red moscow

Chapter 693

Chapter 693

Chuikov did not expect that the counterattack organized by himself would be shattered by the German artillery fire and tight defense in such a short period of time.The troops participating in the counterattack suffered varying degrees of losses, and more than a dozen battalion-level commanders and a regimental commander were sacrificed.

"Chief of Staff!" Chuikov asked Krylov with a straight face: "The counterattack against the enemy failed. What do you think we should do next?"

Krylov stared at the map in front of him, then raised his head to look at Chuikov and said, "Comrade Commander, I think it is necessary to re-deploy some troops so that they can exert stronger combat effectiveness."

"Adjust deployment?" Cui Kefu asked in confusion, "How do you plan to adjust?"

"Comrade Commander, this is how I think about it." Krylov pointed to the map and told Chuikov his adjustment plan: "Transfer Yermorgin's 112th Infantry Division to Spartanov Ka area, occupying from 75.9 highlands to 97.7 highlands, and deploying defenses along the gully to the southeast of the Mechetka River;
Transfer Gurdiyev's 308th Rifle Division to the defensive position from the orchard north of the new village of Barricades to the Silicate Factory, Makeyevka, and the gully line;
Major General Guriev's 39th Guards Division replaced Smekhotvorov's 193rd Infantry Division and built defenses along the Association, the Bible and North Street, so that the 193rd Division could draw part of its troops to form a reserve team. "

After hearing Krylov's plan, Chuikov couldn't help frowning: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I would like to remind you that the 39th Guards Division is responsible for the defense of the family area west of the Red October Factory. Once they are transferred away , which means that the enemy can directly threaten the factory area."

"We still have a Guards Division on Mamayev Post, although they were also downsized in the early battle." Krylov grinned at Chuikov, "But their division commander is Colonel Sokov, He is a man who is good at performing miracles, and I believe he can mobilize enough troops to fill the vacancy caused by the transfer of the 39th Guards Division."

Probably out of trust in Sokov, after hearing what Krylov said, Chuikov actually agreed to transfer the 39th Guards Division to take over the defense of the 193rd Division. He even dictated orders to Krylov : "Chief of Staff, record my order: After dark, the 112th Infantry Division is transferred westward to the Mechetka River; the 39th Guards Division sends two regiments to take over the defense of the 193rd Regiment of the 883rd Infantry Division; After completing the defense transfer work, the 883rd Regiment was transferred to the north to build a new direction behind the 193th Regiment of the 895rd Division and serve as the second echelon..."


While Chuikov and Krylov were discussing the adjustment of the deployment of troops, Paulus was also in his headquarters, discussing with a group of officers the matter of taking Mamayev Post.

He slapped the table and yelled at the generals sitting on both sides of the conference table: "Mamayev Hill is a small hill with an altitude of more than 100 meters, but we tried everything, but we couldn't get it out of the way of the Russians." Take it from our hands. As long as the Mamayev Post is still in the hands of the Russians, we will not be able to advance to the Volga and cut them off from the outside world."

"Your Excellency, Commander," as soon as Paulus finished speaking, Major General von Drebel, the commander of the 297th Infantry Division, stood up and said, "As far as I know, the Russian army standing on Mamayev Hill is a Russian lieutenant colonel. The 73rd Infantry Brigade under the command of Sokov. When I was in Kursk, my troops suffered defeats under his hands, which caused the morale of the troops to be low. But after these months of fighting, the soldiers achieved a series of After the victory, I regained my confidence. I implore you, entrust us with the task of attacking Mamayev Post, and my soldiers will use this rare opportunity to avenge their hatred and drive the damned Russians out of Mamayev Fugang."

Seeing von der Rebel volunteering, Paulus had a smile on his face, but he did not immediately agree to the other party's request, but turned his attention to the other teachers sitting at the table.However, what he didn't expect was that when his eyes fell on someone, he would look away, and even showed a flustered expression on his face.

Seeing the reactions of these teachers, Paulus couldn't help feeling a little angry.He pointed to von Lenski, commander of the 24th Armored Division, and said, "General von Lenski, I don't think you have much confidence in attacking Mamayev Post."

Seeing that Paulus was a little angry, von Lenski quickly stood up from his seat and explained nervously: "Your Excellency, you have misunderstood. The terrain of Mamayev Post is complicated and it is not suitable for the use of armored units. It is obviously more appropriate to use our division to attack the Russian factory area."

Dr. Kofes, the commander of the 295th Infantry Division, when he saw Paulus looking at him, he quickly got up and replied: "Your Excellency, since General von Drebel wants to turn his troops around, I think it is better to let him go." Leave the task of attacking Mamayev Post to his troops. I believe he will live up to your expectations."

As soon as Dr. Kofes said his words, several other division commanders immediately echoed them. They all said that there is no more suitable unit than the 297th Infantry Division. Ideal result.The reason why these division commanders tried their best to avoid the battle was entirely because they were beaten terribly by Sokov's troops. If there was no need, he hoped that he would never fight against Sokov's troops again in his life.

Seeing that, except for von der Rebel who volunteered to join the army, the rest of his subordinates chose various reasons to avoid the battle, Paulus really couldn't laugh or cry.In desperation, he could only agree to von Drebel's request and let his troops take on the task of attacking Mamayev Gang.

Seeing Paulus's delay in announcing the order, Chief of Staff Schmidt interjected: "Your Excellency, I think that before the 297th Infantry Division attacks Mamayev's Hill, we can let the troops of our allies test the defenders. Strength."

"Are you still using those Romanian troops?" Paulus shook his head and said, "In the battles of the previous few days, they were indeed extremely heroic. There were problems with the morale and morale of the army, many Romanian soldiers panicked, and some companies deserted."

"I'm not talking about the Romanian army," Schmidt said, shaking his head. "The 369th Infantry Regiment from Croatia has performed well in recent battles. If they are allowed to assist the 297th Infantry Division, I believe they will be able to improve and take down the horse." Possibility of Mayev Gang.”

Von Drebel spoke quickly just now, and offered to lead troops to attack Mamayev Post, but after saying this, he saw his colleagues avoiding this offensive mission one after another, and immediately realized that he might have made a wrong decision.But since the words have been spoken, it is obviously impossible to take them back.Now I heard Schmidt mentioning that the Croatian troops would take the lead, and he quickly echoed: "Your Excellency, I think the chief of staff is very reasonable. Let the Croatian troops consume the strength of the Russians first, and then we will Launching an attack will definitely wipe out all the Russians standing on Mamayev Post.”

Whether it was Paulus, Schmidt, or the division commanders below, none of them realized that the information they had was outdated. Sokov was no longer a lieutenant colonel but a colonel, and the troops under his command were no longer It was an infantry brigade, but a Guards division.The battle plan they formulated based on wrong information is destined to have no good results.

"Chief of Staff," Paulus said, looking at Schmidt, "immediately arrange for the 369th Croatian Infantry Regiment to take over the defense of the 276th Regiment, and launch an attack on Mamayev Post at the right time."

When the Croatian troops switched defenses with the German 276th Regiment, Sokov was worrying about an order from Chuikov.Chuikov briefly stated in the order: In order to strengthen the defense of the neighboring areas, the 39th Guards Division, which was originally stationed west of the Red October Factory, will be transferred away. The vacancy left by the teacher.

"Comrade commander, what should we do?" Sidolin looked at Sokov who was walking back and forth in the room, and asked anxiously: "Although we now have four regiments, once we take over the defense of the Red October factory, Our strength will become dispersed, and there is a possibility that we will be defeated by the Germans one by one."

"It's not a possibility, but a certainty." Ivanov said with a wry smile: "Don't look at the complete tunnel fortifications inside Mamayev Gang, but if there are not enough people to defend it, it is just a decoration. Now we have four Although each regiment has been weakened to varying degrees, they are still a force to be reckoned with. But if they are scattered to different areas, the combat effectiveness of the troops will be weakened. The only enemy you have is the fate of being defeated one by one.”

"Report!" Seryozha, who came in from the door, interrupted the conversation of the three, and he replied with some excitement: "Comrade Comrade Comrade and the soldiers from the third platoon are back."

Political commissar Anisimov was ordered by Sukov to escort a tank lieutenant back to the army headquarters.Sokov thought he would be able to return on the same day, but unexpectedly he stayed for two days before returning.Seeing his safe return at this moment, Sokov showed a knowing smile on his face. He came up and gave Anisimov a warm hug, and then said friendlyly: "Comrade Comrade, welcome back to the command center." department."

After Anisimov and the three hugged each other, they looked at the map spread out on the table and asked curiously, "Comrade commander, I want to ask, what were you discussing before I entered the door?"

"It's like this, Comrade Political Commissar." As soon as this matter was mentioned, Sokov felt a headache: "According to the order of the superior, after dark, the 39th Guards Division, which was originally stationed in the west of the Red October Factory, is about to go north. At the defensive positions they vacated, the commander ordered us to send troops to take over the defense."

"This is indeed a headache." As a political cadre, Anisimov spoke with reason and evidence: "But the superior must have an overall arrangement, since they issued such an order , then we believe that with our strength, we can fully defend the Mamayev Post and the Red October Factory.”

"Comrade Commissar, I won't say anything about the importance of Mamayev Post, but you should understand it very well." Sokov said bitterly, "If you use the existing forces to defend Mamayev with all your strength, Mamayev Gang, it is almost impossible for the enemy to seize our position no matter how many troops they send out. But once we mobilize our forces to strengthen the defense at the Red October Factory, the defense here at Mamayev Gang will be almost impossible. will be weakened..."

"You worry too much, Comrade Commander." After listening to Sukov, Anisimov said with a smile: "If you want to defend the Red October factory, it is far from enough to rely on a regiment of guards. But , have you forgotten the working class in the factory? In order to keep the factory they love, they will fight bravely in the cruel battle."

Anisimov's words reminded Sokov that some time ago he had deployed defenses in the Red October factory and repelled the Germans' attacks again and again.He began to think secretly in his heart that if all the workers in the factory could be mobilized, then the power used to defend the factory and the family area would be greatly enhanced.

Thinking of this, Sokov nodded and said, "Since everyone has reached an agreement, the next thing we need to consider is which regiment to send to the Red October factory to take over the defense?"

"I think it's the 124th Regiment of Pestarcha," Sidolin suggested to Sokov, "The commanders and fighters of this regiment have fought many tough battles, and we sent them to the Red October factory to establish them. I believe they will be able to block the enemy's attack."

"No, the 124th Regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Starcha cannot be sent to perform such an important task." Sokov said to Sidolin: "You know, their regiment is now the main force defending Nangang. , our defense here will be greatly weakened."

Seeing that Sokov rejected his proposal, Sidolin was not angry, but asked respectfully, "Then which regiment do you think should be sent there?"

"In my opinion, let's send Lieutenant Colonel Papchenko's 122nd Regiment," Sokov replied without hesitation, "I believe that with their combat effectiveness, there should be no problem in holding the family area of ​​the Red October Factory." .”

"However, this regiment has been severely reduced in the previous two days of fighting." Sidolin reminded Sokov: "If they are asked to defend such a large area, I am afraid that they will not have enough strength to defend."

"Replenish him with Shamrikh's marine battalion." Sokov said with a serious expression: "If Lieutenant Colonel Papchenko is strengthened by the sailors, he cannot achieve greater results. Then I will consider , re-dividing Shamrih's Marine Battalion."

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander." Ivanov interjected, "They are all my old subordinates. I know very well what their abilities are. I believe they will not let you down."

(End of this chapter)

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