Chapter 163 Follow the flow and fight against men in danger ([-])

Qi Yang walked into the conference hall, and Qi Dian said: "I found out that the Hundred Poison Sect has a temporary stronghold in the northeast corner of Qinghe Town."

"Didn't I tell you not to check?" Qi Dian said helplessly.

"Then can you find these?" Qi Yang asked with a smile.

"I can't find out, even these are kept secret." Qi Dian said, "But I found out about the movements of the Snow Flower Sect. They have been staying in the northern suburbs of the capital for several days, and they have not entered Beijing for a long time."

"Is the Snow Flower Sect related to the Hundred Poisons Sect?" Qi Yang asked casually.

"Ayang, you should go back and rest! You have been sleepless for several days, and your reaction is slow!" Qi Dian joked.

Qi Yang was not convinced, and said: "The only connection between the Snow Flower Sect and the Hundred Poisons Sect is "The Grand View of Strange Poisons in the World."

"Not bad." Qi Dian said.

"The Hundred Poisons Sect once wanted to form an alliance with the Black Lotus Sect but failed, precisely because the alliance condition proposed by the Black Lotus Sect was "The World's Strange Poisons". The Hundred Poisons Sect tried every means to find "The World's Strange Poisons", But they got nothing." Qi Yang said, "Could it be that the Hundred Poisons Sect is trying to bring "The World's Strange Poisons Grand View" back into the rivers and lakes this time?"

"It looks like this." Qi Dian said, "Are you sure that "The Great View of Strange Poisons in the World" belongs to the Snow Flower School?"

"I was there many years ago, but I don't know now." Qi Yang said.

"Did the Hundred Poisons Sect find out that the Snow Flower Sect is related to "The Great View of Strange Poisons in the World"?" Qi Dian asked.

"Perhaps." Qi Yang said.

"Isn't the Snowflake School very dangerous?" Qi Dian said.

"That's not necessarily the case. The Hundred Poisons Sect wants to poison the people to force "The World's Strange Poisons" to reappear, which means that they are still not sure that "The World's Strange Poisons" belongs to the Snow Flower School. Rushing to attack the Snow Flower School is not the best policy. "Qi Yang said, "I have to go to Qinghe Town to investigate."

At this moment, someone from the Yixing sect outside the door reported: "Miss Ling'er wants to see the hall master."

Qi Yang said softly: "Don't tell her that "The Great View of Strange Poisons in the World" might be in the Snow Flower School."

Qi Dian nodded, and walked out of the conference hall to invite Linger to come in.

"Brother Qi Dian, have you found anything?" Linger asked.

Before Qi Dian replied, Ling'er said in surprise again: "Qi Yang, why are you here?"

Qi Yang nodded his greetings to Linger.

"In order to find the "World's Strange Poisons" that has been lost for many years, the Hundred Poisons Sect did not hesitate to poison the people, and wanted to use this to force "The World's Strange Poisons"." Qi Dian said.

"Is "The Great View of Strange Poisons in the World" the booklet that records all kinds of strange poisons in the world and their corresponding solutions?" Linger asked in surprise.

"Exactly." Qi Dian said.

"If "The Great View of Strange Poisons in the World" is not in the capital, what will the common people do?" Linger asked.

"The Hundred Poisons Sect does not compromise on means to achieve its goals, so why would it care about the lives and deaths of the people?" Qi Dian said.

Seeing Linger's eyebrows furrowed deeply, Qi Yang said: "Fortunately, with the help of capable people like you, the common people are safe and sound."

"There are also chivalrous men like Qingfengxia who will not sit idly by and watch the people suffer." Ling'er looked at Qi Yang and said.

Qi Yang averted his gaze without showing any signs.

Ling'er said: "They won't give up if they can't find "The Great View of the World's Strange Poisons". What if the poison is too severe and they can't get rid of it?"

"We will find a way to stop it," Qi Dian said.

Linger said: "By the way, I think I have found the source of the poison. Although the types of food the people eat are different, at least one of the foods they have eaten comes from the stream, such as snails, water vegetables, and streams. Fish, shrimp, etc."

"Miss, do you mean that the poison spread from a certain stream this time?" Qi Dian asked.

"That's right! An old man was poisoned by drinking the stream water directly." Ling'er said.

"Where is the stream?" Qi Yang asked.

"He doesn't remember much. He just remembered that he got water from a stream somewhere on the way back from Qinghe Town. He drank the water in the kettle after returning home, and he developed symptoms of discomfort after a while." Linger said .

"Qinghe Town?" Qi Dian said, looking at Qi Yang.

"We must hurry up and let people tell the nearby people to prevent anyone from being poisoned." Ling'er said.

Qi Dian said: "Miss, don't worry, I'll leave it to you to deal with it."

"If the toxin spreads along the stream, and the stream is constantly flowing, the poisoner must stay near the stream and continue to poison. If you search along the stream, you will definitely find the poisoner." Linger said.

"The girl is looking for the poisoner?" Qi Dian asked.

"You speculate that it was the Hundred Poisons Sect who poisoned, but that's just speculation. It's also possible that other people poisoned, trying to frame Qing Fengxia, or even frame 'poison travels thousands of miles'." Linger said.

"It's also possible." Qi Dian said.

"So we must find a way to find the poisoner." Ling'er said.

Qi Yang volunteered and said, "Leave this to me!" He happened to be going to visit the temporary stronghold of the Hundred Poisons Sect.

"No, I'm going too." How can Ling'er rest assured that Qi Yang will go alone?

Qi Dian hastily persuaded: "This trip is very dangerous, the girl should wait for the news in the hospital!"

Ling'er thought to himself: "It's because of the danger that I don't worry about Qi Yang going alone! Multiple people will take care of each other. If it is really poisoned by the God of Hundred Poisons, they will have a lot of poisonous schemes. If Qi Yang accidentally catches it I can detoxify him right away.” Ling’er said, “There must be many streams in Qinghe Town. I’m a doctor. If Qi Yang takes me there, I can check the toxicity of the streams along the way and infer that Shi The position of the poisoner."

"The girl is right." Qi Yang said.

Qi Dian looked at Qi Yang in surprise.

Qi Yang gave Qi Dian a wink, and said: "Although there is only one Xiayuan stream in Qinghe Town, this stream has too many branches. If you search blindly, it may be extremely difficult to find the poisoner."

When Qi Yang said this, Qi Dian immediately understood. He believed that Qi Yang had a countermeasure, so he nodded in agreement.
In fact, there are three streams in Qinghe Town, from east to west they are Qinghe Stream, Shangyuan Stream and Xiayuan Stream.Among them, Xiayuan River has the most forks, flowing from east to west to the capital.Shangyuan Creek is relatively short and flows from north to south to the capital.The Qinghe River flows from northeast to southwest to the capital.All these people in the capital know, only Ling'er doesn't.

From the perspective of geographical location, the source of Qinghe River is in the northeast corner of Qinghe Town, which happens to be the temporary stronghold of the Hundred Poison Sect.Qi Yang deliberately drew Linger's attention to Xiayuanxi, just hoping that Linger could stay away from danger.He knew that Ling'er was stubborn sometimes, even if he didn't take Ling'er to investigate, Ling'er would try her best to go by herself.But is it right for him to do that?At this point no one knows.

Qi Yang and Ling'er left the Beijing West branch and headed towards the northern suburbs of the capital.

When passing Shuntong Casino, Qi Yang said at the right time: "Little Yizi often goes to Xiayuan River to catch fish, and he is very familiar with the terrain there. Why don't you take him with you? He will be very happy to go out and play."

"But isn't our trip very dangerous?" Linger asked.

"If he is in danger, it's good for the girl to help take care of him." Qi Yang said.

"Alright then!" Qi Yang said so, Ling'er naturally had no objection.

After they finished speaking, they turned into the Shuntong Casino.

(End of this chapter)

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