red moscow

Chapter 791

Chapter 791

In order to retaliate against the ambush, the German army not only used a dozen tanks to bombard the building, but also summoned four bombers to bombard the building indiscriminately.Fortunately, when the enemy shelled and bombed, the soldiers in the building hid in the basement. No matter how lively the bombing outside was, it did not cause any losses.

About 5 minutes after the shelling and bombing stopped, Vasily received another report from an observation post from a nearby building: "Comrade Sergeant, about two platoons of enemies were found on the west side of the building. The building is approaching."

After Vasily put down the phone, he said to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, you stay here for a while. I will take people out to repel the enemy's attack and come back."

After Vasily left, Sergey asked with some concern: "Comrade Commander, do you need me to take someone to help Sergeant Vasily? I am worried that with his little force, he will not be able to stop the enemy's attack at all."

"Don't worry, Seryozha." There must be many people who don't have any confidence in whether they can hold the Vasily Building, but Sukov is definitely not among these people. The staff and equipment of the Lov Building are far inferior to what they are now, and they can hold out for two months in the siege of the enemy. Could it be that Vasily is not as good as Pavlov?Therefore, in the face of Seryozha's worries, he said with confidence: "I think Sergeant Vasily and the others will be able to repel the enemy's attack."

Vasily left for less than half an hour, and returned to the basement again. He happily reported to Sokov: "Comrade commander, we have repelled the German attack, killed and wounded more than 40 German soldiers, and bombed the German army." Destroyed two tanks."

Sokov was not interested in how many German soldiers were killed. After all, there were only two platoons of German soldiers. Even if they were all killed, would it compare to the ambush just now?What he cares about is how the other party blows up the enemy's tank: "Comrade Sergeant, what anti-tank weapons do you have here?"

"There are only a few anti-tank rifles." Vasily just finished answering this question, and immediately realized what Sokov wanted to ask, and quickly added: "But the tank that was just destroyed was not destroyed with an anti-tank gun. .”

"Didn't it be destroyed with an anti-tank gun?" Vasily's words aroused Seryozha's curiosity: "I want to ask, how did you kill the enemy tank?"

When Vasily heard this question, he smiled and replied: "I have reported to the division commander a long time ago that we have many passages leading to the outside world. When the enemy's tanks cover the infantry rushing over, there are two soldiers carrying anti-tank grenades. They found the vicinity of the enemy tank through the sewer, hid in the ruins, took advantage of the time when the tank came, decisively threw anti-tank grenades, and killed the enemy tank."

Sokov has never had a good impression of the anti-tank grenades used by the Soviet army. The grenades are too heavy, and if thrown by an untrained bomber, he may blow himself up.Thinking of this, he tentatively asked: "Sergeant Vasily, have the two comrades who blew up the tank come back?"

"After a soldier threw a grenade, he was discovered by the enemy following him, and he was shot in disorder, and died on the spot." Vasily replied with a solemn expression: "The other soldier was also shot by the shrapnel from the grenade. I was injured, but luckily the injury is not serious. After being bandaged by the nurses, there is no serious problem."

"Comrade Commander," Vasily continued after a moment of silence after the report: "The Germans have suffered such a big loss. I don't think they will let it go. They will send troops to continue to attack. It's not safe here. You'd better hurry back to Mamayev Post."

In fact, as early as when enemy planes bombed the building, Seryozha was worried that a bomb with no eyes would penetrate the floor and fall to the basement to explode.Although by the end of the air raid nothing happened that he was worried about, but he always wanted Sokov to return to Mamayev Post as soon as possible.Hearing what Vasily said at this moment, he quickly echoed: "That's right, Misha, this place is really too dangerous. I think we should return to Mamayev Post as soon as possible."

"Lieutenant Seryozha," Sokov said to him with a straight face when he saw Seryozha yelling at the side, "We have five No. 60 people. If we leave the building now, we will definitely be discovered by the enemy. If they Do you think we will be able to return to Mamayev Post safely if we are bombed by planes or bombarded by artillery fire?"

Sergey Shaguang considered that the building was not safe, but he forgot to go back to Mamayev Post from here. There was a long way to go. German artillery fire or bombing may even encounter snipers intercepting on the road.With Sokov's attire, as long as he went outside, he would be the first target of snipers.

After figuring out this key issue, Seryozha felt a little regretful, how could he persuade Sokov to leave at this time, isn't this asking everyone to go out and die.He hurriedly said to Sokov: "Misha, you are right. We are leaving the Vasily Building now. It is indeed possible to attract enemy attacks. I think we should leave after dark."

Seeing that Sokov was unwilling to leave, Vasily was extremely anxious: "Comrade Commander, if the enemy launches a fierce attack on the building again, I'm worried that we won't be able to guarantee your safety..."

"Don't worry." Seeing that Vasily was so concerned about his own safety, Sokov was still quite moved. He said to him with a smile on his face, "Isn't there Sergei's guards here to protect me? The enemy rushed in front of me, and I could take up the gun and fight them face to face. You know, not long ago, I often went to the battlefield with a gun in my hand."

In order to reassure Vasily, Sokov also specially asked Seryosha to take people to the ground floor to set up defenses, so that even if the Germans crossed the minefield and rushed into the building, they could resist for a while.

As Seryozha left, the phone on the desk rang. Vasily grabbed the receiver and whispered loudly, "I'm Sergeant Vasily."

Captain Andre's voice came from the receiver: "Comrade Sergeant, is the division commander still with you?"

"Yes, Comrade Captain." Vasily glanced at Sokov and asked tentatively, "Do you want to speak to the commander?"

Before Andre could make any reply, Sokov reached out his hand to take the microphone, put it close to his ear and said, "Captain Andre, I'm Sokov, what can I do?"

"It's like this, Comrade Commander." Hearing Sukov's voice, Andrei couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and quickly explained: "I saw enemy planes hovering over you, and I was worried about something, so I wanted to I called to ask, but the phone line was blown up, and I quickly sent two communication soldiers, who also died near the building....Thank God, the comrades in the communication team just restored the phone line, so I can talk to you."

"Comrade Captain, let me inform you about what happened here." Sokov said into the microphone: "A wave of enemies passed by the street on the north side of the building. I ordered Vasily and the others to use the terrain and use mortars condescendingly. He taught the enemy a lesson with machine guns and killed more than 200 German soldiers. The enemy may have sent planes to bomb us for revenge. Fortunately, we are all hiding in the basement, and the enemy's bombs cannot hurt us at all. every cent."

After confirming that Sokov was safe and sound at the moment, Andre felt much more at ease.He went on to say: "I just received a call from the Chief of Staff, and he asked me to ask you when you can return to Mamayev Post."

"Leaving the building during the day, the target is too big, I'm afraid it will be shelled or bombed by the enemy." Sukov heard the question asked by Andre, and repeated what he just said: "To be on the safe side, I think it's better to wait until Leave after dark."

After Andrei put down the phone, he called Yegor, the commander of the eighth company, and told him: "Comrade Lieutenant, when it gets dark, you take a squad to the Vasily Building, and you must pick up the division commander from there." .”

"Don't worry, Comrade Battalion Commander." Sokov stayed at the front, making the grassroots commanders very uneasy, fearing that he would be in danger.Hearing Andrei's order at this moment, Yegor quickly replied: "I will definitely send the division commander and the others back to Mamayev Post safely."

Sokov, who was staying in the basement of the building, naturally understood that everyone wanted to leave here early, so when it got dark, he asked Vasily to find a soldier as a guide, and he took the guard platoon and Shulka He and the little boy left the Vasily building and quietly headed towards Mamayev's hill.

Not far away, I heard someone in front of me asking in a low voice: "Is the teacher in front, Comrade?"

Hearing someone speak, Seryosha was afraid of danger, so he quickly stood in front of Sokov.Sokov felt that the voice was very familiar. He frowned and thought for a while, and immediately figured out who it was. He quickly pushed aside Sergey who was standing in front of him, and asked to the opposite side: "Is this Lieutenant Yegor here?" ?”

"Yes, Comrade Commander, it's me." Yegor led a few soldiers out from behind a pile of bricks and rubble, came to Sukov, straightened his body and reported: "I was ordered to send you back From Mamayev Post."

Hearing what Yegor said, Sokov couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. He knew very well that all the commanders, including Andrei, wished that he could return to Mamayev Post as soon as possible so that the burden on their shoulders The responsibility is not so heavy.Thinking of this, he waved his hand at the other party and said, "Lieutenant Yegor, then I will trouble your people to lead us the way."

When re-starting, Yegor has been walking on Sokov's side. His idea is very simple. If he encounters an enemy on the road, he can quickly stand in front of Sokov and block bullets for him.

After walking for a while, probably feeling that it was too boring to bury his head on the road, Yegor asked in a low voice: "Comrade commander, I heard that the battle in the factory area was fierce?"

"Although you are also fighting here, compared with the factory area, it can only be regarded as a child's play." Sokov said to Yegor with a sideways face: "In some areas where the fighting is fierce, a battalion will go up. It was all gone in less than an hour."

"Ah?! The battle there is so fierce?" Sokov's words startled Yegor, and he asked in a panic: "Then can our troops block the enemy's attack?"

"It will be blocked, Comrade Lieutenant." Sokov said confidently in order to build up the confidence of the soldiers to win: "Although the enemy has the upper hand now, the final victory still belongs to us."

Yegor was dubious about what Sokov said, but he didn't dare to refute that the other party was his superior. He could only pretend to believe it and kept nodding his head.

Sokov guessed from the other party's expression that he didn't fully believe what he said, coughed lightly, and continued: "Comrade Lieutenant, think about it, why did the enemy fight against Mamayer in the old city south of the city?" Fugang's attack, not only did not strengthen, but it became weaker and weaker?"

Sokov's words stopped Yegor from asking. He thought for a long time but couldn't come up with an answer. He could only ask with a wry smile, "Comrade commander, what is the reason?"

"Because we adopted the correct tactics in the early stage of the battle, coupled with the bravery of the soldiers, the enemy was hurt and frightened, so the area we defended was a restricted area for them, and they were not willing to fight easily. Get involved." Sokov smiled and said, "If we hadn't taught the Germans a lesson, I don't think the fighting here would be any worse than the factory area in the north of the city. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Comrade Commander." After listening to Sokov's explanation, Yegor agreed happily: "I believe in your words, the final victory of this war will definitely belong to us."

Under the leadership of Yegor, Sokov's troops successfully passed through the defense zone of the third battalion.Although there were quite a few commanders and fighters of the third battalion hidden in the ruins, they did not shoot casually when they saw their own people leading the way, and let the troops pass by.

After walking for more than an hour, the soldiers who explored the road ahead came back and reported to Yegor: "Comrade company commander, a small army appeared in front of them, it seems to be our people, and the squad leader has personally brought people over to make contact."

"Aren't you from our battalion?"

"It's not like." The soldier who reported the news shook his head and said, "This army seems to be from Mamayev Gang."

After waiting for a few minutes, Sokov saw several people walking towards him.He squinted his eyes and tried to see who was coming with the help of the weak light, but he heard Seryozha said excitedly: "Misha, this is Major Tenev, the commander of the security battalion. It seems that the chief of staff and the others are worried. For your safety, he was specially sent to meet us."

After a while, several people came to Sokov.The leading officer was indeed Major Tenev, the battalion commander of the division's security battalion. He turned to Sokov and said respectfully, "Comrade Commander, I was sent by the Chief of Staff to meet you." Turning to Yegor who was standing next to Sokov, he said, "Comrade Lieutenant, your mission has been completed, and we will be responsible for the safety of the division commander."

(End of this chapter)

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