red moscow

Chapter 528 The White Rose of Stalingrad

Chapter 528 The White Rose of Stalingrad
Captain Rudel, who was the first to lead the team to bomb the assembly workshop, has completed the bombing mission and returned to the airport with his formation, otherwise he would definitely use the weapons on the Stuka bomber to have a fight with the Yak-1 driven by the girls Intense duel.

Knowing that there were only four fighter jets on his side, Sokov couldn't sit still any longer. He thought in his heart that no matter how brave the Soviet pilots were, if they had to deal with enemy planes ten times larger than themselves, they would be hitting a stone with a pebble.He greeted Zinchenko and the others, and hurriedly left the basement.

Coincidentally, as soon as Sokov came out of the basement, he saw a plane in the sky like a kite with a broken string, dragging black smoke and rolling down towards the distance.Seeing this situation, Sokov couldn't help but tighten his heart. He thought it was a Soviet plane that had been shot down, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a German Stuka JU87 dive bomber, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

This enemy plane was shot down by Raisa. Seeing Lilia's first victory, she was still somewhat jealous, so she tightly bit the enemy plane that escaped her attack, and after entering the effective attack distance, she shot at the enemy plane again. The machine fires.This time she was lucky and managed to shoot down the enemy plane.

The German fighters that provided cover for the bombers in the air saw that two bombers on their side were shot down by the Soviet fighters that had just arrived, so they immediately flew over and tried to shoot down the disruptive Soviet fighters.One of the fighter pilots is named Erwin Meyer. Although he is only a corporal, he is not very young, but since the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, he has achieved record results of [-] Soviet aircraft, which can be called German The youngest ace pilot in the Air Force.

Meyer locked on to Lilia's crew, and without letting the wingman cooperate with him, he rushed directly.Since Meyer had set a record of shooting down three Soviet fighter planes in one day a few days ago, his whole body was somewhat swollen, which made the pilots of the squadron feel dissatisfied with him.At this moment, seeing him rushing towards the Soviet fighter plane single-handedly, the wingman pilot couldn't help but sneered, thinking that he wanted to be a hero again, so he didn't follow closely behind him, but rushed towards Raisa's crew.

The target chosen by Meyer is Katya's wingman.According to his thinking, the technical and tactical level of the wingman is usually inferior to that of the lead plane. Once the wingman is killed, the lead plane will be unable to support himself, and it will be much easier to kill the lead plane by himself.

He had just locked on to the plane Katya was flying, and before he could fire, he saw Lilia shoot down another bomber.Seeing that his protected object was shot down by Lilia, Meyer was a little red-eyed. He quickly changed his mind, gave up his plan to attack Katya, and rushed directly towards Lilia's plane.

Before he got into the attacking position, Katya spotted him.Seeing a German fighter plane rushing towards Lilia, Kajia quickly shouted on the radio: "Lilia, there is an enemy plane rushing towards you at six o'clock, be careful." After shouting, she decisively pushed the joystick , followed Meyer's plane away.

Lilia received Katya's warning, and immediately made a right turn in the air, rushing towards the two bombers that were diving to drop bombs.Meyer, who followed behind, put his hand on the fire button several times, but before firing, Lilia used various tactical moves to get rid of him.

When Katya saw the German fighter jets chasing Lilia closely, she was also very anxious. She chased after them desperately and opened fire on Meyer's plane.

Meyer has been unable to attack Lilia, and he was a little annoyed at first. Now when he saw a Soviet fighter plane behind him firing at him, blood rushed to his head. He felt that if he didn't kill the enemy plane behind him, he might not be able to Concentrate on shooting down the enemy plane you are chasing.

In this way, Meyer first quickly pulled up the plane and made a back flip in the air.Katya did not expect Meyer to use such a tactic, and rushed to the front in one fell swoop.After Meyer completed the flip, he quickly leveled the plane and locked Katya's plane firmly.

The 20mm machine gun drilled more than a dozen holes in Katya's plane in an instant.Katya suddenly felt that his plane was out of control and was staggering and about to fall. He quickly shouted through the radio: "I've been shot, I've been shot."

Lilia heard Katya's shout, saw puffs of black smoke coming out of the tail of her plane, and the fuselage was descending rapidly, and quickly shouted through the radio: "Katya, hurry up and skydive, hurry up and skydive. She was afraid that Katya would be hesitant, so she specially emphasized: "The following is our defense zone. If you jump down, someone will meet you."

Katya originally wanted to try to make an emergency landing in a spacious place, but found that the rudder had completely failed, and hearing Lilia's shout, she reluctantly opened the hatch of the plane and jumped out.

On the ground, Sokov first saw one of his fighter jets being shot down, and then opened a parachute in the air. He knew that his pilot had parachuted, so he quickly called a sergeant, and said loudly: Comrade soldier, you take a few people to rescue our pilot."

After more than ten minutes, the sergeant brought back Katya who successfully parachuted.He reported to Sokov with some surprise: "Comrade Brigadier, we have rescued the pilot. But she... she is a woman."

"Female?!" Sokov couldn't help being surprised when he learned that the person who had just parachuted was a female pilot. He quickly asked the sergeant to bring Katya in front of him. It was a female pilot, so she asked curiously: "Comrade pilot, can you tell me which part you belong to?"

Facing Sokov's question, Katya asked cautiously, "Which part do you belong to?"

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Sokov, commander of the 73rd Infantry Brigade." Seeing that Katya was suspicious of him, Sokov took the initiative to identify himself and asked again: "Which flying regiment do you belong to? "

"My Katya." After confirming Sokov's identity, Katya replied truthfully, "We are the women's squadron who just joined the 437th Flying Regiment."

"Women's Flying Squadron?" Sokov heard Katya say this, and couldn't help asking: "Is there a female pilot named Lilia with you?"

Katya heard Sokov mention Lilia, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face: "Comrade commander, how do you know Lilia?"

"I also heard it from people." Sokov blushed and replied, "I have heard that there are three female pilots in the flying regiment, and they have achieved good results when fighting the enemy. One of them The female pilot named Lilia has shot down quite a few enemy planes."

Sokov thought his lies were flawless, but after hearing this, Katya showed a puzzled expression on his face: "Lilia is my lead plane, and I have been cooperating with her for a long time, but before today, Never heard of her shooting down an enemy plane. Comrade Commander, are you mistaken?"

Katya's words gave Sokov a step forward, and he hurriedly said: "That's right, Comrade Katya, maybe I made a mistake and recorded the results of other female pilots as Lilia's."

Katya is a very simple girl, and Sokov's lies full of loopholes actually deceived her.She looked up at the sky and said to herself: "My wingman was shot down by an enemy plane, and Lilia is the only one left. Can she deal with so many enemy planes? It's all my fault. Her skills are too poor. Without even shooting down an enemy plane, I was shot down by the enemy."

Looking at the ongoing air battle in the sky, Sokov hurriedly said to Katya: "Katya, there are our health workers in the basement. I'll send you to check to see if there are any injuries."

Katya shook her head and said firmly, "I'm fine, I won't go. I want to stay here and watch Lilia fight the German planes."

"Okay, Katya, since you don't want to go to the basement, you can stay here." Considering that his current location is considered a relatively safe place, Sokov agreed to Katya's stay, but he He still specifically told him: "But for your safety, you can't run around, otherwise, if something goes wrong, I won't be responsible."

Sokov held up the binoculars and looked at Lilia's fighter plane. He saw that the fighter plane driven by the girl nimbly shuttled among the enemy's bombers. Attack.In just 5 minutes, two more German bombers were shot down.

Seeing the German fighter jets chasing after Lilia, Sokov's heart rose to his throat, and he kept thinking: Can Lilia get rid of the German fighter jets behind?
However, Lilia's performance quickly reassured Sokov. After rushing out of the German bomber group, the fighter plane she was driving decisively made a big turn, circled behind the German fighter planes, and decisively Fire and shoot.Suddenly, the situation was reversed, and the fighter plane that was originally being chased became a chaser.

Although Meyer was an ace pilot, he followed Lilia in his own bomber group, but he never dared to fire, fearing that he would accidentally damage his own plane.As a result, after Lilia passed through the fleet, she made a big turn, came behind him, and opened fire on him.

The Yak-1 fighter's 20mm cannon located in the center of the propeller broke the wing of Meyer's plane, and the out-of-control plane immediately fell towards the ground.Seeing that the situation was not good, Meyer could only open the hatch and jumped out of the plane.

"It's great, Lilia is really great." Seeing that Lilia finally shot down the lingering German fighter plane, Sokov couldn't help applauding, and then called the sergeant over: "Comrade sergeant, you are now Go over and capture the prisoner. If he persists, shoot him decisively." The sergeant received the order, agreed loudly, and led his subordinates, happily ran towards the position where Meyer landed.

After the sergeant took the people away, Sokov turned to Katya and said, "Katya, your lead plane shot down five enemy planes back and forth. It's really amazing."

"Yeah, it's really incredible." Katya witnessed Lilia's achievements and said with emotion: "I really didn't expect that Lilia shot down four bombers and one fighter by herself. The ace pilot. That way, when we get back to the airport, those male pilots won't look down on us anymore."

"Katya." Knowing that Katya and the others were discriminated against by male pilots, Sokov couldn't help asking curiously, "Why, do the male pilots in the flight regiment look down on you?"

"No," Katya said aggrievedly, "especially the head of the regiment, he said he wanted real pilots, but the higher-ups sent us young girls to him, so we haven't arranged for us to fight in the past few days." Mission. If it weren’t for the order from our superiors today, we don’t know when we will have the opportunity to fly into the blue sky to fight against enemy planes.”

Although the number of German bombers that bombed the Red October Tractor Factory was large, the bombs and bullets they carried were almost exhausted. Seeing such a terrifying existence as Lilia, they felt somewhat fearful in their hearts. Seeing the end of their companions, they all turned around and flew back.

When the German fleet returned, the command center on the ground learned that Meyer had been shot down, and asked Meyer's wingman: "Which Russian pilot shot Meyer's plane?"

The wingman thought for a while, and felt that he was on the fuselage of the plane that shot down Meyer. He saw a few white roses, and quickly replied: "Report sir, it is a plane with white roses on the fuselage. Corporal Jesus shot it down."

"There are white roses on the fuselage?" After hearing the wingman's answer, the ground command center said with a wry smile, "I really didn't expect that the Russians would also spray patterns on the plane." It read: "Plane of Corporal Erwin Meyer, shot down by a Russian aircraft with white roses painted on its fuselage."

After the German bombers left, the captured Meyer was brought before Sokov.Seeing the captured German pilot, Sokov was about to send someone to find Zinchenko as an interpreter. Unexpectedly, the other party spoke first: "Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, I have a request."

"You can speak Russian?" Sokov had a surprised expression on his face when he heard that Meyer could speak Russian, but he quickly returned to normal and asked with a straight face: "Tell me, what kind of language do you have?" request?"

"It's the first time I've been shot down, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel." Meyer was very interested in the pilot who shot down himself at the moment, so he proposed to Sukov: "I want to meet the pilot who shot down me."

Sokov was about to answer the other party, saying that there was nothing he could do, but unexpectedly found that the plane Lilia was driving was heading towards the factory building, so he changed his words and said, "Okay, Corporal, I can satisfy you." Please wait for a while, you will be able to meet the person who shot you down."

(End of this chapter)

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