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Chapter 3445 Inequality

Ouyang Ming said it quite simply. One characteristic of such people is that they like to go straight to the point and say what they have to say. And there is really no need to worry. They asked Fan Keqin to come to Xinrong Hotel just to do this. How could it be hidden from the person doing the work? Of course, sometimes there is indeed concealment, but at this time it was Fan Keqin who came to do this. Moreover, it was Ouyang Ming who asked him to come. The latter wanted to win over the Security Bureau, so naturally he would not hide it.

Just an hour ago, the banquet hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was held as scheduled. Lao Chiang's current war situation is unfavorable, so he wants to get more military assistance. Therefore, we have many international friends that Ouyang Ming talks about. Among them, General Connor of Da Lao Mei is the representative of Da Lao Mei this time. The main person who negotiated with him was Wang Hongfeng. He was sent by Chiang Kai-shek and he was also a member of the combat command room. Therefore, the reason why Chiang Kai-shek sent him was that he knew what kind of equipment he could obtain so that he could fight better.

Of course, this thing doesn't come without a price. For example, Chiang Kai-shek signed the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between China and the United States in order to provide assistance. The goods of one side enjoy treatment in the other side no less than that of any third country and the other side's own goods. The import of any goods from the other side, and thus Any items shipped from one side to the other side "shall not be subject to any prohibitions or restrictions." Ships from this side can navigate freely in any port, place or territorial waters open to the other side, and their personnel and belongings have the freedom to pass through the territory of the other side via the "most convenient route"; ships from this side, including warships, can sail when encountering " In the event of any danger", enter the other side's "any port, place or territorial waters closed to foreign commerce or navigation." The contents include: the rights of the people of this contracting party to live within the "entire territory" of the other party, travel and engage in various occupations such as commerce, industry, culture and education, religion, etc., as well as the rights to mine and develop mineral resources, lease and retain land. rights; and enjoy national treatment economically.

The goods of this party enjoy treatment in the other party that is no less favorable than that of any third country and the other party’s domestic goods. This party “shall not impose any prohibitions or restrictions” on the import of any items from the other party, as well as any items shipped from this party to the other party. Ships from this side can navigate freely in any port, place or territorial waters open to the other side, and their personnel and belongings have the freedom to pass through the territory of the other side via the "most convenient route"; ships from this side, including warships, can sail when encountering " In the event of any danger", enter the other side's "any port, place or territorial waters closed to foreign commerce or navigation."

On the surface of the treaty, both parties enjoyed equal rights. However, in fact, due to China's underdeveloped ocean transportation and backward production at that time, it was impossible for China and the United States to realize the rights stipulated in it on an equal basis. Through the treaty, the entire country's territory is equivalent to being completely opened to the United States. Therefore, the treaty itself is unequal.

Let’s take a less appropriate example. Your home is very large, and there is a lot of food, water, fruits, pears, peaches and other things to eat and drink. In addition, there are also many resources that are not used. Then, across a large river, there was also a family. Let's discuss it with you and sign an agreement. Open to each other, and then all the resources in each other's homes can be used by each other as they please, and they can eat and drink at home as they please, and sleep wherever they want. The main thing is to be completely open to each other.

On the surface, ah, it's all mutual. Doesn't it seem quite equal? But that's just on the surface, what about reality? Your family has no ability to develop resources at all. Even your house can't even cross the river. In other words, it is only about him coming to your house, eating at your house, drinking at your house, eating, drinking and having fun at your house, and taking resources wildly. As for you, you can only stand there, unable to reach other people's homes. So, do you still think this is an equal treaty? Isn't this the right thing to do to be a big enemy and be played to death?

Now, Chiang Kai-shek sent him here just to take it a step further, using this fundamentally unequal treaty to get more weapons assistance from the United States and the United States. Wang Hongfeng is the negotiator on this side, and on the other side of the United States, the general named Connor is the representative.

As soon as the two parties came into contact, the elder beauty took a look at such an unequal thing and thought, Damn it, aren't you giving me food? As the saying goes, greedy, after taking the first bite, you want to take the second and third bites. I was worried about finding the right solution, but as a result, a sticky bean bag suddenly fell from the sky. Isn't this his, the fat meat that he brought to my mouth? I'm sorry if I don't eat it.

Therefore, it can be said that the two sides signed a draft immediately. Although this is only a draft, things are indeed developing in a very bad direction. If it is not stopped at this time, once it becomes a foregone conclusion, the interests of the country and the nation will probably suffer unimaginable losses in the near future.

However, after the draft was drawn up and the banquet officially started, Wang Hongfeng would definitely not be able to go back directly. At the very least, he and the beautiful Connor would have to show their faces at the banquet. After all, this banquet is mainly held for this reason. There is always a walk around, talking to other celebrities, international friends, etc., communicating, having a drink, etc.

As a result, the scene was over, and Wang Hongfeng returned to his room. When he was about to take the draft and leave, he suddenly discovered that a secret note he had made showed signs of being tampered with. This Wang Hongfeng was very dignified, so he immediately picked up the phone and reported the situation to Shangfeng. So very quickly, a group of soldiers came over and blocked the front and rear.

In the end, this matter also fell on Ouyang Ming, and Lao Jiang was very angry. Ouyang Ming was ordered to take full charge of the matter and the matter must be completed within three days. As soon as Ouyang Ming was under pressure, he immediately thought of the Security Bureau and Fan Keqin. Especially Fan Keqin, who has long been known as the number one detective and the number one master. So he asked Sun Guoxin to hurry up and get Fan Keqin for me.

Naturally, Sun Guoxin could not object. Although he knew that this was definitely a hot potato, Lao Jiang gave a direct order to make Ouyang Ming fully responsible for this matter. Then Ouyang Ming could mobilize anyone, anything, or even any department to cooperate with him. It's all logical.

After he finished explaining the matter to Fan Keqin, Fan Keqin looked at him and said, "Where is General Wang? The draft is so important, why do I feel that he doesn't care much about it."

Ouyang Mingyi frowned and said: "You mean, he is hiding behind the scenes? I don't think so, because if that is the case, there is no need to put on this show for us."

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