red moscow

Chapter 706

Chapter 706

Hearing the rumble of gunfire from the direction of Workers' New Village, the gate of the factory, one or two kilometers away from the family area, looked as if it was facing an enemy. The destroyer battalion and militiamen entered the defensive position, ready to face the enemy.

Sokov and the others came to the factory gate through the sewer.Seeing that the exit was right in front of him, Samoilov stopped and said to Sokov: "Comrade commander, go out from here and you will be the duty room at the gate of the Red October factory. How is the situation outside now? Are there any enemies?" I don’t even know, let’s send a soldier out to observe first.”

After Samoilov finished speaking, seeing that Sokov had no objection, he called a soldier beside him and told him, "Go out and see what's going on outside, whether our people are still controlling this area?" area."

The soldier nodded, walked quickly to the exit, and climbed out with the help of the iron ladder embedded in the pipe wall.As soon as Sokov saw the figure of the soldier disappearing from the exit, he heard a shout from above: "Who is it? Don't move, raise your hands!" Then he heard the sound of pulling the bolt of the gun.

"No!" Sokov yelled secretly: "The people above regard our soldiers as enemies."

"Don't shoot! It's one of our own." Sokov soon heard the soldier's voice: "I'm from the Guard Battalion of the 41st Guards Division..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the first person who spoke: "Since it belongs to the Guards Division, why didn't you fight the enemy in Workers' New Village, but ran to us? I think you are a deserter!"

"I'm not a deserter." The soldier quickly explained, "I'm here to escort the division commander!"

Sokov felt that the voice of the person speaking above was very familiar. After careful consideration, he immediately remembered that it was the battalion commander of the extermination battalion, Balshak. He hurriedly walked towards the stairs, ready to climb up and say hello to him.Unexpectedly, he was held tightly by Samoilov: "Comrade commander, please wait until the misunderstanding above is clarified before going up. If there are people who supervise the team, they will regard us as deserters and beat us to death."

"Don't worry, Comrade Second Lieutenant." Sokov gently broke away from Samoilov's hand and comforted him, "I know the person who spoke above. I just need to go out and say hello to him, and the misunderstanding will be cleared up." After speaking, he walked to the stairs and climbed up with hands and feet.

Before poking his head out, Sokov said loudly towards the outside: "Borshak, I'm Sokov, tell your people to put down their guns, so that they don't go off!"

The person who reprimanded the soldiers above was none other than the battalion commander Balshak. He was taken aback when he heard someone calling his name in the sewer.Then he turned his head and asked a fighter from the extermination battalion who was holding a gun next to him: "What did that person say his name just now?"

The soldier of the destroyer battalion who was asked, replied in an uncertain tone: "He, he seems to be called Sokov..."

"Comrade Commander," the soldier who explored the path continued quickly, "The person who is talking to you below is our division commander, Colonel Sokov."

"It's Colonel Sokov!" Balshak heard that it was Sokov, and quickly ordered the soldiers around: "The people in the sewer are our own people, put down your guns, and don't let go!" He rushed to the exit, bent down and extended his hand to Sokov who was climbing on the stairs.

Sokov climbed out of the sewer with the help of Bolshak. He just stood up straight, Bolshak grabbed his shoulders, pulled him forward, gave him a warm hug, and said excitedly : "Colonel Sokov, where did you come from? I can't believe that I can see you here."

"I didn't expect that either, Comrade Bolshak." Sokov patted Bolshak's back and said with a smile, "As soon as I get out of the sewer, I will meet you."

Hearing Sokov mention the sewer, Balshak let go of him and asked curiously, "Colonel Sokov, how did you get out of the sewer?"

Sokov turned his head and glanced at the New Workers' Village, where the guns were rumbling and the gunpowder was filled with gunpowder smoke, and replied: "I was withdrawn from the Workers' New Village. By the way, my troops will soon pass through the sewer and withdraw here. Please Say hello to your subordinates to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings."

"What, your troops have been withdrawn from the new workers' village?" Balshak's expression changed drastically when he heard Sokov say this. He took two steps back, looked Sokov up and down, and used his vigilance He asked in a calm tone, "Are you planning to become a deserter?"

"Comrade Bolshak," Sokov didn't expect Borshak to turn his face when he said it, and it was faster than turning a book. He also restrained the smile on his face and said with a straight face: "We are not running away, but temporarily Retreat. When the time is right, we will return to the Workers' New Village."

"When the time is right?" Balshak repeated Sokov's words, and said with a sneer: "As soon as the workers' new village is lost, the Germans will immediately rush to the factory. How can you go back again?"

"We used to fight side by side in the assembly workshop. Don't you know what kind of person I am?" In response to Balshak's question, Sokov patiently explained to him: "The enemy has continuously launched attacks on the workers' new village. They attacked twice and were repelled by us. Now they have adjusted their offensive tactics and used artillery fire to destroy the buildings in the workers' new village one by one. If I don't withdraw my troops, I will wait until the enemy destroys all the buildings. Almost all the people are dead. Everyone is dead, what can I use to block the enemy's attack?"

Sokov's words made Balshak realize that he might have wronged the other party. The muscles on his face twitched twice, and he tried to squeeze out a smile and said, "Colonel Sokov, maybe I made a mistake. Please forgive me.” In order to ease the embarrassment caused by the misunderstanding, he offered to say, “It’s too cold outside, you follow me to the duty room to get warm, and Comrade Zinchenko, the deputy director of the factory, is also here. He chatted."

"Oh, Comrade Deputy Director is here too." Hearing that Zinchenko was here, Sokov raised his eyebrows and said, "Take me to see him quickly."

Sokov left Samoilov behind to assist Bolshak's subordinates in meeting the incoming troops, and he and Bolshak walked side by side towards the duty room at the factory gate.On the way, Sokov asked curiously: "Comrade Balshak, I remember that you used to be in charge of the defense of the factory headquarters building. How did you get transferred to the factory gate?" Did Ershak offend Peter, so he was sent to this position.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Balshak smiled and said: "Comrade Colonel, in fact, my destroyer battalion was transferred to the gate of the factory, and it still has something to do with you."

"Is it related to me?" Balshak's words confused Sokov, and he asked in puzzlement, "How could it be related to me?"

"The defense you organized in the assembly workshop has already frightened the enemy. They may be afraid of losing another battle. Now they dare not launch an attack from the north of the factory area. They can only choose the worker's new village as the direction of attack." Bauer Shaq explained: "Since the enemy dare not directly attack the factory area, the defense task in the factory area is much easier. Therefore, comrade factory director transferred our battalion here to strengthen the frontal defense force of the factory."

After the two said this, they had already arrived at the door of the duty room.Balshak nodded at the sentry standing at the door, stepped forward and opened the door, he did not enter the room immediately, but said to the inside: "Comrade deputy factory director, look, who is here?" After finishing speaking, he moved his body aside so that the people inside could see the door clearly.

Zinchenko was sitting behind a desk, writing with his head down, when he heard Balshak's voice, he looked up towards the door.When he saw clearly that the person standing at the door was Sokov, he stood up abruptly, walked around the table, and rushed to the door to greet him: "It's you, Colonel Sokov, I really didn't expect to see you here .”

After the two hugged, Zinchenko led Sokov to the table in the room, and after beckoning him to sit down, he ran to pour a cup of hot tea and handed it to Sokov. Question: "Colonel Sokov, aren't you supposed to command the troops at Mamayev Post? Why are you here?"

Sokov put the teacup in his hand on the table, looked at Zinchenko and said: "Comrade deputy factory director, one of my regiments has taken over the defense of the 39th Guards Division in the Workers' New Village. I am a little worried , and stayed there to observe the battle.”

"Comrade Colonel, you are the head of the first division, how can you stay in such a dangerous place?" Zinchenko suggested to Sokov: "When the 39th Guards Division was in charge of defending the west of the factory, their division headquarters It is located not far from the factory gate, you may consider setting up your headquarters there."

"Comrade deputy factory director, thank you for your kindness." For Zinchenko's kindness, Sokov expressed his gratitude to him: "I think the commander should stay with the soldiers so that they can understand the situation in time. What happens on the battlefield, and make necessary adjustments according to the actual situation."

"Comrade Colonel," Zinchenko once fought side by side with Sokov, knew his character, and knew that he would not appear here for no reason. There must be some reason, so he asked curiously: "What is your reason for coming here?" Is it something important?"

"I have ordered the troops to temporarily abandon the workers' new village and withdraw to here." Sokov replied lightly, "I came to explore the road first."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Zinchenko asked the reason for the retreat, a middle-aged man in a black woolen coat rushed in from the door. He grabbed Sokov by the skirt and said angrily: "So Colonel Koff, who gave you the right to leave the new workers' village to the enemy? Don't you know that once the Germans occupy the workers' village, they can use it as a starting point to attack the factory at any time?"

(End of this chapter)

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