red moscow

Chapter 642

Chapter 642
Unexpectedly, Khrushchev did not answer his question immediately, but turned his head and glanced at the direction where the radio and communication equipment were placed, and asked casually, "Colonel Sokov, who is your director of communications?"

"Comrade Military Commissar, we are only a brigade-level unit. We don't have the position of director of the communications corps, only the commander of the communications company." After explaining embarrassingly to Khrushchev, Sokov turned to Maxim who was sitting in front of an intercom. Shouted: "Second Lieutenant Maxim, please come here!"

Hearing Sokov's shout, Maxim quickly stood up, trotted to stop in front of the crowd, straightened his body and waited for Sokov to give him an order.

"Comrade Military Commissar," Sokov pointed to Maxim and said to Khrushchev, "This is Second Lieutenant Maxim, the commander of the brigade's communications company. If you have anything to do, you can tell him directly."

"Comrade Second Lieutenant," Khrushchev nodded, and said politely to Maxim, "I want to talk to General Yeremenko. Can you connect me to the Front Army Command?"

The request made by Khrushchev made Maxim's face show a embarrassed expression: "I'm sorry, Comrade Military Commissar, I'm afraid I can't complete the task you gave me. Our communication authority is not enough to communicate with the Front Army Command. Direct calls. However, telegrams can be sent."

"Comrade Major," Khrushchev said to an officer standing at the door when he saw that Maxim could not get through the phone of the Front Army Headquarters, "help the second lieutenant and get through the phone number of the Front Army Headquarters. There is something important, I need to talk to Comrade Commander."

After the major and Maxim returned to the communication area, Khrushchev said to Sokov: "This reserve team was sent by the headquarters, and the number is about 8000, and half of them are commanders and fighters with combat experience. "

Sokov heard that half of the people were commanders with combat experience, and he couldn't help feeling ecstatic.Now that the war is imminent, if they are all recruits, let alone 8000, even if there are twice as many, Sokov is not optimistic about them.A group of recruits who have not undergone systematic military training can play very limited roles on the battlefield.

He paused for a moment and asked tentatively, "Then when can we replenish it?"

"Before I got here, I discussed this matter with Comrade Commander." When Khrushchev spoke, he couldn't help turning his head and glanced at the communication area. What is the result of your consideration!"

"Comrade Military Commissar," just as Khrushchev said this, the major standing beside Maxim said loudly to him: "The phone with the Front Army Command has been connected."

Khrushchev nodded slightly, then picked up the receiver of the phone on the table, and said to his ear: "I am Khrushchev! Comrade Commander, how do you think about that matter?" Seeing Khrushchev Sokov and Yeremenko talked on the phone, Sokov and the others stood up consciously and walked away to avoid hearing something they shouldn't hear.

After talking to the other party for a few words, Khrushchev suddenly covered the microphone and said to Sokov: "Colonel Sokov, Yeremenko will send Colonel Ivanov's 41st Guards Division across the river the day after tomorrow. To take over the defense of Mamayev Kurgan."

"Replace our defense?!" Hearing what Khrushchev said, Sokov couldn't help being surprised, and quickly asked, "Then what about our brigade?"

"The 73rd Infantry Brigade will be merged into the division and reduced to a regiment of the division." Khrushchev continued: "The meaning of Comrade Commander is that you are going to be the deputy division commander. I don't know if you have any opinions. ?”

From brigade commander to deputy division commander, it seemed that he had been promoted by one level, but for Sokov, he was unwilling to accept such a promotion.As soon as Khrushchev finished speaking, he shook his head and said, "Sorry, I don't want to be the deputy division commander."

"Why?" Khrushchev asked curiously.

"Comrade Military Commissar, you should know that the reason why our brigade can achieve good results in various places is entirely because of the use of different tactics from other troops." Sokov explained: "If I were the deputy division commander, I would If you want to continue to use the existing tactics, you will definitely encounter many constraints, which will seriously affect the combat effectiveness of the troops."

After listening to Sokov's words, Khrushchev asked with interest: "Then how do you think about it?"

"Either, let me serve as the head of the new regiment drawn down from the infantry brigade, and let my old troops maintain their original combat effectiveness." Sukov replied without hesitation: "Or, let me be the commander of the 41st Guards Division, and let me be the commander of the [-]st Guards Division. The combat effectiveness of the entire division has reached a new level."

Khrushchev laughed, let go of the hand covering the microphone, and said into the microphone: "Comrade commander, as you expected, Sokov is unwilling to take up the post of deputy division commander. You can no longer command troops as you like. You see, can we use our backup plan?"

Because Sokov was far away, he couldn't hear what Yeremenko said on the other end of the phone. He saw that Khrushchev was very happy when he spoke, as if he heard something happy.

After Khrushchev put down the phone, he stood up, called Sokov and the others back to the table, and said, "Commanders, I would like to introduce to you the situation of the 41st Guards Division. The division was reorganized from the 10th Army of the Airborne Forces. It consists of the 122nd, 124th and 125th Guards Regiments, the division commander is Colonel Ivanov, and the political commissar is the battalion-level political commissar Anisimov. The members of the division are all The airborne troops with rich combat experience fought tenaciously against the enemy's attack on the east bank of the Don River in August this year, and were later placed under the command of the First Guards Army...”

While Khrushchev was talking non-stop, Sokov couldn't help muttering in his heart: What is the backup plan for Khrushchev and Yeremenko?You don't really want yourself to be the head of the downsizing team, do you?Thinking of this, he felt somewhat unbalanced in his heart.Back then, when I was a lieutenant colonel, my subordinates were in charge of several colonels; but now that I have become a colonel, I have to accept the command of another colonel, and I feel aggrieved thinking about it.

After Khrushchev introduced the situation of the 41st Guards Division, he couldn't help smiling slightly when he saw Sokov's distraught look, and then said to him: "Colonel Sokov, you don't want to know about the situation of the Front Army Command. How is your new position arranged?"

Although Sokov was full of complaints, after hearing Khrushchev's question, he pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Comrade Military Commissar, I obey the arrangement of my superiors. As a deputy, even if I'm only allowed to be a team leader, I have no objection."

Sokov's words made the hearts of Belgin and Sidolin sink suddenly. If the 41st Guards Division is really allowed to station here, the brigade commander will be demoted. Affects morale and morale.

Hearing Sokov say these words in a serious manner, the smile on Khrushchev's face became wider.After Sokov finished speaking, he looked at Belkin and Sidolin and asked, "Commanders, if the superior really appoints Sokov as regimental commander, would you agree in your heart?"

"I don't agree!" Khrushchev had just finished speaking when Belkin blurted out his answer.But he immediately realized that he was being reckless, and quickly explained: "No matter what new position the superior assigns to Comrade Brigadier Commander, we will resolutely obey the order!"

"Very good! Since you said that you must resolutely obey orders." Khrushchev said: "Then I officially announce that from now on, Colonel Sokov will be the new division commander of the 41st Guards Division."

"What, let me be the division commander?" Sukov was frightened by Khrushchev's words, he was stunned for a while, and then asked hesitantly: "Comrade military commissar, if I am worried about the division commander, what will Colonel Ivanov do?" ? How are you going to house him?"

(End of this chapter)

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