spy ace

Chapter 3471 Waste Utilization

"Yes." Hua Zhang said: "In this case, Li Tusheng will be exposed to the outside, but who will take Li Tusheng out needs to be carefully considered. As long as he is exposed to the outside, the fish can eat this bait, and The food he eats is reasonable. We arrange for him to fish and use waste, which is also reasonable. "

Fan Keqin said: "Let Liu Xiaoliang and Zhang Zhikai go, they can do it."

Hua Zhang said: "The old man who followed you when you were at the intelligence office?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said, "I will talk to them and they will definitely implement it. You can rest assured about this."

Hua Zhang said: "I'm afraid they think Sun Guoxin is more worthy of loyalty."

"No." Fan Keqin said: "They are my people. I have secretly gone through the entry procedures for the Hong Kong Island Office for them. They will only be loyal to me."

"As long as you are confident." Hua Zhang said: "What about the people who eat the bait, let them die?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "It is normal to kill a traitor."

The two of them basically decided on the general direction while on the road. After arriving at the security bureau, they asked someone to take Li Tusheng to the inquiry room for the time being. This interrogation room is different from the torture chambers and underground cells of the Security Service. The torture chamber is used when torture is used to extract confessions. The cells in the basement are for temporary detention of people who have not yet confessed.

The inquiry room is not used at all. It is provided to people who are already willing to cooperate and explain their problems. This kind of person is tantamount to betraying his original power and joining his own side. In this way, it makes the other party feel that a little light has been thrown at them. You can't just throw them into the dark and humid environment of an underground cell. Therefore, the conditions of the inquiry room are quite good.

It's basically the same as a normal room. There are all kinds of furniture, including beds, tables, chairs and benches. There are also books, and a radio. The food and drink are also pretty good, no longer prison meals, but meals served in the canteen of the Security Bureau. Clothes, shoes, socks, a change of clothes, and toiletries will all be prepared for you. It's just that I can't let you go out for a walk for the time being.

After Li Tusheng entered the inquiry room, he felt pretty good. He himself didn't know what this meant, and he even felt that his strategy should have worked. You can even read a book here, so I feel quite proud. After he took a nap and finished eating and drinking, Fan Keqin still cooperated with Hua Zhang and entered the inquiry room. Gave him the notes again. This time Hua Zhang was still making up a story, but this time the story contained basically nothing. For example, he was a sleeper and he could only passively wait for the summons. This time it is! Then when I am summoned, I will learn the content of the task and complete the task. It is normal at ordinary times and I just need to be myself.

Anyway, it's similar content. This kind of content is quite common. First of all, very, very few people know about the Sleepers themselves. In this way, it will be more secretive. In the normal life of a sleeper, he does not come into contact with some things about his own organization, so he knows very little. In this way, we can smoothly follow up Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang's plan to let him fish, which will serve as a good foreshadowing.

In addition, not everyone can participate in this kind of conversation. Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang were asking in the room. Anyone can come in and listen. Is this still a secret? Therefore, it is reasonable for people who have participated in the investigation at Xinrong Hotel from the very beginning to come here and continue to follow up independently, and they have the clear support of Sun Guoxin and Ouyang Ming.

Li Tusheng thought that what Fan Keqin asked him was to learn about himself and his family situation. Like what? Is your wife usually like this? And those specific examples. So what's your father-in-law's attitude, and how do his parents' family treat you? But if you say this, how do you usually face your wife's natal family? It's a problem like this.

After Li Tusheng heard these questions, he could naturally answer them without any scruples. And he was very cooperative, even trying to think back on how he and Mrs. Li had survived these years. Because the more this happened, Li Tusheng felt that if Fan Keqin investigated these things, his previous statement would become completely true. Therefore, it really means that you can tell everything you know, and you can tell everything you know.

Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang's side is even better, so let's talk about it. Another advantage of this is that if someone else comes around, you won't have to ask him anything. For example, what did you tell Fan Keqin? He would reply: "Nothing, I just asked about my family's situation and my wife's situation." Something like this. So what does it mean for someone with a bad mouth? I understand, this guy is still very tight-lipped about Fan Keqin. Or maybe Fan Keqin is launching an investigation into his family, and this is normal. Because there is no way to start, it is reasonable to investigate his family.

In this way, Fan Keqin conducted two more interviews during the period when Li Tusheng was brought back. After the questioning was over, Fan Keqin took the confession written by Hua Zhang. Went upstairs and found Sun Guoxin. After entering and taking a seat, Fan Keqin handed the confession to Sun Guoxin and said: "Boss, this kid is a sleeper and has no value. He just lurks for a long time, waiting to be awakened. Then he will carry out the task according to the order when he wakes up. Others Li Tusheng has no access to these things."

Sun Guoxin looked at the confession and flipped through it, and found out that it was indeed the situation at home and how he fell asleep, waiting to be awakened. So he nodded and said: "Yes, the red side is very cautious, and when performing such a task, they must also consider the consequences of failure. Once the executor is caught by us, how can we ensure the safety of other people in the organization. So. , sending this kind of sleeper has become the best choice. "

Fan Keqin said: "That's why it's worthless. Wang Hongfeng had already negotiated with Mei Di's family in order to fish, and almost everyone knew about the banquet. So Li Tusheng was the executor, but as for the information source, There was no way to check. He really thought the red people were fools and thought he would send someone who knew everything to carry out the mission."

Sun Guoxin was delighted when he heard this and said: "How should I put it? The red side can't open up any situation, so it's too urgent. Moreover, their intelligence has been leaked again and again. It's too urgent, and there's nothing we can do... "

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