red moscow

Chapter 488

Chapter 488

"Who is your superior? Is it Major Yakov?" Sokov remembered that the other party had mentioned that his immediate boss was Yakov, so he quickly said, "Yakov and I are old friends. , if I propose to let you stay on Mamayev, he will definitely agree."

Hearing what Sokov said, Varman knew that the other party was not just talking casually, but really wanted to keep himself in Mamayev Gang, and the expression on his face became relaxed: "Since this is the case, then I will first Thank you!"

"By the way, where is Yakov?" Sokov turned to look at Witkov and said, "Didn't he say that he would go to Kamysin himself to deal with the seizure of the rocket by the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Why not?" See him come back with you?"

"It's like this. In order to avoid being bombed by German planes, the trains from Moscow only leave after dark, and it takes midnight at the earliest to reach Kamysin." Wahlmann explained to Sukov: "But When he heard that the matter had been resolved, he canceled the trip, but told me to continue escorting the rockets to Mamayev Kurgan.”

Knowing that Yakov would not come to the Mamayev post again, Sokov was somewhat disappointed, but since he had decided to keep Varman, the matter could not be left alone. He told Sidolin: " Chief of Staff, immediately send a report to Major Yakov, saying that since our brigade lacks commanders with combat experience, I hope he can agree with Captain Varman to stay to strengthen our brigade's grassroots command force."

"Understood, I will send a telegram immediately." Sidolin waited for Sokov to finish speaking, and immediately agreed readily. After he glanced at Wahlman with a smile, he walked quickly to the operator, ready to let the other party send Moscow sent a message to keep Varman in his army.


The sixty fighters of the squad were ordered to gather at the foot of Mamayev Hill. They waited in the cold wind for half an hour, but they didn't know the purpose of their superiors telling them to come here. Many people were whispering to each other. .

Someone asked: "Hey, do you know what the superiors called us here for?"

"I don't know!" Immediately someone replied: "We have been drinking the northwest wind for more than half an hour, and no commander came out."

"Hey, are you going to the enemy's rear?"

"That's right, according to the plan, we were supposed to go to the enemy's rear as soon as it got dark, but who knew we were called here. Are you going to the enemy's rear too?"

"Yes, yes, the battalion commander pulled us out and formed a small unit, saying that he was going to carry out a raid behind the enemy's rear. Who knows that all the preparations were done, but he suddenly notified us that we would not go out for the time being, and even sent us to see Come here to assemble."

"Stop talking," just as everyone was discussing, an officer suddenly heard a low voice to stop everyone: "A commander has come out, listen to what he has to say to us."

The eyes of the soldiers turned to the exit of the tunnel, and they saw a group of people coming out of it. In front were a dozen soldiers with live ammunition, followed by three officers, a colonel and a lieutenant colonel. One was a captain, and the one walking in the middle was the lieutenant colonel.Someone with sharp eyes immediately recognized the lieutenant colonel as Sokov, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Isn't that Brigadier Commander Sokov? Has he recovered from his injuries?"

"That's right, it's indeed the brigade commander." The other soldiers quickly recognized Sokov, and they suddenly realized: "No wonder we are asked to disguise ourselves as German troops and go to the enemy's rear to wreak havoc. will be back in command."

A newly joined soldier, seeing the excited expression shown by the officers who came out, couldn't help asking the people around him strangely: "Who can tell me, which one is the brigade commander? "

The soldier next to him pointed at the entrance of the tunnel with his hand and said, "Here, that is the lieutenant colonel walking in the middle. He is the brigade commander, Lieutenant Colonel Sokov."

"Is he very good at commanding?" The soldier asked curiously, "I see that you were all very excited when you saw him appear."

"Of course it's amazing!" The person next to him said proudly: "Under his command, we have never lost a battle. Every time we can win the greatest victory at the lowest cost. If it is not because of his injury recently , and leaving the command post, the casualties of the troops will definitely be reduced by half.”

When Sokov came to the front of the team, the whole team had already quieted down. Everyone paid attention to him and moved with him.Sokov raised his hand to salute the soldiers, and then said loudly, "Hi, comrades!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a uniform voice came from the team: "Hello Brigadier!"

Sokov nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "Comrades, according to the original plan, you were supposed to leave after dark, but I ordered the departure time to be postponed. Do you know the reason?"

No one in the team spoke, and everyone stared at Sokov intently, waiting for him to give an answer they wanted to know.

"Two days ago, Captain Golia of the 192nd Battalion led the team deep into the enemy's rear and destroyed a regiment headquarters and hundreds of garrison troops of the enemy with the new rockets prepared by our superiors." As soon as Sokov said this, He couldn't help raising his voice: "This is an amazing victory!"

Except for the commander of the brigade headquarters, only the soldiers of the 192nd Battalion knew about the fact that the team led by Captain Golia destroyed the German regiment headquarters with rockets, and the soldiers of the other battalions did not know at all.Hearing what Sokov said at this moment, they couldn't help but exclaimed in unison, and began to feel emotional below.

In the squad of the 192nd Battalion, Sergeant Tavlin and Gunner Minishki, who participated in the night attack, heard the surrounding comrades talking about their achievements, so they couldn't help saying proudly: "That's right, we went with the battalion commander to carry out this mission. I saw with my own eyes that the village where the enemy regiment headquarters was located was blown up into a sea of ​​flames by rocket bombs, and none of the enemies inside could escape."

When the soldiers were discussing, Sokov did not speak, and kept silent on purpose. After the team calmed down again, he said: "Comrades, I can tell you now that the reason why the brigade headquarters postponed your departure time is that Because the superior is about to send us a batch of new rockets. After each of your squads carries this new type of rockets, you can attack the enemy's barracks, warehouses, headquarters and transportation lines from a distance without worrying about being attacked. To the enemy's siege, thus greatly improving the survival rate of the squad in the enemy's rear."

Knowing that Sokov postponed the departure time of the troops just to equip everyone with new rockets, the soldiers present couldn't help shouting: "Ulla! Ula! Ula!!!"

Sokov raised his hand and pressed down, calming the team down again, and said: "Comrades, although the superiors have replenished us with a large number of rockets this time, considering your limited load capacity, each small The squad can only be divided into ten rockets..."

"Comrade Brigadier," Sokov hadn't finished speaking, and the Tavlin standing in the first batch shouted loudly: "We have the ability to carry more rockets."

Sokov walked up to Taflin and saw the brand-new medal hanging on his chest, so he asked with great interest: "Comrade soldier, if I'm not mistaken, you should follow Captain Goria to carry out the mission." Did you get the mission to sneak attack on the German regiment headquarters?"

"Yes, Comrade Brigadier." Tavlin pointed to the medal on his chest and said proudly: "This medal was obtained because of the battle that night."

"Comrade Sergeant, what's your name?" Sokov asked.

"My name is Taflin," Taflin replied a little excitedly when Sokov asked his name, "I am a squad leader of the 192nd Battalion."

"Sergeant Tavlin," Sokov said, looking at the medium-sized sergeant, calling out his name and military rank, "You must know that each rocket weighs 18.8 kilograms. It takes ten warriors to carry it. Even if I give you some more, you won’t be able to take them away.”

"Comrade Brigadier, please don't worry." Tavlin patted his chest and assured, "Don't think that I'm not tall, but there shouldn't be any problem with memorizing two. And there are still soldiers in our squad who can recite three." One or four."

As soon as Tavlin's words fell, the soldiers of the 192nd Battalion unit echoed one after another: "That's right, Comrade Brigadier Commander, each of us can carry two or three, so please give us more." The soldiers of the 192nd Battalion made a request to Sokov, hoping to distribute more rockets, and several other small teams did not dare to show weakness, and made the same request to Sokov one after another.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the soldiers, Vitkov walked up to Sokov, leaned close to his ear, and said in a low voice: "Since everyone wants more rockets, you can agree to them."

"No, Comrade Deputy Brigadier Commander." Regarding Vitkov's proposal, Sokov immediately denied it: "I don't deny that the soldiers have the ability to carry more rockets, but if they carry too many rockets, it will definitely affect Considering their marching speed, once they are entangled by the enemy, it is not easy to escape. Also, if they take away too many rockets, the number left on Mamayev Post will be greatly reduced. The defense is not good either."

Hearing what Sokov said, Vitkov did not insist on his opinion any longer, but said in a nonchalant manner: "Comrade brigade commander, since you are the commander of the brigade, you have the final say on how to distribute them."

After Vitkov finished expressing his position, Sokov raised his hand and pressed down hard. After the soldiers were silent, he continued: "Comrades, I understand everyone's feelings, and I hope you can Bring more rockets to the enemy's rear, and turn the enemy's rear upside down." Speaking of this, he deliberately paused for a moment to observe the expressions of the soldiers, and seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, he added Said, "Carrying too many rockets will inevitably affect your marching speed, which may bring danger to you. Also, the number of rockets that the superiors give us is limited. If you take away too much, Then the number of rockets that can be used by the troops holding Mamayev Post will be reduced..."

Sokov's words made everyone calm down again. Just thinking about how to bring more rockets to the enemy's rear to wreak havoc, they forgot that the comrades standing on Mamayev Post also needed these rockets; and More importantly, due to the dead weight of the rockets, if you carry too many, it will definitely affect the marching speed. Once you encounter the enemy, it will be difficult to get out quickly.

At this moment, two trucks loaded with rockets drove towards the location where the troops were assembled along the uneven road.Hearing Lieutenant Varman: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, the truck is coming!" Sokov turned around and glanced at the soldiers, and then said to the soldiers: "Comrades, the truck delivering the rockets has arrived. I now declare that every A small unit carries fifteen rockets, and after receiving the rockets, they immediately set off to the enemy's rear."

(End of this chapter)

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