red moscow

Chapter 380 Finding the Missing Female Scout

Chapter 380 Finding the Missing Female Scout
Second Lieutenant Samoilov, the third platoon leader of the guard company, was also involved in the operation. He was brought along because he hoped that Samoilov would be able to use his expertise in the process of searching for Maria Videnieva. After all, if you want to find a person whose whereabouts are unknown, no one from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will dare to say that they are number one.

The soldier driving the armored vehicle is called Wamko, from the guard company. He not only has skilled driving skills, but also is an excellent machine gun shooter.If there is any danger, he can use the machine gun on the armored vehicle to effectively suppress the enemy and cover everyone from danger.

After leaving the Mamayev Kurgan, the armored vehicle moved forward along the road.Although they encountered several patrol teams and two or three checkpoints on the road, the Germans saw that it was a German armored vehicle and thought they were performing some mission, so they did not make things difficult for them, but let them go directly.

Before setting off, Christopher was worried about how to deal with the German patrols and checkpoints along the road, but who knew that this time it went so smoothly, and the heart hanging in his throat was put back in his belly again.He turned his face sideways and said to Sokov: "Comrade Brigadier, we really went very well today. It seems that it should not be difficult to complete the tasks assigned to us by our superiors!"

Sokov just snorted softly after hearing this, and then said: "Christopher, do you know where the person we are looking for is?"

Christopher's smile froze on his face, he shook his head and said, "Not sure."

Sokov had already guessed that Christopher would answer like this, so he turned his head and asked Samoilov beside him: "Comrade Second Lieutenant, where do you think the person we are looking for will be?"

Samoilov was silent for a long time, and then replied: "Comrade Brigadier, this is how I think about it. If the person we are looking for is not captured by the German army, then she must be hiding in some collective farm nearby. Knowing that there are almost all women in the farm today, so if she hides, the Germans will never find her."

After Samoilov finished speaking, Sokov said with a wry smile: "Not only can the enemy find her, but we can't find her either. You know, this information may be about the German army's attack on Stalingrad. We must find her before the German offensive begins and send the information back to the headquarters, otherwise everything will be over."

Christopher spread a map on his lap, illuminated it with a flashlight, and said to Sokov: "Comrade Brigadier, let's drive forward for about three or four kilometers. There is a gardening farm there. I see that we You can stay there and inquire about the whereabouts of the female scout."

Although Sukov knew in his heart that such an approach would mean that a blind cat meets a dead mouse, but in this situation before him, he could only try his luck.So he nodded and said, "Okay, our first stop is this horticultural farm."

As soon as he finished speaking, the galloping armored vehicle suddenly stopped.Everyone was caught off guard and bumped into each other one after another.Sokov was wearing a steel helmet, and he hit the steel plate of the car body hard, making his eyes stare.After enduring the pain and sitting upright, he asked Wamko who was driving: "Wamko, what's going on, why did you stop suddenly?"

"Comrade Brigadier." Vamko turned his head to look at Sokov, and said innocently, "Two three-wheeled motorcycles approached and blocked our way. It seems that they are going to inspect us."

Hearing what Wamko said, Sokov hurriedly looked forward from the open lookout, and sure enough, he saw two motorcycles parked on the road ahead, and the bright headlights shone directly on them, dazzled people's eyes spent.

"Comrade Brigadier," Ernst said to Sokov quickly when he saw this situation, "I'll get out of the car and ask what's going on." After getting Sokov's permission, he opened the car door and got off. car.

Seeing that Ernst got off the car, Sokov stood beside the car without moving, and quickly said to Samoilov and Christopher who were still sitting still: "What are you two still standing there for? Can a captain not be accompanied by two soldiers?"

Sukov's words made the two understand, and they quickly got out of the car and stood upright behind Ernst.Seeing that Christopher and the others got out of the car, Ernst strode forward.He came to the two motorcycles and asked the soldiers standing in front of the vehicles, "Which part do you belong to? Why are you blocking our way?"

"We are a patrol team." Although the other party was a corporal, he was not affected by Ernst's higher military rank than himself at all, but asked in a business-like manner: "Mr. Captain, what department are you in and where are you going?" ?”

"We belong to the 295th Infantry Division, and we are ordered to carry out a secret mission." Ernst said coldly: "As for what mission it is, Corporal, you are not worthy of knowing at your level."

"Your ID!" The corporal stretched out his hand towards Ernst: "Mr. Captain, I want to check your ID!"

Fortunately, before departure, the group army headquarters sent several forged documents just to deal with this sudden inspection.Ernst took out his ID card and handed it to the corporal who wanted to do business.With the help of the flashlight, the corporal carefully checked Ernst's ID card, and looked up at Ernst from time to time to confirm whether the photo on the ID card was his own.

Sokov, who was sitting in the car, couldn't help sweating when he saw this situation. He was worried that the German corporal would recognize that it was a fake document, so he opened the safety of his assault rifle and secretly put the gun in the mouth. Aiming at the German corporal, if the opponent wants to make trouble, he is confident that he will send the opponent to God within a second.

However, the development of the matter was not as serious as Sokov feared.After the German corporal checked Ernst’s ID, he confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it, returned the ID to Ernst, and said: “Mr. Captain, we are tracking a Russian scout nearby. She may be carrying a weapon. , you guys have to be more careful."

"Don't worry, corporal." Ernst put his ID in his pocket and said to the German corporal with a smile, "We will be careful."

The German corporal nodded, saluted Ernst, and left with his subordinates on a motorcycle.

After everyone returned to the car, Ernst told Sokov a little excitedly: "Comrade Brigadier, the corporal just said that they are searching for a scout nearby, and I think it should be the person we are looking for."

When he learned that the scout he was looking for was nearby, Sokov also heaved a sigh of relief. He thought to himself: It seems that our assumption is correct, and the female scout should be hiding nearby.What we have to do now is to find her before the enemy, and send that top-secret document back to the Group Army Command.

(End of this chapter)

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