red moscow

Chapter 246 Special Forces

Chapter 246 Special Forces
Sokov took the Istrian battalion to Tula in a truck provided by the 16th Army.After they got off the car there, they marched for three days on foot, walked more than 200 kilometers southeast, and rushed to the headquarters of the Front Army located east of Yelets.

But when they were about to reach their destination, they were stopped by a checkpoint.The leader was a corporal. He was not affected by Sokov's higher military rank than himself at all. Instead, he asked dryly, "Comrade commander, what part do you belong to? Where are you going?"

"We are the Istria battalion." Belkin replied from the side: "We are preparing to go to the headquarters of the front army."

"Istria Battalion, I haven't heard of it." Unexpectedly, the corporal didn't respond to Belkin's words at all, but asked in an official tone: "Password!"

"No, nothing." Hearing the series of questions raised by the corporal, Sokov said dumbfoundedly: "We just rushed over from Zizdra, how could we know your password?"

"No," said the corporal, "you can't pass us without a password."

Captain Vasili, the commander of the second company who had endured for a long time, became angry. He pointed at the other party's nose and said sharply: "Which part are you? Get your commander immediately. I want to ask how he educates his subordinates." Yes, to adopt such an attitude towards one’s allies.”

"I'm sorry, Comrade Captain." The corporal is also a bully master. Seeing that Vasily got angry at him, he replied in a panic, "Our command post is four or five kilometers away from here..."

"Call your company commander immediately," Vasili pointed to the wooden sentry box not far away, and said, "Call him immediately and tell him the number of our unit."

"But, but..." Seeing Vasily's vicious look, the corporal became more and more flustered: "I'm worried that if I call the company commander rashly, I will be criticized by him."

"Corporal comrade, I order you." Vasily raised his voice and said to the corporal: "What do you think I am looking for him for? I want to prove my identity as soon as possible, do you understand?"

"Yes, Comrade Captain." The corporal who was scolded, bit the bullet and ran to the guard box to call his company commander.Prepare to report to him that there is a troop here.

When the corporal went to make a phone call, Assia squeezed up to Sokov from behind and asked curiously, "Misha, what happened, why didn't they let us pass?"

Before Sokov could finish speaking, the police platoon leader Sergesha said angrily: "I met a psychopath who actually asked us for a password. Without a password, we will not be allowed to pass through here."

The corporal who finished the phone call quickly ran over from the sentry box and said to Sokov with a smile: "Comrade Major, I have already called the company commander, and he said that he will be here soon, please wait here for a while." a little while."

"I'm talking about comrade corporal." As soon as the corporal finished speaking, Vasily challenged him again: "We have walked more than 200 kilometers in the past few days, and the soldiers are very tired. I want to go to rest as soon as possible, but I was stopped by you again." Here, how long will we have to wait before we are allowed to pass?"

After waiting for more than ten minutes, an open jeep drove over.As soon as the car came to a stop, the officer sitting in the co-pilot's seat jumped out of the car without even opening the door, came to Sokov, raised his hand and saluted and said, "Hello, Comrade Major, I am from the front army." Captain Sergei, the company commander of the Guard Regiment."

"Hello, Comrade Captain." Sokov raised his hand and said politely to Sergey, "I am Major Sokov. Pull the battalion and rush to the headquarters of the front army."

"I'm sorry, Comrade Major, I haven't received any notice about your coming." Sergey waited for Sokov to finish speaking, and said in a neutral manner: "It's one o'clock in the afternoon, please stay here for another half an hour, My subordinates will let you pass." After speaking, the captain raised his hand again to salute Sokov, then got in the car and left.

Seeing that the captain didn't play cards according to the routine, Sokov was also a little dumbfounded. He wondered what the hell was going on and why the company commander of the guard company came to meet him. left after hours?
The corporal standing next to him saw Sokov cast a questioning look at him, smiled awkwardly, and then replied: "Comrade Major, it is said that a special force will pass here later. Before they pass, all Anyone without a password will not be allowed to pass through."

The mysterious army mentioned by the corporal aroused Sokov's great curiosity. He hurriedly asked: "Comrade corporal, can you tell me what special army it is?"

"I'm sorry, Comrade Major, I can't tell you." The corporal's facial muscles twitched violently and said: "Don't say I don't know, even if I know, I can't tell you. This is a secret."

"Okay, okay, Comrade Corporal." Sokov didn't want to embarrass him, so he waved his hand and said, "I won't ask, so as not to embarrass you." Then Sokov turned to Belkin and said, " Comrade Belkin, the soldiers must be tired and hungry after walking such a long distance. Let them rest where they are after they are disbanded, and eat and drink as soon as possible.”

Belkin nodded, turned around and shouted loudly at the marching ranks behind: "Everyone listen to my command: stand at attention! Rest in place and disband!" Following Belkin's order, the commanders and fighters of the whole battalion rushed to Spread out, find a place to sit in the woods on both sides of the road, and take the time to drink water and eat dry food.

Half an hour later, a convoy drove up from a distance, with an armored vehicle driving ahead and three dark green buses in the middle, but with the curtains drawn on the windows, it was impossible to see who was sitting inside.Behind the bus, there are two more trucks full of soldiers.

Seeing the convoy approaching, the corporal quickly ordered the soldiers at the checkpoint: "Quickly remove the roadblock." Hearing the corporal's order, the soldiers at the checkpoint ran out of the resting place quickly, tied up the roadblock in the middle of the road, The wooden frame with barbed wire was removed to make way for the convoy.

When the convoy passed by, Belkin whispered to Sokov: "Comrade major, who do you think is in the car? Why are there armored cars opening the way for them, and there are two cars of soldiers behind them protecting them?"

Since he couldn't see what was going on in the car, Sokov didn't know who was in the car, so he said casually, "Maybe it's a condolence group?"

"No, it's definitely not a condolence group." Belkin, who had worked in the Political Department of the Army Group for a period of time, said: "I have seen many condolence groups, but I have never seen a condolence group with so many officers and soldiers protecting them."

Seryozha next to him interrupted again: "The corporal at the checkpoint just said that there is a special force. I think the one sitting in the bus is the mysterious special force."

After the convoy passed the checkpoint, the corporal ran over to Sokov and said, "Comrade Major, the convoy has passed the checkpoint, and your troops can move on."

Although Sokov wanted to know the information of the special forces, he knew very well that he could not get any valuable information from the corporal, so he did not bother, but ordered Belkin: "Gather the troops, Ready to move on."

(End of this chapter)

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