spy ace

Chapter 3476 Straighten out

Just when Li Tusheng was still a little short of walking out of sight, there was a gunshot, and a bullet in the barrel, propelled by gunpowder, spurted out from the muzzle of the Springfield rifle. He rushed over a distance of about 400 meters almost instantly, and happened to overlap with the exposed left side of Li Tusheng's chest as he continued walking.

The bullet was inserted obliquely, but from the side of the left chest. Therefore, the bullet rolled and instantly broke Li Tusheng's heart. Li Tusheng showed a look that said he could not die. Before the pain and fear could be expressed, he felt that his power had disappeared rapidly. His body suddenly softened, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Fan Keqin could see very clearly through the scope, and his shot was definitely quite accurate. So he immediately put away the gun, pushed down his arms hard, pushed his knees upwards, and with a click, the Springfield rifle was broken into two sections by him. He put it conveniently in the pocket he was carrying. He turned around, walked a few steps, and jumped out of the window.

This is the height of the third floor. It is quite dangerous for ordinary people to come down from this height. However, Fan Keqin's control was too strong, his posture in the air was perfect, the strength of his legs after landing, and the impact reduction after bending were all done too well. He almost squatted for a moment before standing up again.

Then he spread his long legs, and in two whooshing steps he reached the base of the wall at the back, jumped up, and was already hanging on the wall. Just outside, there were two pedestrians quite far away on the left side, walking to the left with their backs to him. So he struggled with his hands, and his whole body floated out. After once again keeping his feet on the ground, Fan Keqin resumed his walking posture and crossed the road directly.

Not long after, he turned a corner and turned into an alley. After coming out of the alley, Fan Keqin walked to the right again, followed the passage again, and entered a residential building in a community. After passing through this community, I found my car in a secluded building door. He got in, started the car, and left the place directly.

This series of actions was so neat and tidy, with no time wasted at all. In fact, it only took a few minutes from the time he got out of the car to the time he fired, mainly waiting for Li Tusheng to show up. But even so, it didn’t last eight minutes in total. Especially after shooting, there was no sloppiness at all. In an instant, he came out of the warehouse yard, went outside, and walked to the car. It only took a little more than two minutes in total.

Soon, Fan Keqin basically left the area where the assassination occurred. While driving the car, Fan Keqin used his excellent coordination and ability to be distracted and put his original shoes back on. He had already taken off his gloves and put them all in the pocket containing the broken gun. I looked at myself in the rearview mirror. Well, to put it exaggeratedly, I didn’t even mess up the release.

All the way towards the Ministry of National Defense, Fan Keqin even made a slight detour on the way to the riverside. When no one was around, the car stopped and he used his super strong physical strength to pull the bag out of the car. It was thrown far away and sank into the middle of the river.

Following that, Fan Keqin used his abnormal computing power and reflexes to drive the car extremely smoothly. By the time he parked the car in the parking lot in the backyard of the Ministry of National Defense Building, the time it took him to assassinate Li Tusheng was almost over. Completely made up.

After showing his ID, he went directly to the conference room on the second floor. This conference room is quite large, even a bit like an auditorium. But it is much smaller than a normal auditorium. There are several tables placed side by side on the stage, and correspondingly there are several chairs behind it.

When he arrived, many people had already arrived. Within a few minutes more came one after another. After five minutes of waiting, when almost no one else came, four or five people were already on the table. Among them is Ouyang Ming.

He is the deputy minister, and there are even rumors that he is about to become a minister. Next to him is the director of the two halls. Just watch Ouyang Ming pat the microphone and make a popping sound. Seeing that Mike was doing well, Ouyang Ming folded his hands on the desk, sat upright, and said: "Hello everyone, let's start this meeting now. First of all, I want to say that our theme this time is to gather will and protect the leader... We must be united as one. , reached a consensus that..."

Fan Keqin didn't care about this. Although his eyes were looking at Ouyang Ming and the others on the stage, he was actually reliving his recent assassination in his mind, just like watching a movie. Little by little, from the moment he left the gate of the Security Bureau, until he parked the car, arrived at the warehouse, and after shooting Li Tusheng, he came out and drove away. Throughout the entire process, I basically used my excellent judgment, eyesight, observation, etc. to prevent myself from being seen at close range. Needless to say, from a distance, even if you see yourself, you can't see clearly. It was another distant look, and it was impossible for the other party to remember it deliberately. Therefore, in terms of the whole process, it may be a little inappropriate only when the car is parked at the door of the building.

But after Fan Keqin analyzed it carefully, it should be the reason why the capital was returned to Nanjing. All departments of the government have basically come here, so the number of cars is much higher than before. And this has been happening for a while. Generally speaking, humans will develop a habit in about fifteen days.

It's been a long time, so people in Nanjing wouldn't be surprised if they saw the car. Speaking more broadly, cars have entered our country since the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, when I parked my car in the doorway of that building, even if someone passed by the doorway, came out or went in when I was not there, I would still not say anything about it, but would make a special note of it. After all, cars on the streets are not a rarity now.

Another one is distance. You must know that you yourself shot Li Tusheng from a long distance. What's more, there is still some distance between the shooting place and the doorway of the building where the car is kept, but it is even further. In addition, the location you choose is also very particular. There were very few people passing by the place itself, so it’s hard to say, and it’s not certain that no one passed by at all.

This creates a place where very few people pass by, and even if someone does pass by, they may not pay attention to the car. Even if someone sees the car, they won't come here to take a look around and memorize all the characteristics of the car, the license plate, etc...

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