red moscow

Chapter 307

Chapter 307
Looking at the busy construction scene on Mamayev Post, Sokov was a little excited at first.I found a tree stump under the hill, and after sitting and looking at it for two hours, I felt a little boring.

At this moment, Assia, who was carrying a medical kit, saw Sokov sitting on a tree stump, looking up at the construction crowd on the hill with a blank expression, and asked curiously: "Misha, what are you doing?"

After hearing Asiya's question, Sokov pointed to the hill with his hand and said, "I'm watching their construction. We're going to build a complete defense system on the hill, so that even if the Germans attack, we won't be too far away." Don't worry about it."

Seeing Assia sitting down next to him, Sokov asked curiously, "Assia, why did you come here today, aren't you busy with work in the health team?"

"No." Assia shook her head and said, "The captain heard that our troops were going to construct on the Mamayev Hill. He was worried that someone might be injured during the work, so he asked me to bring two people over to watch. Once he saw If soldiers are injured, they should be dealt with in time."

After learning about Asiya's background, a thought suddenly popped into Sokov's mind: "Asiya, look at today's formation, will anyone be injured at work? I think it's your captain looking at you The usual work is too hard, and I intend to give you a day off to let you relax."

Assia thought about Sokov's statement and thought it was reasonable.Today is just the first day of construction, no one will be injured, the captain arranged this job for himself, just to let himself have time to rest.Thinking of this, she nodded slightly: "It may really be like this."

"Assia," Sokov said to Assia as he sat here feeling bored, "Why don't we go shopping?"

Hearing that Sokov said to go shopping, Asiya's eyes lit up. Since Khimki joined Sokov's army, the health team has been busy with work every day, so where is the time to go? shop.But her excitement only lasted for a moment, and her expression dimmed again. She shook her head and said, "Misha, this is not good. Everyone else is working, so we go shopping, is this appropriate?"

"There is nothing inappropriate." Regarding Asiya's concerns, Sokov said carelessly: "I am the brigade commander, and I have the final say on the affairs of the brigade. If your captain wants to criticize you, let him come to me All right."

Shopping is a woman's nature, and Assia is no exception, but she still has some concerns: "Misha, in this case, no soldiers will gossip, right?"

"If they want to talk, let them go." Sokov stood up and stretched out his hand to pull Assia up.He pointed at a soldier standing next to him with his hand, and ordered, "Go and tell the political commissar that Asia and I are going to the city, and he will be in charge of the work here."

After the soldier left, Sokov said to another soldier, "Go and drive the jeep over!"

A few minutes later, the jeep that Sokov and Assia were in drove towards the downtown area.The reason why Sokov proposed to go shopping on a whim was not because he simply wanted to go shopping with Asya, but because he considered that in the coming battle, the combat area of ​​​​the infantry brigade would definitely not be limited to Mamayev Gang. It is possible to participate in the battle in the city center or the factory area.Today is just a chance to take advantage of the shopping to get acquainted with the terrain.

After the jeep entered the downtown area, Sokov saw that the stone slabs on the sidewalks on both sides of the street had been pried up and piled aside. Countless residents were brandishing tools and digging trenches on the sidewalks.

Seeing this scene, Assia couldn't help saying with emotion: "I didn't expect that Stalingrad is also preparing for war. Misha, you see, the residents are busy repairing the fortifications, and the shops in the city must be closed. I want to go shopping, but there is no place to go. In my opinion, let's go back."

Hearing what Asiya said, the driver quickly looked at Sokov through the rearview mirror, and was about to turn the car around as soon as the other party said back.However, after waiting for a while, there was no movement from the other party. The driver had no choice but to continue driving.

When a five-story marble building appeared in Sokov's field of vision, Sokov sat up straight, raised his hand and patted the driver's shoulder. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the driver's turning his head, he said, "Take Park the car in front of the department store."

The driver nodded, and parked the car in the open space outside the department store. Fortunately, the residents in the city are busy repairing the fortifications, and the front of the building is deserted. Even if the cars are parked randomly, it will not affect the normal traffic.

Sokov got out of the car, looked up at the marble building, and thought to himself: "Paulus was captured in the basement of this department store. If in the future he sends the headquarters to the Here, should I send a commando to take down his command post and throw the enemies in the city into chaos?"

"Misha!" After getting off the car, Assia saw Sokov standing beside the car, looking up at the tall building in front of him in a daze, so she raised her hand and patted him on the back, asking curiously: " What are you thinking, standing here without moving for a long time? I said, are we still going in?"

Sokov turned his head and smiled at Asiya, then put his arms around her shoulders, walked towards the department store, and said, "Let's go, Asiya. Let's go in and have a look."

"Misha, what were you thinking just now?" Although Asiya followed Sokov's footsteps and walked in, she was still thinking about Sokov's reaction when he lost his composure just now: "I see you are staring at this building, why not?" It was so creepy to keep sneering. If it weren't for the driver standing by, I would have turned around and ran away in fright."

From Assia's words, Sokov guessed that it must be his expression just now, which frightened Assia, and quickly covered up: "Assia, don't worry, I just want to build a building centered on this building." The fire support point must be able to block attacks from several directions."

Seeing Sokov talking about the fortifications again, Assia couldn't help but smile faintly, reached out and took his arm, and said with a smile: "Okay, Misha. Since you are here to go shopping with me, don't Think about fortifications. When you go back from shopping, you can think whatever you like, and I will definitely not interfere with you then."

The two entered the department store and found that it was also deserted inside.Except for a few salespersons standing behind the counter, the rest were deserted.The salesmen chatting together stopped talking when they heard someone coming in, and looked over to where Sokov and the others were.After seeing clearly that it was only two soldiers who came in to shop, he lost interest and resumed the unfinished topic.

Seeing that the salesperson ignored her, Assia quickly shook Sokov's arm, and said to him: "Misha, look at the mall, there are no goods, and the salesperson is not interested in working, so we can go shopping again." What do you mean, go back?"

When Assia said this, she thought that Sokov would still be stubborn and wanted to continue shopping.Unexpectedly, Sokov nodded cooperatively this time, and said, "Okay, since there is nothing to visit here, let's go back first."

(End of this chapter)

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