no longer as eager to assassinate Ji Cangyu as he was back then.It seems that the assassination of Ji Cangyu was just his teacher's order, not to avenge his parents. After all, he didn't even know who his parents were.The mystery of his life experience was buried somewhere in Xiaoyao Sect when he was about to cut off his care.

Just like Qi Dian asked today what he would do if the master withdrew the order to assassinate Ji Cangyu, he really didn't know.

In all fairness, no matter what Ji Cangyu has done in the past, all these years, what Ji Cangyu has done has never lost the demeanor that a martial artist Taishan Beidou should have.

If it wasn't for his teacher's orders, he probably wouldn't be an enemy of Ji Cangyu.

These few times of assassinating Ji Cangyu, Qi Yang has dealt with it somewhat.It would be best if he could kill Ji Cangyu, but if he couldn't kill him, he would be injured all over his body and he would be able to explain to the master.

Qi Yang came to Ji Cangyu's bedroom with ease, and held his breath to observe the movement in the room.

"Not here?" Qi Yang was a little surprised, it was already the second watch.

Since Ji Cangyu was not here, Qi Yang didn't intend to stay and wait for him, so come back another day!
Just as he was about to leave, Qi Yang suddenly thought of Xu Jun.If Xu Jun really had a problem, he wouldn't dare to do anything blatantly during the day, and the only thing he could take advantage of was the long night.

Thinking of this, Qi Yang flew towards Yang Guiyuan where Xu Jun lived.

He already knew the topography of Jijiazhuang well, and he had already had someone find out which courtyard Xu Jun lived in.

When Qi Yang approached Xu Jun's bedroom, he found that the smell in the room was not right.He didn't dare to approach rashly, he just found a place with a good view not far away to wait and see.

Unexpectedly, Ji Cangyu didn't rest in the room in the middle of the night, but stayed beside Xu Jun's bed.

Qi Yang grew up without father and mother and was brought up by his master and wife, so he naturally didn't understand what the family relationship was like.Not only did he not understand Ji Cangyu's behavior, but he also sneered at it.

Even so, he has no intention of continuing tonight's action.Since the father and son were performing a scene of fatherly kindness and filial piety there, he didn't bother to bother.To assassinate Ji Cangyu, the future will be long.
Ji Cangyu looked back at the direction where Qi Yang was just now.

As early as when Qi Yang approached Xu Jun's bedroom, he had vaguely sensed that something was wrong, but he remained calm, wanting to see what the other party wanted to do.

But after waiting for a long time, the other party did not act, which made Ji Cangyu a little puzzled.

Just when he wanted to take the initiative to meet the other party, Qi Yang left.

This made Ji Cangyu a little regretful, the other party sneaked into Xu Jun's yard because he was afraid that he wanted to harm Xu Jun, so he shouldn't let the other party go, leaving hidden dangers.
Early in the morning, Linger sneaked to the gate of Jijiazhuang.

"Linger, where are you going?" Ji Cangyu's voice suddenly appeared behind Linger.

Ling'er trembled all over, turned around hurriedly, and explained falteringly: "I...I'm practice swords."

"Practice sword?" Ji Cangyu looked at Ling'er suspiciously, and asked, "What about your sword?"

Ling'er lowered her head guiltily.

"Forget it, let's practice swords first!" After Ji Cangyu finished speaking, he walked to the practice room first.

Ling'er had no choice but to follow up in despair.

Ji Cangyu handed her sword to Ling'er for her to practice, while she stood aside, thinking about what happened last night.

After a while, Ji Cangyu raised his head inadvertently, and was stunned when he saw the sword technique Linger was practicing.

After Ling'er finished practicing this set of sword techniques, Ji Cangyu woke up from the shock.

Ji Cangyu hurriedly stepped forward and asked Linger, "Who taught you this sword technique just now?"

Linger replied: "This set is the 'Hidden Rain Sword' you taught me! It's just..."

Ji Cangyu interrupted: "It's just that it uses a different way of internal force operation. Is this what Jun'er taught you?"

Ling'er shook her head, how could Uncle Ji have such doubts?She has never practiced swords with Brother Jun.

Seeing Ling'er shaking his head, Ji Cangyu felt very disappointed, sighed and asked: "Then why do you have such a different way of inner strength?"

Ling'er was hesitant to tell the truth, she had noticed that Uncle Ji and Brother Qi Yang were in a strange atmosphere that day.

Ji Cangyu didn't ask the question to the end, and said, "Actually, I taught you this set of inner skills when you were very young. It's not surprising that you have such a good memory."

Linger was slightly startled, she didn't remember that she had learned it at all, but she didn't deny it either.

"This is the earliest inner strength method of the 'Yin Yu Sword'. In addition to teaching you, I also taught Cheng'er. It's just..." After a pause, Ji Cangyu continued, "Because of Cheng'er's disappearance, every time I use I would feel extremely distressed and blamed myself for 'Yin Yu Jian'. So I retreated for several months and created another set of inner strength methods for 'Yin Yu Jian', which is the set I taught you and the Zhong brothers later. .”

Ling'er was very surprised when she heard this.

Ji Cangyu continued: "The old and new sets of internal energy methods are very different. I have adjusted many internal energy operation methods so that the 'Yin Yu Sword' can exert greater power."

Linger suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Then you only taught brother Cheng and me the inner strength method before?"

"Yes! At that time, I hadn't adopted Zhong Gong and Zhong Long." Ji Cangyu said.

Ling'er was confused: "Then why does Brother Qi Yang know this set of internal skills? Could it be..." Ling'er didn't dare to think about it.

"That's why when I saw you practicing the 'Yin Yu Sword' like that just now, I thought it was Jun'er who taught you, and thought he could remember!" Ji Cangyu said, unable to hide the disappointment in his heart.

Ling'er asked: "Then have you ever taught brother Cheng the 'Yin Yu Sword' sword move?"

Ji Cangyu shook his head, and said: "Because of the dystocia, Cheng'er's health is very poor, and he often falls ill. I tried to teach him the set of inner strength and mental methods, but I didn't expect him to be able to comprehend it at such a young age."

Ling'er was very surprised. She didn't expect that brother Cheng was also a martial arts prodigy.

"At that time he was still very young, and I hadn't started teaching him swordsmanship yet. Later, he..." Ji Cangyu stopped in the middle of speaking, he selfishly concealed the fact that Cheng'er's leg was broken from Ling'er down.

Ling'er thought that Ji Cangyu didn't want to bring up the past of Brother Cheng's disappearance, so she didn't pursue it.

Ji Cangyu sighed, and said, "He was only two years old at that time, and it's normal if he doesn't remember that set of inner skills."

Ling'er thought to himself: "Uncle Ji also taught me that set of inner strength mentality. I don't even have a little impression, let alone brother Cheng who is only two years old. Where did brother Qi Yang learn it?" Yin Yujian 'What? By the way, why did I forget that Brother Qi Yang said that his master had a booklet recording the martial arts of various sects? He must have learned the 'Yin Yu Sword' from there."
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(End of this chapter)

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