red moscow

Chapter 760

Chapter 760

When Sokov returned to the table and sat down, everyone didn't notice anything unusual about him. Instead, they felt at ease that he left the division headquarters to go to the guard company commander.Only Kopalova, sitting across from him, cast him a meaningful glance.

"Comrade Rezakov," Sokov, who kept avoiding Kopalova's eyes, looked at Rezakov and asked in order to free himself from the embarrassing situation as soon as possible: "When will you leave the city? "

"We went to various defensive positions in the afternoon, and chatted with many soldiers in the tunnel. In addition to the defensive tactics you just told us, it can be said that our interview task has ended." Ryzakov replied : "Tomorrow morning, the Front Command will send an armored boat to pick us up."

"Comrade Rezakov, I would like to ask." Sokov asked Rezakov nervously: "Is there still space on the armored boat?"

Hearing Sokov's question, Rezakov couldn't help but frowned. He thought to himself: "What does Colonel Sokov mean by asking this question? Could it be that he plans to take our armored boat and flee to the east bank?" Is it?" Thinking about it this way, the three-point favorability for Sokov in his heart dropped directly to a negative number.

"Comrade Colonel." Rezakov said with a straight face, "I think even if I agree to bring someone along, I'm afraid the sailor who came to pick us up would not agree."

Seeing that Rezakov politely rejected his request, Sokov did not continue the request, nor did he give up this rare opportunity.He got up and walked to the telephone not far away, asked the operator to connect to the health team, and said to the person who answered the phone: "I am the division commander Sokov, ask Assia to bring Lilia, Anton and the others to the division headquarters .”

After finishing the phone call, Sokov went back to the table and sat down again, and said to Ryzakov with a smile on his face: "Comrade Ryzakov, don't refuse me first, wait until you see the person you want to send away." , and then decide whether to reject me."

Sokov's calm attitude caused Rezakov to have doubts in his heart. He asked himself secretly: "Who will Colonel Sokov let us take out of the city? Could it be a more important wounded?"

A few minutes later, Asiya showed up at the division headquarters with her four children.Although the children were still wearing ill-fitting military jumpers, their little faces had been wiped clean.After Sokov stepped forward to greet Asiya, he took a child by the hand and came to the table.

The stunned Ryzakov pointed to the four children and asked in surprise: "Comrade Colonel, are these the children you intend to let us take away?"

"That's right, Comrade Ryzakov." Sokov nodded and replied, "They are all orphans who lost their parents in the war. It is obviously inappropriate to stay in the city. If possible, I hope you can take them away."

"Comrade Colonel." Ryzakov looked at the four poor children, and the softest part of his heart was touched. He nodded vigorously, and said in a big way: "Don't worry, when I leave tomorrow morning, I will definitely let you They got on the boat and we left."

"However, when we get to the other side, how should we arrange for these children?" Kopalova is a lesbian, and she is much more careful about the problem: "We can't just leave them alone."

"Kopalova, look at what you said, can we leave them alone?" Rezakov turned to look at Kopalova and said, "I will take them to Moscow and send them to a children's welfare home. It will be properly accommodated there."

"Assia, take the children home first." Seeing that Rezakov had agreed to himself, Sokov put the heart hanging in his throat back into his stomach again. He waved at Assia and said: "I'll let you know when I leave."

Just when Asya was about to leave with the children, Kopalova stood up and said to Ryzakov: "Comrade editor, anyway, I have nothing to do now, I will follow and take care of the children."

"Go ahead." Ryzakov said reasonably, "You can take the child with you when we leave."

With Rezakov's permission, Kopalova stepped forward and took Asiya's arm, and asked with a smile, "Your name is Asiya, right? I heard that you are still Misha's wife?"

Hearing Kopalova address Sokov so kindly, Assia couldn't help showing a puzzled expression on her face, and she asked cautiously, "Misha, this is...?"

Cold sweat broke out on Sokov's head. How dare he tell Asiya that this is his ex-girlfriend? Isn't that just for fun? He can only say vaguely: "Friend, A friend from the past. It was very unexpected to meet again here today." Fortunately, Assia didn't delve into it, and just nodded after hearing it, and left with Kopalova and the four children.

When Asya and Kopalova left, everyone else in the room had puzzled looks on their faces.Especially Ryzakov, he asked curiously: "Comrade Colonel, how can you and Kopalova be friends?"

"To tell you the truth, Kopalova used to be my girlfriend." Sokov knew that sooner or later he would not be able to hide this matter, so he might as well just say it out.But when he revealed his relationship with Kopalova, the doubts on everyone's faces became stronger, and he hurriedly continued: "The reason why I didn't recognize her is because I was shot by a shell in a battle last year." I was stunned, and when I woke up, I couldn’t remember many things. If Seryosha hadn’t secretly told me just now, I wouldn’t have known that Kopalova was once my girlfriend.”

After Sokov’s explanation, everyone felt that this was really the case. When the teacher and Kopalova met just now, they were completely like two strangers who had never met before. The feeling was that the teacher had lost his memory due to injury. up.

"Comrade Colonel," Avdonin, the reporter who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked, "If you hadn't lost your memory due to the injury, would you marry Kopalova?"

"Comrade Avdonin!" Before Sokov could answer this troublesome question, Ryzakov next to him became angry: "Please don't trouble Colonel Sokov with personal questions."

Seeing the hostility in Avdonin's eyes, Sokov thought of the question he just asked, and immediately understood in his heart that maybe he was Kopalova's suitor, and when he learned of his previous relationship with Kopalova After that, there was naturally hostility in my heart.But as a married person, Sokov naturally wouldn't take the reporter's dry jealousy. He smiled lightly and said lightly: "Comrade reporter, you think too much, what is the relationship between me and Kopalova? It's all in the past tense, and there are no assumptions. On the contrary, if you like Kopalova, I think you can pursue it boldly, as long as she is willing, which is not a bad thing."

After listening to Sokov's answer, the hostility in Avdonin's eyes disappeared, and he apologized to Sokov with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Comrade Colonel, I was confused just now, and I was rude to you, please Forgive my mistake..."

Sokov raised his hand to interrupt him without waiting for him to finish, then turned to Ryzakov and said, "Comrade editor-in-chief, you must be tired after a busy day today, I'll ask someone to take you to rest. Wait until dawn, and then send someone to escort you to the river."

(End of this chapter)

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