red moscow

Chapter 2394

Unknowingly, Sokov's headquarters had been stationed in Fengtian for three days.

When several people were chatting in the headquarters that day, Lu Jin suddenly said: "Misha, we have been in this city for a long time, but it seems that we haven't had a chance to go out for a walk except the day we entered the city."

"That's right." Sokov thought about it, and it seemed like this was the case. Since entering the city, he has been staying in the building where the headquarters is located, and has never gone out. He nodded and said: " We've been here three days and we've never left the building."

"Are you interested in going out for a walk?" Lu Jin suggested to Sokov: "You should go out and experience different customs."

Sokov was very excited about Lukin's proposal.Although I have repeatedly emphasized to Afuning and others that they must restrain the troops and never do anything that violates military discipline, but I have no idea what the actual situation is. Since Lu Jin wants to go out for a walk, then he is just right. Taking the opportunity to get to know the situation in the city: "Comrade Deputy Commander, what you said makes perfect sense. Since we have come to this city, we want to go out and walk more and experience different customs."

Hearing that Sokov and Lukin wanted to go out for a walk, Yakov waved his hands and said, "If you want to go, just the two of you. I have a lot of things to do here."

Since the headquarters was moved to Fengtian, Sokov has basically become the boss, leaving all matters to Yakov.Hearing the other party complaining, he said apologetically: "Yasha, I'm so sorry. Since the headquarters moved to Fengtian, all the work has been given to you. Thank you for your hard work."

Yakov waved his hand and said magnanimously: "It doesn't matter. I am the chief of staff of the group army. I should share the work with you. Aren't you and Comrade Deputy Commander going out for a walk? I will arrange a few people to protect your safety. .”

"You call Bezikov and ask him to bring a few people to follow us..."

Unexpectedly, before Sokov finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Jin: "Misha, have you forgotten that you arranged for Bezikov to take the guards and Captain Feng to take over the little Japs outside the city? Gone to the coal mine."

After Lu Jin's reminder, Sokov immediately remembered that he had indeed arranged for Bezikov to accompany Captain Feng and Lieutenant Chen to the coal mines in the suburbs to rescue the miners working hard inside. He nodded and said: "Then give us a few more guards. Remember, we need to find one who understands Chinese so that we can communicate with the locals." Although Sokov himself can speak Chinese, he can't stop him In front of everyone, communicate with the locals without any scruples, so that some people will doubt your identity.

"Okay, Misha, I will arrange everything."

Half an hour later, Sokov and Lukin set off with five or six guards and an interpreter.In order to have a better view of this eastern city, the two chose to walk instead of taking a car.Sokov, who had changed into a major's military uniform again, pushed Lukin's wheelchair and walked slowly to the front. The translator followed closely beside him, and several other guards followed more than ten meters behind. behind.

There are many pedestrians on the street, but not many cars. On the occasional tram passing by, there are only a few people to be seen.

Seeing this, Sokov couldn't help but wonder, it's been so long since the war ended, why does the city still look so depressed?

And Lu Jin also discovered this: "It's strange, there are so few pedestrians on the street, and there are not many passengers in the tram. What is going on?"

Sokov was also puzzled and could only say with a wry smile: "If we continue to move forward, we might be able to find the answer."

Although there are few pedestrians on the street, the shops are closed everywhere, and it looks depressed, the fortifications originally built at the intersection and the anti-tank iron frames placed on the road have all been removed. From this, it can be seen that General Ye Liaoming's troops are quite efficient.

After walking for a while, a patrol appeared on the road.There are both patrol teams composed entirely of Soviet commanders and fighters, and there are joint patrols composed of Soviet commanders and fighters and the Kwantung Army holding sticks.Upon seeing Sokov and his party, the patrol leader immediately ordered the troops to stop and raised his hand to salute Sokov and Lukin in a wheelchair.

"Misha," Lu Jin turned to Sokov and said, "It's a bit awkward to see our enemies patrolling with our soldiers. I don't know how long it will take for the troops formed by Captain Feng and Lieutenant Chen to How about taking over these Kwantung Army soldiers to patrol?"

"I think Captain Feng and the others will need to spend a few days to recover their strength after rescuing the miners, and then patrol for a few days before they can take on the heavy responsibility of patrolling."

"Misha, you think too much." Unexpectedly, Lu Jin shook his head after hearing this and said: "Those miners have been tortured by the little devils, and their hearts are full of hatred for the little devils. If they are rescued, , select the physically strong ones among them, simply treat their injuries, and then train for a day or two, and then you can arrange them to patrol the streets."

Perhaps because he was worried that Sokov would oppose his proposal, Lukin paused for a moment and then continued: "Misha, you also know that I was rescued from a German prisoner of war camp. To be honest, if it weren't for my two If my leg is broken, on the first day I return to our own side, I will take the initiative to apply to my superiors to let me command the troops to fight the enemy and avenge the humiliation I have suffered."

"But I'm afraid that a considerable number of these rescued miners have not received military training. Is it appropriate to hastily let them carry weapons and patrol the streets?"

"There is nothing inappropriate." Lu Jin continued: "They are just patrolling, not fighting. They do not need any military training to be qualified for this job. I remember you once said that many of these miners are The prisoners of war of the Chinese army were captured by the little devils and sent to these most difficult places to do hard labor. Now that they have an opportunity to be proud, they will definitely not let it go easily. "

Sokov agreed very much with Lu Jin's statement. After all, the war was over now. He just asked Captain Feng and Lieutenant Chen to recruit a group of people from the rescued miners to maintain law and order in Fengtian City. It shouldn't be a big deal. question.

As soon as Sokov turned a corner while pushing Lukin's wheelchair, he saw a lot of people surrounding the street in front of him, and faint screams could be heard from the crowd.

"Misha." Seeing this, Lu Jin quickly turned to Sokov and said, "Let's go over quickly and take a look to see what happened there."

When Sokov pushed Lukin to the outside of the crowd, several guards who were stupidly following behind had already separated the crowd into a passage so that Sokov and the others could enter and exit easily.The citizens who were watching the excitement were initially a little dissatisfied when they saw someone pushing them aside, but when they saw clearly that the person pushing them was actually a Soviet soldier with live ammunition, they immediately stopped talking and obediently made way for a passage. .

Arriving among the crowd, Sokov saw clearly a middle-aged man wearing a long gown lying on the ground, and next to him a little devil wearing a Kwantung Army uniform and a white armband on his left arm was using a wooden stick in his hand to hit the enemy hard. Beat the man on the ground.The middle-aged man held his head in his hands, curled up together, and silently endured the beatings from the little devil. "Stop!" Sokov saw clearly that it was the little Jaap who was beating his compatriots, and he shouted suddenly. Because of his excitement, he didn't notice that he actually shouted this sentence in Chinese: "Put down the stick in your hand!" "

When the little devil heard someone shouting and saw that it was a Soviet officer, he was immediately startled. He quickly put away the stick in his hand and raised his hand to salute Sokov and Lukin.

Sokov pouted at the translator next to him and said, "Go and ask him why he beat this man so badly?"

The translator went over and asked the little devil a few questions, and the little devil nodded and bowed in response to the translator's questions.

After a while, the translator came back and reported to Sokov: "The little devil told me that this man was an economic prisoner, and he was punishing the man in accordance with relevant regulations."

"Economic criminal?" Upon hearing this name, Lu Jin asked in confusion: "What crime did he commit?"

Sokov, who came from a later generation, naturally knew the outrageous things the little devils did in the Northeast, so he sneered and explained to Lu Jin: "Comrade Deputy Commander, you may not know that in the Northeast, only the little devils are eligible to eat Rice. If Chinese people buy, sell, or even eat rice, they are considered economic criminals. At the least, they may be severely beaten and have their finances confiscated, and at worst, they may be taken to the gendarmerie and shot.”

"Is this true, Misha?" Anger appeared on Lu Jin's face: "Don't the people in the Northeast even have the qualifications to buy and eat rice?"

When the man saw that the little devil had stopped beating him, and instead nodded and bowed to the new Soviet commanders, he quickly stood up and came to Sokov and others, bowed deeply, and spoke in a humble tone. Said: "Mr. officers, my child is sick and wants to drink a bowl of porridge. I had no choice but to go to the black market and buy some rice, hoping to go home and feed him. Who knows that I accidentally bumped into this guy on the road? Taijun, the rice bag fell to the ground, and he saw the rice inside. I beg you, please go around me, I will never buy rice again."

After hearing this, Lu Jin's translator repeated the man's words, slammed his hand on the armrest of the wheelchair, and said angrily: "This is the Northeast of China. What the Northeastern people want to eat is subject to the constraints of the Kwantung Army. Where can I find it?" That’s the truth.”

"Comrade translator," Sokov said to the translator: "Tell him to go back with the rice, and we will not hold him responsible for anything."

When the translator conveyed Sokov's meaning to the man, the man's face was full of disbelief, because he knew very well that many of his friends were just because they went to the black market to buy rice, and were caught by the Japs and thrown away in vain. life.He was worried that Sokov was lying to him, so he stood there and did not dare to move.

Upon seeing this, Sokov guessed the man's worries and said loudly: "Residents, as the commander of the 53rd Army, I declare to everyone that all the regulations that the Kwantung Army previously formulated for you are invalid. That is to say, from now on From now on, you can buy whatever you want to eat, and no one will ever arrest you as economic criminals again."

After listening to what the translator relayed, the onlookers were still dubious.Although the little devils have surrendered now, they have ruled here for 14 years after all. The common people's fear of them is deeply rooted in their bones, and they are deeply afraid that something bad will happen to them again when they actually go to buy rice.

Sokov saw that the onlookers did not believe his words, and when he was worried, the little Japanese wearing a white armband came over and said anxiously: "Taijun, Manchus are not allowed to buy rice. This is the rule of the Kwantung Army..."

"The entire Kwantung Army has surrendered to us." Sokov said with a straight face: "This bullshit rule you made before can be invalidated."

"Taijun, Taijun!" Maybe Taijun in the little devil's language is an honorific. The little devil has always used the title of Taijun to call Sokov: "We can't let this economic criminal leave..."

Sokov became impatient, pulled out his pistol and shot the little devil.

The little devil covered his chest where he was shot, with disbelief written all over his face. He never thought in his dreams that he would just call Taijun several times. Why did the other party shoot at him?

Seeing that the kid hadn't fallen down yet, Sokov fired two more shots.The little devil who was shot covered his wound, spun around in circles, and slowly fell to the ground.

The onlookers did not expect that Sokov actually opened fire without warning and killed a little Japanese in the street.After a brief shock, they prepared to run away, but they found that two patrol teams had appeared around them and had surrounded them. They were worried that they would be shot if they continued to run, so they could only stay where they were. The ground didn't move.

Some timid people in the crowd even raised their hands and shouted loudly: "It's none of my business, I'm just here to watch the fun."

An officer leading the patrol squeezed into the crowd and first saw Lukin sitting in a wheelchair. When he was about to salute, he saw Sokov standing aside.Although Sokov was wearing the uniform of a major, the officer happened to know Sokov, so he raised his hand and saluted Sokov: "Hello, Comrade Commander!"

Sokov nodded at him, pointed to the body on the ground, and ordered the other party: "Comrade Second Lieutenant, find a place to hang this body for public display. Tell the little devils who are still assisting you in patrolling, they are doing tyranny." The days have passed. Now that they have become the defeated, they must be honest and behave themselves. If they dare to bully the people again, this little devil will be their role model."

"Yes, Comrade Commander!" the patrol leader replied quickly: "I will convey your order to my superior."

"Comrade Deputy Commander." Sokov put his hand on the wheelchair and said to Lukin: "It's getting late. We're almost done. We should go back."

(End of this chapter)

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