red moscow

Chapter 2418

"No!" Seeing this, Sokov shouted to the driver: "Stop, stop!"

When Bezikov heard Sokov's shout, he turned back with confusion. Just as he was about to ask Sokov what he meant, he heard the sound of gunfire like exploding beans ahead. He turned around suddenly and saw the officers and soldiers of the patrol holding guns and shooting at the jeep in front.

The body of the moving jeep was suddenly punched with countless craters. The vehicle, which was originally traveling normally, suddenly lost control and rushed onto the curb on the side of the road, then stopped there motionless. A moment later, a guard jumped out of the smoking car. After taking two staggering steps, he was knocked to the ground by a barrage of bullets.

Fortunately, the driver of the jeep Sokov was riding in reacted promptly and immediately stepped on the brakes and stopped the car.

As soon as the car stopped, Sokov opened the rear door, jumped out, and squatted behind the car. Bezikov and the driver also got out of the car and hid next to Sokov.

The patrol eliminated the jeep in front and dispersed in formation towards the car where Sokov was sitting. Upon seeing this, Bezikov quickly raised his pistol and shot at the soldiers in the distance. Unfortunately, he fired five or six shots in a row, but failed to hit any target. However, the officers and soldiers of the patrol were startled by him and did not dare to advance any further. They just hurriedly found a place to hide and shot at the jeep.

Although Sokov and the others now have three people, the driver has no weapons, and Sokov and Bezikov only have a pistol. Now they have to deal with more than a dozen enemies with rifles, and they are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers and equipment.

Sokov glanced at the smoking jeep in front and the remains of the soldiers lying next to the car. He frowned and said, "It's a pity that the car is too far away from us. Otherwise, we could go over and pick up two assault rifles, so we can count the number of people." It’s less, but there won’t be much difference in terms of firepower.”

Hearing what Sokov said, Bezikov's intestines turned green with regret. When he set off, the five guards he led were all crowded into the first car. Now, including the driver, all six of them were killed without firing a shot. When someone asked him if he needed to bring an assault rifle, he thought there would be no danger along the way, so he rejected the offer. At this moment, there was a sudden attack. With just the two pistols of myself and the commander, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to sustain it for long in the face of the attack of more than a dozen enemies.

"Comrade Commander," Bezikov asked in confusion, "I don't understand why the patrol team of the Northeast People's Autonomous Army attacked us?"

When Sokov heard this question, he snorted coldly, and then said: "Comrade Major, do you really think that the people who attacked us are members of the Northeast People's Autonomous Army?"

"Isn't it?" Bezikov said confusedly: "Look at their clothes and military uniforms, they are those of the Northeast People's Autonomous Army."

"Comrade Major, let me remind you to pay attention to something." Sokov reminded Bezikov: "Don't forget that the uniforms worn by the Northeast People's Autonomous Army were modified from the captured Kwantung Army uniforms. If these people are Can’t the Kwantung Army soldiers who slipped through the net change their uniforms and pretend to be the Northeast People’s Autonomous Army?”

When Bezikov heard this, it seemed to make sense. A group of Kwantung Army hidden in the city appeared on the street pretending to be a patrol team of the Northeast People's Autonomous Army and launched an attack on the vehicles they saw. The guards in the car in front lost their lives in vain because they lacked sufficient vigilance.

"Comrade Commander," Bezikov couldn't help but became anxious when he learned that the Kwantung Army that attacked his patrol was most likely impersonated by the Kwantung Army: "Then what should we do? You know, with just our two pistols, I can’t resist it for long.”

Sokov did not speak. He just leaned out and fired a shot at a soldier who was trying to rush over. After knocking him down, he retracted behind the car and then said to Bezikov: "Comrade Major, We have to find ways to delay. There are our troops nearby. When they hear the gunshots, they will rush over to support."

Sokov's analysis was correct. There was a Soviet camp a few hundred meters away from the ambush site.

Hearing the gunshots outside, the battalion commander walked out of his room and shouted outside: "Come here, come here!"

Following his shout, an orderly came to him and asked: "Comrade Battalion Commander, what are your instructions?"

"Where did the gunshots come from?"

The orderly replied: "It seems to be coming from the west."

"It sounded like the sound of Sanba Dagai." The battalion commander ordered the orderly: "Order the troops to assemble immediately. We are going to check and see what happened there."

Not far from the Soviet camp is the Shenyang Rubber Factory. Staff Officer Dong, who was leading a team to serve as a security guard in the factory, also heard the gunshots in the distance. He said with some confusion: "It's strange, why is there the sound of 38 big guns outside? Did something happen? "

With such doubts, Staff Officer Dong called a soldier and told him: "I heard gunshots coming from outside. Go and conduct reconnaissance to see what happened."

Shortly after the soldier left, he hurried back and reported breathlessly to Staff Officer Dong: "Commissioner Dong, something happened!"

"What happened?" Staff Officer Dong asked.

"I saw the old men in the military camp next to me... No, it was the Soviet army. I saw them setting off with loaded guns and ammunition." The soldier said out of breath, "It seems to be the area where the gunshots were fired."

After learning the news, Staff Officer Dong did not dare to neglect and quickly ordered: "Gather the platoon immediately and follow me to find out what happened. By the way, Liu Dongmei seems to be in the factory too, let her follow us. Without her, we would not be able to negotiate with the Soviet army."

A few minutes later, Staff Officer Dong, Liu Dongmei and a platoon of soldiers left the factory and ran towards the direction where the gunshots came from.

Halfway through, Liu Dongmei curiously asked Staff Dong: "Counsel Dong, what happened? Where are we going?"

"There was intense gunfire outside just now." Staff Officer Dong explained to Liu Dongmei: "My subordinates saw that the Soviet troops were dispatched. I think something big must have happened. I took everyone over to have a look to see if there is anything we can do." A place to help.”

Although Counselor Dong and the others set out later than the Soviet army, the Eighth Route Army soldiers were all iron-clad and quickly caught up with them. Staff Officer Dong said to Liu Dongmei: "Ask the Soviet captain what happened."

Liu Dongmei nodded, then ran to the Soviet battalion commander who was walking quickly, and asked politely: "Comrade Captain, where are you going?"

"We heard intensive gunfire from the front and thought there might be a battle, so we rushed over to take a look." After the Soviet battalion commander answered Liu Dongmei's question, he asked curiously: "Where are you going?"

"Comrade Captain," Liu Dongmei replied, "Our destination is the same. We also heard gunshots outside, so we rushed over to check the situation."

A few minutes later, the two troops arrived not far from the ambush site.

What caught their eyes was a destroyed jeep, and the bodies of comrades beside it. Farther away, there was a jeep parked, with people hiding behind it. People here were wearing very uniforms of the Northeast People's Autonomous Army. When people try to get close, they shoot. It can be seen that the person hiding behind the car is very accurate with his marksmanship. There are four or five corpses in front of the jeep. Seeing this situation, both the Soviet battalion commander and Staff Officer Dong could not help but be stunned. The Soviet battalion commander didn't understand why the Northeast People's Autonomous Army would take the initiative to attack Soviet vehicles; while Staff Officer Dong was curious as to where these idiots who attacked friendly forces came from.

When Sokov leaned out and shot outside again, he happened to be seen by the Soviet battalion commander. The Soviet battalion commander saw Sokov's epaulettes clearly and was shocked. His commander was actually ambushed. He didn't dare to hesitate and immediately ordered his subordinates to attack the officers and soldiers who were besieging the jeep.

After a brief silence, Staff Officer Dong also ordered the troops to attack. When the platoon leader who led the team heard Staff Dong's order, he instinctively asked: "Staff Dong, who do you want us to hit?"

"Who else can we hit? Of course we should hit those wearing the uniforms of the Northeast People's Autonomous Army." Although he didn't know why these people besieged the Soviet vehicles, he still decisively issued the order: "We must leave one alive. Find out what’s going on.”

There were only a dozen people in the patrol that attacked Sokov's vehicle. In the battle just now, several of them were killed by Sokov. Now the Soviet battalion commander and Staff Officer Dong, with more than 200 people, rushed towards him like tigers descending from the mountain. These people who attacked Sokov soon died and were injured.

Staff Officer Dong, who was at the front, knocked down a soldier with a pistol. Seeing that he was still alive, he ordered the soldiers to arrest him and prepare to personally interrogate where these people came from.

After the battle, the Soviet battalion commander came to Sokov, raised his hand in salute and asked: "Comrade Commander, are you not injured?"

"No, I'm fine." Sokov stood up, pointed to the smoking jeep in front, and said to the Soviet battalion commander: "Comrade Captain, please send someone to check that car to see if it is still alive. "

After receiving Sokov's order, the Soviet battalion commander did not dare to neglect and quickly took people over to check it out personally. At this time, Staff Officer Dong and Liu Dongmei came to Sokov and asked cautiously: "Comrade General, I wonder what happened here?"

Before Sokov could finish speaking, Bezikov said angrily: "Don't you have eyes? Didn't you see that we were ambushed? If it weren't for Comrade Commander's accurate marksmanship that suppressed the enemy's attack, you When we come here, we are all a cold corpse.”

Just when Bezikov wanted to continue speaking, Sokov raised his hand to stop him, and then asked Staff Director Dong: "Counsel Director Dong, have you captured anyone alive?"

"Caught one."

"Then interrogate him immediately." Sokov said: "I suspect that they are the Kwantung Army that slipped through the net, pretending to be a patrol team of the Northeast People's Autonomous Army, and launched an attack on me."

"Comrade Commander," the Soviet battalion commander came back and reported to Sokov after completing the inspection: "There is still a soldier alive in the back row of the vehicle, but he is seriously injured. Whether he can survive is still unknown."

"Comrade Captain," Sokov immediately gave the captain an order after learning that there was still a guard in the front car alive: "Send someone immediately to the nearest field hospital and tell the director that he must be revived. "

"Comrade Commander." Sokov's driver said, "I'm familiar with the terrain here. Let me drive him there."

"Well, that's okay." Then Sokov asked the Soviet battalion commander to find two soldiers to help the driver carry the wounded into his jeep.

After the jeep went away, the Soviet battalion commander asked Sokov: "Comrade Commander, I don't know what to do here?"

"First let people put these corpses on the roadside." Sokov said: "Then I will notify your division commander and corps commander to come over."

"Okay, I will immediately send someone to contact the division commander and corps commander."

And Sokov said to Staff Dong: "And you, Comrade Staff. Please contact your Commander Zeng and Political Commissar Tang and ask them to get here as soon as possible. I need them to give me an explanation for what happened today."

After hearing what Sokov said, Staff Officer Dong did not dare to neglect, and quickly called a soldier and asked him to run back to the factory, use the phone there to contact the garrison headquarters, and ask Commander Zeng and Political Commissar Tang to come here. .

The first to arrive at the scene were Lieutenant General Afunin, commander of the 18th Guards Army, and Major General Riazanov, commander of the 41st Guards Division. They learned on the phone that the vehicle Sokov was riding in was in Tiexi District. When he was attacked by unknown armed forces, he broke out in a cold sweat. The two of them did not dare to neglect, and hurried over with a guard company each.

"Comrade Commander," Afunin got out of the car and rushed directly in front of Sokov, asking nervously: "I heard that you were attacked. Are you injured?"

"I'm fine." Sokov said calmly: "But the four guards and a driver who accompanied him died. Another guard was seriously injured and has been sent to the hospital. Can he be rescued? Or An unknown.”

"Comrade Commander, who did this?" Riazanov said angrily, "I want to avenge you."

"Friendly comrades are interrogating the captured enemies," Sokov said calmly: "I believe it won't be long before we know the answer."

The enemy captured by Staff Officer Dong was very stubborn. No matter how the other party interrogated him, he would not say a word, but stared at Staff Dong who was interrogating him with a pair of hostile eyes.

Commander Zeng and Political Commissar Tang also arrived at the scene. After first going over to say hello to Sokov, they came over to learn about the interrogation.

When he learned that the prisoner had not said a word and had not obtained the information he wanted, Commander Zeng immediately became anxious. He shouted at Staff Dong: "You idiot, after asking for so long, the prisoner didn't even give a damn." Let go, what use do I have for you? Come on!"

Staff Officer Dong was startled and quickly defended: "Comrade Commander, the main reason is that the prisoner is too stubborn. No matter how we ask, he just won't talk. We have a prisoner policy and we can't torture him. He won't speak. I There’s nothing you can do about him.”

"I said your head is just like a lump of wood." Commander Zeng said bitterly: "If you don't tell the prisoner, you can get clues from other people."

"They are all dead." Staff Dong said aggrievedly, "I can't make the dead speak."

(End of this chapter)

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